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Science and technology can make substantial contributions to socio-economic development in Thailand. In order to promote such contributions, problem areas and specific problems of high priority need to be defined, and possible solutions outlined. Important criteria for selecting priority areas and key problems include relevance to development, the availability of human resources and the possibility of their development, the cutting-edge advantage to be gained by development, the possibility of international collaboration, and the possibility of integration with culture and environment. These criteria suggest in Thailand a focus on the development of bioscience and biotechnology, materials science, electronics, and information science.  相似文献   
A damaging virus isolated in the Netherlands from lettuce was studied and compared with a virus isolated from dandelion orginating from Czechoslovakia. It was found to biologically resemble dandelion yellow mosaic virus incompletely described from dandelion and lettuce in Great Britain (Kassanis, 1944, 1947) and from dandelion in Germany (Hein, 1963). Mechanical transmission was greatly improved by buffer solution and transmission byMyzus persicae seemed to be in the non-persistent manner. Longevity in vitro of the virus hardly exceeded one day. Thermal inactivation was between 60 and 65 °C and the dilution end-point was between 10 000 and 100 000. It was still infectious in leaf material dried and stored over CaCl2 at 4 °C for 6 1/2 years. The virus was isolated and purified with difficulty and was found to consist of one type of spherical particle of ca 30 nm diameter, with a sedimentation coefficient of 159 S, a buoyant density of 1.42 g.cm?3 and an A260/A280 ratio of 1.67. An antiserum was prepared with a titre of 256 in the agar double-diffusion test. The virus could be identified in crude extracts from lettuce andChenopodium amaranticolor by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), but not by agar double diffusion. It could only be visualized in crude sap in the electron microscope after trapping of virus particles on antiserum-coated grids. The virus cannot yet be assigned to any known virus group. It is of potential economic importance to lettuce because of its occurrence in widely differing regions in Europe, its aggressiveness and virulence on 22 out of 23 lettuce cultivars tested (and on endive) and its pathogenicity toLactuca genotypes which are resistant to lettuce mosaic virus and other important pathogens of lettuce. ‘Laibacher Eis’ was the only cultivar showing some tolerance.  相似文献   
1. An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different dietary protein contents on the performance of naked neck (Na/na) and normally feathered (na/na) broilers.

2. Chicks from the two genotypes were reared in wire‐floored cages and divided at random into 3 groups. Birds were fed on high protein (HP, 12.99 MJ ME, 238 g crude protein/kg and 12.94 MJ ME, 216 g crude protein/kg from 0 to 3 and 3 to 7 weeks, respectively), medium protein (MP, 12.99 MJ ME, 219 g crude protein/kg and 12.87 MJ ME, 201 g crude protein/kg from 0 to 3 and 3 to 7 weeks), and low protein (LP, 12.94 MJ ME, 205 g crude protein/kg and 12.75 MJ ME, 184 g protein/kg from 0 to 3 and 3 to 7 weeks) diets.

3. The LP diets resulted in a significantly lower daily body weight gain of males from 0 to 3 weeks. Dietary protein content had no effect on body weight gain from 3 to 7 weeks, body weight at 7 weeks, and the food intake of birds. Carcase composition of birds from both genotypes was unaffected by dietary protein.

4. Naked neck birds had significandy higher body weights at 7 weeks. Yields of carcase and breast of Na/na males were significantly higher than those of na/na males. There were no significant differences between females from the two genotypes as regards carcase yield.

5. It was concluded that the dietary protein requirements of naked neck birds were similar to those for normally feathered birds.  相似文献   

1. One hundred and seven laying hens were hypophysec‐tomised to clarify the relationship between hypophysectomy and the effect of progesterone (P4) on ovulation.

2. Hens were hypophysectomised at 6 intervals from 4.5 to 11.0 h before the expected time of ovulation. Ovulation occurred in the hens operated on from 4.5 to 7.3 h, but did not take place in birds operated on from 9.2 to 9.8 h before the expected time of ovulation.

3. When a single dose of P4 (2 mg/hen) was injected iv immediately after the removal of the anterior pituitary from 7.5 to 9.8 h before the expected time of ovulation, ovulation was induced. However, the percentage of hens responding decreased in proportion to the lapse of time between the hypophysectomy and the expected time of ovulation. No ovulation was induced in hens which were hypophysectomized and given P4 10.2 to 11.0 h before the expected time of ovulation.

