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Denitrification losses from puddled rice soils in the tropics   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Although denitrification has long been considered a major loss mechanism for N fertilizer applied to lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.) soils, direct field measurements of denitrification losses from puddled rice soils in the tropics have only been made recently. This paper summarizes the results of direct measurement and indirect estimation of denitrification losses from puddled rice fields and reviews the status of research methodology for measurement of denitrification in rice fields. The direct recovery of (N2+N2O)-15N from 15N-enriched urea has recently been measured at sites in the Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia. In all 12 studies, recoveries of (N2+N2O)-15N ranged from less than 0.1 to 2.2% of the applied N. Total gaseous N losses, estimated by the 15N-balance technique, were much greater, ranging from 10 to 56% of the applied urea-N. Denitrification was limited by the nitrate supply rather than by available C, as indicated by the values for water-soluble soil organic C, floodwater (nitrate+nitrite)-N, and evolved (N2+N2O)-15N from added nitrate. In the absence of runoff and leaching losses, the amount of (N2+N2O)-15N evolved from 15N-labeled nitrate was consistently less than the unrecovered 15N in 15N balances with labeled nitrate, which presumably represented total denitrification losses. This finding indicates that the measured recoveries of (N2+N2O)-15N had underestimated the denitrification losses from urea. Even with a probable two-or threefold underestimation, direct measurements of (N2+N2O)-15N failed to confirm the appreciable denitrification losses often estimated by the indirect difference method. This method, which determines denitrification losses by the difference between total 15N loss and determined ammonia loss, is prone to high variability. Measurements of nitrate disappearance and 15N-balance studies suggest that nitrification-denitrification occurs under alternate soil drying and wetting conditions both during the rice cropping period and between rice crops. Research is needed to determine the magnitude of denitrification losses when soils are flooded and puddled for production of rice.  相似文献   
This paper summarizes several studies on N recycling in a tropical silvopastoral system for assessing the ability of the system to increase soil fertility and insure sustainability. We analyzed the N2 fixation pattern of the woody legume component (Gliricidia sepium), estimated the recycling rate of the fixed N in the soil, and measured N outputs in tree pruning and cut grass (Dichanthium aristatum). With this information, we estimated the N balance of the silvopastoral system at the plot scale. The studies were conducted in an 11-year-old silvopastoral plot established by planting G. sepium cuttings at 0.3 m × 2 m spacing in natural grassland. The plot was managed as a cut-and-carry system where all the tree pruning residues (every 2-4 months) and cut grass (every 40-50 days) were removed and animals were excluded. No N fertilizer was applied. Dinitrogen fixation, as estimated by the 15N natural abundance method, ranged from 60-90% of the total N in aboveground tree biomass depending on season. On average, 76% of the N exports from the plot in tree pruning (194 kg [N] ha–1 yr–1) originated from N2 fixation. Grass production averaged 13 Mg ha–1 yr–1 and N export in cut grass was 195 kg [N] ha–1 yr–1. The total N fixed by G. sepium, as estimated from the tree and grass N exports and the increase in soil N content, was about 555 kg [N] ha–1 yr–1. Carbon sequestration averaged 1.9 Mg [C] ha–1 yr–1 and soil organic N in the 0-0.2 m layer increased at a rate of 166 kg [N] ha–1 yr–1, corresponding to 30% of N2 fixation by the tree. Nitrogen released in nodule turnover (10 kg [N] ha–1 yr–1) and litter decomposition (40 kg [N] ha–1 yr–1) contributed slightly to this increase, and most of the recycled N came from the turnover or the activity of other below-ground tree biomass than nodules. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The present study focuses on the microbial recalcitrance of pyrogenic organic material (PyOM) on a molecular scale. We performed microcosm incubation experiments using 13C- and 15N-enriched grass-derived PyOM mixed with a sub soil material taken from a Haplic Cambisol. Solid-state 13C and 15N NMR studies were conducted to elucidate the humification processes at different stages of PyOM degradation. The chemical structure of the remaining PyOM after incubation was clearly different from the initial pyrogenic material. The proportion of O-containing functional groups was increased, whereas that of aryl C and of N-containing heterocyclic structures had decreased, probably due to mineralisation and conversion to other C and N groups. After 20 months of incubation the aryl C loss reached up to 40% of the initial amount and up to 29% of the remaining PyOM C was assigned to carboxyl/carbonyl C and O-aryl C. These reactions alter the chemical and physical properties of the char residue and make it more available for further microbial attack but also for adsorption processes. Our study presents direct evidence for the degradation of N-heterocyclic domains in charred plant remains adding new aspects to the understanding of the N cycling in fire-affected ecosystems.  相似文献   
