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免疫胶体金技术诊断日本血吸虫病的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
血吸虫病是一种分布广泛、危害严重的人畜共患寄生虫病。近年来,日本血吸虫病在我国部分地区死灰复燃,造成具大的经济损失。国内外对该病的检测技术研究较多,目前,诊断日本血吸虫病的经典方法仍是病原学诊断。文章对胶体金标记技术的基本原理、免疫胶体金的制备方法及其在免疫诊断中的常见标记对象做了简要介绍,并对免疫胶体金技术诊断日本血吸虫病的研究状况进行了综述。  相似文献   
《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):368-376
Two separate experiments (pot and field) were conducted to examine the response of soybean to Bradyrhizobium japonicum and phosphorus (P) fertilization. Different treatments were i) Rhizobium strains (0, S377, S379, and the mixture of S377 + S379 i.e. S0, S1, S2, S3); ii) phosphorus (field only, 0, 50, 100 kg ha-1i.e. T0, T1, T2) and iii) two soils (pot only) i.e. autoclaved (A1) and non-autoclaved (A0). A soybean cultivar NARC-1 was tested for estimating growth traits, nodule number and mass, root development and yield traits. In the pot experiment, total number of nodules both in the A0 and A1 were negligible but increased significantly following the application of Bradyrhizobium japonicum. In the field experiment, number of nodules increased from 6 in the control treatment without strains to a maximum of 86 in S3T1. Shoot dry weight increased significantly from 11.8 g plant-1 in the control soil to 15.6 g plant-1 in S3T1. Root length was increased but root mass was unaffected. Soybean seed yields ranged between 615 and 1003 kg ha-1 against 543 kg ha-1 in the control soil indicating a maximum of 85% increase over control. Shoot dry weight and seed yield had significant correlation with nodulation (R2 = 0.91). The results of experiments revealed significant positive effects of rhizobium inoculation and P fertilization on growth, nodulation and yield of soybean and, generally, mixture of strains (S3) was more effective than the strains S1 and S2. Results also indicated that high application of P (100 kg P2O5 ha-1) reduced the efficiency of inoculants for nodule mass and seed yield.  相似文献   
以种群静态生命表及生存分析理论为基础,以林木径级结构代表年龄结构,利用生存函数分析等方法,对唐家河自然保护区连香树种群的结构及数量动态特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)研究区域内连香树种群结构基本呈金字塔型,其种群内幼苗较少,中老龄个体较多;(2)种群死亡率和消失率曲线变化趋势基本一致,在第Ⅱ龄级出现峰值,即幼苗死亡率较高;种群存活曲线趋于Deevey-Ⅱ型;(3) 4个生存函数曲线表明,连香树种群具有前期锐减、中后期相对稳定和末期逐渐衰退的特点,目前种群已处于衰退的早期。  相似文献   
以四川白河自然保护区连香树为研究对象,采用访问法、样线法和样方法相结合,调查连香树的空间分布位点、种群特征和干扰因素。调查结果表明:保护区有连香树365株,适宜面积约1 995.46 hm2;海拔1 900~2 200 m区域的连香树株数占总株数的89.53%,尤其是海拔2 000~2 100 m分布最为密集(占43.01%);径级分布为纺锤形,自然更新差,种群呈不稳定状态,胸径在12~32 cm之间的有238株(占65.20%)。连香树主要分布区与传统耕作区和放牧区的重叠性高,林地转化成耕地及放牧践踏是连香树种群数量和栖息地下降的主要原因;减少人为干扰、就地保护与监测、建立天然母树园、种子繁殖和扦插是保护连香树种群的有效措施。  相似文献   
以日本血吸虫 mRNA 为模板,用 RT-PCR 法快速克隆到一大小约600bp 的 DNA 片段,DNA 序列分析证实,所扩增到的 DNA 片段中含有日本血吸虫22.6kD 膜相关蛋白(Sj-22.6(Ch))基因,将该基因重组到表达型质粒 pGEX-4T 中,表达的 GST 融合蛋白分子量约48kD,用谷胱甘肽琼脂塘凝胶亲和层析柱纯化的重组蛋白不仅纯度好,而且得率高,纯化产量可达40mg·L~(-1)培养物,免疫试验结果表明该重组蛋白具有良好的抗原性,为其在血吸虫病抗感染中的免疫作用研究创造了条件.  相似文献   
