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Mangroves as indicators of coastal change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In view of the unique biological characteristics of mangroves, it is interesting to assess the extent to which these ecosystems can be used as indicators of coastal change or sea-level rise. From recent studies of mangrove mortality at several locations (including Guiana, Gambia, Côte d'Ivoire, Kenya, India and Bangladesh), it appears that these coastal ecosystems are so specialized that any minor variation in their hydrological or tidal regimes causes noticeable mortality. Each species of mangrove (but particularly those belonging to the genera Rhizophora, Bruguiera, Sonneratia, Heritiera and Nypa) occurs in ecological conditions that approach its limit of tolerance with regard to salinity of the water and soil, as well as the inundation regime. If the duration of daily immersion were to be modified by tectonic, sedimentological or hydrological events, the species either readjusts to the new conditions or succumbs to unsuitable conditions. Consequently, the use of remote sensing data for mangrove ecosystems offers excellent potential as a tool for monitoring coastal change.  相似文献   
珠江口水域秋季刺网的渔获组成及多样性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
2014年9月使用3种不同结构(单片、双重、三重)和不同网目尺寸(40 mm、50 mm、60 mm)的刺网在珠江口水域进行了海上捕鱼试验,并从多样性和相异性两方面探讨了珠江口水域刺网渔业资源群落结构的差异。实验结果显示,3种刺网的渔获种类数、尾数和质量都随着网目尺寸的增大而减少;相对重要性指数(IRI)大于1 000的优势种有所差异,但深水金线鱼(Nemipterus bathybius)是共同优势种。针对珠江口渔获个体大小悬殊的特点,分别以个体数和生物量为基础计算了该水域的多样性指数,t检验结果显示这两者之间存在显著差异。采用欧氏距离法(Euclidian distance)计算,结果显示不同网目刺网渔业资源群落结构的差异性较高,而同一网目刺网差异性较低。从提高渔业资源群落结构的多样性和恢复其生态稳定性来看,控制网目尺寸是当前最主要和最有效的措施。  相似文献   
滨海沙地尾巨桉人工林凋落物及碳氮养分归还   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对滨海沙地10年生尾巨桉人工林凋落物数量及其碳氮归还量进行为期1年的定位监测。结果表明:尾巨桉人工林年凋落量为673992kg/(hm2·a),叶是凋落物的主要形式;凋落物量具有明显的季节动态,表现为“双峰”型,即5月和7月出现2次高峰;凋落物各组分碳含量差异不明显,介于45%~50%;凋落叶的氮含量是皮和枝的2倍多,氮含量大小排序为碎屑>叶>果>枝>皮。碳氮元素养分年归还量为332586kg/(hm2·a),其中:碳归还量为326748kg/(hm2·a),氮归还量为5839kg/(hm2·a);C/N值为5596,高于同试验区其他树种,大小排序为皮>枝>果>叶>碎屑。  相似文献   
为探讨不同土壤改良剂对盐碱地棉花苗期光合特性及生长的影响,在滨海重度盐碱地棉田增施土壤改良剂沸石(FS)、石膏(SG)、生化制剂康地宝(KDB),测定棉花苗期叶面积指数(LAI)、光合特性、叶绿素相对含量(SPAD)以及干物质积累和分配情况,并对苗期0~40 cm土壤含盐量、含水率、土壤容重和pH值进行分层测定.结果表明,与无任何改良措施的对照(CK)相比,FS处理各土层含盐量均降至2.00 g/kg左右;SG处理各土层土壤容重降至1.12~1.45 g/cm3;KDB处理各土层含水率无明显降低,pH值下降至8.0以下.3个处理棉苗总干物质积累量增大15.6%~35.6%,叶片NPQ降低了7.3%~16.7%; FS处理下叶片LAI、干质量和光合参数分别增高59.3%、36.7%和31.8%~75.4%;SG处理根冠比增大78.6%;KDB处理SPAD值和Fv/Fm、Fv/Fo、φPSⅡ、ETR、qP等参数分别增高21.9%和7.8%~55.5%.3种土壤改良剂均能明显改善滨海盐碱地棉苗光合特性及生长,但其影响方式不同:沸石显著降低了土壤含盐量,改善了叶片光合特性并促进其生长;石膏显著降低了土壤容重,提高了根冠比;康地宝有效保持了土壤水分并明显降低pH值,增加了叶片叶绿素含量并优化了叶绿素荧光参数.  相似文献   
为研究西非沿海不同季节海洋环境因素对欧洲沙丁鱼Sardina pilchardus渔场形成的影响,基于Logistic模型,利用2007—2011年中国渔船在西非沿海捕捞欧洲沙丁鱼的渔业数据和网络获取的海洋环境遥感数据[包括海表温度(SST)、叶绿素a浓度(Chl)和海面高度异常(SSHA)],构建了春、夏、秋、冬4个季节欧洲沙丁鱼渔场与环境因素关系的模型,利用逐步回归法对自变量进行筛选,并对最优回归模型进行评价,最后利用该模型对4个季节影响欧洲沙丁鱼出现的各个环境要素进行了分析。结果表明,4个季节欧洲沙丁鱼的出现与地理位置有着密切的关系,而在4个季节中环境因素对欧洲沙丁鱼出现有着不同的作用,即春季影响欧洲沙丁鱼出现的显著因子为SST和SSHA,夏季为Chl和SSHA,秋季为SST,冬季则为SSHA。该研究结果对欧洲沙丁鱼渔场形成机制分析具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   
