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纤维原料预处理过程中会产生酚酸等抑制菌株生长的物质,为选育出高丁醇产量及高耐受酚酸胁迫丁醇生产菌株,该研究利用多因子复合筛选策略筛选出一株能够合成足够还原力与对丁醇耐受性较好的菌株Clostridium beijerinckii W6。通过丁醇胁迫适应性进化获得丁醇耐受菌W6-1,其丁醇和总溶剂产量相较于菌株W6分别提高了14.01%和16.85%。通过紫外诱变处理菌株W6-1并结合理性筛选模型最终获得丁醇产量较高菌株W6-2,其丁醇及总溶剂产量分别可达到(9.51±0.06)和(15.32±0.11)g/L。最后将菌株W6-2通过酚酸胁迫适应性进化得到突变菌W6-3,其能耐受1.0 g/L酚酸胁迫环境,且丁醇和总溶剂产量相较于菌株W6-2分别提高了18.17%和17.49%。当以葛渣水解液为底物进行丙酮丁醇发酵时,突变菌W6-3的丁醇产量达(8.54±0.31)g/L,相较于菌株W6-2提高了26.71%。经多轮次诱变及适应性进化处理获得的突变菌的酚酸耐受性及发酵性能均有较大提高,该文所采用的多轮次筛选方法可以为其他快速筛选优良生产菌提供可靠的理论参考。  相似文献   
[目的]研究制备核桃蛋白水解物的最佳工艺条件及水解物的抗氧化活性。[方法]以核桃蛋白为底物,采用正交试验研究制备其中性蛋白酶水解物的工艺条件,通过测定自由基清除能力研究酶水解物的抗氧化活性。[结果]制备核桃蛋白酶水解物的最优工艺条件为:温度40℃、底物浓度4%、酶浓度4 000 U/g、pH值8.0;核桃蛋白酶水解物的水解度与其对羟自由基(OH.)和超氧阴离子自由基(O2.)的清除能力有关,其水解度为24.2%时对羟自由基(OH.)和超氧阴离子自由基(O2.)的清除率分别为17.0%和52.0%。[结论]采用Sephdex G-25凝胶柱层析对水解度为24.2%的酶水解物进行分离,得到了A、B、C和D 4种肽混合物,其中,肽混合物C的自由基清除能力最大,肽混合物D最小。  相似文献   
The annual dynamics of fish assemblage in a pond-connecting canal of a South Moravian pond aquaculture facility was studied to reveal potential assemblage effects on pond stocks and vice versa. The species richness of fish assemblage and seasonal dynamics of its development were predominantly dependent upon the fish stock of the interconnected ponds (particularly due to escapees during the period of pond harvesting), which contributed to a considerable increase of commercial fish species occurrence. Using a seasonal parameter, the season proved to have a major impact on fish assemblage dynamics (r = −0.71, P < 0.001). Spring samples were dominated by commercial fishes of aquaculture origin (mainly Cyprinus carpio). Occurrence of several fish species originating from the wild (bleak, Alburnus alburnus, chub, Leuciscus cephalus and roach, Rutilus rutilus) was also reported. The pond canal was found to be an important reservoir site of persistent survival and potential subsequent spreading of some undesirable alien fishes such as topmouth gudgeon (Pseudorasbora parva) and gibel carp (Carrasius auratus). Moreover, more attention should be paid to the potential negative impacts of all fishes of aquaculture origin upon the natural ecosystem and to the adverse effects due to the immigration of wild fish into aquaculture pond farming units.  相似文献   
敌百虫对白云山鱼的急性毒性试验   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
进行了敌百虫对国家二级保护水生野生动物白云山鱼的急性毒性试验。结果表明:敌百虫对白云山鱼的12,24和48 h TLM半致死浓度分别为5.4,4.0,4.0 mg/L;安全浓度为1.2 mg/L。  相似文献   
为了探明碱法提取玉米芯木聚糖的最适条件,对玉米芯木聚糖的提取条件进行了研究,并对提取的不同木聚糖进行酶解。结果表明:碱法提取玉米芯木聚糖时,在100g/L NaOH、1∶20固液比、60℃、3h的条件下进行一次性提取,木聚糖得率达29.45%。提取液离心可得到纯度达80.5%的水不溶性木聚糖(wis-X),乙醇沉淀得到的水溶性木聚糖(ws-X)纯度为6.4%。wis-X的酶解产物是木糖和3种低聚木糖,ws-X的酶解产物是葡萄糖和3种低聚木糖。因此,玉米芯是制备wis-X和低聚木糖的理想原料,从简化工艺和节约成本角度考虑,碱提前不需稀酸预处理,适宜条件下提取1次即可。  相似文献   
大型水库实施生态调度是修复河流水文情势、维持河流生态系统健康的重要手段。江垭水库位于溇水干流下游的张家界慈利县,是澧水流域具有重要防洪意义的大型水库。本研究通过环境DNA采样、IHA水文指标变动分析和文献资料总结等方法,开展了江垭坝下水文情势及鱼类繁殖需求的关系研究,提出了江垭水库生态调度需求及建议。2021年9月在溇水干支流综合调查到鱼类55种,与上世纪90年代相比,流水性种类在干流江段显著减少了51.35%;按照生态调度优先等级评估原则,确定江垭水库生态调度的主要目标物种为产漂流性卵的银鲴、银鮈、贝氏?和产粘沉性卵的鲤、鲫;江垭建坝前后下游水文情势变化较大,发生高度改变且对鱼类洄游产卵及鱼卵发育有重要作用的水文指标包括:年最大1日、3日平均流量指标,年出现高流量脉冲事件的次数和持续时间,以及连续日流量上涨率。以促进坝下不同产卵类型的鱼类繁殖为目标,江垭水库生态调度一方面需要恢复一定的高流量脉冲次数和历时,另一方面需要控制下游的水位日降幅,通过泄放合理的生态流量来维持下游鱼类的生物多样性。  相似文献   
Four heat coagulated early weaning diets with increasing concentrations of pepsin hydrolysed protein, were investigated with regard to the change in protein quality during feed production and exposure to leaching. Water-soluble N, trichloroacetic acid-soluble N and amino acid (AA) profiles were determined in finished diets and in diets leached for 6 min. In vitro diet digestibility was measured and related to increasing inclusion of hydrolysed protein and N leakage. Seventeen to 47% of soluble N in the feed ingredients was made insoluble by heat denaturation during feed production, but the concentration of peptides and free amino acids (FAA) were not influenced. All peptides/FAA and 70–80% of water-soluble protein were lost after exposure to leaching. Increased inclusion of hydrolysed protein increased the loss of crude protein (15–30%). All taurine and 30% of histidine was lost during leaching, no other major changes in AA profile were found. There was no difference in digestibility between diets exposed to leaching. However, leached diets showed reduced digestibility as compared to diets that had not been exposed to leaching. In conclusion micro-bound type diets as used in this study have a low efficiency in delivering soluble N to fish larvae and should be carefully considered for this purpose.  相似文献   