随着日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum)基因组学的发展,应用双向电泳、质谱分析及生物信息学分析开展的蛋白质组学研究正成为日本血吸虫研究的前沿领域。生物体中的基因是相对稳定,但是蛋白质的活动随着生命活动的进行表现出动态的变化,并具有对外界环境发生反应的能力。对日本血吸虫进行蛋白质组学方面的研究,能直接地反映其生理功能的过程。这些研究为研制开发抗日本血吸虫病疫苗、新型治疗药物提供了新的途径。论文从日本血吸虫童虫部分差异表达蛋白、成虫蛋白质的性别差异性、药物相关蛋白组学、免疫蛋白组学等方面,对日本血吸虫蛋白质组学研究做了概述。  相似文献   
Thlaspi japonicum is a Japanese Ni-hyperaccumulator plant growing in areas with serpentine soil containing a high level of Ni. In the present study, we investigated the ability of wild Thlaspi japonicum plants inhabiting non-ultramafic soil areas of Hokkaido to accumulate Ni/Zn. Wild T. japonicum plants growing on Rebun Island (Rebun-T) accumulated small amounts of Ni, while the plants cultivated on ultramafic rock soil accumulated large amounts of Ni, like T. japonicum growing on Mt. Yubari (Yubari-T), and this change was also observed for T. japonicum growing on Mt. Tengu (Tengu-T). All the T. japonicum plants transplanted on both ultramaflc soil or Andosol accumulated over 100 mg kg−1 Zn, especially the Ni/Zn content of Tengu-T plants tended to be higher than that of the plants growing in the other two areas. In contrast, transplanting of Yubari-T plants from ultramafic soil with a high level of Ni to soil with a lower-Ni content decrease of the Ni concentration in the leaves. Wild Rebun-T plants showed a smaller biomass than the Yubari-T and Tengu-T plants, and some individuals of the Rebun-T population were smaller than those of the other populations, with tiny radical leaves. Zinc content of the small leaves was not significantly different from that in large leaves. These results suggested that T. japonicum plants are able to accumulate high Ni/Zn accumulation, regardless ecotype, habitat and leaf size.  相似文献   
本研究利用生物信息学分析了日本血吸虫(Schistosoma japonicum,sj)Glycogen synthase kinase 3(GSK3)蛋白,并对其中一个GSK3蛋白的编码cDNA进行了克隆和原核表达,制备了特异性的多克隆抗体.同时,还初步评估了重组蛋白的免疫保护效果.生物信息学分析表明在日本血吸虫数据库存在两种GSK3蛋白,且其中一个SjGSK3在日本血吸虫不同发育时期均有转录.Western blot结果表明本研究制备的抗体能特异性识别日本血吸虫SjGSK3重组蛋白,表明该重组蛋白具有良好的免疫原性.动物实验表明免疫SjGSK3重组蛋白的动物与佐剂对照组比较分别获得了平均10.6%减虫率和40.5%肝脏减卵率.  相似文献   
【目的】本研究旨在明确不同温度下稻螟赤眼蜂在米蛾卵上的生长发育状况及寄生潜能。【方法】分别在15℃、20℃、25℃、30℃、33℃下,编制了吉林稻螟赤眼蜂在米蛾卵上的生命表,根据不同温度下稻螟赤眼蜂的发育历期、发育速率计算世代发育起点温度、世代有效积温,并采用线性回归模型对发育速率进行拟合。【结果】稻螟赤眼蜂平均单雌寄生米蛾卵数随着温度的升高呈现先升高后降低的趋势,30℃时最高,达29.75粒,除与25℃下无显著差异外,均显著高于其他温度;雌蜂平均寿命随温度升高而下降,15℃时寿命显著长于其他温度,当温度高于30℃时,其寿命均短于0.82d;25℃时,稻螟赤眼蜂羽化率最高,达98.14%;15℃时,羽化率最低,只有67.96%。稻螟赤眼蜂的发育速率与温度呈显著线性关系,其发育起点温度为11.49℃,世代有效积温为131.39℃·d。【结论】利用米蛾卵繁殖稻螟赤眼蜂时,温度对其有显著影响,综合生命表参数、单雌寄生米蛾卵数、雌蜂寿命、羽化率等指标,提高利用米蛾卵工厂化繁殖稻螟赤眼蜂的最佳温度为25℃~30℃。  相似文献   
首次详细报道了蚕茧草的异型花柱现象,研究表明,除了其雄蕊、柱头高度有二型性外,其花瓣大小、柱头形态、花粉粒大小、数量和种子质量也表现出明显的二态性。与短柱花相比,长柱花有较大的花瓣,其柱头有稀而高的柱头突起,其花药产生较多而直径较小的花粉粒。扫描电镜显示,长、短柱花的种子均卵形,无喙突,具有拟脑状纹饰;长、短柱花的花粉均为球形,具散孔,孔近圆形,边缘不规则,通过其花粉和种子微形态的观察,可将其划分为春蓼组。野外调查发现蚂蚁常常是其访花者。通过对其野生居群的型比调查发现在野外蚕茧草往往为单型居群,并通过对不同居群座果率的统计发现长柱花的结实率较大。根据其繁育系统特征,对其传粉适应方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   
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