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Plant height, a vigor trait, in 1-year-old seedlings made from Japanese pear (Pyrus pyrifolia) cultivars/selections was measured using 994 individuals from 29 families. The family mean of plant height was negatively correlated (r = −0.72**) to the inbreeding coefficients (F). The regression of the family mean (Fm) on the F value (Fm = 130 − 104F) showed that inbreeding depressions were 8%, 20%, and 40% for F = 0.1, 0.25, and 0.5, respectively. According to the regression, the family mean at F = 0 was estimated at 130 cm. These results showed that the vigor was greatly influenced by inbreeding in Japanese pear. Within-family variances, the genetic segregation of offspring in a family, differed according to family. The proportions of offspring with plant height above 130 cm (estimated Fm for F = 0) were extremely low, i.e., 0–17% for 0.5 ≤ F < 0.60 and 0–8% for F = 0.75.  相似文献   
岩溶内涝灾害是亚热带湿润气候条件下岩溶地区特有的一种与岩溶生态环境和人类活动密切相关的灾害类型。广西岩溶区的主要岩溶内涝有峰丛洼地内涝、峰丛(峰林)谷地内涝、岩溶平原内涝、岩溶区与非岩溶区接触过渡带内涝4种类型,其中,峰丛洼地内涝的发生率最高、面积最大。水文二维结构、降水、人为干扰是影响岩溶峰丛洼地内涝诸多因素中的主要因子。峰丛洼地内涝灾害的分类、分布、地质地貌特征、居民点和耕地分布情况、治理工程的投资效益比和内涝形成原因决定了应首先采取预防、综合治理相结合的普适性措施,在内涝最严重的低峰丛洼地和高峰丛洼地区域,还要实施针对性的水利工程和生态措施,保障该区域生态经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   
油菜光合速率日变化的初步研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以4个甘蓝型油菜品种为材料,对其光合速率日变化及光合午休现象进行了研究,结果表明:油菜的光合速率存在着因气象生态因子的日变化而引起的日变化,表现出上午高,下午低的光合日下降现象。在高温、高光强条件下,油菜叶片存在着明显的光合午休现象,这种现象是油菜自身生物节律和各种外界环境条件共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
西南喀斯特峰丛洼地生态环境效应及其危害   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用岩土样分析法、编制TM遥感数据影像图法和野外调查等方法,研究了西南喀斯特典型峰丛洼地的生态效应。结果表明:与其他喀斯特地貌相比,峰丛洼地具有独特的生态环境特征,主要表现为:峰丛洼地石灰性土壤Ca、Mg的淋溶系数大,酸不溶物含量多,土壤缺乏C层,水土流失严重,植被生长受辐射逆温、日照少、温湿度时空分布不均的限制。在前期工作的基础上,编制了西南喀斯特地区碳酸盐岩分布图、石漠化分布图和峰丛洼地分布图,对这3个图的空间叠加分析发现,石漠化和峰丛洼地分布区是纯灰岩集中出露的地区,峰丛洼地分布区又是石漠化最严重的地区,石漠化是西南喀斯特峰丛洼地生态恶化的典型表现。石漠化已经成为西南喀斯特地区的灾害之源和贫困之源。  相似文献   
论文从七个不同病案论述陈大舜教授治疗不寐的临床诊治经验,其临床效果明显。七则医案:心火胃热,心肾不交致不寐,治以清热泻火,交通心肾,方用导赤散合交泰丸加减;肝阴亏虚,虚热内扰致不寐,治以柔肝凉血,清热除烦,方用酸枣仁汤合天麻钩藤饮加减;胆胃不和,痰热上扰致不寐,治以清胆和胃,养血安神,方用黄连温胆汤合酸枣仁汤加减;肺阴虚兼痰瘀互结致不寐,治以养阴安神,化痰散瘀,方用沙参麦冬汤、半夏白术天麻汤合二至丸加减;肝郁化火,气滞血瘀致不寐,治以疏肝解郁,清热化瘀,方用丹栀逍遥散加减;气阴两虚,虚火上扰致不寐,治以养阴益胃,清热除烦,方用益胃汤合酸枣仁汤加减;脾肾两虚,虚火扰心致不寐,治以交通心肾,养心安神,方用交泰丸合黄连阿胶汤加减。  相似文献   
目的女性妊娠期相关精神疾病的神经机制尚不清楚,本研究拟探究妊娠期应激诱发的相关精神疾病发病与海马突触可塑性的关系。方法对大鼠施行束缚应激后,采用在体麻醉电生理学方法检测大鼠海马CA1区的兴奋性突触后电位,比对经历应激和未应激妊娠期大鼠海马突触可塑性的变化。结果与未妊娠空白对照组相比,低频刺激诱导后未应激的妊娠期大鼠可形成长时程增强(long-term potentiation,LTP)。此外,施行束缚应激的妊娠期大鼠,则表现为长时程抑制(long-term depression, LTD)不能形成。结论妊娠期内应激使海马突触可塑发生异常,为妊娠期相关精神疾病发病机制的进一步研究提供了突触可塑性异常的重要线索。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   'Inbreeding depression' may be an avoidable phenomenon for abalone culture. However, only a few studies have been carried out on inbreeding depression. In the present study, using six families produced in 1994, a factorial mating system including inbreeding and outbreeding was constructed in order to demonstrate inbreeding depression traits of the Pacific abalone. In total, 24 inbreeding and 21 outbreeding crosses were produced during three years (1999–2001) and these offspring were reared for approximately one year. Significant differences in fertilization rate and growth were not observed between inbreeding and outbreeding crosses. However, the deformity rate of veliger larvae was always higher in inbreeding crosses than that of outbreeding crosses in all experiments. Moreover, a significantly high deformity rate was observed in some full-sib families of inbreeding. Alternatively, the survival rates of inbreeding crosses were much lower than for outbreeding crosses after about 4 months and one year in two rearing localities. These results indicate that inbreeding depression is observed in the traits of deformity rate and survival, but not in fertilization rate nor growth in the first generation of a full-sib family of the Pacific abalone.  相似文献   
