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以玉米为供试作物,研究施入生活垃圾堆肥对土壤和玉米各器官重金属分布规律及对土壤养分的影响。结果表明:连续3年施肥,土壤速效养分的含量明显增加;土壤重金属呈现累积,但含量远远低于二级土壤标准(GB 15618-1995);植株中重金属含量表现为根部>茎秆>叶片>籽粒,Cd在植株根部富集,但未大量向其他部位转移,玉米植株地上部分重金属含量明显低于饲料卫生标准(GB 13078-2001)。由此推断,在短期内(3年),年施入60 000 kg·hm-2的垃圾堆肥能提高土壤肥力,且暂时不会引起土壤重金属污染,也不影响玉米植株的饲用;使用多年后应及时监测,以保证安全性。  相似文献   
对大宝山槽对坑尾矿库区及其周边地区地下水18个采样点水体中的重金属(Pb、Cu、Mn、As、Cd)含量进行研究,并采用美国环境保护局(USEPA)推荐的健康风险评价模型,对研究区域的地下水重金属进行健康风险评价.研究结果表明:该区域地下水的重金属致癌风险较高,化学致癌物(As、Cd)的健康风险值超出化学非致癌物质(Cu、Pb、Mn)3~5个数量级,致癌重金属As的风险值数量级在10-5的比例约为16.7%;该区域化学非致癌物健康风险平均值排序是Cu>Pb>Mn,其中大部分(比例大于94%)Mn和Pb的非致癌风险值低于最大可接受风险值(5.05×10-5 a-1).该研究区域重金属污染物的优先控制顺序为:Cd> As>Cu>Pb>Mn.  相似文献   
通过水培条件下种子发芽试验方法研究了V5+的生物毒性.V5+对萝卜、玉米、油菜、水稻、豆角、南瓜、向日葵7种作物的种子萌发及幼苗早期生长影响的研究结果表明,V5+抑制油菜、豆角、萝卜种子萌发,但玉米、水稻、南瓜、向日葵的发芽率与对照无显著差异.在作物幼苗生长阶段,无论是在长度还是在重量方面,V5+对所有供试作物生长均表现为抑制作用.油菜、萝卜、向日葵的幼苗根系对V5+胁迫敏感,所有V5+处理浓度(0.05~1.0 mmol·L-1)条件下,其耐性指数均小于0.5,其次为水稻,再次为玉米和南瓜,豆角对V5+存在一定的耐受力.供试作物根长受V对抑制的程度高于苗高,V5+对供试作物幼苗生长的抑制作用大于对发芽率的抑制.对比不同作物对V5+胁迫的响应,油菜最敏感,其次是水稻,低浓度V5+即可对其幼苗生长产生显著抑制.  相似文献   
岷江下游五通桥区域的土壤存在着中到轻度的铅、镉和锌的污染。为了解该区域农田生态系统这3种重金属的污染源输入格局,对其主要输入源(大气湿沉降、灌溉和施肥)的重金属输入通量开展了定量研究。结果表明,大气湿沉降3种重金属的输入通量在时期间存在着显著差异,雨量充沛的T1和T2期(雨季期)明显地高于T3期(旱季期);施肥仅有铅和锌的输入通量在时期间存在着显著差异,表现为T3期的输入通量显著地高于T1和T2期;而灌溉的重金属输入通量在时期间没有显著差异。从不同输入源的输入贡献来看,大气湿沉降和施肥在3种金属的输入中均表现为主要的输入源,而灌溉对3种金属的输入贡献则存在着明显的差别,在铅输入中灌溉仅占很小的比例(年输入通量仅为8.0%),在镉输入中其比例提高到了21.9%,而在锌输入中其比例已几乎和其他两种污染源一致。综上可以看出,气候条件和农业生产行为对农田生态系统重金属污染的来源及其贡献有着重要的影响。因此,在农田生态系统重金属污染的管理中应对气候状况和农业生产行为可能引起的重金属污染加以监测,进而促进农产品的清洁安全生产。  相似文献   
The To Lich and Kim Nguu Rivers, laden with untreated waste from industrial sources, serve as sources of water for irrigating vegetable farms. The purposes of this study were to identify the impact of wastewater irrigation on the level of heavy metals in the soils and vegetables and to predict their potential mobility and bioavailability. Soil samples were collected from different distances from the canal. The average concentrations of the heavy metals in the soil were in the order zinc (Zn; 204 mg kg?1) > copper (Cu; 196 mg kg?1) > chromium (Cr; 175 mg kg?1) > lead (Pb; 131 mg kg?1) > nickel (Ni; 60 mg kg?1) > cadmium (Cd; 4 mg kg?1). The concentrations of all heavy metals in the study site were much greater than the background level in that area and exceeded the permissible levels of the Vietnamese standards for Cd, Cu, and Pb. The concentrations of Zn, Ni, and Pb in the surface soil decreased with distance from the canal. The results of selective sequential extraction indicated that dominant fractions were oxide, organic, and residual for Ni, Pb, and Zn; organic and oxide for Cr; oxide for Cd; and organic for Cu. Leaching tests for water and acid indicated that the ratio of leached metal concentration to total metal concentration in the soil decreased in the order of Cd > Ni > Cr > Pb > Cu > Zn and in the order of Cd > Ni > Cr > Zn > Cu > Pb for the ethylenediaminetetraaceitc acid (EDTA) treatment. The EDTA treatment gave greater leachability than other treatments for most metal types. By leaching with water and acid, all heavy metals were fully released from the exchangeable fraction, and some heavy metals were fully released from carbonate and oxide fractions. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn in the vegetables exceeded the Vietnamese standards. The transfer coefficients for the metals were in the order of Zn > Ni > Cu > Cd = Cr > Pb.  相似文献   

Heavy‐metal concentration in underground and surface water, soil, and crop plants growing in farmers' fields near the industrial city of Ludhiana, Punjab, India, that receive irrigation with water contaminated with sewer and untreated industrial effluents was studied. The concentrations of lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and nickel (Ni) in sewage‐contaminated water were 18, 80, 88, and 210 times higher than in shallow handpump water, and 21, 133, 700, and 2200 times higher than in deep tube‐well water, respectively. The concentrations of Cd and Ni in shallow handpump underground water were significantly higher than in deep tube‐well underground water. The concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni in deep tube‐well water were 0.017, 0.003, 0.0002, and 0.0002 mg L?1, respectively. Soils irrigated with sewage‐contaminated water had higher electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, organic carbon (C), and clay content but had lower pH and calcium carbonate content compared to soils irrigated with deep underground water. The concentrations of diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni in soils irrigated with sewage‐contaminated water were 1.8, 35.5, 3.6, and 14.3 times higher, and total concentrations of these heavy metals were 1.5, 3.0, 3.7, and 2.2 times higher than that in soils irrigated with deep underground water. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni in crop plants growing on soils irrigated with sewage‐contaminated water were 4.88, 4.20, 0.29, and 3.99 mg kg?1, which were 1.2, 2.1, 8.7, and 1.9 times higher than in plants irrigated with deep tube‐well water, respectively. The amounts of potentially toxic metals were significantly and positively correlated with cation exchange capacity and organic C content and negatively correlated with soil pH. In conclusion, long‐term accumulation of toxic metals in soils and their uptake by crop plants has a high potential for phytotoxicity as well as for entering into the food chain. The findings also suggest contamination of underground shallow drinking water through leaching of some highly mobile metals.  相似文献   

