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黄花草木樨是广泛分布于我国的一种外来入侵植物,对被入侵地的生物多样性造成严重威胁。通过样方调查和种子萌发实验,对黄花草木樨的生殖构件特性和种子休眠萌发特性进行研究,并探讨其繁殖能力。结果表明,密度对黄花草木樨各生殖构件性状影响各不相同,单枝种子量、总种子量和百粒重与密度成反比,而分枝数在中密度下达到最大,高密度和低密度的株高和分枝数均比中密度下的小;在生殖构件性状相关性方面,总种子量与单枝种子量(r=0.946)呈极显著正相关,百粒重与单枝种子量(r=0.178)呈显著正相关;在萌发特性方面,冷藏对黄花草木樨种子的萌发有促进作用,萌发率提高了约10%,而冷冻对黄花草木樨种子的萌发有抑制作用,萌发率降低约30%;在常温条件下,黄花草木樨种子休眠特性表现为前7个月波动变化很大,7~20个月之间变化基本平稳,萌发率保持80%左右,之后开始逐渐下降,5年后下降至10%以下。研究表明,黄花草木樨具有较高的种子产量和持久的高萌发率,有利于其种群的扩散和定殖。  相似文献   
从水稻单粒糙米中快速制备基因组DNA的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本方法用粳稻和籼稻单粒糙米作材料制备基因组DNA,在制备过程中,加入2%CTAB破裂液直接磨碎,无需加入液氮研磨,获得浓度接近40 ng/μL,可直接用于PCR扩增的基因组DNA.与从嫩叶中提取的DNA相比,其质量无明显的差异.  相似文献   
小麦幼苗叶片活性氧清除能力对干旱胁迫的响应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究了不同干旱胁迫方式,即间断干旱胁迫和持续干旱胁迫对小麦幼苗叶片活性氧清除能力的影响,测定了3种活性氧[羟自由基(.OH),过氧化氢(H2O2)和超氧阴离子自由基(O2.-)]清除能力的变化。结果表明,正常生长小麦的叶片具有一定的清除活性氧(.OH,H2O2,O2.-)的能力;2种干旱方式均导致小麦.OH和O2.-清除能力上升,复水后仍维持在较高水平,2种干旱方式均导致小麦H2O2清除能力下降,复水后仍低于正常水平;根和叶对相同处理表现出不同的反应;与间断干旱比较,持续干旱处理使小麦表现出更强的活性氧清除能力,对小麦活性氧清除能力的影响较大且延续时间长,具有胁迫后效应。  相似文献   
不同形态氮肥对陇东烤烟产量形成的作用及其机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对陇东旱塬烤烟生产中存在的氮肥种类选择不合理引起的产量不高、品质下降等问题,于2009年在甘肃省庆阳市正宁县进行大田试验,研究不同形态氮肥硝铵磷(ANP)和尿素(UA)对烤烟产量形成的作用及其机理。结果表明:ANP处理显著促进了烤烟根系的生长发育,增强了烤烟根系活力,比UA处理具有更理想的根参数和更强的根系活力,移栽15 d后,ANP处理的总根长、表面积、根尖数和根系活力分别比UA处理的增加了63.4%,64.3%,54.3%和43.8%;ANP处理显著提高了根系和地上部干物质积累量,表现在收获时ANP处理的根系及地上部干物质积累量分别比UA处理的增加了15.87%和12.05%;烤烟移栽后短期内,ANP处理的土壤NO3^--N含量明显高于UA处理的,且土壤NH4^+-N含量明显低于UA处理的,移栽5 d后,ANP处理的土壤NO3^--N含量比UA处理的增加了44.7%,NH4^+-N含量比UA处理的降低了44.8%;ANP处理显著提高了烤烟产量和产值,分别比UA处理增加了16.8%和24.8%,纯收入增加了7 330元/hm2;尿素和硝铵磷施入土壤后短期内化学行为的不同,以及由此引起的根形态和吸收能力不同是引起烤烟产量和产值差异的主要原因。  相似文献   
Pollinator assemblages may shift as a consequence of the destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats. The scarcity of mates and pollinators can lead plant populations to suffer from pollen limitation and a decrease in reproductive performance within fragmented areas. We studied the shift in pollinator assemblages along with pollen limitation and seed production patterns in the Mediterranean shrub Myrtus communis. Our study included six populations contrasting in patch and population size (Large vs. Small) within a fragmented landscape characterized by ∼1% of potential forest coverage. The breeding system in Myrtus communis was self-compatible, but compared with natural pollination, fruit set increased with pollen addition (quantity limited), and seed set (brood size) increased with outcross pollen addition (quality limited). While the pollinator assemblage in Large patches was taxonomically diverse, it was almost monopolized by honeybees in Small patches, where visitation rates were highest and wild bee species were almost absent. In general, Small populations were less pollen limited for fruit set than Large populations, particularly those that received the highest rates of honeybee visits. However, despite differences in fragmentation and pollinators between Large and Small populations, seed production patterns (brood size and seed mass) were rather similar among them, in agreement with similar pollen limitation levels found for brood size. A higher susceptibility of native pollinators to the presence of honeybee hives was found in Small patches, suggesting that the pollinator assemblage may be severely altered when fragmentation occurs in combination with beekeeping. We discuss its implications and effects on plant reproduction in fragmented areas.  相似文献   
