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<正>海南临高县和舍镇在铺仔村跃锦村民小组建设的60万羽蛋鸡养殖扶贫项目投产运行,项目全部建成后可年产鸡蛋达9 000 t,年产有机肥7 500 t,预计产值近1亿元。据悉,铺仔村蛋鸡养殖扶贫项目,是2018年10月和舍镇引进海南鸣旺实业有限公司合作投资建设的收益型产业扶贫项目。分两期建设,占地面积约10 hm~2,总建筑面积3.5万m~2,投入资金1.35亿元。通过"企业+合作社"运营模式,双方合作期限10年,在此期间,铺仔村合作社可获得10%的分红用于精准扶贫。  相似文献   
本文介绍了鸡蛋的结构,并从非营养性因素(遗传因素、疾病因素、管理、饲料霉变和毒素)和营养性因素(钙、磷、锰、锌、电解质、维生素C、小苏打、有机微量元素、微生态制剂、乳酸菌、寡糖和有机酸)2个方面分析了鸡蛋蛋壳质量的影响因素,并对各营养成分进行合理调控,从而有效改善了鸡蛋品质。  相似文献   
1概要1.1问题的提出及改进目的(1)德州市北邻京津冀,有史以来就是京津冀蛋品供应基地,宁津县蛋鸡存栏量位列周边县市的前列。在市场食品安全抽检过程中,鲜鸡蛋被检出抗生素残留的案例频频发生,为完善蛋品追溯制度,山东省即将推行鲜鸡蛋”双证制”管理。  相似文献   
应用Qu ECh ERS方法前处理样品,建立了鸡蛋中16种磺胺类药物残留超高效液相色谱串联质谱(UPLC-MS/MS)检测方法。样品经过1%乙酸乙腈提取、经无水乙酸钠和无水硫酸镁盐析和除水,PSA+C18+GCB净化后,经Acquity UPLC BEH(100 mm×2.1 mm,1.7μm)分离,以甲醇和0.1%甲酸水溶液为流动相进行梯度洗脱,16种化合物能在11 min完全分离,方法的最低定量限均低于2.0μg/kg,在1.0~100.0μg/kg浓度范围内,16种磺胺类药物线性良好,相关系数均在0.99以上;通过10.0、40.0、100.0μg/kg 3个浓度的加标回收试验表明,回收率为67.0%~115.9%,RSD%值为1.2%~10.3%。结果显示:Qu ECh ERS前处理方法简单高效,检测灵敏准确,可满足大批量鸡蛋样品中磺胺类药物残留检测要求。  相似文献   
In order to study the effects of storage conditions on survival and migration of three kinds of Salmonella,S.enteritidis,S.typhimurium and S.pullorum were artificially contaminated on eggshell.Different environment temperatures(4,25 and 37℃)and relative humidity(50% and 90%)were seted,and the number of Salmonellas on the surface of eggshell and egg contents were counted and detected on various time points.The results showed that 4℃ obviously reduced the number of three kinds of Salmonellas.At 50% RH,the number of three kinds of Salmonellas were reduced on eggshell surface at 25 and 37℃ environment.At 90% RH,despite the individual time points,the number of S.enteritidis and S.typhimurium presented downward trend at 25℃.And at the 37℃,the number of S.pullorum rapidly reduced,and the number of S.enteritidis and S.typhimurium firstly decreased and then increased,and finally maintained at the level of inoculated magnitude.The results of egg content detection showed that S.enteritidis and S.typhimurium were more likely to be detected in high temperature and high humidity environment,while S.pullorum was not detected in all kinds of experimental environment.The results suggested that low temperature and low humidity reduced Salmonellas survival on eggshell and inhibited it migration into the egg,and high temperature and high humidity could promote Salmonellas proliferation,increase the risk of its penetration into egg.There were some differences in the survival on eggshell and invasion between the different serotypes Salmonellas.  相似文献   
从2007年12月至今年4月末(春节前20天除外)本地鸡蛋价格经历了长达4个多月的低迷期后,于5月份开始反弹,养殖户已从亏本转向盈利。笔者最近专门调查走访了素有南方“禽蛋之乡”的海安、东台等地的禽蛋养殖大户及其经营者,现将调查了解的情况浅析如下。  相似文献   
为了调查放养母鸡所产的鸡蛋中二噁英含量是否符合欧盟的现行法规,进行了一项研究。2003年9-12月,从34个有机饲养场采集包括土壤和蚯蚓的样品,用气相色谱-质谱法测定二嗯英水平。鸡蛋二嗯英含量从0.4-8.1pg毒性当量(TEQ)/克鸡蛋脂肪不一,平均为2.2Pg TEQ/克鸡蛋脂肪。  相似文献   
鸡蛋是重要的菜篮子产品。针对去年蛋鸡生产下滑的不利形势,国家迅速出台了稳定蛋种鸡生产、推进蛋鸡标准化规模养殖、加强蛋鸡数据信息监测和构建稳定蛋鸡生产发展的政策措施。在市场带动和扶持政策的拉动下,今年二季度以来,鸡蛋价格开始止跌回升,养殖积极性逐步恢复,生产继续保持平稳增长,市场供应充足。  相似文献   
全国农副产品和农资价格行情系统监测,本周(11月12日至18日),猪肉、牛羊肉、白条鸡等肉类价格全部下降。食用油、水产品、水果价格延续降势。蔬菜价格全线上涨。成品粮、奶类价格平稳。鸡蛋价格开始企稳。  相似文献   
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