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Dormant seeds of oilseed rape (OSR) can persist in the soil and cause OSR volunteers in subsequent crops. Several approaches were tested in the laboratory and in the field to determine whether dormancy induction and seed persistence can be reduced by using dormancy‐breaking exogenous compounds. In a laboratory experiment, OSR seeds were coated with KNO3, micronutrients, or gibberellic acid (GA) prior to a secondary dormancy test. In a field experiment, seeds were coated in a manner analogous to the laboratory experiment, and then buried 10 cm deep in the soil for 2.5 months. In a practical demonstration, OSR plants were sprayed with either urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) or a commercial product containing GA prior to seed maturity. Seed coating (laboratory and field experiments) reduced secondary dormancy and seed persistence in the field by up to 99%. The efficiency of the treatments for mitigating secondary dormancy (laboratory and field experiments) in decreasing order was GA > micronutrients > KNO3 > control. With pre‐maturity spraying (practical demonstration), UAN reduced primary dormancy by up to 77% and the development of secondary dormancy by up to 38%; GA had no effect. Dormancy and seed persistence of OSR seeds may be reduced by a pre‐maturity UAN treatment of OSR mother plants, or by applying appropriate exogenous compounds to OSR seeds.  相似文献   
The effect of the application of abscisic acid (ABA, 10−4 mol 1−1), benzyl adenine (BA, 10−6 mol - 1−1), N6-m-hydroxybenzyl-adenosine (HBA, 10−6 mol - 1−1) and combinations of these cytokinins with ABA on the transport of 14C-sucrose into the developing kernels of winter wheat, their number and mass, was studied. Growth substances were applied in the period 10 to 5 days before anthesis and their effects were examined 4 and 18 days after anthesis on ears that were detached 10 days before anthesis and then cultivated on a complete nutrient solution. The stimulating effect of HBA on the transport of 14C-sucrose, number of kernels and their mass was higher than that of BA. ABA partly decreased the stimulating effect of cytokinins and reduced up to several days after anthesis the transport of 14C-sucrose to the developing kernels, their number and mass. The results revealed that a higher level of cytokinins in the period before anthesis could effectively interact with the inhibiting effect of ABA in that period and influence the accumulation of assimilates in the kernels.  相似文献   
雷竹竹鞭侧芽分化过程中内源激素的变化   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
在竹鞭侧芽分化过程中,脱落酸仅在秋末冬初已分化的侧芽即将进入冬季休眠前出现痕迹。赤霉酸和玉米素含量均为分化前期高,分化后期低。侧芽无论在早春、夏季还是在秋末冬初分化皆遵循这一规律。不同鞭龄的侧芽分化时,随鞭龄的增大赤霉酸呈上升趋势,玉米素则呈下降趋势。夏季分化的侧芽,上述两种激素含量均高于秋末冬初和早春分化的侧芽。吲哚乙酸含量随分化程度的加深而增加,随鞭龄和分化季节而变化,与赤霉酸含量变化相一致。  相似文献   

The element concentrations of alfalfa plants exposed for 10 d to 40 mg lead (Pb) L? 1 from lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2] alone, or combined with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), was determined by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES). Indole-3-acetic acid at 10 μ M and Pb/EDTA/IAA at 10 μ M increased potassium (K) concentration in roots by 87% and 94%, respectively (P < 0.05). However, IAA at 100 μ M decreased K concentration in leaves (P < 0.05). Plants exposed to 100 μ M IAA, Pb/IAA at 100 μ M, and Pb/EDTA/IAA at 100 μ M had, respectively, 30%, 55%, and 40% more sulfur (S) in leaves than control plants (P < 0.05). Lead and Pb/IAA reduced Ca concentration in stems and leaves (P < 0.05). Conversely, Pb and Pb/EDTA increased Cu concentration in roots and stems. IAA at 100 μ M, Pb, and Pb/EDTA/IAA decreased Zn concentration in roots (P < 0.05). Manganese (Mn) and molybdenum (Mo) concentration in roots and stems was lower in plants treated with Pb and Pb/IAA (P < 0.05). Pb and Pb/IAA reduced (P < 0.05) the iron (Fe) concentration in roots. However, the addition of EDTA and IAA at 10 μ M reduced the negative effects of Pb on Fe absorption.  相似文献   