本研究的目的在于筛选合适的RAPD随机引物,应用RAPD技术对药用植物绞股蓝进行遗传多样性分析,并构建DNA指纹图谱。研究结果表明,我们利用生物信息学方法挑选出的20条引物中有19条引物的扩增条带清晰且多态性好;在清晰稳定出现的354条带中,294条具有多态性;其中有3条引物的扩增条带可清楚区分绞股蓝与混淆品种乌蔹莓,可建立其DNA指纹图谱。按UPGMA法进行聚类分析,计算其遗传相似系数,结果显示,8份绞股蓝供试材料聚为两类,聚类结果与其地理区域远近和生长环境一致。本研究中筛选出的19条引物适用于绞股蓝遗传多样性分析,且获得的DNA指纹图谱可用于鉴别绞股蓝。  相似文献   
昆虫滞育是在长期进化过程中昆虫对不利生活环境条件的不断适应以及环境对昆虫的选择造成的。文章论述了温度、光周期、湿度以及食料等主要环境因素对昆虫滞育诱导的影响,认为光周期和温度是诱导昆虫滞育最主要的因素;湿度主要通过改变昆虫对光周期和温度的刺激反应而影响滞育的诱导;食料作为昆虫的调节因子与光周期以及温度一起诱导昆虫的滞育,在温度和光周期都很少发生年变化的赤道地区,食料能够直接影响到昆虫的生长发育。  相似文献   
在2009和2010年利用独特的稻/麦轮作系统FACE(Free Air CO2 Enrichment,开放式空气CO2浓度增高)平台,以武运粳21、扬辐粳8号、武香粳14和武粳15为供试材料,研究了高浓度CO(2比大气背景CO2浓度高200 μmol·mol-1)对粳稻蒸煮米的硬度、粘性、香气、光泽、完整性、味道和口感等的影响。物性分析仪测定结果表明,高浓度CO2环境下粳稻熟米的硬度和粘性总体呈增加趋势,其中扬辐粳8号两指标的增幅均达显著水平。食味计测定结果显示,高浓度CO2对蒸煮稻米香气、光泽度、完整性、味道和口感等食味品质指标均没有影响。相关分析表明,CO2与品种的互作对米饭硬度和粘性有显著影响,但对食味品质参数均没有影响。CO2与年度、CO2与年度和品种间的互作对所有测定参数均无显著影响。两年数据一致表明,未来高浓度CO2环境下粳稻蒸煮米的硬度和粘性将呈增加趋势,增幅因品种而异,但米饭食味品质无显著变化。  相似文献   
不同种植年限砂田水盐变化与砂田退化初探   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
随着种植年限的增加,砂田的土砂比、土壤的水分与盐分含量都发生了明显的变化,加速了砂田的退化。对不同种植年限的砂田水盐变化及发生机理进行了分析,并总结了砂田退化的原因。结果表明,随种植年限的增加,提高了砂田的土砂比,砂田的保水、蓄水、抑蒸发、抑盐作用相对减弱,砂田的水盐变化与种植年限、砾石覆盖度、砂砾粒径、砂砾所处土壤表面的位置及地下水位密切相关,在一定程度上影响着砂田的退化。  相似文献   
Nutrient solution composition plays an important role in root uptake rate due to interactions among nutrients and internal regulation. Studies to determine the optimum nutrient solution concentration are focused on individual ions, ignoring the adaptation mechanisms triggered by plants when growing in a varying external nutrient concentration. The objective of the present study was to determine the response in growth and tissue ion concentration of lilium cv. ‘Navona’ to nutrient mixtures of varying proportions of nitrogen (N), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+) in solution using mixture experiments methodology in order to determine the optimum concentration. Bulbs of lilium were transplanted in plastic crates and drip-irrigated with the treatment solutions, which consisted of a mixture of N, K+, and Ca2+ whose total concentration was 340 mg L?1 and minimum concentrations of each ion was 34 mg L?1. Chlorophyll concentration (SPAD), shoot fresh weight (FW), leaf FW, and leaf area were measured 60 days after transplanting and ion analysis was performed on shoot tissues from selected treatments. Lilium exhibited a moderate demand for N and K+ (136–170 mg L?1 N and 116–136 mg L?1 K+) and a very low demand for Ca2+ (34–88 mg · L?1). This low demand may be due to the remobilization of the nutrients stored in the bulbs. Integrating the predictions of the models estimated to produce >90% of maximum growth, the optimum nutrient solution should contain Ca2+ at a concentration between 34 and 126 mg · L?1, K+ between 119 and 211 mg · L?1, and N between 92 mg · L?1 and 211 mg · L?1. Increasing external N concentration affected internal N concentration but not internal K+ or Ca2+ concentrations, despite that the increase in external N was associated with a decrease in external K+ and Ca2+. Similar trends were observed for external K+ and Ca2+ concentration. In conclusion, lilium was able to maintain a relatively constant K+ and Ca2+ concentration regardless of the lower concentration in the nutrient solution when N was increased (similar response was observed for K+ and Ca2+) and it has a low Ca2+ demand and moderate N and K+ supply.  相似文献   
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