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蚯蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化及临床作用研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
蚯蚓纤溶酶是从蚯蚓中分离的一种丝氨酸蛋白水解酶,有抗凝溶血栓、抗癌抗肿瘤、抗炎、神经修复等作用,在临床上是预防和治疗血栓疾病的有效药物。本文对蚯蚓纤溶酶的分离纯化与药理作用加以概述,为临床蚯蚓溶栓药物的研究提供依据。  相似文献   
为了统计和研究石河子垦区大中型奶牛场临床型乳房炎的发病规律及治疗情况,选择石河子垦区6个大中型奶牛场2 600头奶牛作为调查对象,通过对临床型乳房炎进行鉴定及不同治疗方法进行比较。结果表明2 600头奶牛在4—9月份临床型乳房炎发病270头,发病率10.38%;10—3月份发病163头,发病率6.99%。目前在石河子垦区大中型牛场一般常见的治疗药物主要有左旋咪唑拌料、青霉素钾或先锋Ⅴ等+糖皮质激素、中草药组方和青霉素钾或先锋Ⅴ等+中草药组方等。结果,经过预防和治疗后,在4—9月份奶牛临床型乳房炎发病率降至4.92%;10—3月份奶牛临床型乳房炎发病率降至3.00%。调查结果表明:中西医结合用药对临床型乳房炎起到了积极的治疗作用。  相似文献   
【目的】通过分析临床健康和乳房炎奶牛乳腺组织膜蛋白的差异表达,以期在蛋白质水平探索奶牛乳房炎的发生机理。【方法】采用二维凝胶电泳技术分离了临床健康和乳房炎奶牛的乳腺组织膜蛋白,经考马斯亮蓝染色后PDQuest 7.4软件匹配、检测凝胶中差异表达的蛋白点,对12个差异蛋白点采用高效液相色谱串联离子阱质谱分析,SEQUEST软件搜索NCBInr数据库。半定量RT-PCR分析差异表达蛋白的mRNA水平。【结果】12个差异蛋白点鉴定为11种蛋白质,其中9个蛋白点在临床型乳房炎奶牛乳腺组织膜蛋白中表达量上调而3个蛋白点表达量下调,主要涉及细胞膜骨架系统、信号转导、物质结合和传递等生物学功能。半定量RT-PCR分析表明,乳房炎奶牛乳腺组织中钙粒蛋白B的mRNA表达水平是健康奶牛的1.6倍。【结论】推测这些差异蛋白的表达变化与奶牛乳房炎发生相关,为从蛋白质水平揭示奶牛乳房炎的发生机理以及发现潜在的治疗目标蛋白提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
在中国新发现的一种羊的巴贝斯虫(Babesia)未定种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在中国甘肃某地自然感染发病绵羊的血液涂片中,观察到一种大型的巴贝斯虫(Babesia)。虫体形态具多形性,有双梨籽形、单梨籽形、圆环形、棒状、不规则形、逗点形和三叶形。典型双梨籽形虫体的大小为1.8~2.5μm×0.9~1.8μm,平均(2.21±0.12)μm×(1.17±0.18)μm。个别红细胞中寄生有4个或8个虫体。该虫种特征性的形态是三叶形。它是相连的双梨籽形虫体两尖端的核质延伸(出芽),并生出原生质,发育成一个完整的梨籽形虫体,与母体共同排列形成三叶形的。该虫种可引起绵羊严重发病和死亡。本研究对自然感染发病羊的临床症状和死亡羊的病理变化进行了观察。该虫种的形态大小和致病力,与莫氏巴贝斯虫(B.motasi)和粗糙巴贝斯虫(B.crassa)明显不同。  相似文献   
Two groups of blue fox pups about 1½— 2 and 2½—3 months old, respectively, suffering from experimental encephalitozoonosis, were examined clinically and serologically. Antibodies to Encephalitozoon cuniouli were detected in all pups, the titres varying within the range 10–12,800. In addition to unspecific signs of disease the pups showed various neurological disturbances including ataxia, posterior weakness, lameness and circling behaviour, terminaiting in recumbency, paralysis or convulsions. Reduced sight or blindness was observed occasionally. Some of the pups appeared thirsty. Haematological examinations revealed pronounced leukocytosis without any conspicuous shift within the various groups of leukocytes. Biochemical examinations of serum showed significant elevated values of urea nitrogen, creatinine, and magnesium concentrations, reflecting renal dysfunction. Alanine aminotransferase was found significantly depressed in both groups. Raised levels of total protein were demonstrated due to pronounced hyperglobulinaemia. This finding, together with the common occurrence of generalized polyarteritis nodosa and proliferations of plasma cells in clinically affected pups, is probably a result of autoimmune disturbances initiated directly or indirectly by the protozoan infection.  相似文献   
