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To predict the occurrence of cannibalism in the culture of larval black rockfish, Sebastes schlegelii, we developed a regression model based on morphometric measurements. First, 156 black rockfish were measured to obtain a theoretical model, that is LT prey = 0.624 LT cannibal + 0.835. Then, 202 trials of paired fish, together with 31 pairs of cannibalistic fish, were used to revise this model, and the practical model was constructed: LT prey = 0.522 LT cannibal + 4.908 (R² = 0.99). According to this equation, the threshold of size ratio was deduced, that is 1.30–1.69, which could be used to grade black rockfish by size and remove potential cannibals.  相似文献   
为探明许氏平鲉低氧耐受能力及低氧胁迫过程中其血液生理生化指标和鳃组织形态结构变化,本研究分析了许氏平鲉临界氧分压(Pcrit)和失去平衡点(LOE)时溶解氧含量,观察了低氧胁迫和恢复溶解氧过程中呼吸行为和呼吸频率的变化,分析了血液生理[红细胞数目(RBC),白细胞数目(WBC),血红蛋白(Hb),红细胞积压(HCT)]、生化[葡萄糖、皮质醇]指标以及鳃组织形态学和鳃组织气体交换率(PAGE)变化。结果显示,在温度18 ℃、盐度30,pH值7.85的条件下,许氏平鲉[(88.01±5.34) g] Pcrit和LOE溶解氧含量分别为(3.96±0.11)和(2.60±0.21) mg/L。随着水体中溶解氧含量下降,血浆皮质醇和葡萄糖分别在LOE和Pcrit达到最高。许氏平鲉血液RBC、Hb和HCT在LOE达到最高。低氧过程中,许氏平鲉呼吸频率和PAGE分别于Pcrit和LOE达到最高,且低氧导致许氏平鲉鳃小片长度(SLL)、间距(ID)、周长显著增加;鳃小片宽度(SLW)则随水中溶解氧含量下降而变窄,在LOE处达到最小值。许氏平鲉鳃小片末端膨大、基质肥大、增生比例在低氧过程中显著增加。恢复正常溶解氧24 h后,上述各项检测指标恢复正常,与对照组无显著差异。实验中对照组各项指标无显著变化。研究表明,许氏平鲉对水体低溶解氧变化反应敏感,低氧应激导致其血液生理生化相关指标和鳃小片形态发生显著改变,恢复正常溶解氧24 h后可以显著缓解低氧胁迫应激。相关结果为研究许氏平鲉低氧耐受生理调控机制和高效健康养殖提供了理论依据和技术支撑。  相似文献   
气泡幕可作为海洋牧场鱼群控制的技术手段之一。本研究通过改变气泡幕在水槽中的相对位置和试验许氏平鲉(Sebastes schlegeli)的密度来观察许氏平鲉的行为反应,运用了观察法、对照试验法和控制变量法探究了气泡幕对不同密度下的许氏平鲉的阻拦效果。结果显示:1)试验鱼20尾时,气泡幕的位置分别设置在矩形水槽长的1/4、1/2和3/4处(鱼的密度为12.52、6.26、4.17尾/m2),阻拦率分别达到了98.2%、88.4%和92.9%,阻拦效果明显。2)气泡幕设置在水槽长度方向的1/2处,试验鱼分别为5尾、10尾、15尾和20尾时,气泡幕阻拦率分别达到了100%、85.7%、100%和88.4%(鱼群密度分别为1.56、3.12、4.69、6.26尾/m2),阻拦效果良好。3)由于阻拦率较高,试验鱼群密度和阻拦效率没有明显的关系。本研究结果可为我国投放许氏平鲉的海洋牧场鱼群控制技术以及取水口拦鱼技术提供参考。  相似文献   
卵胎生许氏平鲉胚胎离体培养及发育形态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵吉  冯启超  温海深 《水产学报》2016,40(8):1195-1202
为了探讨许氏平鲉的离体培养发育形态学并设计出最适的体外培养液,以海水生理盐水为主要配方,设为对照(第一组),分别加入1%许氏平鲉血清(第二组),1%许氏平鲉卵巢组织匀浆(第三组),1%胎牛血清(第四组),1%许氏平鲉血清+1%许氏平鲉卵巢组织匀浆(第五组),共形成5组不同的离体培养液。分2次从妊娠许氏平鲉卵巢中获得处于不同发育阶段的胚胎,分别为高囊胚期、晶体出现期,在上述5种不同的培养液中培养,观察记录发育状况。结果发现,胚胎在体外培养的初始阶段为高囊胚期时,虽然在5组培养液中都能发育到十六肌节期,但是每组的发育时序有很大差别,第五组发育状况最好,发育最快,为60 h。第四组发育最慢,为67 h。其余组的发育时间介于第四组和第五组之间;当初始阶段为晶体出现期时,第五组中的胚胎发育速率最快,为57 h,并且有最高的孵化率,为80%。第二组虽然有很快的发育速率,但其孵化率最低,为40%。研究表明,在体外培养条件下,许氏平鲉的受精卵发育至破膜时约200 h,且第五组(1%许氏平鲉血清+1%许氏平鲉卵巢组织匀浆)是使许氏平鲉胚胎离体发育最快的培养液。  相似文献   

