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以正式发表的学术期刊论文为对象,采用分类指标和计量指标,对水土保持研究所50年(1956 ̄2005年)来的学术论文进行统计分析,揭示了研究所的学科结构特点及变化过程,提出了与之相应的对策与建议,为科研机构学科建设及布局调整提供决策参考。  相似文献   
为实现灌区测量水规范化、标准化和自动化提供参考依据,保证灌区有限水资源科学管理与合理配置,达到公平和高效的利用目的,针对宁夏灌区测量水技术的发展现状进行了综合阐述.总结宁夏目前所采用的量水方法和在生产实际应用中存在的问题,提出灌区量水技术的发展趋势,通过提高灌区测量水的技术装备和测试手段,旨在提高灌区测量水技术水平和精度的有效保证.  相似文献   
对大通县退耕还林中高位山旱地不同配置模式群落物种多样性进行研究。结果表明:不同配置模式的群落物种多样性指标的变化规律明显不同,多样性指数排序为模式H(白桦 青海云杉)>模式J(青杨 中国沙棘)>模式G(华北落叶松)>模式F(青海云杉)>模式K(青海云杉 中国沙棘)。  相似文献   
为研究浙西地区不同播期对鲜食春大豆产量和可溶性糖含量的影响,以鲜食春大豆品种衢春豆1号为试验材料,设置3月16日、3月23日、3月30日、4月6日、4月13日、4月20日和4月27日共7个播期处理,比较不同播期下鲜食大豆生育期、农艺性状和产量,棉子糖、蔗糖和水苏糖等可溶性糖含量的变化情况.结果表明:随着播期的延迟,营养...  相似文献   
Fish collagen has been widely used in tissue engineering (TE) applications as an implant, which is generally transplanted into target tissue with stem cells for better regeneration ability. In this case, the success rate of this research depends on the fundamental components of fish collagen such as amino acid composition, structural and rheological properties. Therefore, researchers have been trying to find an innovative raw material from marine origins for tissue engineering applications. Based on this concept, collagens such as acid-soluble (ASC) and pepsin-soluble (PSC) were extracted from a new type of cartilaginous fish, the blacktip reef shark, for the first time, and were further investigated for physicochemical, protein pattern, microstructural and peptide mapping. The study results confirmed that the extracted collagens resemble the protein pattern of type-I collagen comprising the α1, α2, β and γ chains. The hydrophobic amino acids were dominant in both collagens with glycine and hydroxyproline as major amino acids. From the FTIR spectra, α helix (27.72 and 26.32%), β-sheet (22.24 and 23.35%), β-turn (21.34 and 22.08%), triple helix (14.11 and 14.13%) and random coil (14.59 and 14.12%) structures of ASC and PSC were confirmed, respectively. Collagens retained their triple helical and secondary structure well. Both collagens had maximum solubility at 3% NaCl and pH 4, and had absorbance maxima at 234 nm, respectively. The peptide mapping was almost similar for ASC and PSC at pH 2, generating peptides ranging from 15 to 200 kDa, with 23 kDa as a major peptide fragment. The microstructural analysis confirmed the homogenous fibrillar nature of collagens with more interconnected networks. Overall, the preset study concluded that collagen can be extracted more efficiently without disturbing the secondary structure by pepsin treatment. Therefore, the blacktip reef shark skin could serve as a potential source for collagen extraction for the pharmaceutical and biomedical applications.  相似文献   
为探究附红细胞体在内蒙古呼和浩特市托克托县地区的流行情况,接诊呼和浩特托县地区某东佛里生奶绵羊养殖场病例,该场近一周多圈舍出现产奶羊只体温升高、精神沉郁、瘫软、食欲减退或废绝等症状,有出现症状1 ~ 2 d迅速死亡病例,也有使用抗生素硫酸庆大霉素-青霉素联用结合补液治疗1周无好转或死亡病例,死亡总数超8只,仍有10余只相似症状正在接受治疗。经现场剖检、圈舍环境调查、样品实验室检测,结合临床诊疗,确诊此次疫情为奶绵羊附红细胞体病,且周边羊养殖场(户)羊只也存在附红细胞体感染。说明附红细胞体在托克托县呈地方性流行。  相似文献   
研制出一套用于汽车驾驶室人机设计CAD系统,该系统利用人机工程学辅助汽车的座椅设计、控件设计、仪表板设计、视野设计和内部空间设计。几个实例验证了系统的实用性。  相似文献   
Rice with panicle-blast resistance is needed for stable rice production. Although we have previously demonstrated that OsGF14b underlies a quantitative trait lo...  相似文献   
文章讨论了有关生态园林绿化建设中存在的问题以及应遵循的原则和采取的措施。  相似文献   
为了解决新疆昌吉地区籽用西葫芦品种繁杂、产量不高、效益不好等问题,从山西省引进10个籽用西葫芦新品种,通过田间试验比较分析了各品种的生育期、植物学性状、果实性状、籽粒性状、抗病性及产量等指标,初步筛选出3个适合新疆昌吉地区种植的籽用西葫芦品种,分别为籽瑞宝、ZHL-3和华仁九号,3个品种白粉病、病毒病发病率均在10%及以下,667 m~2籽粒产量175 kg以上。  相似文献   
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