The precalen-ce of caseous lymphadenitis was surveyed in 36 goat herds in Northern Norway. In each herd, information concerning the occurrence of the disease was obtained from the farmer. Adult animals (1 year of age or older) in 35 herds were examined for superficial swellings, and serum samples were collected from most animals in the herds. The sera were examined for antibodies to Corynebacterium pseudotuber-culosis using the bacterial agglutination test (BAT) and the hemolysis inhibition test (HIT).Gaseous lymphadenitis was diagnosed with certainty in 19 herds. Information from the farmers indicated that the disease indeed oc-curred in these herds, and that the majority had been infected with the disease for many years. The herds had apparently become infected through contact with animals from infected herds. Clinical examina-tions were carried out in 18 of these herds and superficial swellings were found in 26 % of the examined animals. The prevalence of ani-mals with lesions varied from 11 to 40 % among the herds. Of the animals in these herds, 81 % were positive in BAT and 84 % in HIT. The prevalence of positive animals varied from 26 to 99 % in BAT and 28 to 99 % in HIT. The prevalence of seropositive animals was lowest in a herd in which animals were kept separately in stalls.Caseous lymphadenitis could not be diagnosed in 16 herds. In-formation from the farmers indicated that the disease indeed seemed to be absent in 14 of these herds. These 14 herds had no history of contact with animals from herds considered to be infected. However, in the remaining 2 herds, the farmers were somewhat uncertain about the occurrence of the disease. One of these 2 herds had a history of contact with infected herds through participation in a goat “breeding circle”. Only a few of the animals were, however, seropositive and all these had low antibody titres.In 1 newly established herd, a single animal showed a high posi-tive titre in BAT only. All the other animals were negative in both tests. This particular herd consisted of animals obtained both from herds with caseous lymphadenitis and from herds in which the disease was not considered to occur.  相似文献   
从发病情况、临床症状、病理变化、实验室诊断等方面介绍了非典型鸡新城疫的诊断方法,并提出了治疗与防制措施,以供参考。  相似文献   
目的观察活血消银片对血瘀型银屑病患者皮损中微血管密度的影响。方法将40例患者随机分为两组。治疗组20例口服活血消银片,对照组20例口服消银片,疗程8周,观察两组患者治疗前后皮损中微血管密度的改变,并与正常组对照。结果活血消银片与消银片对血瘀型银屑病人皮损中微血管密度改善的程度差异有统计学意义(P﹤0.01),但患者治疗后与正常组比较差异仍有统计学意义(P﹤0.05)。结论活血消银片可明显改善银屑病患者皮损中微血管密度,但仍未完全恢复正常,这可能与银屑病的复发有密切的关系。  相似文献   
目的观察盆炎丸治疗多重耐药支原体感染的临床疗效。方法将60例多重耐药支原体感染患者随机分为2组,治疗组30例口服盆炎丸,对照组30例口服强力霉素,14 d为1个疗程,两组均连续治疗3个疗程,观察2组治疗前后临床证候积分,判断其临床疗效。结果治疗组综合疗效总有效率为83.3%,对照组总有效率为63.3%,两组比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在中医证候改善方面,治疗组明显优于对照组(P<0.01)。结论在综合疗效方面,盆炎丸治疗多重耐药支原体感染疗效与强力霉素相当,但在中医证候改善方面,盆炎丸有明显优势,值得临床推广。  相似文献   
目的观察针刺辨证治疗功能性消化不良(FD)的临床疗效。方法应用随机数字表将88例研究对象分为治疗组44例、对照组44例。治疗组根据患者辨证分型的不同,分别施以相应的针刺方案治疗;对照组则不辨证统一采用单纯针刺方案治疗。观察患者治疗前后证候积分及疗效指数、SF-36评分、尼群消化不良指数(NDI)以及血浆胃动素(MTL)的变化。结果治疗组脱失1例,总有效率93.02%;对照组脱失2例,总有效率76.19%;两组差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。治疗完成和1月后随访时,两组相对治疗前症状指数(NDSI)显著降低,生活质量指数(NDLQI)、健康相关生活质量评分(SF-36)均显著增加(P<0.05);与同期比较治疗组NDSI明显低于对照组,NDLQI、SF-36明显高于对照组(P<0.05)。结论对FD患者进行辨证针刺和不辨证针刺都是有效的治疗手段,但是辨证针刺组的总有效率及近远期的疗效均明显优于对照组。  相似文献   
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