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Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) is an invasive species that has become an important orchard pest in the Mid-Atlantic region of the US. Adults and nymphs feed on tree fruit. Feeding injury from adults has been characterized but the injury from nymphs has not been examined systematically. Since the four plant-feeding instars of H. halys (second through fifth) differ substantially in size, it is plausible that the effects of their feeding on fruit injury and injury expression may differ among them. We compared feeding injury at harvest from young nymphs (second plus third instars), older nymphs (fourth plus fifth instars), and adults that were caged on ‘Smoothee Golden’ apples and ‘Redhaven’ peaches in early June (peach and apple), late July (peach), and late August (apple). Individual apples and peaches were caged at fruit set and assigned to the following treatments (n = 28/treatment): 1) control (no H. halys), 2) young nymphs or 3) adults early in the season, and 4) young nymphs, 5) older nymphs or 6) adults later in the season. Fruit in each treatment were exposed to 3–4 young nymphs, two older nymphs or 1–2 adults placed in the cages for 96 h and evaluated for external and internal feeding injury within 36 h after harvest. No injury was recorded from unexposed peaches or apples. The percentage of injured fruit and number of injuries per fruit varied significantly among the exposed treatments. Early season feeding by young nymphs yielded the least injury to peaches and apples. In apples, the highest percentage of injured fruit and number of injuries per fruit were caused by late season feeding by adults. In peaches, early season adult feeding produced the highest percentage of injured fruit and injuries per fruit. More internal than external injury was recorded on peach and no such difference was observed on apple. The implications of these findings on H. halys management in fruit orchards are discussed.  相似文献   
Fenthion (organophosphate) was used in Australia to target adults, eggs and larvae of Mediterranean fruit fly (Medfly), Ceratitis capitata Wiedmann (Diptera: Tephritidae) in deciduous fruits. With its removal from use in 2015, clothianidin and thiacloprid (neonicotinoids) were evaluated for any adulticide, ovicide or larvicide (eggs, larvae) activity against Medfly in a series of laboratory and field-cage experiments in peach and nectarine. We included fenthion in all experiments as a positive control. As an adulticide, fenthion had the greatest residual toxicity on fruit, with 7 d old residues killing 44% of adults within 48 h compared to thiacloprid (17%) and clothianidin (30%). When applied as a larvicide to naturally infested peaches, none of the insecticides was 100% effective, though fewest pupae (1.18 ± 0.19 pupae/fruit) (indirect measurement of larval survival) were produced when treated with fenthion, followed by clothianidin (3.40 ± 0.33 pupae/fruit) and thiacloprid (6.88 ± 0.34 pupae/fruit); with 11.35 ± 0.30 pupae/fruit in control (water). In peaches treated 48 h post-infestation, fenthion was most effective in reducing numbers of pupae and adult emergence and with higher percentage of deformed adults, with thiacloprid=clothianidin. In nectarines treated 48 h post-infestation, fenthion was most effective in reducing numbers of pupae