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The concentrations of vitamin E, glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and retinol were analysed in blood plasma of six primiparous sows during gestation and lactation and in their suckling piglets, and the concentrations of vitamin E, selenium and retinol were analysed in colostrum and in sows' milk. During late gestation the concentrations of vitamin E and retinol in blood plasma increased slowly while no changes were found for GSH-Px. This was followed by a large decline on the day of farrowing, when the lowest mean values of 1.07 mg, 0.15 mg and 2879 U per litre (l) of blood plasma, respectively, were recorded. During lactation the concentrations of vitamin E, GSH-Px and retinol in blood plasma of the sows increased to levels observed during late gestation. The highest mean concentrations of vitamin E (17.9 mg kg- 1 ), selenium (200 w g l- 1 ) and retinol (2.45 mg kg- 1 ) were found in colostrum, but with a large variation between sows. One week postpartum the concentrations of vitamin E, selenium and retinol in sow milk had decreased, on average by 86, 68 and 71%, respectively, after which only small changes occurred. Mean concentrations of vitamin E (1.77 mg l- 1 ), GSH-Px (682 U l- 1 ) and retinol (0.07 mg l- 1 ) were low in the blood plasma of the piglets at birth, but a large increase was observed on the next sampling occasion at the age of 3 days (vitamin E: 5.31 mg l- 1 ; GSH-Px: 996 U l- 1 ; retinol: 0.19 mg l- 1 ). The mean concentration of vitamin E in blood plasma of the piglets declined thereafter until the age of 6 weeks (1.04 mg l- 1 ), when there was a small increase, while the mean concentrations of GSH-Px and retinol continued to increase during the suckling period. A high correlation was found between the concentration of vitamin E in blood plasma and sidefat thickness of the sows (r = 0.94), and between the concentration of vitamin E in colostrum and vitamin E in blood plasma of the sows on the day of farrowing (r =0.77). High correlations were also found between the concentration of vitamin E in the blood plasma of the piglets at 3 days and 5 weeks of age and the concentration of vitamin E in colostrum (r = 0.78) and (r =0.89), respectively. The results indicate that vitamin E storage in the adipose tissues of the sow has a great influence on the supply of vitamin E via colostrum and milk to the piglet.  相似文献   
The effects of two enzyme (Enz) products on ileal and total tract digestibility (ID and TTD) were evaluated in sows (n = 8) fed corn–soybean meal diets. Treatments were: 1) control diet; 2) control + Enz 1 (protease and cellulase activity); and 3) control + Enz 2 (xylanase activity). Ileal and fecal samples were collected at week 6–7 and 12–13 of gestation and week 2–3 of lactation. There were no improvements in digestibility during gestation. The ID% of dry matter (DM: 77.3, 79.3, 81.7) and N (81.2, 82.5, 84.3) as well as TTD% of DM (89.8, 90.7, 90.8) and N (89.0, 90.0, 90.6) during lactation were affected to varying degrees by the enzymes. The TTD of DM (P = 0.05) and N (P = 0.10) were positively affected by Enz 1. The ID of DM (P = 0.01) and N (P = 0.02) as well as TTD of DM (P = 0.05) and N (P = 0.02) were improved by Enz 2. The improvement in ID of N was not associated with any particular amino acids (AA) but represented small increases in ID of 8 of 10 essential AA with Enz 1 (P = 0.04) and 10 of 10 for Enz 2 (P = 0.01). The product containing xylanase activity, in particular, appears to have potential to increase digestibility of nutrients during lactation in sows.  相似文献   