4. It is suggested that ovulation is induced by P4 alone possibly in the absence of preovulatory gonadotrophins and that P4 acts directly on the ovary to induce follicle rupture.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A crossbreeding experiment was carried out in Egypt using a local breed (Baladi Red, BR) and New Zealand White (NZ) to estimate direct heterosis, maternal additive effects and direct sire effects on some growth and carcass traits in rabbits. Data of body weight (at 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 weeks) and daily gains (at intervals of 5-6, 6-8, 8-10, and 10-12 weeks) on 2153 weaned rabbits were collected. Carcass performance at 12 weeks of age (weight and percentages of carcass, giblets, head, fur, blood and viscera) on 213 male rabbits was evaluated. Estimates of coefficients of variation (CV) for most growth and carcass traits were high and ranged from 10.0 to 40.2%. Sire-breed was of considerable importance in the variation of growth traits and some carcass traits, while dam-breed contributed little. Sire-breed × dam-breed interaction affected (P<0.01 or P<0.001) most body weights and gains studied, while it contributed little to the variation of carcass traits. The purebred NZ resulted in rabbits with heavier weights and carcass and with lighter non-edible carcass (blood and viscera) compared to the BR. Heterosis percentages for most growth traits were significant and ranged from 2.5% to 5.0% for body weights and from 0.7% to 9.5% for daily gains. Insignificant positive direct heterosis was observed for most carcass traits. Crossbred rabbits from NZ sires with BR dams were superior to from the reciprocals. Maternal-breed effects on most weights and gains were insignificant, while sire-breed contrasts for some weights and gains proved significant. Postweaning growth and carcass performances of BR-mothered rabbits generally surpassed the NZ mothered, while NZ-sired rabbits were superior at later ages. High edible carcass was observed for BR-sired rabbits, while more non-edible carcass wastes (blood and viscera) for NZ-sired rabbits. Maternal-breed effects appeared to be less important than paternal-breed effects in influencing most weights, gains and carcass traits studied. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Heterosis, maternale und direkte Wirkungen bei Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmalen in Kaninchenkreuzungen Der Kreuzungsversuch wurde mit lokalen ?gyptischen Rassen (BR) und Neuseeland Wei?en (NZ) zur Sch?tzung direkter Heterosis, maternaler additiver Wirkungen, direkter Vater-Wirkung auf einige Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale von Kaninchen durchgeführt. Angaben über K?rpergewicht (5, 6, 8, 10, 12 Wochen) und Zuwachs (Intervalle 5 bis 6, 6 bis 8, 8 bis 10, 10 bis 12 Wochen) wurden von 2153 abgesetzten Kaninchen gewonnen. Die Schlachtk?rperleistungen bei 12 Wochen Alter (Gewicht und Anteil von Schlachtk?rper, Kopf, Pelz, Blut und Innereien) stammen von 213 m?nnlichen Kaninchen. Sch?tzungen der Variationskoeffizenten (CV) für meiste Wachstums- und Schlachtk?rpermerkmale waren hoch und bewegten sich zwischen 10 und 40,2%. Vaterrasse hatte erheblichen Einflu? auf Unterschiede in Wachstumsrate und einige Schlachtk?rpermerkmale, w?hrend die Mutterrasse weniger beigetragen hat. Interaktion zwischen beiden beeinflu?te die meisten K?rpergewichts- und Zuwacnsleistungen, w?hrend sie wenig zur Variabilit?t der Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beigetragen hat. Reinrassige NZ waren schwerer und hatten weniger nicht nutzbare Schlachtk?rperteile (Blut und Eingeweide) verglichen mit BR. Heterosis-Prozente für die meisten Wachstumsmerkmale waren signifikant und schwankten zwischen 2,5 und 5% für K?rpergewicht, 0,7 bis 9,5% für Zuwachs. Insignifikante positive direkte Heterosis wurde für die meisten Schlachtk?rpermerkmale beobachtet. Kreuzungskaninchen von NZ V?tern waren den reziproken überlegen. Maternale Wirkungen auf meiste Gewichtsmerkmale waren insignifikant, w?hrend Vaterrassenkontraste hierfür signifikant waren. Zuwachs- und Schlachtk?rperleistung von BR ges?ugten Kaninchen haben im allgemeinen die von NZ ges?ugten übertroffen, w?hrend von NZ B?cken gezeugte in sp?teren Altersabschnitten überlegen waren. Hohe Werte für Schlachtk?rper wurden für BR ges?ugte Kaninchen gefunden, w?hrend mehr nicht verzehrbare Abf?lle (Blut und Eingeweide) bei NZ gezeugten vorhanden war. Maternale Rassenwirkungen schienen weniger wichtig als paternale zu sein.  相似文献   
