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该成果包括建立配套系猪育种的三级繁育体系技术,种猪性能测定和选育技术,良种配套系猪的营养技术,现代集约化养猪生产工艺技术等。该成果的主要特点是引进、消化、吸收国际上猪配套系育种的领先技术,并进行技术创新和推广,取得了十分显著的社会效益和经济效益。该成果在总体技术上达到了国际先进水平,在配套系的引进、选育和推广上达到国内领先水平。利用配套系技术培育猪种是一项具有创新性的技术,也是一项成熟的技术,具有广泛的应用价值。在推广该技术成果时,应结合当地的实际情况和经济发展水平,确定育种目标,可以联合育种。该成果1998年通过鉴定。 (北京养猪育种中心)  相似文献   
AIM:To investigate the pulmonary expresson of macrophage migration inhibitory factor(MIF) in acute lung injury (ALI) rats induced by intravenous injection of oleic acid and its correlation with blood gas change, pulmonary weight index (PWI) and pulmonary pathological injuries.METHODS: ALI rats model were made by injecting oleic acid as the oleic acid group while rats injection with saline solution as control. After injecting oleic acid or saline for six hours, the PaO2 and PaCO2 of the left heart and pulmonary weight index were measured. At the same time, by using a microwave-base double immunohistochemistry labeling, the number of MIF, ED1+ (anti-CD68 antibody), ED1+/MIFcell in pulmonary tissue of different groups and their correlation with blood gas and pulmonary weight index were examined. RESULTS: The blood gas parameters of the oleic acid group were far worse than that of the control group (P<0.01). The PWI of the oleic acid group was significantly higher than that of the control group (P<0.01). There was marked upregulation of MIF expression on injured lung tissue. The number of cell expressed MIF , ED1+ and MIF with ED1 showed a strong positive correlation with PaO2, PWI and histological changes. CONCLUSION: MIF may play a pivotal role in mediation of progressive lung injuries induced by intravenous oleic acid injection. In addition, the number of cells expressed MIF, especially macrophage, may reflect the severity of lung injury.  相似文献   
山西孝义市高阳镇贤者村李咸亨,继承父业,历经多年的钻研摸索,总结出了蜂蜜高产经验,现已发展到70箱蜂,年均收入2万余元。   李咸亨从小就对养蜂感兴趣,认定养蜂是一项投资少、见效快、收益高的项目。他大胆尝试,起初从异地购买了几箱意大利蜜蜂。由于缺乏经验,他查阅了《养蜂》、《蜜蜂之友》等杂志,从中学习,从实践中摸索。他白天下地干活,晚上学习养蜂技术,不管严寒酷暑,从不间断。遇到疑难时,就拜访有经验的放蜂人,学习先进的养蜂方法。他终于从失败中摸索出一套采蜜的经验。他四处奔波采点,寻蜜源,及时了解各地种植作物的花情。   辛勤的劳作换来了丰硕的成果,在他的科学养殖、精心呵护下,蜂群逐渐壮大,达到70箱,每年割蜜约1500Kg,仅此项收入就达2万余元。(雷丽萍 任海斌)  相似文献   
以下四十道单选题,您能答正确多少?每题2分,如果您能够得90分,就说明您还有一定的字词基本功;如果得到70~90分,您还得加把劲;如果不够70分,请务必下点大力气,学习汉语言文字知识. 1.A 独当一面 B 独挡一面 2.A 唉声叹气 B.哀声叹气 3.A 过份 B.过分 4.A 暗然失色 B 黯然失色 5.A 原形毕露 B.原形必露 6.A 倍尝艰辛 B.备尝艰辛 7.A 粲然一笑 B 灿然一笑 8.A 仓促 B.伧促 9.A 宣泄 B.渲泄 10.A 相延成习 B 相沿成习 11.A 制肘 B.掣肘 12. A寒喧 B.寒暄 13.A 汗流夹背 B 汗流浃背 14.A 好高骛远 B.好高鹜远 15.A 和盘托出 B.合盘托出 16.A 黄连 B 黄莲 17.A 黄梁美梦 B.黄粱美梦 18. A 跻身名流 B.挤身名流 19.A 部局合理 B 布局合理 20.A 戛然而止 B.嘎然而止 21.A 坚韧不拔 B.坚忍不拔 22.A 名符其实 B 名副其实 23.A 流言诽语 B.流言蜚语 24.A 笼络 B.拢络 25.A 捅娄子 B 捅漏子 26.A 络绎不绝 B.络驿不绝[ 〗27.A 脉膊 B.脉搏 28.A 偿试 B 尝试 29.A 墨守成规 B.默守成规 30.A 拥土 B.壅土 31.A 凭心而论 B 平心而论 32.A 暗淡 B.黯淡 33. A贯穿始终 B.贯串始终 34.A 气喘吁吁 B 气喘嘘嘘 35.A 矮墩墩 B.矮敦敦[ 〗36.A撕打 B.厮打 37.A 孳生 B 滋生 38.A 安祥 B.安详 39.A 委曲求全 B.委屈求全 40.A 慰藉 B 慰籍 41.A 步履惟艰 B.步履维坚 4 2.A 吊顿叶 B.掉顿叶 43.A 蚕蔟 B 蚕簇 44.A 己2胚 B.已 2胚 45.A 断梢 B.断稍 46.A 瘰疠 B 瘰疬 47.A 扩散病源 B.扩散病原 48. A 为害严重 B.危害严重 49.A 刍议 B 雏议 50.A 搬侧芽 B.扳侧芽 51.A有偿服务 B.有赏服务 正确答案: 1.A 2.A 3.B 4.B 5.A 6.B[ 〗7.A 8.A 9.A 10.B 11.A 12.B 13.B 14.A 15.A 16.A 17.B 18.A 19.B 20.A 21.A 22.B 23.B 24.A 25.A 26.A 27.B 28.B 29.A 30.B 31.B 32.A 33.A 34.A 35.A 36.B 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.A 41.B 42.B 43.A 44.A 45.A 46.B 47.A 48.A 49.A 50.B 51.B  相似文献   