and adult emergence as well as with higher percentage of deformed adults, followed by clothianidin. Insecticides were least effective when applied as a preventative 24 h or 7 d prior to infestation, with fenthion more effective than clothianidin. Whilst our study shows that neither clothianidin nor thiacloprid are equivalent to fenthion, they are acceptable substitutes to growers for use for Medfly in deciduous fruits given that fenthion is no longer available to growers in Australia. We recommend that growers incorporate other controls to target the adult stage rather than rely only on new insecticides.  相似文献   
黄可莹 《热带作物学报》2016,36(11):116-118
泰国东部水果市场长期存在供过于求的问题,造成水果价格不断降低、大批滞销水果丢弃,虽然政府实施价格干预政策,但仍无法解决这些问题。近年来,由于中国市场的大量购买需求,泰国东部的水果大量出口到中国,使该问题得以解决,泰国水果种植农民及水果商人也随之富裕起来。但需要注意的是,随着中国水果中间商直接向泰国农民收购水果的情况逐步扩大,这种发展在未来可能给泰国带来很大风险。本文针对泰国东部水果出口中国的情况进行分析,并揭示其中隐藏的风险。  相似文献   
吸水链霉菌(Streptomyces hygroscopicus)B04是一株生防菌,本文采用De Wit模型研究了B04固体发酵的最佳基质配比,利用盆栽试验及田间实验研究B04固体发酵菌剂对草莓生长及果实品质的影响。结果表明,菌株B04固体发酵基质的最佳配比是蚯蚓粪与麦麸质量比1∶1,在料水比1∶0.8、pH 7.2~7.5、28℃条件下,发酵周期7 d,菌体数量能达到5.3×10~(10)CFU·g~(-1)。盆栽试验证实,B04固体发酵菌剂能显著促进草莓生长,增加草莓植株生物量,并降低草莓发病率,生防效果达到64.35%。田间实验表明,B04固体发酵菌剂能明显改善草莓品质,提高草莓果实中维生素C含量,增加糖酸比。  相似文献   
【目的】 探讨不同时期土施不同剂量维生素 B6 后对果实营养品质和香气品质的影响,为提高富士果实品质提供新的营养途径。 【方法】 于 2013 年和 2014 年在山东蒙阴县进行了富士苹果田间试验。试验设两个施用时间分别为 4 月和 6 月,在富士苹果距主干 60 cm 处土施维生素 B6,剂量分别为 0、3、5、7 g/plant。果实成熟时测定果实的氮磷钾含量、可溶性固形物、Vc 等营养品质指标及香气物质成分。 【结果】 2013 年和 2014 年果实中氮、磷、钾含量均以 4 月份施 B6 7 g/plant 处理最高,与对照差异显著。4 月、6 月份土施 B6 7 g/plant 处理的各项品质指标基本都显著高于对照,同等剂量不同施用时间果实各测定指标 4 月与 6 月份之间差异显著 (除 2014 年硬度外)。2013 年和 2014 年施用 7 g/plant 处理的总酯类挥发性物质的相对含量都显著高于对照。酯类物质中 2-甲基丁酸乙酯的相对含量在 2013 年和 2014 年的所有处理 (除 2013 年 4 月施用 3 g/plant 和 2014 年 6 月施用 7 g/plant 处理外) 都明显高于当年对照。两年中 4 月施用 7 g/plant 处理果实中的 2-甲基丁酸乙酯的含量在当年处理中最高,并与其它处理存在显著差异。果实中丁酸乙酯、己酸乙酯、2-甲基丁酸丁酯、2-甲基丁酸异丙酯相对含量在 2013 年和 2014 年 4 月和 6 月施用 7 g/plant 处理中都明显高于对照。 【结论】 4 月施用维生素 B6 提高果实的营养品质和单果重效果最佳,6 月施用提高果实的香气品质更佳;本研究条件下,维生素 B6 的适宜用量为 5~7 g/plant。   相似文献   
果品产量是衡量区域农产品生产功能的重要指标。果品产量的空间离散化,有助于揭示区域内部要素的空间差异性和获取微观尺度的果品产量数据。该研究依据地形起伏度和土地利用分区将平谷区划分为平原区、浅山区和深山区,并分别建立离散化模型进行修正,将村果品产量离散到500 m×500 m格网下的果园图斑上。结果表明:(1)村果品模拟产量与果品实际产量的相关性系数由总体样本建模的0.585提高到分区建模的0.690,表明分区建模是一种有效的方法。(2)各区影响因素与产量的关系存在差异。平原区果园面积对果品产量呈现线性影响;浅山区和深山区果园面积对果品产量的影响较为剧烈,呈幂指数关系,并且增加海拔高度和坡度2个变量后模型的拟合效果均有改善。(3)在自然环境、社会经济等综合影响下,平谷区果品产量呈现地带性分布。其中,产量较高的区域集中分布于地形相对平缓、自然本底较好、农民劳作便利的浅山带;而平原区和深山区分别受政策限制和地形限制,果品产量相对较低。  相似文献   
为了引导农民选择好的甜玉米(Zea mays L.)品种,从湖北省仙桃市种子市场收集表现较好的品种,并以现在广泛种植的金中玉作对照,通过展示试验,选出果穗性状优于对照,且产量不低于对照的品种.结果表明,金银518、金银818、金钻3号、楚甜双喜虽与对照产量差异不显著,但果穗性状优于对照,市场前景好,具有较大的推广价值.  相似文献   
[目的]优化枇杷果酒酿造的工艺参数。[方法]以湖北省荆门市当地的枇杷鲜果为原料,采用正交试验和感官评定考察不同发酵温度、酵母接种量、起始糖浓度、p H和发酵时间对枇杷果酒质量的影响。[结果]枇杷果酒发酵的最佳工艺条件是发酵温度15℃,起始糖浓度20 Brix,p H 3.6,酵母接种量0.4%,前期发酵时间6 d。[结论]所得果酒透明清亮,色泽淡黄,酒体醇香,为枇杷的深加工利用提供了参考途径。  相似文献   
依托专家系统,构建了基于遗传算法优化神经网络的病害诊断预警平台、生产管理预警平台和物流运输预警平台,合理布置传感器,同时应用了RFID、3G、Zig Bee、GPRS等物联网技术。该系统用于涮涮辣示范生产,在生产与运输过程中,起到了对环境参数超出适宜值范围进行预警,并能精细调控肥水、温湿度、农药等的作用,以降低生产成本,大范围应用能产生更好的经济效益。  相似文献   
为研究澳洲坚果在云南省干热河谷地区果实生长规律以及落果规律,同时为干热河谷地区澳洲坚果的生产提供理论依据以及科学指导,以3 个澳洲坚果品种‘HASE695’、‘HASE900’、‘Own Choice’为材料,对果实生长特性及落果特点进行调查。结果表明:澳洲坚果果实生长膨大的关键时期为4 月中下旬—5 月中旬,增长了1.38~1.54 cm;在潞江坝干热河谷地区澳洲坚果存在2 个落果高峰期,第1 落果高峰期主要以授粉受精不良以及果实快速生长营养不良导致,第2 高峰期则主要表现为熟前落果,HASE695’、‘HASE900’、‘Own Choice’在这期间的落果分别占落果总数的2.7%、2.11%、4.51%,这期间澳洲坚果果实已经达到恒定大小。研究发现,澳洲坚果的保果措施应该主要针对这一期间进行深入研究,使落果减少,提高产量。  相似文献   
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