内生菌与植物共生能够提高宿主的氮吸收与氮代谢水平,这可能是由于内生菌在植物体内引发的多种效应的综合结果.植物内生菌能够通过促进植物根系发育和固氮作用为宿主植物提供更多的无机氮素;能够通过分泌多种胞外酶系如漆酶、蛋白水解酶等使宿主植物更好地利用有机氮素;能够提高宿主氮代谢关键酶如硝酸还原酶(NR)、谷氨酰胺合成酶(GS)等酶的活性;能够提高宿主植物激素水平和维生素含量从而促进宿主氮代谢;能够通过影响宿主植物氮代谢促进宿主植物分蘖、提高宿主植物叶绿素含量和光合速率等等.综述了国内外关于植物内生菌促进宿主氮代谢的相关报道,归纳了植物内生菌影响宿主氮素吸收与代谢的可能机制,并展望了关于植物内生菌促进宿主氮代谢机制方面的研究方向.  相似文献   
为了建立钩藤愈伤组织诱导与植株再生体系。以药用植物钩藤[Uncaria rhynchophyllai (Mip.)Jack]嫩茎、嫩枝、嫩叶为外植体,通过优化激素组合,进行愈伤组织诱导和分化、幼苗生根和移栽,初步建立了钩藤愈伤组织诱导和植株再生体系。结果表明,以钩藤嫩枝作为外植体出愈情况较好,污染率低,继代后愈伤组织生长快。培养基成分为WPM+2.0 mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 mg/L 6-BA较适宜愈伤组织的诱导和增殖,诱导率可达83.3%。培养基成分为WPM+2.0 mg/L KT+0.2 mg/L NAA能分化出芽,愈伤组织率分化率达到82.3%;而1/2WPM+1.0 mg/L IBA适宜于试管苗生根,生根率达92.0%。以钩藤嫩枝为外植体诱导获得了质量良好的愈伤组织,并成功再生成植株,结果的获得可为解决钩藤人工栽培过程的资源和品质问题以及进行细胞培养和分子遗传改良奠定基础。  相似文献   
Humus substances (HM) and Moringa oleifera leaf extract (MLE) are considered as biostimulants used for plant growing under normal and salt stress conditions. Therefore, effects of soil HM and foliar MLE applications on soil characteristics and on sorghum growth, physio-biochemical properties, and antioxidant defense system activity were investigated under salt stress using pot experiments. The experimental design was a split-split plot with three soil salinities (S1, S2, and S3) as main-plots, two HM levels (0 and 0.1 g kg?1 soil) as subplots, and two MLE levels (0% and 3%) as sub-subplots, and each one of the 12 treatments was replicated 20 times. Saline soil properties were improved by HM. Under saline conditions, either HM or MLE increased growth characteristics, photochemical activity, contents of RNA, DNA, phytohormones, osmoprotectants and non-enzymatic antioxidants, and activities of antioxidant enzymes in sorghum plants compared to those in the untreated control plants. The interactive HM×MLE application was most effective at overcoming the harmful effects of soil salinity stress and further increased the abovementioned criteria. This study, therefore, recommends using the integrative HM+MLE treatment for growing sorghum plants in saline soils up to more than 6.12 dS m?1 without loss in growth characteristics.  相似文献   
玉米籽粒败育过程的激素变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以典型的果穗顶端败育类型玉米杂交种为材料,对果穗中部正常籽粒与上部败育籽粒内源ABA,IAA,GAs和CTK进行测定表明:在授粉后0~8d阶段,不同类型籽粒间ABA,IAA,GAs的浓度无明显差异。在授粉后4~8d阶段败育籽粒的CTK含量显著低于正常籽粒。进一步测定乙烯释放量发现,在授粉后0~4d阶段2部位籽粒间已表现出明显的差异。结果显示,在正常与败育籽粒间内源激素的浓度变化具有一定的时序性,授粉后顶部籽粒高水平的乙烯释放可能是籽粒败育的诱导因素。  相似文献   
Little is known about the physiological regulation of root hair development. Though the literature on the topic is fragmentary, with many gaps, it has been used to put forward some proposals for a central regulatory mechanism, taking note especially of the strong physiological influence of environmental factors on root hair formation. A hypothesis which implicates ethylene (ET) in this mechanism is proposed. This hypothesis is supported by numerous indications and observations in the literature about the effect of ET on cell wall formation and cell wall properties during the phase of root expansion and hair formation. It is assumed that environmental conditions control the effective ET concentration in epidermal hair-forming cells; they influence root development and ET production, while, through affecting the rhizosphere, they modify gas exchange at the root surface, accelerating removal of ET thereby limiting its function in hair formation. In such a way the effects of various specific factors (e.g. soil temperature, bulk density, gas exchange at the root surface or the effect of nutrients) might be manifestations of a central regulatory mechanism. The hope is that this hypothesis will stimulate further research and some suggestions are made as to the direction such research might take.  相似文献   
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