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Abstract –  Understanding factors related to the occurrence of species across multiple spatial and temporal scales is critical to the conservation and management of native fishes, especially for those species at the edge of their natural distribution. We used the concept of hierarchical faunal filters to provide a framework for investigating the influence of habitat characteristics and nonnative piscivores on the occurrence of 10 native fishes in streams of the North Platte River watershed in Wyoming. Three faunal filters were developed for each species: (i) large-scale biogeographic, (ii) local abiotic, and (iii) biotic. The large-scale biogeographic filter, composed of elevation and stream-size thresholds, was used to determine the boundaries within which each species might be expected to occur. Then, a local abiotic filter (i.e., habitat associations), developed using binary logistic-regression analysis, estimated the probability of occurrence of each species from features such as maximum depth, substrate composition, submergent aquatic vegetation, woody debris, and channel morphology (e.g., amount of pool habitat). Lastly, a biotic faunal filter was developed using binary logistic regression to estimate the probability of occurrence of each species relative to the abundance of nonnative piscivores in a reach. Conceptualising fish assemblages within a framework of hierarchical faunal filters is simple and logical, helps direct conservation and management activities, and provides important information on the ecology of fishes in the western Great Plains of North America.  相似文献   
通过对贵州赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区苔类植物的标本采集及鉴定分析,该区共有苔类植物25科42属144种;扁萼苔科、大萼苔科、地萼苔科、护蒴苔科、细鳞苔科、叶苔科、指叶苔科为该区的优势科;扁萼苔属、大萼苔属、异萼苔属、地钱属、护蒴苔属、叶苔属、鞭苔属为该区的优势属;生境类型以石生为主,占所有种类的70.14%,其次是土壤基质,占所有种类的39.58%,树附生基质中的苔类占27.78%,叶附生苔类植物占总种数的6.94%,腐殖质基质中的苔类仅占6.25%;区系成分复杂多样,可划分为13种类型,优势成分为东亚分布,占总种数的27.78%,其次是北温带成分,占20.83%,中国特有成分也占有一定比例,占7.64%。  相似文献   
Cenozoic terrestrial mammals from Sardinia contribute substantial information for reconstructing the complex history of the western Mediterranean. The occurrence of endemic perissodactyls in Eocene marine and marsh deposits suggests the existence of ecological or physical barriers between the Corso‐Sardinian massif and the Iberian‐Occitanic area. At the end of the Oligocene, isolation of Sardinia was almost complete, although a migration from Europe occurred at the beginning of the Early Miocene, as indicated by the unbalanced endemic fauna from Oschiri. During the Late Miocene, the Tusco‐Sardinian palaeobioprovince came into existence as an isolated region inhabited by the quite diversified, but notably endemic, Oreopithecus fauna. Sardinia was definitely isolated from Tuscany by the Messinian, but temporary connections with the European mainland possibly allowed the colonization of forerunners of some Sardinian Pliocene taxa. During the Plio‐Pleistocene, Sardinia maintained permanent isolation. However, sea level drop, resulting in a relatively short distance between Sardinia and the European mainland, allowed different migratory events. From the Late Pliocene to the Late