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The properties of 220 strains of Clostridium perfringens and Clostridium perfringens-like organisms were studied. A scheme was designed for the identification of these strains. The scheme was based on the presence/or absence of lecithinase enzyme, synergestic haemolysis with Streptococcus group B toxin, their inhibition with appropriate antisera and reaction in the lactose gelatin nitrate motility test (LGNM) with the fermentation of a few sugars.  相似文献   
IAA and GA3 had increased the stem thickness by increasing that of cortex, phloem fibers and xylem. Each had increased straw and fiber yield/plant, but the effect was more pronounced with GA3 than IAA. The percentage of long fibers, strength and fineness increased significantly with GA3. The latter two properties decreased with IAA.  相似文献   
Coprological examinations on 1200 Najdi camels (Camelus dromedarius) in the Gassim region of central Saudi Arabia between October 1992 and September 1993 revealed the presence of strongyletype, Nematodirus and Strongyloides eggs. In addition, examination of the gastrointestinal tracts of 240 camels slaughtered in different abattoirs in the Gassim region from March to August 1994 revealed 11 species of helminths. Infection with gastrointestinal trichostronglyes resulted in normocytic, normochromic anaemia. Adult infected camels showed leukocytosis, a decrease in total serum protein concentration and increases in blood urea concentration and in serum creatine phosphokinase activity.Abbreviations ALP alkaline phosphatase - AST aspartate aminotransferase - CPK creatine phosphokinase; epg, eggs per gram - GGT gamma-glutamyl transferase - Hb haemoglobin - MCV mean corpuscular volume - MCHC mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration - PCV packed cell volume - RBC red blood cell  相似文献   
Summary Chronic, undulatingTheileria annulata infection was diagnosed as the cause of severely depressed milk yields in a herd of 44 Friesian cows in Egypt. The herd was divided at random into two groups of 22; one group was injected intramuscularly with a single dose of the experimental antitheilerial drug, buparvaquone, while the other remained untreated. Over the subsequent seven weeks milk yield in the treated group increased to double that of the untreated group (P<0.05). Pyrexia was controlled within two days of injection of buparvaquone and piroplasm parasitaemia was eliminated in one week. It is suggested that treatment of dairy cattle chronically infected withT. annulata using buparvaquone may have the dual beneficial effect of reducing the pathogenic effects of theileriosis, thereby permitting restoration of an impaired immune system, thus increasing resistance to other infections. If a similar effect could be produced inBos indicus cattle inT. annulata endemic areas, treatment of indigenous cattle with buparvaquone could be a useful alternative to the introduction ofBos taurus blood as a way of boosting milk production.
Efecto Sobre La Produccion De Leche Del Tratamiento De La Theileriosis Cronica Con Buparvaquone
Resumen Se diagnosticó infección crónica ondulate deTheileria annulata, en un hato de 44 vacas Friesian en Egipto; la causa fue, la caida severa de la producción láctea. Se dividió el hato al azár, en dos grupos de 22 vacas cada uno; un grupo se inyectó via intramuscular, con una dosis única de la droga experimental buparvaquone y el otro no se trató. Durante las siete semanas subsiguientes, la producción láctea aumentó el doble en el grupo tratado, en relación con el grupo sin tratar (P<0.05). La pirexia fue controlada, dentro de los dos primeros dias después de la inyección de buparvaquone, y la parasitemia por piroplasmas se eliminó en una semana. Se sugiere, que el tratamiento con buparvaquone del genado de leche infectado crónicamente conT. annulata, podría tener doble efecto benéfico, al reducir el efecto patógeno de la theileriosis, permitiendo la restauración del sistema inmunológico, incrementando así la resistencia a otras infecciones. Si un efecto similar se produjera en ganadoBos indicus, en áreas endémicas deT. annulata, el tratamiento del ganado nativo con buparvaquone, podría convertirse en una alternativa a la introducción de sangreBos taurus, para incrementar la producción láctea.

