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樟子松引种驯化和遗传改良研究现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
樟子松为中国北方特有的珍贵树种,具有生长快、适应性、耐干旱瘠薄的优良特性,经济、社会和生态价值显著。因此,樟子松这一珍贵资源的引种驯化与遗传改良极为重要,在汲取国内外相关研究成果和学术观点的基础上,系统阐述了樟子松的种源试验、引种驯化、遗传改良、良种选育、种质保存及可持续利用等领域的研究现状和进展,指出了种质资源保存方面存在的不足,展望了种质资源可持续经营的广阔前景,提出了优异种质创新利用的具体思路和对策,以期为拯救并保护障子松资源提供理论参考。  相似文献   
以野生黄精鲜根为试材,研究驯化栽培中光照及水分对其株高的影响。结果表明:遮荫比全光照栽培利于株高生长,二者达极显著差异;灌溉措施仅在5月对株高影响显著,后期灌溉对株高影响不大。综合试验结果得出较优栽培措施:遮荫条件下,前期视垄表20 cm深墒情达20%以下及时灌溉,后期雨季无需灌溉,适当控水。  相似文献   
欧洲白桦(Betula pendula Roth.)为经济价值较高的工业用材和景观美化树种,生态适应性较强,分布广泛.为了丰富我国寒温带用材树种资源和生态城市建设种质资源的遗传多样性,遵循供种区与引种区环境条件相似原则,根据引种区土壤、植被分布、地形地貌和地理位置等主要环境条件,确定与之相适应的供种区.以欧洲白桦为研究对象,在引种驯化的基础上,系统开展家系子代的生长动态规律、变异性、生态适应性和抗逆性分析,综合评价遗传力和遗传增益等遗传参量的遗传效应.结果表明:欧洲白桦家系子代的生长趋势与东北白桦基本上趋于一致,能较快地适应新的生态环境,但生长性状存在一定的变异,其中:树高性状变异较小,地径性状变异较大,当年高生长变异最大,平均变异系数分别为2.50%,27.76%和50.31%.欧洲白桦的家系遗传力较强,遗传增益较高,遗传效应显著,3个性状的家系遗传力分别为0.7623,0.8083和0.6375,遗传增益分别为16.89%,17.97%及25.63%,应用前景广阔.  相似文献   
It is possible that current tree domestication practices undertaken by farmers reduce the genetic base of tree resources on farms, raising concerns regarding the productivity, sustainability and conservation value of agroforestry ecosystems. Here, we assessed possible changes in genetic variation during domestication in the important and heavily utilised timber species, Vitex fischeri Gürke (syn. Vitex keniensis), by comparing geographically proximate forest and farm material in central Kenya. Employing RAPD analysis, a total of 104 polymorphic markers revealed by five arbitrary primers were scored in a total of 65 individuals, 32 from forest and 33 from farmland. Despite concerns of possible genetic erosion, forest and farm stands did not differ significantly in levels of genetic variation, with H values of 0.278 and 0.269, respectively. However, Mantel tests did reveal greater geographically related associative genetic structure among individuals in farm rather than forest material, with r M values of 0.217 and 0.114, respectively. A more detailed analysis of structure suggested this could be due to local variation in origin of some on-farm trees. Implications of data for the genetic management of V. fischeri stands during farmer-led tree domestication activities are discussed. At present, there appears little reason to reject on-farm V. fischeri as a source of germplasm for future on-farm planting or for conservation purposes, although this situation may change and will require monitoring.  相似文献   
Sesamum mulayanum is a wild relative of cultivated sesame, Sesamum indicum, and sometimes grows in sesame crop fields as an associated weed. This species shows deep seed dormancy and is characterized by conspicuous purple pigmentation on the lower lip of the corolla. The present study examined the inheritance mode of seed dormancy by using reciprocal progeny from crosses between the two species. The seeds of S. indicum and F1 (S. indicum×S. mulayanum) showed good germination, but those of S. mulayanum and F1 (S. mulayanum×S. indicum) showed deep dormancy. The F2 seeds from both reciprocal crosses showed deep dormancy. These results, combined with the maternal inheritance of seed‐coat characteristics, indicated that the seed dormancy of S. mulayanum can be attributed to its seed‐coat structure (coat‐enhanced dormancy). The F3 (S. indicum×S. mulayanum) seeds varied in their depth of seed dormancy and those seeds with deep dormancy (<50% germination) and those with no or shallow dormancy (≥50% germination) occurred in the expected ratio of 3:1, indicating that this trait is polygenic but is controlled by a single dominant major gene. The purple pigmentation of the corolla was expressed in both reciprocal F1 plants and the presence and absence of pigmentation was segregated among the F2 plants at the expected ratio of 3:1, indicating that this trait is also controlled by a single dominant gene. The segregation of the major gene controlling seed dormancy and that controlling purple pigmentation was not independent (9:3:3:1), indicating that these genes are linked, providing insights on sesame domestication.  相似文献   
落粒性是野生稻适应自然环境和保持群体繁衍的重要性状,落粒性的丧失是水稻驯化过程中的一个关键事件。落粒程度既直接影响水稻的产量,也影响其对现代化机械收割方式的适应性。本文综述了近年来水稻落粒性的研究进展,包括水稻落粒的生理基础、落粒性基因的定位与克隆,以及调控落粒性的分子机理。  相似文献   
This study investigated the effects of serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine or 5HT) on ovarian development in Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man. Adult female prawns at the ovarian stage I (spent) were injected with 5HT at 1, 5, 10, 20 and 50 μg g− 1 body weight (BW) intramuscularly on days 0, 5 and 10, and sacrificed on day 15. The doses as related to the effect could be categorized into three levels: low (1 and 5 μg g− 1 BW of 5HT), medium (10 and 20 μg g− 1 BW of 5HT) and high (50 μg g− 1 BW of 5HT). The low-dose, especially at 1 μg g− 1 BW, caused prawns to exhibit a significant increase in ovarian index (ovarian weight/body weight × 100) (5.79 ± 0.09%) as compared to the control (1.49%). The ovaries of most of these prawns could develop to stage IV (mature) and contained synchronously mature oocytes while most of the control ovaries remained at stage I and II (proliferative), and contained only oogonia to previtellogenic (Oc1, Oc2) and early vitellogenic oocytes (Oc3). The medium- and high-dose treated prawns exhibited ovaries that could reach stages III and IV and contained various types of oocytes of different maturity. Pretreatment with 5HT receptor antagonist, cyproheptadine (CYP), at 10 μg g− 1 BW before 5HT injection significantly suppressed the effect of 5HT. Intramuscular injection of the 5HT-primed thoracic ganglion culture medium into CYP-pretreated prawns resulted in the increase of ovarian index about 5–6 times more than in the control, and in the groups injected with 5HT-primed media from muscle strip, eyestalk and brain. The ovaries of most prawn could develop up to stage IV and contained synchronously developed vitellogenic (Oc4) and mature oocytes (Oc5). These findings suggest that 5HT indirectly induces ovarian development and oocytes maturation in M. rosenbergii, probably via a putative ovarian stimulating factor released from the thoracic ganglia.  相似文献   
珊瑚菌是由一些担子菌门真菌物种组成的,兼具食药用功能,从珊瑚菌中提取的活性物质具有抗菌、抗氧化、抗癌等多种作用,开发研究价值重大。本文对珊瑚菌的作用、生境、宏观微观特征及系统发育研究现状进行了概述,并对珊瑚菌在宜昌地区的发展前景进行了浅析,为珊瑚菌的驯化、研究和利用提供了一定的理论基础。  相似文献   
野生朱红硫磺菌驯化栽培研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
营养试验、菌丝体培养和出菇温度试验、培养基酸碱度试验、出菇条件试验结果表明:朱红硫磺菌菌丝体适宜生长的温度范围为15-32℃,最适温度范围为22~28℃;子实体发生的最适温度为16~25℃,气温低于16℃,子实体色泽为淡橙色,16℃以上,子实体呈鲜橙红色;培养料适宜营养C/N为20-26/1;朱红硫磺菌菌丝体适宜酸碱度范围为pH3.0~8.0,最适酸碱度为pH4.0—6.5;朱红硫磺菌的产量与光照条件无关,但光照强度影响子实体的发生时间和色泽;朱红硫磺菌栽培原料广泛,凡栽培木腐菌的培养料均可用于栽培朱红硫磺菌。  相似文献   
石蛙养殖中几个关键时期的饲养管理技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过几年的实践,总结石蛙养殖中几个关键时期的驯养经验。在卵孵化期,特别要注意水质清新无污染,水中的溶氧量高。在蝌蚪生长期,必须关注饮食卫生,不要饲喂长时间煮过的饲料。在幼蛙生长期,对水质的要求十分严格,一定要按幼蛙身体大小饲喂不同大小的蚯蚓,特别是刚变态的幼蛙,最好饲喂小蝇蛆。  相似文献   
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