Summary Self incompatibility (SI) can be used to alleviate costly hand emasculation and pollination in F1 hybrid chrysanthemum seed production. SI, however, disrupts the progression of inbreedig (selfing or full-sib mating). Consequently, inbreds are selected for breakdown of the SI system or the presence of pseudo-self compatibility (PSC). PSC inbreds, recombinant inbreds, and noninbred cultivars were selfed and/or intercrossed to determine PSC expression across environments and generate 1–3 inbred generations (I1–I3). Percent PSC ranged from 0–68.8% for inbred parents, 0.2–99.7% for recombinant inbreds, and 0.6–25.7% for noninbred cultivars. There was no indication of end-of-season PSC. The majority of parents (78%) were classified as low PSC and this trend continued in the I1 (70.1%), I2 (65.6%), and I3 (83.6%) generations; mid PSC was rarer (11.9–18.8%) and high PSC the least common (4.5–15.6%). PSC distributions were primarily continuous, rather than discrete, indicating quantitative inheritance. In several inbred families, 100% of the I1 individuals were SI; this was not correlated with parental PSC level. Inbred families derived from selfing low and mid PSC parents were the most likely to reach extinction due to inbreeding depression. High PSC was not highly heritable, since I1 progeny were predominantly SI or had low to mid PSC levels. Most 153-1 values for PSC:SI segregations (1:1, 1:3, 3:1) were not significant at the 5% level. Realized heritability (H R ) estimates for PSC ranged from a low of 0.05% to 10.19%, although increased H R values did not account for inbreeding depression or genetic mechanisms preventing selection for high PSC. The highest individual %PSC increased over the high parent with SI × low PSC or SI × mid PSC parents in all cases; progeny means did so only in SI × low PSC. Low × low crosses were split evenly between an increase and decrease in progeny or highest individual mean. Since all low × low crosses and low selfs produced 43–50% of the progeny with PSC levels higher than the parents, it appears that most low parents possess some unexpressed PSC genes. Mid PSC parents responded similarly to low PSC genotypes. An increase in PSC was found when crossing SI × PSC parents, illustrating a threshold effect. PSC × PSC crosses (high × low, low × low) produced SI, low, and mid PSC I1 individuals but did not show a heterotic effect, since the PSC parents had already surpassed the PSC threshold. Selfing high PSC parents, however, suggested different genetic control. Progeny and highest individual means behaved the same; 83% decreased and 17% remained the same for PSC levels. The drop in PSC indicated non-additive gene action. Thus, the PSC threshold with additive gene action holds when selection for higher PSC levels is being done from low and mid PSC parents, but once high PSC levels are obtained, non-additive gene action prevails.Abbreviations self pollinated - H R Realized Heritability - PSC Pseudo-Self Compatibility - SC Self Compatibility - SI Self Incompatibility  相似文献   
桂西北岩溶山区峰丛洼地土壤水分动态变化初探   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
土壤水分是岩溶山区植被恢复和生态环境建设的关键性限制因素。在桂西北岩溶山区峰从洼地,分析了不同利用方式坡面、洼地土壤水分的动态变化规律,结果表明:坡面土壤水分(0~20cm)为中等变异,不同利用方式间具有一定的差异,自然灌丛、撂荒地土壤含水量较高,但板栗、木豆林地土壤含水量较低,且易受外界条件的干扰,其栽种早期应注意采取一定的蓄水保墒措施;与坡地相比,洼地受外界条件的干扰相对较小,土壤剖面含水量为增长型,其变化主要发生在表层,为中等变异;土壤水分沿坡面的分布规律较为复杂,在植被类型相对一致的条件下,坡位的影响相对较小。  相似文献   
Canopy temperature has been recognised as an indicator of crop water status and may thus be a useful secondary trait in selecting for yield under dry conditions. The aim of this study was to test the suitability of canopy temperature depression (CTD = Tair ? Tcanopy) in a temperate climate with winter rye, by means of three infrared (IR) temperature measuring devices. In the years 2011 and 2012, 16 winter rye genotypes were examined under drought stress conditions in a rainout shelter and under well‐watered conditions. In each year, the CTD was determined several times during the growth period using two IR thermometers and an IR camera. By means of CTD, it was possible to detect drought stress and to differentiate between water regimes. The three measurement devices showed comparable results, despite greatly different costs. Under drought‐stress conditions, a significant positive correlation between grain yield and CTD was found on most measurement dates in 2011 and on some dates in 2012. When the CTD was pooled across water regimes, a significant positive correlation between grain yield and CTD was obtained on every measurement date. However, as genotypic differences for CTD were non‐existent, the correlations are less meaningful. The missing genotypic differences for CTD were rather caused by the limited genetic variability of the genotypes used in this study, than by climatic conditions. Due to this limitation, we were not able to make a concluding statement about the CTD in a temperature climate, although the results are quite promising and indicate that the CTD can potentially be used in a temperate climate.  相似文献   
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