Pleistocene‐Holocene, two main mammalian faunal complexes (FC) can be recognized: the Nesogoral FC (Late Pliocene‐Early Pleistocene) and the Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) FC (late Early Pleistocene‐Early Holocene). At the transition from Nesogoral to Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) FC, approximately 47% of the genera and 76% of the species disappeared, while approximately 58% of the genera and 71% of the species appeared. A noticeable turnover followed the arrival of Neolithic man and his accompanying fauna. Nonetheless, Praemegaceros was still present at about 7000 years BP, while Microtus (Tyrrhenicola) and Prolagus are respectively recorded in the Bronze and Iron Ages.  相似文献   
2007年6—7月、2010年8—9月两次对康龙自然保护区境内鱼类资源进行调查,利用网捕法和电捕法共采集到鱼类标本2000号,经鉴定共发现鱼类37种,隶属4目,10科。其中鲤形目2科27种,占73%,鲈形目5科7种,占18.9%,鲶形目2科2种,占5.4%,合鳃鱼目1科1种,占2.7%,调查发现康龙自然保护区的鱼类区系,具有较强的华东区系和华南区系双重特征,该区经济鱼类种类丰富,但是鱼类小型化、低龄化趋势显著,且出现衰退现象,鱼类资源需要加强保护。  相似文献   
为了科学保护和合理利用茂兰自然保护区的蝶类资源,采用野外考察、标本采集、分类鉴定和资料考证相结合的方法,于2010年6月—2011年6月对该保护区的粉蝶资源进行了调查和整理,并对其区系组成、生境类型的粉蝶多样性和均匀度进行了分析。结果表明:1)从茂兰自然保护区采集的粉蝶共有12属24种,加上前人采集记录的茂兰自然保护区粉蝶总计有15属34种,其中,玕黄粉蝶属(Gandaca)和锯粉蝶属(Prioneris)为茂兰新记录属,梨花迁粉蝶(Catopsilia pyranthe)、尖角黄粉蝶(Eurema laeta)、檗黄粉蝶(E.blanda)、玕黄粉蝶(Gandaca harina)、报喜斑粉蝶(Delias pasithoe)、雷震尖粉蝶(Appias indra)、兰姬尖粉蝶(A.lalage)、锯粉蝶(Prioneris thestylis)和绿云粉蝶(Pontia chloridice)9个种为茂兰新记录种。2)区系组成以广布种粉蝶占优势;地理种群主要由华中区和华南区2个种群组成,与保护区所处的地理位置相符合。3)5种生境类型中的粉蝶属数、种数、个体数及优势种群均以Ⅰ型生境最多。4)多样性指数(H)以Ⅱ型生境最高,Ⅰ型次之;均匀度指数以Ⅳ型生境(J)最高,Ⅲ型次之;多样性指数与均匀度指数均最低的为Ⅴ型生境。说明,粉蝶对人类活动和植被类型的依赖性较大。  相似文献   
不同的文化赋予其语言不同的内涵和联想,而这正是文化冲突产生的主要原因之一。作者在本文中对动植物在汉英文化中的不同涵义及联想进行了比较和分析,并对翻译过程 中所遇到的文化内涵问题提出了一些解决方法。  相似文献   
系统调查研究了甘肃叶蜂生物地理分布特征,提出了甘肃叶蜂地理区划新方案,将甘肃叶蜂地理区划为2界3区5小区。东洋界,仅包括华中区(Ⅰ);古北界,分蒙新区(Ⅱ)和青藏高原区(Ⅲ),蒙新区包括蒙新陇中黄土高原小区(Ⅱ-1)、蒙新陇东黄土高原小区(Ⅱ-2)和蒙新河西走廊小区(Ⅱ-3),青藏高原区包括青藏高原祁连山地小区(Ⅲ-1)和青藏高原甘南小区(Ⅲ-2)。分析、讨论了甘肃叶蜂的基本分布规律以及甘肃已知9科、494种叶蜂的区系成分和生物地理分布特征:在甘肃叶蜂地理分布类型中,蒙新陇中黄土高原小区是甘肃叶蜂的分布中心;和东亚型成分构成中国叶蜂区系的主体一致,东亚型成分也是甘肃叶蜂区系的主体。  相似文献   
天津地区刺蛾科昆虫多样性研究及区系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据天津自然博物馆馆藏标本以及近年来对天津蓟县八仙山自然保护区、大黄堡湿地自然保护区、中新天津生态城等地进行的多次昆虫多样性资源调查,共记述刺蛾科昆虫11属13种,其中3种为天津新记录种.在查阅资料的基础上,阐明了这些种类的已知寄主和国内外分布,并进行了初步区系分析.  相似文献   
王美萍 《河北林果研究》2009,24(2):187-190,205
2006-2007年对河北省小五台山国家级自然保护区内蜘蛛进行补充调查、采集、鉴定和整理,又发现2个河北新纪录属和9个河北新纪录种,2个小五台山新纪录属和7个小五台山新纪录种;至此经过近10a的调查采集,小五台山已确定蜘蛛有248种,隶属于31科120属。小五台山蜘蛛区系古北成分占68.8%,广布成分占16.9%,东亚成分占11.7%,东洋成分占2.0%,其中以古北成分为主,是多种地理成分相互混杂的古北区系。  相似文献   
大亚湾大型底栖动物种类组成及物种多样性   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用1984-1985年4个航次、1987年2个航次和2004年4个航次在南海北部大亚湾海域开展的大型底栖动物调查结果,对不同时段大型底栖动物的种类组成、群落相似性、丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度进行对比分析,结果显示,在大亚湾海域大型底栖动物种类组成和物种多样性方面,表现为:(1)种类数下降,丰富度大幅降低,群落趋向简单化:1987年大型底栖动物的站均出现种数为50.6种/站,最高可达100种/站。而2004年站均出现种数仅为7.6种/站,最高仅为14种/站。(2)种类更替明显,在过去的20年间,几乎完成了整个群落的演替;1984-1985年,大型底栖动物出现98种,软体动物31种,节肢动物30种,棘皮动物21种,环节动物12种。2004年,共出现大型底栖动物79种,软体动物32种,节肢动物17种,棘皮动物8种,环节动物18种。1984年和2004年大型底栖动物的种类相似性仅有25.5%,其中环节动物的改变最为显著,20年前后的种类相似性仅为8.1%。(3)物种多样性水平大幅下降。虽然大亚湾海域大型底栖动物多样性平面分布趋势未发生较大改变,种类的均匀度略有增加,但多样性指数由1988年的3.38降至2004年的2.08,丰富度由4.46降至1.17。以上结果表明,大亚湾生态环境的改变已经对底栖动物群落产生了显著的影响。[中国水产科学,2008,15(2):252-259]  相似文献   
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