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陈辉 《古今农业》2007,(1):48-53
“过密化”理论是黄宗智评价和分析中国小农经济的理论基点,用来解释中国特定历史时期内“没有发展的增长”的经济现象。“过密化”现象也同样影响着20世纪初华北小农的行动逻辑。从小农的生存境遇出发研究小农的行动逻辑,这也是对国外研究中国小农的三种传统的回应。  相似文献   
动物主要通过采食来获取能量和所需营养物质,探索肠道菌群对猪采食行为的影响并研究其潜在的作用机制,可以为后续通过调控肠道菌群来改善猪采食提供理论基础。以210头商业杜洛克猪为研究对象,使用自动喂料器记录包括平均日采食时间(ADET)、平均日采食次数(ADEV)、平均日采食量(ADFI)等采食行为指标。140日龄时于肛门处收集粪便样品,通过16S rRNA基因V3-V4区测序获得试验猪肠道微生物结构与组成概况,采用Two-part模型以及共丰度组(CAGs)鉴别与猪采食行为相关的肠道微生物种类。结果显示:1)表型间相关性分析结果表明,ADET分别与ADEV(r=0.41,P<0.05)、RFI(r=0.32,P<0.05)呈显著正相关,ADFI分别与RFI(r=0.56,P<0.05)、平均日增重(ADG)(r=0.63,P<0.05)呈显著正相关,另外,RFI与背膘厚呈显著正相关(r=0.16,P<0.05)。2)CAGs分析中,主要包括瘤胃球菌科(Ruminococcaceae)、拟杆菌目(Bacteroidales)以及颤螺菌属(Oscillospira...  相似文献   
贺明荣  曹鸿鸣 《作物学报》1998,24(3):380-384
运用^15N和^14C示踪技术,研究了雹灾后施氮配合中耕对棉株吸氮动态,吸氮量,^14C同化物生产及运转分配的影响。研究结果表明,蕾期遭受雹灾后及对施氮并配合中耕,可使棉株开始吸收肥料氮的时间提前,棉株吸氮量、含氮量和肥料利用率也显著提高。棉株花铃期的相对光合作用强度(以放射性比强表示)和^14CO2同化量均显著高于单纯施氮处理和对照。而且,棉株的同化产物以较大的比例转运至生殖器官特别是成铃中,并  相似文献   
在低温和弱光下对5个不同来源的黄瓜品种苗期^14C-同化物运输分配进行了研究。结果表明,两种低温20℃/10℃(昼/夜)和15℃持续低温均明显地抑制了喂叶同化物的运输率,与对照均呈极显著差异,显著的抑制部位是向其它叶的运输,而生长点,茎和根系部分均未受一抑制,与对照无明显差异,低温下不同品种间的不同部位的同化物的运输分配未出现显著差异。  相似文献   
分别用1×10~7,5×10~8,2×10~6和8×10~5剂量的枯氏住肉孢子虫Sarcocystis cruzi孢子囊感染7头公水牛犊,感染后5~8周,血清谷草转氨酶(SGOT)活性和血液尿素氮(BUN)含量升高;血清谷丙转氨酶(SGPT)活性除5×10~6剂量组外均呈下降;血清乳酸脱氢酶(SLDH)活性升高,但8×10~5剂量组升高不明显;血清碱性磷酸酶(SAKP)活性以及血清钠、钾、镁和钙的含量试验组与对照组之间无明显差异;血清氯的含量随感染剂量而变化,即l×10~7和5×10~6剂最组感染后5周升高,而8×10~5剂量组在整个试验期间均卞降;血清磷变化轻微且与感染剂量有关。  相似文献   
Caused by the necessarily imperfect seed placement accuracy of sowing machines and, additionally, caused by many other biotic and abiotic factors, the resulting plant stands exhibit nonregular spatial distributions of its plants. Based on several simplifying assumptions, a stochastic approach is developed which allows an estimation of the effects of nonregular spatial patterns on yield per area. In this approach, two random variables are attached to each plant: single plant yield E and individual space A . The latter is estimated by the area of Thiessen polygons. Yield per area, calculated by the expectation of the ratio E/A , can be approximately expressed dependent on the means ( Ē and Ā ) and coefficients of variation ( v E and v A ) of E and A and their correlation ( r EA ). In relation to the commonly used estimate Ē/Ā for yield per area, one obtains yield decreases if v A / v E  <  r EA . This inequality, however, will be usually valid in the field of applications. The theoretical approaches and results were applied to three experimental data sets for drilled seeds of winter oilseed rape ( Brassica napus L.) (plant density: 60 plants m−2, row distance: 10 cm). These data sets are characterized by different accuracies of longitudinal distributions within rows (58 %, 101 %, 150 %): yield depression increases with an increasing variability of plant distances within rows.  相似文献   
