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为了解新疆地区不同规模化猪场伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)野毒感染情况,采用ELISA对2016年4月-2017年12月来自67个不同规模化猪场的2 516份血清进行了PRV-gE抗体血清学调查。结果显示,血清总阳性率为34.02%,2016年和2017年阳性率分别为17.77%和39.52%;哺乳仔猪、保育猪、育肥猪、后备母猪、妊娠母猪、哺乳母猪、公猪总阳性率分别为26.07%、22.35%、35.38%、32.70%、33.13%、31.06%和31.71%;猪场总阳性率为82.09%,北疆、南疆和东疆猪场阳性率分别为78.57%、100.00%和100.00%。结果表明,2016年-2017年新疆地区猪群中PRV感染率明显上升,南疆与东疆地区阳性率显著高于北疆地区,各个阶段猪群阳性率均显著升高,母猪与公猪感染加重是伪狂犬病持续存在的重要原因,对其进行防控与净化刻不容缓。  相似文献   
本文研究了抗纯化N.Sertifer NPV的杂交瘤抗体。病毒的包涵体是通过K-系列离心而提纯,由Frank Lewis博士提供。每个BALB/C小白鼠每次用200μg抗原免疫。最后一次注射是在细胞融合之前4~7天。取2×10~8脾细胞与2×10~7骨髓瘤细胞(NS-1或P_3×63)在50%PEG 4000(Sigma)存在下进行融合,用HAT来选择杂交瘤细胞。用间接ELISA法来筛选阳性的杂交瘤细胞。 13个细胞系已筛选成功,并对其产生的免疫球蛋白进行了分型。选择三种Lepidopteran NPVs用于交叉保护试验。除三种杂交瘤抗体外,其他10种对这三种病毒均有不同程度的交叉反应。  相似文献   
为探讨奶牛不孕症与AOAb的关系,用放免法检测啊14例原发性不孕、10例继发性不孕奶牛血清AOAb,并与正常妊娠组对照。实验表明,AOAb阳性10例,总阳性率为41.67%,AOAb为原发性不孕相关,与继发性不孕无明显关系。结果提示,AOAb的存在是奶牛原发性不孕的重要病因。  相似文献   
肠毒素性大肠杆菌菌毛对产蛋鸡免疫性的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用热抽提法提取4种肠毒素性大肠杆菌菌毛蛋白。K88、K99、F41和987p菌毛蛋白分别制成弗氏佐剂苗;K88还制成白油佐剂苗,氢氧化铝胶苗和蜂胶佐剂苗;另将4种菌毛等比例混合制成弗氏佐剂苗。分别对产蛋鸡进行免疫,用微量凝集反应和血凝抑制试验检测卵黄抗体效价。结果表明,K88菌毛较其他3种菌毛免疫性好,诱导抗体效价最高而且能长时间维持;987p菌毛能快速诱导抗体的产生,但整体效价低。K88不同佐剂苗中,铝胶佐剂能较快地诱导抗体的产生,蜂胶佐剂苗抗体持续时间短,弗氏佐剂能诱导高效价的抗体产生而且能长时间持续。  相似文献   
间接ELISA检测猪伪狂犬病血清抗体   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
用猪肾传代细胞IBRS-2增殖猪伪狂犬病病毒(PRV)鄂A株,病毒培养上清液经硫酸铵沉淀、聚乙二醇(Mr20000)浓缩后作为包被抗原。用纯化的猪血清IgG免疫家兔,HRP村记撮的兔抗猪IgG,制备出高效价的酶标抗体,酶标抗体工作浓度为1:50000;经各种条件的选择,建立了检测猪伪狂犬病血清抗体的间接ELISA。所建立的间接ELISA抗原包被浓度为39.2mg/L,血清最佳稀释度为1:20,与猪细小病毒、猪、O型口蹄疫、猪衣原体标准阳性血清呈阴性反应,与标准阴性血清和临床未感染PRV的猪血清呈阴性反应;与猪伪狂犬病标准阳性血清、免疫猪血清和临床发病猪血清呈明显的阳性反应;与美国进口的PRV抗体检测ELISA诊断试剂盒检测结果比较,45份猪血清的阴、阳性检出符合率均为100%。表明建立的间接ELISA具有敏感性高、特异性强、重复性好的优点,可用于猪伪狂犬病血清抗体的定性和定量检测。  相似文献   
分别用较高纯度的细粒棘球绦虫六钩蚴抗原和传统使用的囊液抗原对一次感染和二次感染细粒棘球绦虫六钩蚴的小鼠血清进行ELISA测定,认为寄生于不同部位的包囊刺激机体产生的抗体水平不同.同时检测早期抗体时,六钩蚴抗原比囊液抗原更具有阶段性优越性。小鼠二次感染六钩蚴后六钩蚴抗体水平得到明显加强,并推测认为一次感染产生的六钩蚴抗体可能是具有保护性的抗体。  相似文献   
The study was aimed to express the EP402R gene of African swine fever virus (ASFV) Georgia 2007/1 strain via prokaryotic expression system,obtain the recombinant CD2v protein,and prepare polyclonal antibodies against the purified recombinant CD2v protein.After codon optimization,ASFV EP402R full-length gene was linked into pET-28a(+) expression vector to construct prokaryotic recombinant expression plasmid.After induction by 1 mmol/L IPTG at 16 ℃ for 12 h,the recombinant protein was identified by SDS-PAGE and Western blotting.The purified recombinant CD2v protein was used as immunogen to prepare mouse anti-CD2v polyclonal antibodies.The antibody titer was measured by indirect ELISA and the specificity was further analyzed by indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and