Increasing basic phosphate rock (PR) rates and acid loads were applied to an acidic sandy soil in a laboratory experiment. ‘Total’ amounts of potentially toxic elements in the soil and PR samples were determined by inductively coupled plasma (ICP) spectrometry after acidic, microwave digestion. Soil solution was extracted from wet soil by centrifugation with a speed corresponding to the suction power exerted by plants at the conventional wilting point. Addition of PR generally decreased rather than increased metal concentrations in the soil solution because of its pH elevating, immobilizing effect. Except for Pb, the extreme acid treatment compensated for the immobilizing effect of PR. Release of Cd (expressed as soil solution concentration in percentage of the total amount in soil+PR) was generally highest among elements at every treatment, and Cr was the least mobile metal. The one‐time, high rate of PR application did not make a direct environmental risk probable.  相似文献   
Lead (Pb) is frequently present in urban soils at concentrations of concern for human health. Regulations for Pb are based on total soil concentrations as determined by acid digestion, but a less expensive screening test for Pb would be useful in facilitating more thorough soil testing of urban areas if it could be shown to correlate strongly to total soil Pb. In this study, three extractants (0.1 M citrate, MM, and 1 M nitric acid) were evaluated for their ability to estimate the total Pb in contaminated soils. Nitric acid not only extracted a greater fraction of total soil Pb but also produced the strongest correlation to total Pb and is concluded to be the superior extractant for a soil Pb screening test. As the spatial distribution of Pb was observed in selected soils to be highly heterogeneous on the micron scale, thorough soil homogenization prior to testing is recommended.  相似文献   
Given the relationship between the contents of heavy metals extracted from contaminated soil samples and dilution of these samples in diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTPA) solution, the goal of this work was to test three soil–extractant solution ratios, namely 1:5, 1:10, and 1:15. The extracted contents from each solution were compared to those extracted by bean plants (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivated in a greenhouse in two different soils: dystrophic red latosol (RLd) and humic red-yellow latosol (RYLh). Contents of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were greater in RYLh (lower amount of clay) for all soil–extractant ratios; 1:5 and 1:10 ratios differed negligibly from the plant result for the Cd extraction, while for Pb, the 1:15 soil–extractant ratio was the one that better correlated with the extractive behavior of sensitive indicator plants.  相似文献   
This article examines the metal [aluminum (Al), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn)] runoff dynamics in the Mero River (northwestern Spain). At the catchment outlet, metal concentrations, suspended solids, dissolved organic carbon, pH, and discharge were determined during three runoff events. The river drains an agroforestry catchment of 65 km2 with relatively high livestock density. Dissolved and particulate metal concentrations increased during the events with respect to pre-event concentrations, but the increase of the dissolved fraction is relatively small compared to that of the particulate fraction. The dissolved metal concentration peaks appeared after the hydrograph peak, suggesting transport associated with subsurface flow. For particulate metals, peaks usually occurred during the falling limb of hydrograph, implying distant-river source of metals. Particulate forms represented more than 90% of total Al, Fe, and Mn load, whereas for Cu and Zn its contributions were 52–76% and 31–56%, respectively. The high positive correlations of all particulate metals, except Zn, with suspended solid concentrations indicate that these constituents play a major role in transport of metals. Soil erosion is the main process responsible for causing elevated Al, Fe, and Mn concentrations in the river during rainfall–runoff events while Zn and Cu come mainly from the addition of slurries and manures to farmland.  相似文献   
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