陈静娜  俞存根 《水产学报》2015,39(8):1250-1256
沿岸渔场是我国重要的传统渔场,但是,由于近几十年来的过度捕捞以及近年来的环境污染和栖息地破坏,沿岸渔业资源已陷入了日益枯竭的境地。本文指出了我国沿岸渔场渔业管理目前所面临的困境,并在此基础上深入分析了困境产生的根源,最后,从渔业资源管理制度的创新、渔业管理手段的完善、支撑体系的完善、渔场的规划、示范区的设立等方面提出了相应的对策建议,以期为我国渔业管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   
近海水质非线性时间序列通常由于采集范围大、时间间隔长带有一定震荡性和模糊性,这使得对其进行分析与预测有一定的难度。本研究中以某近海水质指标磷酸盐(PO3-4-P)、硝酸盐(NO-3-N)、亚硝酸盐(NO-2-N)、铵盐(TNH+4-N)和硅酸盐(Si O2-3-Si)所形成的5种时间序列为例,采用逼近细分模式导出的细分外推法和多参考加权数据的模糊预测法对近海水质时序预测进行了比较分析,并通过图形与误差计算比较了两种方法的异同。结果表明:采用细分外推法预测序列在整体形状上能更好地逼近初始时序,而模糊预测法在整体逼近精度上占有优势。本研究中提出的预测比较方法可为同类问题的预测与模型选取提供参考依据。  相似文献   
Increasing pressures from agriculture and urbanization have resulted in drainage of many floodplains along the eastern Australian coastline, which are underlain by sulphidic sediments, to lower water tables and reduce soil salinity. This leads to oxidation of the sediments with a rapid decline in pH and an increase in salinity. Accurately mapping soil salinity and pH in coastal acid sulphate soil (CASS) landscapes is therefore important. One required map is the extent of highly acidic (i.e. pH < 4.5) areas, so that the application of alkaline amendments (e.g. lime) to neutralize the acid produced can be specifically targeted to the variation in pH. One approach is to use digital soil mapping (DSM) using ancillary information, such as an EM38, digital elevation models (DEM – elevation) and trend surface parameters (east and north). We used an EM38 in the horizontal (EM38h) and vertical (EM38v) modes together with elevation data to develop multiple linear regressions (MLR) for predicting EC1:5 and pH. For pH, best results were achieved when the EM38 ECa data were log‐transformed. By comparing MLR models using REML analysis, we found that using all ancillary data was optimal for mapping EC1:5, whereas the best predictors for pH were north, log‐EM38v and elevation. Using residual maximum likelihood (REML), the final EC1:5 and pH maps produced were consistent with previously defined soil landscape units, particularly CASS. The DSM approach used is amenable for mapping saline soils and identifying areas requiring the application of lime to manage acidic soil conditions in CASS landscape.  相似文献   
Hydrodynamic models have been widely applied to river and coastal engineering projects. Understanding the hydrodynamic process is a prerequisite to modeling the pollution and sediment transport process. Hydrodynamic models of varying degrees of complexity should be selected appropriately according to the object of study, physical properties of the flow domain and hydrodynamic features. The essential procedure of hydrodynamic simulation is described in this paper. The main problems such as selection of model dimension in physical space, choice of variables, boundary conditions, initialization, design of computational grid, model resolution, parameterization of smaller scale fluctuations and sub-grid scale processes, model calibration and verification are investigated.  相似文献   
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