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In New Zealand, the vertebrate pesticide sodium fluoroacetate (Compound 1080) is aerially applied in baits for control of the brush-tailed possum Trichosurus vulpecula (Kerr, 1792). Maori, the indigenous people of New Zealand, have raised concerns about 1080 impacts on culturally-important species. Here, we outline two steps taken to help Maori assess 1080 risk. First, field research was undertaken to determine if naturally-occurring plants utilized by a Maori community for food and medicine would take up 1080 from baits. Single baits were placed at the base of individual plants of two species, pikopiko (Asplenium bulbiferum) and karamuramu (Coprosma robusta). Plants were sampled at various times up to 56 days, and samples were analyzed for 1080 content. No 1080 was detected in any of the pikopiko samples, whereas 1080 was detected in karamuramu, at a maximum concentration of 5 ppb after seven days, and 2.5 ppb after 14 days. This concentration decreased to 0 at 28 days, indicating that 1080 was not persistent. The results of the present study suggest there is negligible risk of humans being poisoned by consuming plants that have taken up 1080 from baits. To allay community concerns that minute concentrations of 1080 might influence the medicinal properties of plants, it is suggested that a withholding period of 30 days after 1080 control operations could be adopted. Second, after further consultation we undertook a review of the scientific literature relating to 1080 impacts on additional non-target species of cultural importance to Maori. The information was presented on an interactive foodweb database that allowed the collection and presentation of a large volume of complex information about 1080 in a holistic and pictorial fashion. This database was presented to many Maori communities throughout New Zealand, and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. The database is likely to play a key role in informing these communities about 1080, and is seen as an important new tool to help these communities make their own risk assessments.  相似文献   
Grazing behavior, diet selection and weight gain of heifers (with or without social models) were assessed in an unfamiliar site containing high plant diversity. The study was performed within a tropical forest ecosystem containing a mixture of grass forb/herb, shrub and tree species. Ten inexperienced crossbred Bos taurus × Bos indicus heifers (7 ± 1 months old) were randomly assigned to one of two groups: naive or naive + social model (sm) and two experienced heifers (16 months old) were assigned to the second group. Naive heifers were bottle-nursed from days 2 to 90 after birth and began grazing at 1 month of age in tropical grass monocultures, while experienced animals had been foraging in sites containing a high diversity of plant species for 3 months prior to the study. Each group grazed in separate paddocks for a 12-week period during the rainy season, and animals were observed using focal sampling from 7:00 to 19:30 h to assess diet composition based on bite counts. Weight gain was assessed every 14 days. Paddocks contained from 1481 to 1789 kg/ha of herbaceous dry matter, enough to support the heifers throughout the study without affecting diet selection. Shrub and tree cover ranged from 55.2 to 58.4% across treatments. Bites per minute were adjusted to a log-scaled quadratic-plateau model and the curves showed no differences between treatments (P = 0.756). However, diet composition differed between groups (P < 0.001), with naive + sm heifers ingesting a greater proportion of trees (P < 0.001) and shrubs (P = 0.02), while naive heifers ingested more forb/herbs (P = 0.02); no difference in grass consumption was observed (P = 0.92). Heifers in both treatments consumed the same plant species (50 from 26 families). Over time, utilization of several plant species increased or decreased (P < 0.05), eventually leveling off for the remainder of the study. Although differences in diet composition were observed, they did not affect overall weight gain (117 and 113 g/day in the naive and naive + sm groups, respectively; P = 0.913). However, initial post-weaning weight loss was avoided in the naive + sm group. Social learning facilitates a higher use of shrubs and trees in tropical pastures containing a high diversity of plant species with different growth habits. As many plant species have high potential as forage, more effort should be placed on developing mechanisms to increase their dietary inclusion by cattle.  相似文献   
