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Consumer acceptance of cultured meat is expected to depend on a wide diversity of determinants ranging from technology-related perceptions to product-speciifc expectations, and including wider contextu...  相似文献   
基于计算机视觉的苹果生长姿态估算多方法融合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了避免机械手在采摘过程中因缺少苹果生长姿态信息造成对苹果和枝干的损伤,提出了一种苹果生长姿态估算方法.利用纹理和颜色特征两步法实现背景分离后,采用链码跟踪法获得轮廓;阐述了二阶中心矩法、最短距离法、斜率方差法和三点一线法4种苹果姿态识别方法,并比较了4种方法的识别率.为了提高姿态的识别率,综合4种方法进行决策融合,识...  相似文献   
Drawing on almost one hundred contemporary farmers‘ experiences, within a French agroforestry experimental network, socio-economic and ecological approaches are combined to assess a set of agroforestry techniques. Among this network, twelve livestock farms were selected in contrasting bioclimatic regions and classified according to land use, stock number and family situation. Farmers were interviewed to define the primary objectives assigned to agroforestry and to build up several scenarios of agroforestry development on their farm. A dynamic resource model was used to predict the effects of agroforestry development on crop and timber production as well as on labour organisation and amenities. An example of simulation, comparing three agroforestry management projects, based on new plantations at wide spacing, farm forestry and silvopastoral thinnings, is developed for a farm in the Cévennes (southern France). The outputs of the model, related to labour requirements, stock number dynamics and landscape diversity are discussed in relation to farmer‘s perception of the role of trees in the farm operation, and the indirect economic benefits sought. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
论文以稻作梯田农业文化遗产地——广西龙脊平安寨为个案,采用田野调查、调查问卷和统计分析方法,通过测算案例地居民对社会文化变化的态度值,探讨了农业文化遗产地类型旅游地居民对旅游开发引起的社会文化变化的感知及其对旅游发展的影响。结果表明,旅游开发使农业文化遗产地的社会文化发生较大变化,且总体上呈正向发展。不同特征居民对社会文化的态度存在差异,但总体上对变化持积极态度。家庭收入、旅游移民、社会治安、建筑服饰等文化因素的变化将直接影响居民对当地未来旅游发展的态度。只要能正确引导、调控和疏导其变化方向,旅游地社会文化变化的负面影响可以减少乃至消除,并促进旅游地更好的发展。论文还针对遗产旅游地的社会文化负面影响,提出了针对各级政府管理部门及专业机构、旅游企业及投资商、旅游者和当地居民的社会文化影响调控建议。  相似文献   
水稻钵苗“D形”静轨迹移栽机构逆向设计与分析   总被引:7,自引:7,他引:0  
通过对夹取式水稻钵苗移栽作业农艺要求的分析,得出具有"D形"静轨迹的取苗爪更便于从秧箱中夹取水稻钵苗进行移栽。为了实现"D形"静轨迹,采用封闭节曲线拟合技术,通过给定型值点确定机构作业要求的运动轨迹,建立机构逆运动学模型,求解出非圆齿轮非匀速传动比函数,从而设计出非圆齿轮节曲线。计算实例验证了该逆向设计方法的可行性,通过该方法可方便获得更为复杂要求的运动规律,实现轨迹的再现和取苗段姿态的控制,可为移栽机的设计提供一种新方法。  相似文献   