Abstract— In an open, uncontrolled study, 10 dogs with atopy were given evening primrose oil (EPO) (5ml/10kg/day) over a period of 9 weeks. During the first three weeks pruritus, scaling and oedema worsened but erythema and coat condition tended to improve. Subsequently all these parameters tended to improve. The effect on oedema was significant (p < 0.05). Eight of these dogs and two others were then given a 4:1 mixture of EPO and marine fish oil for 9 weeks. Although further reductions in scale and improvements in coat condition were marked in some animals, no significant changes occurred. Alterations in the plasma phospholipid essential fatty acid levels reflected the compositions of the two supplements. These findings suggest that EPO can ameliorate of atopy in dogs. This mirrors observations obtained in studies of human atopic eczema. Résumé— Dans une étude ouverte, sans lot témoin, 10 chiens souffrant d'atopie ont reçu de l'huile d'onagre (5 ml/10 kg/jour) pendant une période de 9 semaines. Pendant les 3 premières semaines, le prurit, le squamosis et l'oedème se sont aggravés mais, l'érythème et l'aspect du poil tendaient à s'améliorer. Enfin tous ces parametres tendaient à s'améliorer. L'effet sur l'érythème a été significatif (p < 0.05). Huit de ces chiens et deux autres ont alors reçu un mélange (4:1) d'huile d'onagre et d'huile de poisson de mer pendant 9 semaines. Bien qu'ultérieurement la diminution du squamosis et l'amélioration de l'état de la fourrure aient été manifestes chez certains animaux, il n'y eut pas de changement significatif. Les modifications des taux d'acides gras essentiels des phospholipides plasmatiques ont reflété la composition des deux supplémentations. Ces observations suggèrent que l'huile d'onagre peut apporter une amélioration de l'atopie canine. Cela reflète certains résultats observés lors d'études sur l'eczéma atopique de l'homme. Zusammenfassung— In einer offenen, nicht kontrollierten Untersuchung wurde 10 Hunden mit Atopie Nachtkerzenöl (EPO) in einer Dosierung von 5 ml/10 kg/Tag über einen Zeitraum von 9 Wochen verabreicht. Während der ersten 3 Wochen verschlimmerten sich Pruritus, Schuppenbildung und Ödeme, während Erytheme und Fellzustand eher eine Tendenz zur Besserung zeigten. Danach besserten sich alle diese Parameter. Die Wirkung auf Erytheme war signifikant (p < 0.05). Acht dieser Hunde und zwei andere erhielten 9 Wochen lang Nachtkerzenöl und Seefischöl in einer Mischung von 4:1 im Anschlufl an diese Untersuchung. Obwohl eine weitere Verminderung der Schuppenbildung und eine Vorbesserung der Fellqualität bei einigen Tieren festgestellt wurden, waren diese Veränderungen nicht signifikant. Die Veränderungen der essentiellen phospholipiden Fettsäuren im Plasma spiegeln die Zusammensetzung der beiden verabreichten Öle wieder. Diese Befunde weisen darauf hin, daß die Atopie des Hundes durch EPO gebessert werden kann. Dies entspricht auch Beobachtungen bei Untersuchungen des atopischen Exzems des Menschen.  相似文献   
We examined the effects of chicken egg hydrolysate (also known as “bone peptide” or BP) on bone metabolism in 5- to 8-month-old orchidectomized dogs. The bone formation marker serum bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and the bone resorption marker urine deoxypyridinoline (DPD) were used as indicators to measure changes in bone metabolism. The following results were observed that Serum BAP was higher in dogs fed BP-enriched food throughout the clinical investigation. Serum BAP was statistically significantly higher in dogs fed BP-enriched food than in dogs fed non-BP-enriched food at 2 months after orchidectomy. This suggests that BP promoted bone formation immediately after orchidectomy.  相似文献   
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