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Secretion of growth hormone (GH) is reduced for several hours after feeding when access to feed is restricted to a 2-hr period each day. We hypothesized that increased secretion of insulin after feeding inhibits release of GH from the anterior pituitary gland. Our objectives were to determine whether: 1) alloxan prevents concentrations of insulin from increasing after feeding steers; 2) concentrations of GH remain high after feeding alloxan-treated steers; and 3) GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) stimulates greater release of GH in alloxan-treated, than in control, steers after feeding. Steers were injected iv with either saline (control) or with alloxan (110 mg/kg) (n = 4 per group). Concentrations of insulin were not different (P = 0.61) between control and alloxan-treated steers before feeding (87.5 +/- 33.6 pmol/l). However, alloxan prevented insulin from increasing (P < 0.001) after feeding (131.8 pmol/1) compared with control steers (442.0 pmol/l) (pooled SEM = 47.5). Overall, GH was higher (P < 0.05) in alloxan-treated (6.4 ng/ml) than in control steers (3.7 ng/ml) (pooled SEM = 0.7), but GH decreased (P < 0.001) after feeding in both groups. Iv injection of GHRH stimulated release of GH 1 hr before, but not when injected 1 hr after feeding (P < 0.001). In addition, net areas under the GH curve were not significantly different between control and alloxan-treated groups. We conclude that increased concentrations of insulin after feeding do not mediate feeding-induced suppression of GH secretion in steers.  相似文献   
A retrospective study was conducted to determine the relative frequency and type of elimination problem seen in dogs at a university referral practice and to evaluate the efficacy of the suggested treatments. Cases presented to the Animal Behavior Clinic at Cornell University between 1987 and 1996 were reviewed. Of 1,173 cases, 105 (9%) were house-soiling cases. Of these cases, the authors obtained outcome information from 70. Within the diagnosis of house soiling, incomplete housebreaking (n=59; 84%) were the most frequent referral cases, of which 48 cases (81%; 95% confidence interval, 69% to 90%) improved. Separation anxiety was considered the second most common underlying cause (n=27; 39%), of which 85% (n=23; 95% confidence interval, 66% to 96%) improved. Behavior modification was the most often suggested treatment (n=58), with 48 (83%) cases improving. Behavior modification consisted of accompanying the dog to the preferred elimination area, rewarding the dog for eliminating there, and punishing the dog only when caught in the act of house soiling. These results suggest that correct house training, behavior modification involving positive reinforcement, and appropriate punishment are essential to diminish house-soiling problems in dogs.  相似文献   
A condition colloquially referred to as "limber tail" and "cold tail" is familiar to people working with hunting dogs, primarily Pointers and Labrador Retrievers. The typical case consists of an adult dog that suddenly develops a flaccid tail. The tail either hangs down from the tail base or is held out horizontally for several inches from the tail base and then hangs straight down or at some degree below horizontal. Initially, the hair on the dorsal aspect of the proximal tail may be raised and dogs may resent palpation of the area 3-4 inches (8-10 cm) from the tail base. Most dogs recover spontaneously within a few days to weeks. Anecdotal reports suggest that anti-inflammatory drugs administered within 24 hours after onset hasten recovery. Less than one half of affected dogs experience a recurrence. Affected Pointers almost always have a history of prolonged cage transport, a hard workout the previous day, or exposure to cold or wet weather Most owners and trainers familiar with the condition do not seek veterinary assistance. In cases where people are not familiar with this disease, other conditions such as a fracture, spinal cord disease, impacted anal glands, or prostatic disease have been incorrectly diagnosed. We examined 4 affected Pointers and found evidence of coccygeal muscle damage, which included mild elevation of creatine kinase early after onset of clinical signs, needle electromyographic examination showing abnormal spontaneous discharges restricted to the coccygeal muscles several days after onset, and histopathologic evidence of muscle fiber damage. Specific muscle groups, namely the laterally positioned intertransversarius ventralis caudalis muscles, were affected most severely. Abnormal findings on thermography and scintigraphy further supported the diagnosis.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT In excised dormant stems of peach (Prunus persica), prune (Prunus domestica), and almond (Prunus dulcis), stem diameter, stem hydration, and freezing-thawing influenced the extent of infection caused by Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae. Bacterial lesion length increased with increasing stem diameter, demonstrating the need to account for the effects of stem diameter when lesion length data are analyzed. Lesion length increased or decreased with stem hydration or dehydration, respectively. However, tissue water content was not a good indicator of tissue susceptibility to infection by P. syringae pv. syringae, as larger diameter stems had larger lesions and lower water content than did smaller diameter stems. After freezing at -5 degrees C for 12 to 24 h, inoculations made during the thawing process produced significantly larger lesions than did inoculations performed before freezing or after thawing. These results support the hypothesis that the increased susceptibility to bacterial canker that is associated with noninjurious freezing is a result of the increased passive spread of bacteria through water redistribution when inoculation is performed during the thawing process. Plant tissue water relationship characteristics that can influence water movement during freezing and thawing may be an important component of bacterial canker development in stone fruit trees.  相似文献   
The afferent vessels of the circulus arteriosus cerebri in the camel were studied quantitatively. It was found that the diameters of the arteries did not differ significantly on the left and right sides. An interesting observation was that the basilar artery contributed to the blood supply of the brain in the camel, in contrast to the situation in other ruminants.  相似文献   