川藏高海拔地区金冠苹果品质与气象因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】研究川藏高海拔地区金冠苹果品质与气象因子的关系,为该区域金冠苹果的合理区划、优质生产提供理论依据。【方法】于2012-2013年随机取川藏高海拔地区四川茂县、小金、盐源、康定及西藏林芝5个重要产地的金冠苹果果实,测定其品质(单果质量、果形指数、果实硬度及花青苷、可溶性固形物、总糖、总酸、VC含量),同时收集5地2012和2013年金冠苹果果实发育主要时期各月(5-8月)及年主要气象资料(均温、平均昼夜温差、≥10℃积温、降雨量、日照时数),采用相关性分析及回归分析研究果实品质与气象因子的关系,确定优质金冠苹果生产需要的主要气象因子最适值。【结果】金冠苹果在5个产地品质差异显著,在小金表现较好;8月均温、5-8月及年均昼夜温差、年降雨量、6-8月及年日照时数是影响该地区金冠苹果品质的主要气象因子;8月均温19.1-21.3℃,5、6、7、8月及年均昼夜温差分别为10.6-12.3,11.0,9.7,11.7-13.3和12.8℃,7月≥10℃积温约636.5℃,6月及年降雨量分别为169.4和637.1-787.9mm,6、7、8月及年日照时数分别为154.3,174.6-200.8,153.5和2 405.6h是金冠苹果在川藏高海拔地区表现优良的适宜气象因子。【结论】确定了川藏高海拔地区金冠苹果优质生产的气象条件。  相似文献   
水田激光平地机平地铲姿态测量系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水田激光平地机水平控制作为农田激光平地技术的重要组成部分,其研究过程中首先要解决平地铲实时倾角测量问题.为提高倾角测量精度,设计了平地铲姿态测量系统,采用MEMS传感器集成模块AD1S16300作为惯性测量单元,通过卡尔曼滤波实现传感器信息融合以计算平地铲倾角.分析了姿态测量系统的构成,阐述了两种传感器融合测量实时倾角的方法,基于ARM7 Cotex- M3微处理器设计了姿态测量系统硬件.采用AHRS500GA对该姿态测量系统性能进行了融合算法验证与ADIS16300测量平地铲倾角验证.测试结果表明,该姿态测量系统能在动态条件下准确地测定平地铲实时倾角,可以进一步应用于激光平地机的水平控制之中.  相似文献   
This study examined rural peoples’ intention to adopt sustainability practices in communally managed forests in Vhembe district, South Africa, using the theory of planned behavior as a conceptual framework. A total of 155 respondents were surveyed. The data was analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM). The results showed that rural people have a strong intention to adopt sustainable forest-use and management practices. Out of the three constructs comprising the theory of planned behavior, subjective norm (SN) and attitude to behavior (AB) positively correlated with intention, with SN having the strongest influence on intention. Perceived behavioral control (PBC), which is the third construct, negatively correlated with intention. The study indicates that respondents’ subjective belief about the approval or disapproval of sustainable forest management (SFM) practices by other relevant people mainly influenced their intention to adopt or not adopt such practices. Thus, strategies and policies to enhance the sustainable management of communally owned forests in South Africa need to consider local actor contexts and sociocultural norms and values. In this regard, the engagement of influential people at the community level, and the demonstration of the short- and long-term benefits of sustainable forest use and management practices offer promising entry points.  相似文献   
采用问卷调查方式,以户为单位调查洞庭湖周边社区居民对洞庭湖及其湿地的依赖情况与态度。结果显示:社区居民对洞庭湖及其湿地依赖方式主要有水产品捕捞,放牧打草,在滩涂种植杨树,芦苇等纸质原料产品,围湖造田种植水稻、蔬菜,水运,开展乡村旅游等,以依赖系数作为衡量社区居民对洞庭湖及其湿地依赖程度的指标,分析发现将近90%以上的居民对洞庭湖及其湿地或多或少存在依赖关系,其中33%的居民依赖系数超过0.8;同时调查发现38%的居民支持把洞庭湖及其湿地完全保护起来,62%的居民持反对态度,并用计量经济模型分析表明,居民对完全保护洞庭湖及其湿地持支持的态度与依赖洞庭湖资源的经济收入和所占有的耕地及滩涂面积呈负相关。  相似文献   
社区参与日益成为解决社区发展与自然资源保护之间矛盾的新方法。以TRA为理论视角,构建了居民社区参与概念模型。以金桔自然保护区为例,实证检验概念模型的可靠性。结果表明:主观规范通过社区参与行为意愿间接驱动社区参与;行为态度通过社区参与行为意愿间接驱动社区参与。  相似文献   
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