Effet Du Traitement De La Theileriose Chronique Par La Buparvaquone Sur Les Rendements Laitiers
Résumé L'infection chronique et à rechutes àTheileria annulata a été diagnostiquée comme étant la cause de rendements laitiers fortement déprimés dans un troupeau de 44 vaches frisonnes en Egypte. Le troupeau fut partagé, au hasard, en deux groupes de 22; un groupe a reçu par voie intramusculaire, une dose unique d'un médicament antitheileriose expériemental, la buparvaquone, tandis que l'autre n'était pas traité. Pendant les sept semaines suivantes, le rendement laitier du groupe traité a doublé par rapport à celui du groupe non triaté (P<0.05). L'hyperthermie a été contrôlée dans les deux jours suivant l'injection de buparvaquone, et la parantémie à piroplasme éliminée en une semaine. Il est suggéré que le traitement du bétail laitier chroniquement infecté parT. annulata à l'aide de la buparvaquone peut avoir le double effet bénéfique de réduire les effects pathologiques de la theilériose, permettant ainsi la restauration d'un système immunitaire affaibli, ce qui augmente la résistance aux autres infections. Si un effet similaire pouvait être produit chez le bétailBos indicus des régions à endémicitéT annulata, le traitement du bétail indigène avec la buparvaquone pourrait être une alternative utile à l'introduction du sangBos taurus dans le but de stimuler la production laitière.
The antifungal activity of twelve monoterpenes, camphene, (R)-camphor, (R)-carvone, 1,8-cineole, cuminaldehyde, (S)-fenchone, geraniol, (S)-limonene, (R)-linalool, (1R,2S,5R)-menthol, myrcene and thymol was evaluated against four plant pathogenic fungi Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium oxysporum, Penecillium digitatum and Asperigallus niger by using mycelial growth inhibitory technique. (S)-limonene and thymol were examined for their inhibitory effects on pectin methyl esterase (PME), cellulase and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) of tested fungi. Thymol was the most potent antifungal compound against the four test fungi with EC50 values of 33.50, 50.35, 20.14 and 23.80 mg/L on R. solani, F. oxysporum, P. digitatum and A. niger, respectively. The antifungal activity of thymol was comparable to a reference fungicide, carbendazim. (S)-limonene and 1,8-cineole exhibited pronounced antifungal activity against the four tested fungi. The most effective antifungal compounds thymol and (S)-limonene showed strong inhibitory effect on the activity of PME and cellulase but revealed no inhibitory effect on PPO. The results showed that PME was more sensitive than cellulase to thymol and (S)-limonene. This is the first report on the inhibitory effects of monoterpenes thymol and (S)-limonene on PME, cellulase and PPO. The results indicated that monoterpenes may cause their antifungal activity by inhibiting PME and cellulase. The strong antifungal activity of thymol, (S)-limonene and 1,8-cineole reported in this study indicated that these compounds have a potential to be used as fungicides.  相似文献   
A cross-sectional survey was conducted in Sudan to determine sero-prevalence and risk factors associated with Neospora caninum infection in non-vaccinated dairy herds and to assess importance of the disease. Blood samples were collected from a total of 262 animals from 25 herds. Sera were tested for antibodies against N. caninum using ELISA test. The prevalence rates of N. caninum antibodies in cattle were high both at herd level (44%) and at individual animal level (10.7%). Herd level infection rates were similar in Khartoum State (43.7%) and at Gazira States (44.4%). The overall prevalence rates were higher (16.1%) in Gazira State than in Khartoum State (9%) but with no significant variation. The sero-prevalence at individual animal level was significantly higher (p < 0.05) in animals with history of abortion (12.8%) than in apparently healthy animal (11.3%), animal with history of infertility (8.1%), or neonatal death of calves (4.3%). In addition, significantly higher (P < 0.05) sero-prevalence was observed in samples collected during the rainy season (6.87%) than winter (3.05%) or summer (0.76%). However, no significant differences in sero-prevalence due to locality, animal breed, sex, and age were observed (p > 0.05). This preliminary study reveals for the first time the existence of natural N. caninum infection in Sudan. Also, the findings of the present study indicated that this disease is highly prevalent in two major areas of dairy production in the country, and this calls for control strategy to be implemented.  相似文献   
Three objectives were included in this research work. The first objective compared different immune components in healthy mature males, mature females, and female kids of local and imported Saanen goats, reared under a sub-tropical environment. The significantly differing immune components were the blood monocyte percent, blood CD8 count, and the total white blood cell count. The second objective compared the performance of Saanen versus local does. The means of the milk yield and prolificacy of the imported Saanen does were significantly higher than those of the local does (p < 0.05). The third objective compared the immune responses (hemagglutination-HA titers) and complement fixation (CF) titers in mature does of the two breeds to chicken red blood cells (c-RBC). The HA titers showed a significant seroconversion only in imported Saanen (p < 0.05) but not in local does; however, the CF titers increased significantly at 4 weeks following priming with c-RBC in local (p < 0.05) but not in the imported Saanen does. The impact of the differences in blood immune components and responses to antigens in the compared goats on protection potential against prevalent diseases in the sub-tropical zone of the eastern Mediterranean countries is discussed.  相似文献   
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