An electronic nose with electrochemical gas sensors (CO, NH3, SO2 and H2S) was used as a rapid technique to monitor changes in the headspace of whole ungutted redfish (Sebastes marinus) stored in ice and under various conditions of modified atmosphere (MA) bulk storage (CO2/N2:60/40). The precision of the electronic nose measurements was determined using standard compounds (ethanol, trimethylamine, acetal-dehyde and dimethyldisulfide). The response of the CO sensor, suggesting the formation of alcohols and carbonyls, increased with time for both aerobic and MA storage and correlated well with sensory analysis using the Quality Index Method. Slower spoilage rate reflected by lower intensities of sensors' responses, lower microbial counts and less TMA production were observed in MA-stored redfish compared with aerobic storage in ice.  相似文献   
Diets of top predators may be useful indicators to the availability of forage fish in marine ecosystems. Juvenile rockfish (young‐of‐the‐year Sebastes spp.) compose a significant part of the diet for many predators in the central California Current, including chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), and several species of marine birds and mammals. Herein, we develop annual indices of juvenile rockfish relative abundance by collating time series data sets on: (i) the proportion of rockfish in the diet of three species of seabirds breeding on Southeast Farallon Island (1975–2002); (ii) the number of rockfish in chinook salmon stomachs (1980–99); and (iii) the abundance of rockfish captured in scientific mid‐water trawl net surveys (1983–2002). We used Principal Component Analysis (PCA) to combine indices, and refer to these as ‘Multivariate Rockfish Indices’ (MRI). Combining time series verifies the patterns shown by each alone and provides a synoptic perspective on juvenile rockfish relative abundance. The diets of predators with the largest foraging ranges (Common Murre, Uria aalge) and chinook salmon co‐varied strongly with the net samples, and appear to be the best indicators. The salmon also sampled species of Sebastes not caught in the nets. The MRI reveals interannual variability in juvenile rockfish abundance, a substantial decline in abundance in the 1990s, and a partial recovery in the early 2000s. Predator‐based sampling is a cost‐effective enhancement of scientific net sampling.  相似文献   
采用组织学方法系统研究了许氏平鮋Sebastes schlegeli精巢的形态结构和发育组织学。结果表明,许氏平鮋精巢属于小叶型,精细胞发育经历初级精原细胞、次级精原细胞、初级精母细胞、次级精母细胞、精子细胞和精子6个发育阶段。5月到7月,许氏平鮋精巢处于精原细胞增殖期和初级精原细胞分裂增殖,产生次级精原细胞,次级精原细胞和支持细胞组成精小囊;9月到11月进入精子发生期,精小囊中的生殖细胞进一步发育,逐渐形成精子;翌年1月到3月是精子退化吸收期,精巢中仅有初级精原细胞和残余的精子。性成熟系数(GSI)在精子发生晚期(Ⅳ期)达到全年最高峰值,雄鱼肝重指数(HSI)在退化吸收期(Ⅴ期)达到最高峰值。  相似文献   
