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种质是利用和改良动植物、微生物的物质基础,更是实施各个育种途径的原材料,因此优良种质鉴定是一个很关键的问题.种质鉴定方法已由形态水平发展到蛋白质和DNA分子水平.RAPD技术具有敏感、快速、简便、产量高、重复性好及检测容易等突出优点,广泛应用于种质鉴定中,但也有不足之处.基于RAPD标记技术建立起来的SCAR(Sequence Characterized Amplified Region)标记克服了RAPD标记的不足,操作简捷,特异性和重复性较高,是一种有效的分子标记.RAPD-SCAR分子标记技术的利用使种质鉴定更为快速准确,提高了育种速度,缩短了育种周期,为相关的研究工作提供分子遗传学依据.  相似文献   
对能抑制畜禽大肠杆菌的动物益生菌短短芽孢杆菌YSJ-0401的培养条件进行优化。从时间、温度、摇床转速和培养基pH值研究短短芽孢杆菌YSJ-0401的最适培养条件,以获得最佳的抑菌效果。短短芽孢杆菌YSJ-0401培养24~84 h的抑菌圈为10.00~13.00 mm,在24~39 ℃下培养的抑菌圈为9.00~14.00 mm,转速在90~210 r/min下培养的抑菌圈为13.75~15.00 mm,pH 6.0~8.0下培养的抑菌圈为10.50~14.50 mm。动物益生菌短短芽孢杆菌YSJ-0401的最适培养条件为培养基pH 7.5、30 ℃下培养48 h,摇床转速在90~210 r/min范围内均可。  相似文献   
利用SRAP分子标记技术对彩色棉遗传多样性进行研究,应用NTSYS软件对30种供试棉花材料的SRAP-PCR结果进行分析,从中筛选得到29对条带清晰的多态性引物,共产生1067条清晰条带,多态性条带132条,平均每个引物组合得到4.55条多态性条带。聚类分析29对引物组合的扩增结果,Jaccard’s相似系数在0.5405-0.9109之间,利用SRAP标记可以判明彩色棉和白色棉的遗传差异,可有效地应用于彩色棉的遗传多样性及亲缘关系的研究。  相似文献   
灵武长枣是宁夏银川地区主要栽培枣品种,采后在自然条件下果肉快速疏松变质,鲜食期很短,为了延长灵武长枣采后鲜果的市场供应期,特开展此试验.采用6种不同保鲜荆贮藏,研究不同保鲜荆贮藏后的生理变化及品质变化.结果表明采用5 g/m''4.5%TBZ(噻苯咪唑)熏蒸的处理为好.该处理能有效地延缓枣果含酸量的下降速率和还原糖含量的变化,较好地保持Vc含量,枣果贮藏105天硬果率37.5%,商品果率94.34%.用5 g/m3 4.5%TBZ熏蒸,在温度为(-0.5±0.5)℃、相对湿度(90±3.0)%的条件下贮藏,能减缓枣果含酸量的下降速率和还原糖含量的变化,贮藏效果要明显好于其他保鲜剂.  相似文献   
为了探讨马铃薯原种在小垄栽培(垄距70 cm)条件下的适宜种植密度,利用马铃薯品种荷兰15号脱毒原原种为试验材料,种植并生产原种一代。采用单因素随机区组设计,设株距10 cm、15 cm、20 cm、25 cm和30 cm共5个处理,采用通径分析探讨了植株性状对产量的影响,运用方差分析探讨了密度与植株性状(株高、主茎数和茎粗)、产量性状(单株结薯数、平均薯块重、单株产量、产种量、繁殖系数、公顷产量)和经济参数(产投比和经济效益)的关系。研究结果表明:株距在10~30 cm之间时,如果株高越高、主茎数越多,那么产量就越高;随着株距的增大,单株结薯数逐渐增多,单株产量逐渐增高,繁殖系数和产投比逐渐增大,主茎数和产种量无显著变化;垄株距为70×30 cm的处理产量最高,繁殖系数最大,产投比最高和经济效益最好,是小垄稀植栽培的适宜密度。  相似文献   
比较了透明胶带粘取法、火棉胶印迹法和直接撕取法等三种马铃薯叶片气孔的观察方法。研究表明,透明胶带粘取法观察马铃薯叶片气孔,较火棉胶印迹法和直接撕取法具有操作简单、速度快和真实性强的优点,适宜于气孔密度和纵横径的观察。  相似文献   
六堡茶的理化分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究六堡茶散茶和砖茶(2006年产)的主要功能化学成分的含量及其光谱学特性。采用高效液相色谱法、分光光度法及色差分析等方法,分析六堡茶的理化特性,六堡茶散茶和砖茶的主要化学功能成分分析中,游离氨基酸含量分别为(29.81±0.073)和(2.37±0.011)mg/g,未检测出茶氨酸;水溶性糖含量分别为:(38.45±1.03)和(47.55±1.19)mg/g;游离蛋白质含量为13.28±0.53)和(11.41±1.71)mg/g;没食子酸含量分别为:(4.24±0.063)和(2.37±0.011)mg/g;咖啡碱含量分别为:(28.30±0.10)和(29.28±0.059)mg/g;茶多酚含量分别为:(131.09±8.41)和(95.61±0.58)mg/g,儿茶素类单体分别有8和7种检出,并分析了其含量;水浸出物含量分别为:(335.68±9.22)和(305.22±7.76)mg/g。用L*a*b*表色系分析了六堡茶和普洱茶茶汤的色差。紫外可见吸收光谱分析表明六堡茶茶汤在205nm和272nm处近有特征吸收峰。得出结论:六堡茶的理化特性呈现典型的黑茶特征。  相似文献   
Species, coverage, density, appearance, important values and above ground biomass of desert plant communities in the Hexi Corridor region in northwestern China were investigated. Data on the meteorological factors at the investigation sites were collected. Their relationships were statistically analyzed. The results show that the composition of plant species and total density in the Hexi Corridor region are positively correlated with elevation and longitude, but negatively with latitude. The relation decreases from the southeast to the northwest in this region. In the desert regions with an accumulated temperature of >10°C greater