辽宁省大连市普兰店市同益乡关屯村农民高仁成,1997年从黑山县引进66只黑羽鸡雏每只鸡雏110元,27~28d出栏产蛋。这种黑羽鸡产绿壳蛋,是高蛋白、高营养无污染的绿色食品,并远销日本,价格可观。55g以上的鸡蛋收购价每个2元钱,55g以下的鸡蛋每个1元钱,按每个鸡蛋平均价1.5元,每只鸡年产蛋200个计算,66只鸡扣除饲料、防疫、人工费,年获纯利润1万元。同时鸡粪可以作承包田的肥料,仅此项可节约购买化肥资金1000余元。   高仁成不但自己致富,还传授饲养管理技术防疫方法带动左邻右舍养黑羽鸡致富。目前这个村成了远近闻名的特养鸡致富村。(吴耀辉 崔秀平)  相似文献   
为优化橡胶树花药体细胞胚诱导及植株再生体系,为橡胶树分子育种提供技术支撑,以橡胶树品种‘云研73-477’、‘云研73-46’、‘热研8-79’、‘云研77-4’、‘RRII105’、‘热垦525’的花药为材料,比较不同品种在相同培养条件下愈伤组织诱导、体胚发生能力及植株再生频率。结果表明,6个品种的花药均能脱分化形成愈伤组织,但不同品种间存在显著差异,诱导率最高的是‘RRII105’和‘热垦525’,分别为93.33%、90.33%,最低的是‘云研77-4’,为31.33%;体胚发生能力在不同品种间也有较大差异,‘云研73-477’体胚诱导率最高达76%,‘云研73-46’没有分化出体细胞胚;植株再生频率较高的品种有‘热垦525’和‘云研73-477’,分别为75.38%、54.35%,‘云研73-46’和‘云研77-4’无再生植株。  相似文献   
When bubbles flow within fluid, once the pressure arroud a bubble decreases, the volume of bubbles become smaller or collapses. Since the collapse of a bubble takes place in very short time, a localized high pressure will be induced. With the continuous collapses of bubbles near a solid surface, the induced high pressure will produce damages on the solid surfac. In this paper, the formation, development and collapse processes of cavitation bubbles produced in biomedical engineering, the damage mechanisms of cavitation and influencing factors are reviewed. The numerical simulation study of cavitation bubble evolution process is discussed and finally, a number of problems to be solved in the cavitation study are presented, which is condidered as a bisis to the study and application of cavitation phenomena in biomedical engineering.  相似文献   
掌类植物的繁殖一般都采用无性繁殖的扦插和嫁接两种方法。这里介绍的是播种法,即用种子进行有性繁殖。这种方法的特点是可以一次获得大量植株,并可以通过杂交的方法培育出新的园艺品种。通常盆栽的掌类植物不易结实,必须辅以人工授粉,并进行异株杂交才能获得优良种子。掌类植物花期较短,故应掌握好授粉时机。授粉应选在天气晴朗的下午,当雌蕊柱头上粘液充分分泌时进行。为使不同植株能尽可能地同时开花,可将稍早开的花放于阴凉但较明亮的室内,并将迟开的花放在高温、日照充足的地方。收集后的成熟花粉  相似文献   
Many experimental results indicates, beam bar slippage within joints is a frequent local nonlinear response of reinforced concrete structures under the rare earthquakes. For the sake of modeling and evaluating seismic behaviors of reinforced concrete structures entirely and rational, the model way of the quantity and hysteresis order of beam bar slippage within joints, which was found in the elasto plastic earthquake response of structures, is discussed thoroughly. And the personal characteristics of several structure analysis ways to model the beam bar slippage within joints are evaluated respectively. Based on the results already gotten, a hysteresis model of beam bar slippage within frame joints is advanced, and the relative issues are also discussed. The beam bar slippage model suggested is convenience to the elasto plastic dynamic response analysis of whole reinforced concrete structures.  相似文献   
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