不同胎次大约克夏母猪的繁殖性能观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观察大约克夏母猪10个胎次,每胎次40窝,发现其断奶至发情配种天数,从第九胎开始有明显减少;产仔数从第八胎开始明显降低;产活仔数、初生窝重从第七胎开始明显下降;断奶数及断奶窝重从第六胎开始明显降低。因此,大约克夏母猪的淘汰,一般应从第六胎开始  相似文献   
新风过滤和排风除臭装置条件下楼房猪舍夏季环境监测   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
楼房猪场可节约占地面积,楼房猪舍常增设新风过滤装置和排风除臭墙用以改善舍内环境和减少废气排放。为了解此类楼房猪舍夏季环境控制情况,选择北京郊区某楼房猪舍的三个楼层作为监测对象,底层(1层)、中间层(3层)和顶层(5层)新风过滤装置洁净度分别为优、差和良,中间层和顶层风机开启6台,底层风机开启5台,通过监测猪舍的温度、湿度和二氧化碳浓度(质量分数)、风机处静压差等环境参数,分析楼房猪舍不同楼层通风量、温度、温度分布均匀度及环境舒适度。结果显示,底层、中间层和顶层风机处静压差分别为69.7、110.1和98.7 Pa;高静压差导致猪舍实际通风量和风机能效比降低,猪舍实际通风量中间层(205 313 m3/h)和顶层(233 611 m3/h)显著低于底层(247 903 m3/h)(P<0.05),风机能效比中间层(15.3 m3/(h·W))和顶层(17.4 m3/(h·W))显著低于底层(22.5 m3/(h·W))(P<0.05);底层舍内温度(24.2 ℃)显著低于中间层(24.6 ℃)和顶层(24.7 ℃)(P<0.05),舍内不同位置同期最大温差(0.4 ℃)显著低于中间层(1.1 ℃)和顶层(0.6 ℃)(P<0.05),综合温湿度和风速计算母猪等效温度指数(Equivalent Temperature Index for Sows,ETIS),底层最小,中间层最大。该研究可为楼房猪舍提高通风效率、优化楼房猪舍夏季环境控制方案提供理论依据。  相似文献   
The effects of adding potassium diformate (K-diformate) to diets for primiparous and multiparous sows (Dutch × Scandinavian Landrace) (n = 156) were evaluated with respect to performance of sows and their litters, apparent total tract digestibility (TD) of nutrients, milk composition, and microbiota of sows' feces. Treatments comprised a basal diet and a basal diet containing 0.8 or 1.2% K-diformate. The experiment lasted from mating, through gestation and lactation until the next mating. Sows were fed restrictively according to a commercial feeding regime during the gestation period, and had free access to feed from d 10 post-farrowing. The addition of K-diformate to diets increased backfat thickness (P = 0.03) of sows during gestation. No effects on average daily feed intake or body weight gain were seen. Piglets born to sows receiving K-diformate tended to have increased individual (P = 0.05) and litter (P = 0.08) birth weight, tended to have increased average daily gain (ADG) (P = 0.07) and to be heavier at weaning (P < 0.05). Birth weights, ADG, and weaning weights were similar for piglets born from sows fed 0.8 and 1.2% K-diformate. There was no effect of K-diformate on the number of pigs born alive, number of stillborns or mortality rates of piglets. Adding 1.2% K-diformate to diets increased TD of ash by 4.9% (P = 0.001) and crude fat by 3.4% (P = 0.08), and calculated NE-content by 2.3% (P = 0.02). Sows fed K-diformate tended (P = 0.09) to show an increased milk fat content on d 12 post-farrowing. In conclusion, adding K-diformate to diets for sows had a positive effect on sows' backfat thickness in gestation and on growth performance of piglets.  相似文献   
猪瘟脾淋苗阻断带毒母猪垂直传播的效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]观察猪瘟脾淋苗阻断带毒母猪垂直传播的效果。[方法]以3个有代表性的规模化猪场为试验点,将猪瘟带毒母猪随机分成试验Ⅰ组、试验Ⅱ组和对照组。试验Ⅰ组采用脾淋苗1.5头份免疫,试验Ⅱ组采用脾淋苗2头份免疫,对照组采用细胞苗4头份免疫。采用酶联免疫吸附试验检测带毒母猪所产仔猪的猪瘟抗原状况。[结果]接受猪瘟脾淋苗免疫的带毒母猪所产仔猪的抗原阳性率为18.5%,明显低于对照组母猪所产仔猪的抗原阳性率(48.1%),但试验Ⅰ组与试验Ⅱ组之间的抗原阳性率差异不显著。[结论]猪瘟脾淋苗免疫带毒母猪对阻断垂直传播有很好的效果.  相似文献   
利用B超诊断仪对不同时期的妊娠母猪的子宫进行探查,观察不同时期子宫的声像特点,从而提高妊娠诊断的准确性。  相似文献   
赵永珠  翟羽佳 《猪业科学》2020,37(4):108-109
三元母猪做繁殖母猪是现下一种很无奈又很普遍的现象,但由于母猪没有经过专业的选育及科学的饲喂,往往产仔后问题很多,最常见的问题表现在新生仔猪腹泻,这种腹泻多是因为三元母猪在生长的过程中没有添加脱霉剂,导致霉菌毒素中毒,霉菌毒素破坏了仔猪的肝脏及免疫系统,导致新生仔猪对乳脂利用率差以及自身免疫力低下的双重原因引起腹泻。文章针对仔猪的腹泻情况做详细阐述及针对三元母猪留做繁殖母猪给出一些相应的建议。  相似文献   
基于机器视觉的母猪分娩检测方法研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
检测母猪分娩需对分娩限位栏内的仔猪进行目标识别,分析了母猪分娩视频图像特征,提出首先利用半圆匹配算法进行母猪目标分割,排除母猪运动干扰,基于改进的单高斯模型的背景减除法进行运动目标检测,根据运动区域的颜色和面积特征,对仔猪进行目标识别。试验表明:基于半圆匹配算法的母猪目标识别方法能够有效分割出母猪目标,基于改进单高斯模型的运动目标检测方法,对面积较大、运动缓慢的仔猪目标检测较为完整,适用于母猪分娩检测场景。  相似文献   
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