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利用仿真软件进行发动机与涡轮增压器匹配已经是各大厂家通用的做法,本文对发动机仿真相关理论、增压器仿真理论和增压器的评价指标进行了详细介绍,可以为相关人员提供指导。  相似文献   
基于线阵扫描图像的玉米果穗性状检测技术   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
为实现玉米果穗性状自动检测,以线阵扫描方式获取玉米果穗表面圆周图像信息,利用图像处理技术从中提取相关性状参数。从扫描图像自身提取检测模板,应用归一化互相关算法完成玉米果穗单周图像的精确切割;以Otsu法完成籽粒分割后,利用边界非完整籽粒的连接性,完成边界分割籽粒的合并,提高籽粒计数准确度;采用图像投影曲线平滑后求极值的方法获取穗行数。与人工检测实验结果对比,穗粒数和穗行数的计数准确率分别为94.6%和99.1%。  相似文献   
文中利用陕南退耕还林区实际调研数据,依据森的福利理论设计福利度量指标体系,采用模糊综合评价法测算农户福利水平,并探讨了退耕还林对农户的福利效应。结果表明:1)退耕户与非退耕户福利存在差异,且退耕户的福利总模糊指数大于非退耕户。2)退耕还林工程使得农户的总福利、主观福利和客观福利均有所提高,但退耕还林工程对农户主观福利的提高程度远远小于客观福利。3)退耕规模影响农户福利,提高退耕规模有助于提高农户总福利水平和客观福利水平,但对主观福利水平的促进作用仅在福利水平处于中间阶层及偏上农户身上发挥作用。新一轮退耕还林的扶贫效果明显,政府应更多关注退耕还林农户的福利变化状况,出台措施提高农户主观福利,并针对不同类型农户采取差异化措施。  相似文献   
多目标跟踪是视频监控等领域的一项关键技术。阐述目标跟踪算法的研究现状,运用灰度阈值分割,基于特征和主动轮廓跟踪方法实现对多只运动果蝇进行目标识别与跟踪。运用C#以及emgu开发应用程序予以系统实现。经验证,该系统识别率高,具有稳健的跟踪效果。  相似文献   
将需要研究的植物叶片从复杂的背景下提取出来是后期图像理解和图像分析的关键。、主要是在支持向量机的基础上将叶片从复杂的环境下提取出来,并与H通道的()’rSu算法和最大直方图熵与GA相结合的图像分割算法相比较,在Matlab环境下进行仿真分析,结果显示支持向量机在复杂背景下进行图像分割方面有优势。  相似文献   

The impacts of improved agricultural technologies on smallholder households in Africa are well documented in the literature. However, the literature on the welfare impacts of aquaculture technologies, especially in the context of smallholder households, is very scanty. This paper applies the propensity score matching technique to household survey data to examine the impact of improved feed technology on fish income and poverty in Kenya. After controlling for observable household characteristics, the results indicate that improved feed technology increases aquaculture income and reduces poverty among fish farming households. Specifically, the income effect of the technology is 23–37%, with resultant poverty reduction effect of 19–23% points. Evidence from the study indicates that the likelihood of adopting improved feed in Kenya will surge with improved extension service delivery, access to government subsidized feed, and easy market access for purchasing improved feed and sale of mature fish.  相似文献   
基于模板匹配的多目标水稻灯诱害虫识别方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 水稻灯诱害虫的识别与计数在水稻田间害虫监测中是非常重要的。由于水稻害虫被黑光灯诱集后姿态各异,存在虫体残缺现象,增加了图像自动识别的难度。在获取水稻灯诱害虫非粘连图像基础上,利用模板匹配和K折交叉验证方法进行多目标水稻灯诱害虫的识别。首先,提取每个水稻害虫图像中包括颜色、形态和纹理共156个特征参数;然后,利用主成分分析法进行数据降维,选取前6个主成分作为害虫特征参数;最后,根据每种灯诱害虫的姿态确定模板数,通过模糊C均值获得聚类中心作为模板参数,分别利用单模板和多模板匹配方法进行水稻害虫的识别。结果表明,针对姿态各异且有虫体残缺的多目标水稻灯诱害虫,多模板和单模板匹配法的识别率分别为83.1%和59.9%。  相似文献   
提出了一种产品设计过程中基于语义距离的设计质量知识的表示及匹配方法,将产品设计过程划分为5个阶段,构建产品设计质量信息模型。依照设计质量信息模型,对设计任务、设计人员和设计质量信息进行分析,以任务元、对象元、信息元来构建三者的形式化描述体系,并建立其数据结构。利用HNC(概念层次网络)知识库,基于语境框架文本相似度计算,并结合语义距离计算,实现了文本间相似度的精确量化和比较。以注塑机方案设计过程为例,实现了设计质量信息匹配,验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Based on macroclimate comparisons of monthly means of temperature and rainfall, the Mediterranean-type climate might be considered unfavorable for the establishment of the quarantine pathogens of fruit and foliage of citrus regulated by the EC Council Directive 2000/29. The presence of free water on the canopy during periods with temperatures favorable for disease development seems to be limited by the characteristic rainless summer. However, our field study showed that due to the formation of dew, rainfall and rain days were not positively correlated with canopy wetness. Dew periods were quite frequent during summer nights with temperatures over 15°C and even 20°C. Nevertheless, wetness periods were seldom continuous and they were usually interrupted by dry periods approximately 10–14 h long. In contrast to some endemic foliar pathogens such asAlternaria alternata, no data are currently available on the performance of these non-indigenous pathogens under interrupted wetness conditions. Due to the lack of rain during the summer in semi-arid areas, the natural spread of rain-disseminated citrus pathogens, such asElsinoë spp. andXanthomonas axonopodis pv.citri, might be rather limited. However, windborne pathogens, such asGuignardia citricarpa andPseudocercospora angolensis, would have considerable potential for dissemination under the Mediterranean climate. We consider that more information about the effect of microclimate on the epidemiology of these diseases is needed to estimate accurately their risk of establishment in Spain and in other citrus-growing countries of the Mediterranean Basin.  相似文献   
Fisheries management based on catch shares – divisions of annual fleet‐wide quotas among individuals or groups – has been strongly supported for their economic benefits, but biological consequences have not been rigorously quantified. We used a global meta‐analysis of 345 stocks to assess whether fisheries under catch shares were more likely to track management targets set for sustainable harvest than fisheries managed only by fleet‐wide quota caps or effort controls. We examined three ratios: catch‐to‐quota, current exploitation rate to target exploitation rate and current biomass to target biomass. For each, we calculated the mean response, variation around the target and the frequency of undesirable outcomes with respect to these targets. Regional effects were stronger than any other explanatory variable we examined. After accounting for region, we found the effects of catch shares primarily on catch‐to‐quota ratios: these ratios were less variable over time than in other fisheries. Over‐exploitation occurred in only 9% of stocks under catch shares compared to 13% of stocks under fleet‐wide quota caps. Additionally, over‐exploitation occurred in 41% of stocks under effort controls, suggesting a substantial benefit of quota caps alone. In contrast, there was no evidence for a response in the biomass of exploited populations because of either fleet‐wide quota caps or individual catch shares. Thus, for many fisheries, management controls improve under catch shares in terms of reduced variation in catch around quota targets, but ecological benefits in terms of increased biomass may not be realized by catch shares alone.  相似文献   
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