Western blotting.The results showed that ASFV EP402R gene was successfully cloned into pET-28a(+),and pET-28a-EP402R was obtained.The recombinant plasmid was transformed into E.coli BL21(DE3) for expression,the recombinant protein was expressed mainly in the form of inclusion bodies,with molecular mass at about 47 ku,while some of the recombinant protein could also exist in a soluble form.Western blotting results showed that the purified protein had good immunoreactivity.The indirect ELISA result showed that the polyclonal antibodies had a high titer of 1:512 000,IFA and Western blotting results indicated that it could specifically recognize recombinant CD2v protein.These results confirmed the recombinant CD2v protein expressed via prokaryotic system had good immunogenicity,and the prepared polyclonal antibodies had high titer and specificity.This research provided technical support for further study of ASFV EP402R biological function,as well as its gene-deletion based vaccine development.  相似文献   
Tsetse have been cleared from large areas of Zimbabwe during the past 65 years. In most areas, they are prevented from re-invading cleared areas by barriers of odour-baited, insecticide-treated targets. A trypanosomosis survey was conducted to determine the effectiveness of such barriers against re-invasion and to confirm the absence of tsetse in areas where they had previously been eradicated. Parasitological diagnostic methods and an anti-trypanosomal antibody detection enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (antibody ELISA) were used. The prevalence of trypanosomal infections in the tsetse-cleared areas was generally low. However, the prevalence of anti-trypanosomal antibodies was unexpectedly high in some areas. This high proportion of cattle with antibodies could, in most cases, be explained by recent or historic information on the distribution and density of tsetse. The results from the survey demonstrated the value of anti-trypanosomal antibody detection as an additional sensitive tool for monitoring the effectiveness of tsetse control operations.  相似文献   
四环素类抗生素属小分子半抗原物质 ,必须与大分子物质结合才能产生免疫原性。本试验采用重氮化法合成土霉素 牛血清白蛋白 (BSA OTC)及土霉素 鼠血清白蛋白 (RSA OTC)人工抗原 ,用紫外扫描对其进行鉴定。以BSA OTC免疫家兔制备抗血清 ,以RSA OTC为包被抗原 ,采用双向免疫扩散法和ELISA方法对抗血清进行鉴定。结果表明用重氮化法合成的人工抗原对四环素类药物有特异的抗原抗体反应 ,抗血清效价达 1 2 8× 1 0 5,完全能够满足四环素类药物残留的ELISA检测要求  相似文献   
将海兰褐蛋雏鸡随机分为对照组、肌肉注射组、刺种Ⅰ组和刺种Ⅱ组,用共表达NDV F和IBDV VP0基因重组鸡痘病毒进行免疫,对照组刺种生理盐水,在免疫后的第7,14,21,28,35,42,49 d和56 d采血,分离血清,用固定病毒稀释血清法测血清中抗FPV,NDV,IBDV的中和抗体效价.经分析,抗FPV中和抗体效价及抗NDV中和抗体效价免疫后14 d达到高峰,28 d后下降幅度不明显,42 d时仍保持一定水平;抗IBDV中和抗体效价免疫后21 d达到高峰, 28 d后下降幅度不明显,42 d时仍保持一定水平.  相似文献   
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