张萌萌  刘岳  解涛  陈文蕾  唐衍力 《水产学报》2019,43(9):1925-1936
人工鱼礁是我国海洋牧场的重要组成部分。许氏平鲉是我国沿海广布的经济鱼种。为比较研究许氏平鲉的资源状况,本实验根据2016—2018年西霞口海洋牧场鱼礁区的资源调查,运用ELEFANⅠ基于许氏平鲉体长频率数据、变换体长渔获曲线法、单位补充量等渔获量曲线法和生物参考点对许氏平鲉的生长、死亡和合理利用进行初步研究,运用蒙特卡罗模拟法将不确定性引入资源评估。实验表明,浅水域许氏平鲉的平均体长、平均体质量、渐近体长和渐近体质量均大于中水域,深水域最小,表明西霞口礁区浅水域许氏平鲉的生长状况最好。中水域的捕捞死亡系数和自然死亡系数均大于深水域,浅水域最小,表明西霞口礁区中水域的许氏平鲉资源死亡率最高。本实验首次将生物学参考点及不确定性分析用于不同水深礁区的资源评价,结果发现,3种不确定水平下FBRP的判断结果与无不确定性结果一致,且F_(0.1)更适合礁区许氏平鲉的资源评估。结合Gulland理论、生物学参考点和单位补充量渔获量分析可知,礁区资源处于轻度开发状态,可以通过适当提高捕捞强度来增加渔获量。浅水域可提高到Y_W/R=25.60对应的开捕年龄为1.83 a;中水域可提高到Y_W/R=23.89对应的开捕年龄为0.93 a;深水域可提高到Y_W/R=16.74对应的开捕年龄为1.12 a。  相似文献   

为开展大亚湾黑鲷(Acanthopagrus schlegeli)的增殖和保护,于2018年1月、3月、4月和8—12月共采集了721尾黑鲷样本,研究了大亚湾黑鲷繁殖生物学的周年变化特征。结果表明,1)繁殖期的雌性全长为175~487 mm,均值为 (297.92±56.61) mm,体质量为90.96~1 907.12 g,均值为 (511.36±307.53) g,雄性全长为110~440 mm,均值为 (237.61±61.05) mm,体质量为21.92~1 370.00 g,均值为 (277.76±210.33) g,雌性个体全长显著大于雄性个体全长(P<0.001);2)性腺成熟系数和性腺发育表明大亚湾黑鲷繁殖期为11月至翌年3月;3)具有雌雄同体个体存在,表明该物种会发生性逆转,且表现为雄性个体先成熟再向雌性转变;4) 50%性成熟雌性全长达到248.52 mm,雄性为148.03 mm;5)卵径频率分布表明黑鲷为分批产卵型鱼类,绝对繁殖力为84 100~2 655 168粒,均值为 (728 732±499 547) 粒;全长相对繁殖力为380.54~8 271.55粒·mm−1,均值为 (2 731.44±1 630.93) 粒·mm−1,体质量相对繁殖力为277.58~3 592.83粒·g−1,均值为 (1 443.87±766.82) 粒·g−1,绝对繁殖力与全长、体质量及性腺质量均呈显著线性相关。

Optimal transport conditions for the live black rockfish and changes in their characteristics during long-distance transport were investigated. Oxygen consumption by black rockfish was lowest at 4°C and increased as the water temperature increased up to a maximum at 10°C. At a water temperature of 8°C and 10°C, the plasma glucose concentration of the fish was 36.2 and 38.2 mg/dL, respectively. The mean weight of the fish reduced to approximately 2.8% of initial weight after 16 days of storage at 8°C. The fish did not feed, and the survival rate of fish stored for 16 days at 8°C was 98.4%. The longer the live fish were stored in the container, the quicker the onset of rigor mortis after the slaughter was reached. Compared with fillets from control fish, the chewiness of fillets was somewhat lower (17.3%) after storage of fish for 16 days, but the softness of the fillets was slightly higher (21.6%). From these results, it was suggested that the optimum temperature for long-distance transport of the live fish was 8°C and that the long transport period of live fishes decreased their fillet quality more rapidly after fish death.  相似文献   
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