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介绍了闽北山区水稻生产的现状,种子发芽基本条件,中稻浸种催芽技术及种子催芽过程中常见问题及解决办法。  相似文献   
高产优质杂交稻新品种钱优3301系福建省农业科学院生物技术研究所与浙江省农业科学院作物与核技术利用研究所用钱江1A/闽恢3301联合培育的,2014年通过福建省农作物品种审定。2016年引入闽清县种植,平均产量达9 127.9 kg/hm~2,具有株型适中、群体整齐、综合性状好、稻米品质优等特点。总结了钱优3301在闽清县种植表现及高产栽培技术。  相似文献   
通过多个粳型水稻品种与籼型品种的对比栽培试验,分析其生物学特性,表明粳型品种分蘖力弱,有效穗少,但穗粒数多,茎秆粗壮,抗倒。粳型品种高产栽培策略是合理密植,创建最优群体结构,增加有效穗,提高结实率,及时预防稻曲病。  相似文献   
对引进的11个糯玉米新品种(系)进行比较试验,结果表明:京科糯2000综合性状表现好,具有产量高、抗性好等特点,适宜在政和县推广种植。总结了表现较好玉米品种的产量表现及主要农艺性状。  相似文献   
 贮藏蛋白组成是决定小麦加工品质的重要因素。本文调查了我国冬播麦区251份主栽品种和高代品系的高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(HMW-GS)、低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基(LMW-GS)和1B/1R易位的分布状况,研究了它们与加工品质性状的关系。结果表明,品质较差的HMW-GS N、7+9、2+12和LMW-GS Glu-A3a与Glu-B3j(1B/1R易位)在冬播麦区分布较广,频率分别为39.4%、45.0%、59.8%、37.1%和44.6%。HMW-GS和LMW-GS等位变异对籽粒蛋白质含量影响较小,对SDS沉降值、和面时间与耐揉性的加性和互作效应达1%的显著水平。按位点对加工品质性状的贡献大小,Glu-D1>Glu-B3>Glu-B1>Glu-A3>Glu-A1;就单个亚基而言,Glu-A1位点,1>2*>N;Glu-B1位点,7+8>14+15>7+9;Glu-D1位点,5+10>4+12>2+12;Glu-A3位点,Glu-A3d>Glu-A3a>Glu-A3c>Glu-A3e,Glu-B3位点; Glu-B3d>Glu-B3b>Glu-B3f >Glu-B3j。1B/1R易位对SDS沉降值、和面时间和耐揉性等加工品质性状有显著负面效应。通过选择优质高低分子量麦谷蛋白亚基和淘汰1B/1R易位系,将有助于提高我国小麦的面筋质量。  相似文献   
[目的]探索葡萄糖酸亚铁固体脂质纳米粒的制备方法。[方法]采用两步W/O/W乳化方式制备葡萄糖酸亚铁固体脂质纳米粒(SLN)。以包埋率为指标,研究内外相、油水相体积比,卵磷脂浓度对SLN包埋率的影响。[结果]试验确定当内相中水相与油相的体积比为0.2,外水相与内相乳状液的体积比为5∶1,卵磷脂浓度为5%时,SLN的包埋率取得最大值,为52.48%。在内水相引入海藻酸钠(1∶2,W/W)的结果表明,SLN的包埋率增大,为59.03%,粒径、Zeta电位和多分散系数发生变化。体外释放试验表明,SLN能起到保护葡萄糖酸亚铁经受胃酸环境的作用,并在模拟肠液中表现为突释的释放效果。[结论]固体脂质纳米粒对葡萄糖酸亚铁有较好的保护及释放效果,可为无机铁补充剂的生产提供新的技术手段。  相似文献   
Lipid metabolism in dogs can be divided into exogenous and endogenous pathways and exhibits some unique characteristics compared to other species. Hyperlipidemia is common in dogs, and can be either primary or secondary to other diseases. Secondary hyperlipidemia is the most common form and can be a result of endocrine disorders, pancreatitis, cholestasis, protein-losing nephropathy, obesity, and high fat diets. Primary hyperlipidemia is less common and usually associated with certain breeds. Hypertriglyceridemia of Miniature Schnauzers is the most common type of primary hyperlipidemia in dogs in the United States, and appears to have a genetic basis although its etiology remains unknown. Possible complications of canine hyperlipidemia include pancreatitis, liver disease, atherosclerosis, ocular disease, and seizures. Management is achieved by administration of low fat diets with or without the administration of lipid-lowering agents such as omega-3 fatty acids, gemfibrozil, and niacin.  相似文献   
The paper presents the results of faunistic, ecological and viral investigations concerning phlebotomine sandflies in an endemic focus of visceral leishmaniasis in Yugoslavia. These investigations were carried out in the period from 1969 to 1981.  相似文献   
Two pairs of hitherto unknown multiciliate sensory endings have been demonstrated in free-swimming cercariae of Echinostoma revolutum using transmission and scanning electron microscopy. This type of receptor consists of a bundle of 36--40 short, conically projecting cilia ensheathed by a collar formed by a circular evagination of tegument in shape of a cup. The cilia projecting from the centre of a widened nerve fibre, filled with electron-lucid vesicles, possess a well developed basal body and do not contain a ciliary rootlet. The function of this receptor is discussed.  相似文献   
A study was conducted on the insects infesting seeds and cones of Abies alba Mill. in the Gorce National Park, in southern Poland during 1996–1998. A total of 856 cones were collected from 66 trees growing at 11 sites located in partially or strictly protected forest reserves. Of this sample, 217 cones with 54,958 seeds were dissected. This study yielded 5,816 specimens of insects, namely: seminiphagous Resseliella piceae Seitn., Megastigmus suspectus Borr. as well as conophagous Earomyia impossibile Morge, Barbara herrichiana Obr. and Dioryctria abietella (Den. et Schiff.). The most abundant species was R. piceae with 4,186 individuals. The index of cone infestation was calculated. It showed great variability between forest reserves and study-years. The numbers of insect individuals, numbers of viable and infertile seeds, and seeds damaged by M. suspectus and R. piceae, in both strict and partial reserves in the consecutive years were compared statistically. The test of significant differences between two frequencies at 0.05 level was used in statistical analysis. In both strict and partial reserves, statistically significant differences were found between studied variables.  相似文献   
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