Investigations of the equine peripheral vascular system have been constrained by the lack of a non-invasive method of examining the arteries and veins of the limbs of the conscious horse. Precise correlations were established between the gross anatomical features of the peripheral vessels and their B-mode sonographic appearance in each thoracic limb of 35 horses. A sonographic imaging protocol was established. Additional Doppler sonographic recordings defined the arterial waveforms and demonstrated that blood flow to the foot could be evaluated in the lateral proper digital artery, distal to the level of the coronary band. Valves (with 2-4 cusps) were identified in the lumina of the medial and lateral palmar common digital veins and those of the medial and lateral palmar proper digital veins. Spontaneous echo contrast, a smoke-like haze of echoic blood, was seen in the lateral and medial palmar common digital veins, the distal deep palmar venous arch and communicating branches, and the palmar proper digital veins, and occasionally seen in the distal deep palmar arterial arch and distal proper palmar digital arteries. The value of duplex sonography (B-mode and Doppler) for anatomical and physiological studies of the peripheral vasculature of the horse was clearly established. Such data could be applied to the investigation of diseases affecting the peripheral circulation.  相似文献   
The origin and attachments of the muscles of the external nose were examined in 17 pigs comprising both sexes and different age groups. The modification of the porcine nasal apex to the snout-disc leads to different functional aspects of the muscles of the external nose. Accordingly, all these muscles are attached to the snout-disc. Only the nasolabial levator and caninus muscles are also attached to the upper lip. In addition, the snout-disc includes an intrinsic muscle, the nasal muscle. With regard to morphological and functional aspects, the nostrils can be divided into two parts. The superficial part consists of muscle and connective tissue and is dilated by the cooperative contraction of all muscles of the external nose. In contrast, the second and cartilaginous part of the nostrils dilates less readily, through contraction of the rostrally located deep fibres of the levator nasolabial muscle. As an adaptation for rooting, a special supportive system for muscles of the external nose has developed in pigs, including osseous (eminentia canina) and muscular (muscular slip of the m. levator labii superioris attached to the nasal bone, species-specific development of the m. levator nasolabialis) structures. The observed cartilaginous connection between the ventral lateral nasal and the vomeronasal cartilages suggests another transport mechanism for odours into the vomeronasal organ. Due to this connection, movement of the snout-disc and the cartilages of the external nose could imply passive movement of the vomeronasal cartilage and therefore of the vomeronasal organ.  相似文献   
To elucidate the normal development and growth of Mongolian gerbils, the timing and sequence of the appearance of ossification centres within foetuses were investigated. Average foetus body weight and tail length on the 15th day of pregnancy were found to be 0.042 g and 6.2 mm, respectively. For the 25th day of pregnancy, these measurements were 2.601 g and 29.4 mm, respectively. The body weight and tail length of foetuses increased significantly from the 20th day of pregnancy. Also, the first ossification centre of Mongolian gerbil foetuses appeared in the clavicle at the 17th day of pregnancy. The order in which ossification centres appeared in Mongolian gerbils resembles the pattern for rats and mice, except in some areas of the skull. Except for the clavicle, in which ossification centres appeared rather early, most ossification centres appeared in the last quarter of pregnancy. These results suggest that Mongolian gerbil foetal development is near completion by the last gestational stage. Also, ossification centres appear sooner in the skull and nasal bones than in other rodents.  相似文献   
Exons 4 to 8 of the tumour suppressor gene p53 were analysed in 25 skin and 25 mammary tumours of 50 dogs. A 1 bp deletion (ACCAC) was detected in codon 89 in exon 4 in a squamous cell carcinoma. A missense mutation CGCCAC (argininehistidine) was present in codon 162 in exon 5 in a mammary adenocarcinoma. Moreover, a silent mutation occurred in codon 103 (serine) of exon 4 in a mammary adenoma. The somatic nature of the three mutations was demonstrated.  相似文献   
Adenovirus infection was the cause of an epizootic of hemorrhagic disease that is believed to have killed thousands of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in California during the latter half of 1993. A systemic vasculitis with pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic enteropathy or a localized vasculitis associated with necrotizing stomatitis/pharyngitis/glossitis or osteomyelitis of the jaw were common necropsy findings in animals that died during this epizootic. To study transmission of adenovirus infection in deer and susceptibility of black-tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) fawns to adenovirus infection, six 3-6-month-old black-tailed fawns were divided into two treatment groups. One group was inoculated intravenously and the other group was inoculated through the mucous membranes of the eyes, nose and mouth with purified adenovirus. Each treatment group also included two additional fawns (four total) that were not inoculated but were exposed to inoculated animals (contact animals). One fawn served as a negative control. Between 4 and 16 days postinoculation, 8/10 fawns developed systemic or localized infection with lesions identical to lesions seen in animals with natural disease that died during the epizootic. Transmission was by direct contact, and the route of inoculation did not affect the incubation period or the distribution of the virus (systemic or the localized infection). Immunohistochemical analysis using polyclonal antiserum against bovine adenovirus type 5 demonstrated staining in endothelial cells of vessels in numerous tissues in animals with systemic infection and endothelial staining only in vessels subtending necrotic foci in the upper alimentary tract in animals with the localized form of the disease. All inoculated or exposed animals had staining in the tonsillar epithelium. Transmission electron microscopic examination of lung and ileum from two fawns with pulmonary edema and hemorrhagic enteropathy demonstrated endothelial necrosis and adenovirus virions in endothelial cell nuclei. Adenovirus was reisolated in black-tailed deer pulmonary artery endothelial cells using lung homogenate of the first fawn that developed systemic adenovirus infection. Serum virus neutralization test results suggest that this deer adenovirus is a new serotype.  相似文献   
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