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根据Gen Bank报道的N基因高度保守核苷酸序列,设计并合成一对引物。上下游引物与Gen Bank中登录的153株猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)N基因全长序列匹配度分别是100%和97%。以本实验室分离流行毒株为模板,利用SYBR Green I荧光染料法进行RT-PCR扩增,获得扩增产物构建重组质粒作为阳性对照,建立检测猪流行性腹泻病毒核酸的方法。同一样品进行3次重复试验,变异系数0.9%。通过对临床样品进行检测和测序验证,核酸检测结果中的阳性样品准确率为100%。本研究所建立的荧光定量PCR检测方法具有快速、灵敏、准确等优点,可用于临床PEDV的检测及分子流行病学调查。  相似文献   
为研究格木不同天然种源家系苗的生长差异,选出相对速生的优良种源,本研究对8个格木天然林种源、110个家系1年生的苗高和地径等生长量指标进行测量,结合各家系的种子表型性状进行方差分析、多重比较、相关性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:不同种源的格木苗期生长量差异显著,具备种源选择的基础;不同种源的苗期生长量差异主要来源于种源内,具备从优良种源内选择优良家系的基础;苗期生长量与种子大小、种子厚和千粒重等性状呈极显著正相关关系,大粒、饱满种子可作为优良种源和家系选择的初选参考指标。初步选出浦北、北流种源作为格木优良种源。本研究为格木速生种源及家系的早期选择提供依据。  相似文献   
基层农业信息化服务体系建设的现状及对策初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对农业信息化服务体系建设必要性的论述,结合天等农业信息化建设现状的分析,从依靠政府主导,建立和完善农业信息服务体系和机制,加强信息队伍建设和强化农民信息化意识等方面提出了加快该县农业信息服务体系构建,促进农业信息化发展的对策措施。  相似文献   
蛋鸡发声音频数据库的构建与应用   总被引:8,自引:7,他引:1  
蛋鸡发声含有丰富的机体信息,充分挖掘其声学特性,并利用其无接触、无应激的优点,为建立基于发声信息的蛋鸡养殖远程监测平台提供基础依据。该研究借助音频数字化处理技术和数据库管理平台,以海兰褐蛋鸡为例,搭建系统分别采集其在小规模(5只)饲养条件下的叫声信息及其体态行为。运用音频处理软件Adobe Auditionv1.0和音频分析软件Praat5.3提取蛋鸡发声特征参数,包括持续时间、基音频率、频谱质心、共振峰及其衍生的统计值,以此构建出蛋鸡发声音频数据库,在此基础上分别选取蛋鸡产蛋行为发声、鸣唱声和鸣叫声等典型发声行为对比分析。结果表明,蛋鸡产蛋行为发声与鸣唱声均为多次重复的、有节奏的、短促的音节所构成(称其为句子),前者先抑后扬、后者先扬后抑,句子的音节个数分别是7.8±2.0、15.2±7.7,但其时频域特征间存在着显著差异(P<0.05),与鸣叫声相比,其发声特征参数如频谱质心、共振峰等有着显著差异。研究表明,掌握蛋鸡发声的含义,有助于了解其行为特性、机体状态以及种群间的信息传递,并为蛋鸡行为特征识别与数字化监测平台的构建提供数据支持。  相似文献   
This trial was carried out to study the influence of the nutrient solution on the microelements concentration and distribution in C. fruticosa var. ‘Red Edge' plants. Four treatments were tested: T1 [control, 1.5 dS m?1, 14.3 mmol L?1 sodium chloride (NaCl)], T2 (2.5 dS m?1, 22.2 mmol L?1 NaCl), T3 (3.5 dS m?1, 32.7 mmol L?1 NaCl) and T4 (4.5 dS m?1, 38.2 mmol L?1 NaCl). In roots and stems, iron (Fe) concentrations were lower in the no saline treatment. Stems accumulated more Fe with treatments T3 and T4. Copper concentration and extraction were not affected by salinity. The highest manganese (Mn) concentration in roots was observed in T2, while in petioles was higher in T3 and T4. Manganese extraction reached higher levels in the saline treatments in roots and stems, while in petioles it was lower in T1, T2 and T3. In roots, zinc (Zn) concentration was lower with the extreme treatments. Micronutrients concentration in leaves was unaffected by salinity, because an exclusion mechanism that consists on accumulation in roots and stems was developed.  相似文献   
The beneficial effects of graduated compression stockings (GCS) in prophylaxis and treatment of venous disorders of human lower extremity have been recognized. However, their pressure functional performances are variable and unstable in practical applications, and the exact mechanisms of action remain controversial. Direct surface pressure measurements and indirect material properties testing are not enough for fully understanding the interaction between stocking and leg. A three-dimensional (3D) biomechanical mathematical model for numerically simulating the interaction between leg and GCS in dynamic wear was developed based on the actual geometry of the female leg obtained from 3D reconstruction of MR images and the real size and mechanical properties of the compression stocking prototype. The biomechanical solid leg model consists of bones and soft tissues, and an orthotropic shell model is built for the stocking hose. The dynamic putting-on process is simulated by defining the contact of finite relative sliding between the two objects. The surface pressure magnitude and distribution along the different height levels of the leg and stress profiles of stockings were simulated. As well, their dynamic alterations with time processing were quantitatively analyzed. Through validation, the simulated results showed a reasonable agreement with the experimental measurements, and the simulated pressure gradient distribution from the ankle to the thigh (100:67:30) accorded with the advised criterion by the European committee for standardization. The developed model can be used to predict and visualize the dynamic pressure and stress performances exerted by compression stocking in wear, and to optimize the material mechanical properties in stocking design, thus, helping us understand mechanisms of compression action and improving medical functions of GCS.  相似文献   
长期秸秆与氮磷肥配施对土壤钾素形态的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以山东省黄河冲积平原低肥力潮土为供试土壤,经18a盆栽土培定位试验后,采用化学形态分析方法对土壤的钾素形态进行了研究。结果表明,长期秸秆还田并配施适量的化肥,能明显提高潮土缓效钾和速效钾的释放效应,对矿物钾的有效化也有一定效果。在秸秆还田量分别为2250、4500、6750kg/hm2范围内,土壤水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾、特殊吸附钾、非交换钾与秸秆还田量呈显著正相关;与矿物钾呈显著负相关。长期秸秆还田土壤钾素年度变化规律:非交换钾、特殊吸附钾呈逐年上升趋势;水溶性钾、非特殊吸附钾、矿物钾呈逐年下降趋势。  相似文献   
浅析渔业科研院所学科建设的特点与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学科建设是现代渔业科研院所建设的基础工作。文章分析了渔业科研院所学科建设的特点,阐述了加强渔业科研院所学科建设的重要性和策略,提出了研究制订学科建设规划、加强学术带头人与团队建设、加强科研平台与条件建设、创新管理运行机制、深入对外交流与合作等加强渔业科研院所学科建设的措施,以期为渔业科研院所进一步加强学科建设提供参考。  相似文献   
青海省首次建成并使用的“青海省农作物品种管理数据库系统”是促进全省品种管理、合理推广应用优良品种,为社会提供品种咨询服务业务的信息系统工程,对发展农业生产,提高良种覆盖率具有很高的实用价值和理论意义。  相似文献   
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