糯米糍荔枝果实内源激素与落果的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以糯米糍荔枝生理落果期的田间调查和胚胎发育研究为基础,探讨了内源激素与生理落果的关系.结果表明,糯米糍生理落果高峰的主要原因是:第1次因授粉受精不良导致的生长促进类激素尤其是CTK水平过低;第2次与胚乳为胚的发育所利用而消失、IAA和GAs急剧降低有关;第3次与胚的败育造成CTK、GAs和IAA的全面下降有关;第4次发生在假种皮(果肉)迅速生长期,与种皮和假种皮ABA升至高水平有关.此外,还探讨了ABA /(IAA+GAs+CTK)与生理落果的相关性,以及胚囊、珠被和假种皮等果实内部组分内源激素的变化特点.  相似文献   
Squash mosaic virus (SqMV, comovirus) is seed-transmitted in severalCucurbitaceae. Therefore, the use of virus-free seed is important to prevent establishment of this virus in the Netherlands and to avoid spread to other countries.This study was undertaken to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of SqMV in melon seeds. An antiserum was produced to a serotype 1 isolate from melon. Two ELISA variants were investigated viz. an ELISA variant with simultaneous incubation of sample and enzyme conjugate (ELISA 1) and an ELISA variant with successive incubation of sample and enzyme conjugate (ELISA 2). The sensitivity of ELISA was tested by mixing fluor of ground infected and non-infected seeds in different proportions. SqMV was detected by both ELISA variants at dilutions of 1 160 (1 part of infected flour mixed with 159 parts of non-infected flour) or higher after a substrate incubation period of 4 h. However, ELISA 1 gave relatively higher absorbance values than ELISA 2 for nearly all dilutions. Since ELISA 1 is also faster than ELISA 2, ELISA 1 is advised for routine testing. In these test, using subsamples of 100 melon seeds SqMV is detected reliably. ELISA 1 is now used in the Netherlands for routine-indexing of melon seed lots for SqMV.Samenvatting Het pompoenemozaïekvirus gaat over met het zaad van verscheideneCucurbitaceae. Het gebruik van virusvrij zaad is belangrijk om te voorkomen dat het virus zijn intrede doet in Nederland en zich naar andere landen verspreidt.Een antiserum werd geproduceerd tegen een serotype 1 isolaat van meloen. Met behulp van dit antiserum werd een ELISA ontwikkeld om pompoenemozaïekvirus in zaden van meloen aan te tonen. Twee varianten van ELISA werden vergeleken, namelijk een variant waarbij monster en enzymconjugaat gelijktijdig geïncubeerd werden (ELISA 1) en een variant waarbij monster en enzymconjugaat na elkaar geïncubeerd werden (ELISA 2). De gevoeligheid van de ELISA varianten werd uitgetoetst door meel van zieke zaden in verschillende verhoudingen te mengen met meel van gezonde zaden. Het pompoenemozaïekvirus werd met beide ELISA varianten aangetoond in verdunningen van 1 160 (1 deel meel van zieke zaden gemengd met 159 delen meel van gezonde zaden) of hoger na 4 uur incubatie met substraat. ELISA 1 gaf doorgaans hogere extinctiewaarden dan ELISA 2 voor bijna alle verdunningen. Omdat ELISA 1 ook nog sneller is dan ELISA 2, wordt ELISA 1 aanbevolen voor routinematig gebruik. Wanneer voor routinematig gebruik 100 meloenezaden per submonster getoetst worden, kan het pompoenemozaïek virus betrouwbaar worden aangetoond. In Nederland worden momenteel per zaadpartij 20 submonsters van 100 zaden getoetst.  相似文献   
棉籽壳对黄萎病菌的抑菌作用和抑菌物质的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据过去观察,棉籽壳有明显抑制黄萎病菌的作用。本试验初步证明这一抑菌物质具有丹宁类物质的某些特性。不同铃龄各部位的抑菌强度总趋势,与用高锰酸钾滴定法测得的丹宁类物质含量趋势一致,即不论大、中、小铃,感病及抗病品种,种壳的抑菌作用均大于胎座。初步认为种壳中较高浓度的丹宁类物质是种子内部带菌率极低的主要原因之一。纯丹宁在棉籽饼粉酒精洋莱培养基中的抑菌作用较供试的其它培养基小,说明此培养基用于种子带菌分离的优越性。棉花枯萎病菌对丹宁的耐受力显著高于黄萎病菌。  相似文献   
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