than 3200°C, the shrubs, including semi-shrubs, occupy dominant positions in the communities. Their importance values reach 100. When the accumulated temperature is about 3000°C, the communities are often in some type of transition, either with herbage being the dominant species, with some semishrubs or shrubs as companion species, or the dominant species being semi-shrubs with some perennial herbage as companion species. In desert communities with an annual precipitation of over 110 mm, the main life forms of plants are semi-shrubs or perennial herbs. When precipitation is less than 110 mm, the main life forms of the vegetation are dwarf shrub or annual herbs. In the extreme arid regions with annual precipitation of around 50 mm in the northwestern part of the Hexi Corridor, barely some annual herbage come to life during the rainy season. Desert ecosystems consist of sparse vegetation with small biomass. They change with climate factors and are especially sensitive to precipitation, which is particularly important for their conservation. __________ Translated from Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2007, 27(5): 859–863 [译自: 西北植物学报]  相似文献   
W. Wu  Q. Su  X. Y. Xia  Y. Wang  Y. S. Luan  L. J. An 《Euphytica》2008,159(1-2):17-25
In this research we established a particular vector-free and marker-free plant transformation system of maize to overcome the obstacles of biosafety limits. The BADH gene was introduced into maize by pollen-tube pathway, using the principle of minimum linear length of the transformation element, which was composed of only the BADH gene, expression regulatory sequence (35S CAMV promoter, NOS terminator), and T-DNA border sequence at both sides. Twenty-seven of 2076 transformed samples were positive in PCR amplification and the PCR positive rate of T1 generation was 1.3%. Further Southern blotting results indicated that the BADH gene was integrated into maize genome. Transgenic lines of progeny were examined for tolerance to NaCl by induced salt stress with 250 mM NaCl Hoagland solution. After 15 days of treatment, 73.9–100% of the transgenic seedlings survived and grew well, whereas most wild-type seedlings wilted and showed loss of chlorophyll. Only 8.9% of the wild-type plants survived but gradually died after salt stress. The electrical conductivity of the transgenic line of progeny after salt stress was lower than wild type. The transgenic progeny had higher glycinebetaine and Chlorophyll content than wild type after salt stress.  相似文献   
榛子花粉生长发育适宜温湿度研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过研究平榛、杂交榛、欧洲榛的花粉生长发育过程中的适宜温度和湿度,为榛子种植园选址时的温度和湿度条件提供参考,进而达到在实践中提高榛子的产量和质量的目的。试验应用3因素3水平正交试验设计,通过离体培养控制榛子花粉生长发育过程中的温度和湿度条件,并观测不同条件下3种榛子的花粉活力。经过对花粉活力的观测,可以得出温度是影响花粉活力的主要因子,其次是榛子的品系,湿度对花粉活力影响很小。温度不同水平梯度间影响效果存在显著差异,以10℃度最适宜花粉生长,湿度不同水平间影响效果差异小,以相对湿度60%最适宜,榛子的不同品系间差异小。  相似文献   
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