The study was carried out on the reclaimed lands of a bore-hole sulphur mine. The cropping of two succeeding cuts of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) was determined and its chemical composition was analyzed. Alfalfa was cultivated on waste lime (flotation tailings), enriched with a humus layer. The levels of basic nutrients, total S, total F, Ca, P, Mg, K, Na, Fe and Mn were determined in alfalfa. The biomass of an average crop was 6830 kg  ha–1 in the first cut and 14300 kg  ha–1 in the second one. The yields of dry matter as well as of crude and true proteins were positively correlated with the phosphorus level in the dry matter of alfalfa (P < 0.01). The level of total sulphur was positively linearly correlated with the phosphorus content (P < 0.01). No harmful accumulation of sulphur or fluoride was observed. A deficiency of phosphorus in alfalfa and an abnormal Ca:P weight ratio was found. The S total level was positively correlated with N total concentration. (P < 0.01). The percentage of true protein in crude protein was negatively correlated with total sulphur (P < 0.01). The level of nonprotein nitrogen compounds was positively correlated with S total level (P < 0.01).  相似文献   
张保恩  黄学林 《种子》1999,(3):3-5,17
浸汽后快速回干的菜心种子活力和细胞膜的完整性较差。经过5次浸泡/回干/贮藏循环自理种子活力和发芽率得以较好保持与提高,增加了耐和性和抗老化能力,且每次循环浸泡4h和6h效果较好。渗漏物测定表明每次浸泡/回干/贮藏循环处理浸泡液的电子率和芥子碱相对含量均与种子活力显著负相关。  相似文献   
运用PLS算法由HJ-1A/1B遥感影像估测区域小麦实际单产   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为进一步提高遥感估产精度,显示国产影像在农业估产中的应用效果。该研究以2010-2013年HJ-1A/1B影像为遥感数据,分析了卫星遥感变量与小麦实际单产的定量关系,运用偏最小二乘回归算法构建及验证了以实际单产为目标的多变量遥感估产模型,并制作了小麦实际单产空间等级分布图。研究表明:实际单产与所选用的大多数遥感变量间关系密切,且多数遥感变量两两间具有严重的多重相关关系;实际单产偏最小二乘回归模型的最佳主成分为5,且植被衰减指数、绿色归一化植被指数、调整土壤亮度的植被指数、比值植被指数和归一化植被指数为实际单产遥感估测的敏感变量;建模集和验证集实际单产估测模型的决定系数分别为0.74和0.70,均方根误差分别为754.05和748.20 kg/hm2,相对误差分别为11.5%和8.88%,且估测精度比线性回归算法分别提高20%以上和40%以上,比主成分分析算法分别提高18%以上和30%以上,说明偏最小二乘回归算法模型估测区域实际单产的效果要明显好于线性回归和主成分分析算法,该模型应用结果与小麦实际单产区域分布情况相符合,为提高区域小麦实际单产的遥感估测精度提供了一种途径。  相似文献   
Limitations to the respiratory activity of heterotrophic soil microorganisms exert important controls of CO2 efflux from soils. In the northeastern US, ecosystem nutrient status varies across the landscape and changes with forest succession following disturbance, likely impacting soil microbial processes regulating the transformation and emission of carbon (C). We tested whether nitrogen (N) or phosphorus (P) limit the mineralization of soil organic C (SOC) or that of added C sources in the Oe horizon of successional and mature northern hardwood forests in three locations in central New Hampshire, USA. Added N reduced mineralization of C from SOC and from added leaf litter and cellulose. Added P did not affect mineralization from SOC; however, it did enhance mineralization of litter- and cellulose- C in organic horizons from all forest locations. Added N increased microbial biomass N and K2SO4-extractable DON pools, but added P had no effect. Microbial biomass C increased with litter addition but did not respond to either nutrient. The direction of responses to added nutrients was consistent among sites and between forest ages. We conclude that in these organic horizons limitation by N promotes mineralization of C from SOC, whereas limitation by P constrains mineralization of C from new organic inputs. We also suggest that N suppresses respiration in these organic horizons either by relieving the N limitation of microbial biomass synthesis, or by slowing turnover of C through the microbial pool; concurrent measures of microbial growth and turnover are needed to resolve this question.  相似文献   
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