The effects of bacterial inoculants on the growth of winter wheat were studied in a growth chamber. Azospirillum brasilense, Azotobacter chroococcum, Bacillus polymyxa, Enterobacter cloacae, or a mixture of the four rhizobacteria were the inoculants tested. Inoculation effects on yield, yield components, and N-derived from fertilizer (Ndff) were assessed. The response of plants inoculated with individual bacteria was inconsistent and varied with treatment. At the first harvest (58 days after planting-DAP) plants inoculated with the mixture exhibited increases in plant dry weight, total-N and Ndff. At the second harvest (105 DAP), plants inoculated with A. brasilense and the mixture exhibited increases in shoot biomass, whereas at maturity (170 DAP), the inoculated plants showed no differences in total-N or shoot dry matter yield, as compared to the uninoculated controls. Inoculation with A. brasilense, however, increased the Ndff in the shoots, and B. polymyxa tended to enhance grain yield. Practical use of these rhizobacteria as inoculants for winter wheat may have limited value until such time as we better understand factors which influence rhizosphere competence of bacterial inoculants.  相似文献   
[目的]氮肥在农业中占有重要的地位,因此植物氮素的营养学研究日益受到重视。了解稳定性~(15)N示踪技术应用于氮素的分配、积累及氮素利用率情况。了解稳定性~(15)N示踪技术在农业氮肥利用中的应用,为提高氮肥利用率、实现生态农业可持续发展提供必要的理论支持。[方法]利用文献资料概述稳定性~(15)N示踪技术在小麦、水稻、烟草、果树、豆科作物上的应用,着重论述氮素吸收、利用、分配的研究现状。[结果]稳定性~(15)N示踪技术是研究氮素营养吸收规律的一种方便、快捷、灵活的方法之一,在科学施肥、植物营养、农用化学物质残留等农业方面已被广泛应用。[结论]今后,应将稳定性~(15)N示踪技术应将更多的应用到农业、环境、生物食品学领域,拓宽稳定性同位素的应用范围,并建立和完善相关的同位素定量化解析模型,提高测定位同位素的准确性。  相似文献   
武阳  孙明德  刘军  田海青  王文娟  刘松忠 《园艺学报》2017,44(11):2171-2178
以7年生‘黄金梨’树为试材,采用~(15)N示踪技术研究了3个施氮深度[0(表面施氮)、20和40 cm]处理下不同器官对氮素的吸收、分配及利用效率,并探讨了氮素在土壤中的残留及损失。结果表明,梨果实成熟期,果实的Ndff值最高,其他器官的Ndff值均表现为20 cm施氮深度处理显著高于其他处理。各施氮深度处理,~(15)N的分配率均为贮藏器官最高,生殖器官最低。20 cm施氮深度处理的梨树N利用率最高(26.23%),40 cm施氮深度处理最低(15.65%)。N损失率以表面施氮处理最高(54.21%),20 cm施氮深度最低;0~80 cm土层的N残留率以40 cm施氮深度处理最高(31.73%),表面施氮处理最低。因此,本研究中,20 cm深度施氮处理能提高梨树各器官对N肥的吸收征调能力,氮素损失少。  相似文献   
Over half of the 21 Mha of soybean planted in Brazil is now transgenic glyphosate-resistant (GMRR). A field experiment was carried out to investigate whether the application of glyphosate or imazethapyr to the GMRR variety reduced the input of N2 fixation (BNF). No effects on yield, total N accumulation, nodulation and BNF (δ15N) could be assigned to the genetic modification of the plant. Imazethapyr reduced soybean yield but had no significant effect on BNF. Even though yields were not affected by glyphosate, the significant reduction of nodule mass and BNF to the GMRR suggests that the use of this herbicide could lead to an increased dependence on soil N and consequently an eventual decrease of SOM reserves.  相似文献   
Plant growth-promoting bacteria (PGPB) Pseudomonas lurida-NPRp15 and Pseudomonas putida-PGRs4 possessing multiple plant growth-promoting traits were isolated from rhizoplane of pea and rhizosphere of garlic, respectively. The effects of individuals and combinations of Pseudomonas spp. with effective root nodulating symbiotic nitrogen fixing Rhizobium leguminosarum-FB1 on plant growth, nutrient uptake and yield of the rajmash plant were studied under greenhouse conditions. Bacterial inoculation resulted in significantly higher values for plant dry biomass, N, P, K, Zn and Fe contents as compared to the uninoculated control. Furthermore, dual inoculation of P. lurida-NPRp15 with R. leguminosarum-FB1 significantly increased root and shoot dry weight, nodulation, nutrient uptake, pod yield, and nutrient content of pods of rajmash VL63 compared to controls, single and triple inoculation. The results of the study indicate the potential of harnessing the benefit of plant growth-promoting and nitrogen-fixing microorganisms to improve the growth and yield of rajmash.  相似文献   
利用15N同位素标记方法,研究在两种水分条件即60%和90% WHC下,添加硝酸盐(NH4NO3,N 300 mg kg-1)和亚硝酸盐(NaNO2,N 1 mg kg-1)对中亚热带天然森林土壤N2O和NO产生过程及途径的影响.结果表明,在含水量为60% WHC的情况下,高氮输入显著抑制了N2O和NO的产生(p<0.01);但当含水量增为90% WHC后,实验9h内抑制N2O产生,之后转为促进.所有未灭菌处理在添加NO2-后高氮抑制均立即解除并大量产生N2O和NO,与对照成显著差异(p<0.01),在60% WHC条件下,这种情况维持时间较短(21 h),但如果含水量高(90% WHC)这种情况会持续很长时间(2周以上),说明水分有效性的提高和外源NO2-在高氮抑制解除中起到重要作用.本实验中N2O主要来源于土壤反硝化过程,而且加入未标记NO2-后导致杂合的N2O(14N15NO)分子在实验21 h内迅速增加,表明这种森林土壤的反硝化过程可能主要是通过真菌的“共脱氮”来实现,其贡献率可多达80%以上.Spearman秩相关分析表明未灭菌土壤NO的产生速率与N2O产生速率成显著正相关性(p<0.05),土壤含水量越低二者相关性越高.灭菌土壤添加NO2-能较未灭菌土壤产生更多的NO,但却几乎不产生N2O,表明酸性土壤的化学反硝化对NO的贡献要大于N2O.  相似文献   
研究15%多效唑可湿性粉剂对高含油油菜秦优19生长发育的影响,结果表明:苗期使用15%多效唑可湿性粉剂可促使秧苗根系增多,降低苗高,防止高脚苗;越冬期使用15%多效唑可湿性粉剂可促进壮苗,使根颈增粗,提高抗冻性能;蕾薹期使用多效唑可降低分枝节位,增加角果数,提高粒重,增加产量。  相似文献   
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