该文简述了知识产权的定义、范围和在我国的发展,重点介绍了与农业相关的知识产权总是,包括商标权、专利权、植物新品种权和农产品地理标志权。  相似文献   
Botrytis bunch rot of grapes is mainly controlled by applying fungicides at three crop growth stages: the end of flowering (BBCH 68), bunch closure (BBCH 77) and the beginning of veraison (BBCH 81). The hydroxyanilide derivative fenhexamid is among the most effective fungicides registered to control Botrytis cinerea. Its effectiveness was examined in relation to spray timing, fungicide resistance and defense responses of grapevine. Overall, the earlier fenhexamid was applied, the more effective it was at controlling B. cinerea. Frequencies of B. cinerea strains which were resistant to fungicides were evaluated at harvest. The frequencies of resistant phenotypes were similar among treatments and years with the exception of a class of multidrug resistant strain (MDR 2) whose frequency appeared to increase after fenhexamid applications. If current spray programs including fenhexamid appear to control bunch rot at the current MDR frequency, a propagation of MDR 2 strains might lead to a decline in disease control. Finally, defense responses were studied in grapevine flowers/berries following fenhexamid application. None of the defense processes tested was induced in flowers/berries at stages 68 and 77. Only an increase in chitinase activity was observed in treated-berries at stage 81, suggesting that fenhexamid effectiveness was not related to a stimulation of defense responses.  相似文献   
课件制作在优化植物生理学教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
结合植物生理学的学科特点,探讨了课件制作在优化植物生理学教学中的应用,以期为优化植物生理学教学提供参考。  相似文献   
[目的]建立谷子突变体库,以便在谷子分子生物学研究中应用。[方法]以生产上主要推广种植的谷子品种‘长农35号’干种子为实验材料,采用0.8%和1.0%甲磺酸乙酯(EMS)进行了诱变处理,并对所得突变体成熟期株型的7个表型形状进行考察,并据此对突变体进行分类。[结果]试验共收获株型相关的M1代突变体材料共282份,其中,0.8%EMS诱变‘长农35号’获得株型突变体材料100个单株,可分为10个组;1.0%EMS诱变‘长农35号’获得株型突变体材料182个单株,可分为17个组。M1代成熟期株型相关性状突变体分析结果表明:1.0%EMS处理‘长农35号’所获突变体,在株高、穗下节粗、穗下第一节间粗和茎节数4个性状与对照有显著差异,而0.8%处理与对照差异不显著。[结论]对于‘长农35号’来讲,采用1.0%EMS进行诱变处理更有利于多类型大量突变单株的获得。  相似文献   
围绕全球粮食安全问题,就人类面对全球气候变化、农业可持续发展、能源和环境等问题的挑战,从植物科学和技术发展的现状及其潜力出发,系统阐述了植物科学家在解决粮食安全等全球问题中能够担负的社会责任和应发挥的作用。并强调植物科学家应与农学家、生态学家和环境专家携手,为发展低碳农业、培育高产优质抗性强新型农作物品种、开发新型能源植物、提供健康食品和药物、合理利用土地和水资源、改善环境等方面提供新思路和新技术,为地球和人类的可持续发展作出贡献。  相似文献   
小麦抗旱品种的遗传多样性分析及株高优异等位变异挖掘   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
为了解北方冬麦区小麦抗旱品种的遗传多样性,筛选株高相关标记的等位变异,选用117个均匀分布于小麦各条染色体的SSR标记,对136份小麦抗旱品种进行分析。共检测到1484个等位变异,平均每个标记12.6个等位变异,变化范围为2~42个,供试材料的多态性遗传信息含量(PIC)变化范围为0.016~0.941,平均为0.640。聚类分析把同一地区或育种单位育成的品种、具有共同亲本的姊妹品种聚为一类,部分相近年代选育的品种也分别聚在一类,国外材料的基因导入对育成品种的遗传基础产生了影响。关联分析表明,在旱地条件下与株高显著相关的标记有19个(P0.01),其中6个极显著相关(P0.001);在水地条件下与株高显著相关的标记也有19个,其中7个极显著相关。水、旱两种条件下共检测出与株高极显著相关的标记9个,分别是Xbarc125(7D)、Xbarc168(2D)、Xgwm126(5A)、Xgwm130(2B)、Xgwm212(5D)、Xgwm285(3B)、Xgwm495(4B)、Xgwm95(2A)和Xwmc396(7B),其中Xgwm285的220bp、Xgwm495的181bp、Xgwm212的99bp和Xbarc125的167bp等位变异是与矮秆关联的优异等位基因。  相似文献   
贝加尔针茅草原植物多样性及土壤养分对放牧干扰的响应   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
以贝加尔针茅(Stipa baicalensis Roshev.)草甸草原为研究对象,研究不同强度放牧干扰对贝加尔针茅草原群落植物多样性、土壤理化性状及养分特征的影响。结果表明:随着放牧强度的增加,群落物种数、植物多样性和植被盖度均显著降低;放牧干扰对土壤理化性状的影响主要表现在,随着放牧强度的增加,土壤容重升高,土壤含水量减小,重度放牧草地土壤容重增加到1.35g/cm3,含水量仅为12.37%;放牧导致土壤有机碳格局发生改变,轻度放牧下表层(0-10cm)土壤有机碳含量逐渐降低,但有机碳向深层土壤的转移量增加,深层土壤(10-20cm、20-30cm)有机碳含量均显著高于其它样地,且整个剖面土壤有机碳含量较对照样地提高了7.19%。土壤全氮含量(0-10cm、10-20cm)在轻度放时有所增加,中度放牧全氮含量显著高于其它样地,全磷含量除了在重度放牧时显著降低,在其它样地间均无显著差异。研究表明植物多样性、地上地下生物量的增加及土壤有机碳格局的改变是贝加尔针茅草原对轻度放牧干扰的一种响应,而重度放牧,草地植物多样性减少、植被盖度降低、土壤物理性状发生改变、养分资源趋于匮乏,草地出现退化的迹象。  相似文献   
马红岩 《广东园林》2010,32(6):22-25
通过分析广州"绿色亚运"增绿行动计划建设的主要类型、工程特点、树种选择和应用的基本原则,初步总结了依据地带性规律"师法自然、让自然做功,模拟近自然群落"的植物造景理念是广州"绿色亚运"增绿行动计划植物配置的核心,为广州及珠三角地区类似工程的树种选择及应用提供了借鉴。  相似文献   
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