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土壤-植被系统演变对生物防沙工程的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
包兰铁路横穿腾格里沙漠的沙坡头段 ,全长近 5 0km ,这里年降水量 186mm ,流动沙丘相对高度 2 0m以上 ,以 4m·a- 1 的速度向东南方向移动。无灌溉条件下、工程措施与生物措施相结合的防沙固沙工程体系始建于195 6年 ,近半个世纪以来该体系确保了包兰铁路的畅通无阻 ,累计经济效益逾百亿人民币。虽然当初的建设者充分考虑了耐旱的乡土树种、有效的工程固沙系统 ,但很难想到几十年后的土壤 -植被系统的演变会危及整个防护体系的稳定性。植被在从人工系统向自然系统的演变中经历了覆盖度从增加到减少的自疏过程、从灌木到半灌木到草本的变化 ,其降低风速和防风的功能减弱 ;土壤从流动风沙土发育成钙积旱成土 ,地表生物结皮发育 ,增加了表土的抗风蚀的能力 ;土壤 -植被系统的演变使得降水在生态系统中的再分配过程已经彻底改变 ,并由于防护林体系配置不完善 ,在 5 0~ 5 0 0cm的土层深度一个生物成因的干旱层逐渐形成 ,新的水分平衡格局明显威胁到现有的防风固沙体系。  相似文献   
永康工业区绿化现状及发展对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了永康市工业园区绿化现状及存在问题,提出了实行绿化"三同时"制度(同时规划设计、同时施工、同时验收),选用乡土树种、彩叶树种绿化,建成生态工业区、观光工业区的工业区绿化发展对策.  相似文献   
Relationships between tree mortality and bark beetle infestation onAbies veitchii at the wave-regenerated forest in Mt. Asahi, Okuchichibu area were investigated. Most of the firs with green needles and newly developed current year’s shoots in the dieback zone were heavily infested by bark beetles before the death of the trees. After heavy infestation of beetles, about half of the infested firs died within the year, and the other half died in the next year. When the species composition of bark beetles and associated ophiostomatoid fungi were investigated in Mt. Asahi and also at a typical wave-regenerated forest in Mt. Shimagare, Yatsugatake area,Cryphalus montanus andC. piceae were dominant beetle species for Mt. Asahi and Mt. Shimagare, respectively.Ophiostoma subalpinum andO. europhioides were dominant fungal species at both wave-generated forests. BecauseO. subalpinum was detected more frequently from deeper areas of sapwood thanO. europhioides, it was suggested that the fungal species may accelerate the death of stressed firs in wave-regenerated forests. Contribution No. 169, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Institute of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Tsukuba.  相似文献   
神农架地区珍衡植物沿河岸带的分布格局   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Due to the importance of riparian zone in maintaining and protecting regional biodiversity, increasingly more ecologists paid their attentions to riparian zone and had been aware of the important effects of riparian zone in basic study and practical management. In this study, 42 sampling belts (10 m×100m) parallel to the bank of Xiangxi River at different elevations in Shennongjia Area were selected to investigate the riparian vegetation and rare plants. 14 species of rare plants were found distributing in riparian zone, accounting for 42.4% of the total rare plant species in Shennongjia Area. The main distribution range of the 14 rare plant species was the evergreen and deciduous mixed broadleaved forest at elevation of 1200–1800 m, where, species diversity of plant community was the maximum at the moderate elevation. The analysis of TWINSPAN divided the 14 rare species into 3 groups against the elevation, namely low elevation species group, moderate elevation species group, and high elevation species group. The analysis of DCA ordination showed similar results to that of TWINSPAN. In the paper, the authors discussed the reasons forming the distribution pattern of rare plant species, and pointed out that the important function of riparian zone on rare plant species protection. Foundation item: This project was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC39970123), and Changbai Mountain Open Research Station, Chinese Acadamy of Science. Biography: JIANG Ming-xi (1965-), male, associate professor in Wuhan Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan 430074, P. R. China Responsible editor: Chai Ruihai  相似文献   
Balisky  Allen C.  Burton  Philip 《New Forests》1997,14(1):63-82
A field trial was conducted investigating the single season growth response of 1+0 313 PSB Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.) and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.) seedlings planted into two different soil thermal regimes at three high-elevation locations spanning 200 km in the Engelmann Spruce-Subalpine Fir (ESSF) biogeoclimatic zone in the Cariboo Mountains of central British Columbia. Temperature treatments represented the extremes of soil temperature commonly found in high-elevation clear-cuts. A warm soil treatment (clear day, mid-afternoon soil temperature in mid-summer of 18 to 25 °C at –10 cm) consisting of a bare mineral soil hummock (average dimensions of 100 cm × 100 cm × 40 cm) was contrasted with a cool soil treatment (clear day, mid-afternoon soil temperature in mid-summer of 10 to 13 °C at –10 cm) comprised of organic forest floor overlying mineral soil. By the end of the growing season, seedlings of both species planted into the warm treatment generally exhibited greater root, stem, foliage, and total seedling biomass than cool treatment seedlings. Measurements of root growth at 30, 60, and 90 days after planting showed that total root number and total root length were consistently greater for warm treatment seedlings than for cool treatment seedlings. Root growth was greater from the bottom rather than from the side of the root plug for all seedlings. These results suggest that the effect of low soil temperatures on outplanted styroblock conifer seedlings is pronounced and may be limiting growth performance in high-elevation plantations in British Columbia. We recommend silvicultural treatments that secure natural regeneration, ensure that warmer microsites are always planted, and utilize seedling stocktypes able to make rapid lateral root growth into warmer surface organic horizons.  相似文献   
Fungi are often used to induce agarwood inAquilariatrees. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of several fungi on agarwood formation over time in youngAquilaria malaccensis (Lam.) trees. Typical changes in the length and light intensity of the resulting discoloration were observed after three and six month periods following inoculation. Wood samples were observed microscopically and classified into several light intensity groups. The discoloration length was meas-ured longitudinally. The duration after inoculation affected the mean of discoloration length: the 6-month old sample (1.70 cm) had a wider discoloration zone when compared to the 3-month old sample (1.17 cm). When measuring the discoloration intensity, a positive relationship with time was perceived. Digital images, captured using a camera-equipped microscope, revealed that wood samples collected after six months appeared to be 1.8-times darker than after three months. We concluded that time, not the species of any of the tested fungi, had significant effect on discoloration length and intensity. Gas chromatography/mass spec-trometry (GCMS) analysis of the 6-month old sample yielded some important agarwood compounds such as benzylacetone, anisylacetone, guaiene and palustrol. This demonstrates that the tested fungi have the ability to induce agarwood formation in nurseryA. malaccensis trees.  相似文献   
肖龙山 《绿色科技》2014,(3):185-188
指出了当前牛栏江水污染严重,牛栏江生态廊道绿化的任务是提高河流“自净”能力,净化水质。探讨了绿化技术途径,包括对河岸带进行区划,确定各带(区)的功能,根据各带(区)特点,布置植物,强调在有限的空间内,千方百计地增加湿生与水生植物种植面积,利用水生植物净化水体,从而实现规划目标。  相似文献   
广东海南两省海库潮间带生物量关则良,揭振英,周元建(湛江水产学院,524025)关键词潮间带,生物量,SAS系统BIOMASSINCOASTAL,TIDALZONEOFGUANGDONGANDHAINAN¥GuanZeliang;JieZhengyi...  相似文献   
水库消落带土壤颗粒组成分形及其空间分异特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
颗粒组成作为土壤的基本物理特性,对土壤结构、力学性质、肥力特征等均有明显影响。降雨径流、波浪和重力等多重营力作用下的消落带土壤侵蚀过程导致表层土壤颗粒发生了重新分布。为了研究水库消落带土壤颗粒组成的空间分异特征,以三峡水库典型消落带为研究对象,在不同海拔位置分别采集了0—10 cm和10—20 cm层的土壤用于测定颗粒组成,并利用分形理论计算出体积分形维数。结果表明:(1)三峡水库消落带土壤颗粒组成以粉粒为主,占总体积的72.6%~86.5%,且随着海拔的增加而升高; 从不同土层深度来看,0—10 cm层黏粒含量明显低于10—20 cm层。(2)消落带不同海拔位置的土壤体积分形维数具有明显异质性,且与海拔呈正相关(R2=0.74),而在不同土层之间具有弱变异性(Cv<2)。(3)体积分形维数与黏粒、粉粒含量均呈显著正相关(p<0.01),与砂粒含量呈显著负相关(p<0.01),且与黏粒的线性相关性最强。综上,消落带土壤颗粒组成在不同海拔存在较大差异(p<0.01),但在土层深度上无显著差异(p>0.01); 150~160 m海拔区间和0—10 cm层土壤具有明显的粗粒化现象。  相似文献   
To determine the genetic diversity and population structure of sweet potato accessions cultivated in China, and to establish the genetic relationships among their germplasm types, a representative collection of 240 accessions was analyzed using inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) markers. The mean genetic similarity coefifcient, Nei’s gene diversity, and shared allele distance of tested sweet potato accessions were 0.7302, 0.3167 and 0.2698, respectively. The 240 accessions could be divided into six subgroups and ifve subpopulations based on neighbor-joining (NJ) clustering and STRUCTURE results, and obvious genetic relationships among the tested sweet potato accessions were identiifed. The marker-based NJ clustering and population structure showed no distinct assignment pattern corresponding to lfesh color or geographical ecotype of the tested sweet potato germplasm. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) revealed small but signiifcant difference between white and orange-lfeshed sweet potato accessions. Small but signiifcant difference were also observed among sweet potato accessions from the Southern summer-autumn sweet potato region, the Yellow River Basin spring and summer sweet potato region and the Yangtze River Basin summer sweet potato region. This study demonstrates that genetic diversity in the tested sweet potato germplasm collection in China is lower than that in some reported sweet potato germplasm collections from other regions. Pedigree investigations suggest that more diverse Chinese sweet potato varieties should be formed by broadening the selection scope of breeding parents and incorporating the introduced varieties into future breeding programs.  相似文献   
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