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The fertility of male coypu sperm following seminal vesicle extirpation was investigated using the penetration test into the egg of Syrian golden hamster (Mesocricetus auratus). Ejaculates were obtained from five males by means of electro-ejaculation under halothane narcosis. The results of the zona-free hamster eggs (ZFHE) penetration test showed that the ejaculates of all the surgically treated coypu males were fertile and that ZFHE value fluctuated from 54 to 76.6%. The results obtained in experiments with natural mating revealed that the extirpation of male coypu seminal vesicles did not affect their fertility. In total 47 foetuses were found post mortem in ten coypu females covered by surgically treated males, which on average represented 4.7 foetuses per female.  相似文献   
Bei 72 einzeln gehaltenen Legehennen wurde die Fähigkeit zur selektiven Lysinaufnahme überprüft. 2 unterschiedliche Alleinfutter auf der Basis von Federmehl (A) oder Maiskleber (B), aber mit dem gleichen defizitären Lysingehalt (0,36%), wurden während einer zweiwöchigen Lernphase jeweils an eine Hälfte der Tiere verfuttert. Anschließend wurden beide Vorbehandlungen in je 4 Gruppen geteilt, und eine der Mangelrationen und eine mit Lysin bedarfsgerecht supplementierte Ration (A+ bzw. B+, 0,64%) in folgenden Kombinationen zur Selbstauswahl über 14 Tage angeboten: A/A+, A/B+, B/A+ und B/B+. Über den prozentualen Rationsanteil am Gesamtfutterverzehr wurde die selektierte Lysinaufnahme ermittelt. Mit beiden Mangelrationen wurde eine Anorexie und in Folge eine Leistungsdepression ausgelöst, die jedoch bei B stärker ausgeprägt war. Die lysinangereicherte Ration wurde in fast allen Fällen innerhalb weniger Tage signifikant und stetig zunehmend bevorzugt, was für einen erlernten Lysinappetit bzw. -hunger spricht. Gleichzeitig wurde eine deutlichere Präferenz für die Federmehlration beobachtet, die bei Gruppe A/B+ nach B sogar zu einer Ablehnung der ergänzten Maiskleberration führte. Vertrautheit bzw. Neuartigkeit und sensorische Qualitäten einer Ration spielten neben den physiologischen Effekten eine bedeutende Rolle bei der Selbstauswahl. Die komplexen Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Futter, hedonistischen Komponenten und Erfahrung für die Entwicklung eines spezifischen Hungers wurden diskutiert.  相似文献   
For various anamnestic reasons the cervical vertebral column of 78 horses was examined radiologically. Statistical comparisons showed that male "warmbloods" were more frequently affected than was expected. Our horses were older than comparable animals in the international literature. Independently of their history the radiologic diagnosis of "cervical spondylarthrosis" was established in 56 horses. Arthrosis and other conditions were clinically manifested by spinal ataxia (44 horses) or mechanical impairment of the neck's mobility (21 horses). 10 of the arthrotic patients had synovial cysts causing compression of the spinal cord. 79 percent of all dorsal intervertebral arthrotic joints were found in the caudal column (C6/7 to C7/Th1). With 38 percent, C6/7 was the most frequently affected joint. Clinical and radiological findings could be compared with patho-anatomic results in 29 horses. The correlation was satisfactory.  相似文献   
SUMMARY: Ambiguous paternity can be incorporated into the mixed model equations (MME) by including the average numerator relatinship matrix (average A), which averages the true sire-offspring relationship over the putative sires. A previous study has shown that some overestimation of genetic trend results from this substitution. A population of 40 breeding females and 2 breeding males was simulated 1,000 times with either random mating or sequential selection continuing for 8 breeding cycles. In the selection case candidates were ranked on estimated breeding values (EBVs) calculated from the MME with an animal model and the average A. Variances of the EBVs and prediction errors were computed. The results showed the average A incorrectly perceives both the variance of family sizes among males and the variance loss due to selection to be smaller. This will lead to an overestimation of genetic trend. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Folgerungen aus der Anwendung einer durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix bei der Zuchtwertsch?tzung für eine Population mit mehreren V?tern in einer Paarungsgruppe In den Mischmodellgleichungen kann eine unklare v?terliche Abstammung durch die Verwendung einer durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix, die die Abstammung zu gleichen Teilen über die m?glichen V?ter aufteilt, berücksichtigt werden. Eine frühere Arbeit hat gezeigt, da? diese Ma?nahme zu einer gewissen übersch?tzung des genetischen Fortschritts führt. Eine Population mit 40 weiblichen und 2 m?nnlichen Tieren wurde 1000mal über 8 Paarungsperioden simuliert und zwar mit und ohne gerichteter Selektion. Im Falle der Selektion wurden die Tiere aufgrund der mit einem Tiermodell und der durchschnittlichen Verwandtschaftsmatrix gesch?tzten Zuchtwerte geordnet. Die Varianzen der Zuchtwerte und der Sch?tzfehler wurden berechnet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, da? durch eine durch-schnittliche Verwandtschaftsmatrix die Varianz der Gr??e der Nachkommensgruppen der V?ter und der Verlust an genetischer Varianz aufgrund der Selektion untersch?tzt wird. Dies führt zu einer übersch?tzung des genetischen Fortschritts.  相似文献   
Replant disease is a common phenomenon in asparagus growing in the Netherlands. It is distinct from the decline phenomenon reported from many other asparagus producing area’s. The involvement of autotoxins from root residues of former asparagus crops was evaluated. Residues of aspar agus roots decompose extremely slowly. At two locations, each with fields where asparagus production was terminated 1 and 10 years before, biomass of root residues was 4180 and 11060 kg dw ha?1 after 1 year and 420 and 1140 kg dw ha?1 after 10 years.Although 10-year-old residues were for the greater part decomposed, crude aqueous extracts inhibited root growth of asparagus seedlings significantly and even more of garden cress. In root observation boxes with field soil mixed with non-sterilized or sterilized asparagus root fragments, growth of secondary roots was inhibited. Non-sterilized strawberry roots did not inhibit root growth, suggesting that effects of organic matter were not involved. In a pot experiment, sterilized asparagus root fragments inhibited root growth when added at a rate of 20 g1?1, but not a 2 g1?1 Addition of non-sterilized root fragments strongly inhibited root growth at both levels. This was probably due to simultaneous infection byFusarium oxysporum present in these residues. When an asparagus field is replanted, the amount of root residues left behind in soil after termination of the crop in the previous season is about 2 g dw 1?1, that corresponds to approx. 11000 kg dw ha?1. This level is too low for considering direct growth inhibition by autotoxins as a major factor. Their possible indirect effects are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The following findings were obtained from pathomorphological examination of the myocardium of 100 pigs which had died on transport: Degenerative or necrobiotic changes of certain myocardial fibres were recorded from 73 per cent of all cases, usually in the form of granular degeneration (60 per cent). They were "scattered" in 33 per cent of all cases, "multiple" in 22 per cent, and "frequent" in five per cent. In 26 per cent, the myocardial fibres had undergone coarse granular or hyalin plaque-type decomposition, among them with "scattered" manifestation in 15 per cent, "multiple" in four per cent, "frequent" in five per cent, and "massive" in two per cent. Moderate focal resorptive myositis was recorded from eight per cent, while earlier myocardial scars were exhibited by four per cent. The figure for reactive inflammatory processes was twelve per cent. Prestatic hyperaemia of different degrees had taken place in 75 per cent of all animals, and it had been accompanied by varied congestion. The following results were obtained from comparative checks of 100 hearts of clinically intact pigs after slaughter under normal conditions: Granular degeneration was recorded only from 18 per cent of all cases, with actual manifestations "scattered" in 16 per cent and "multiple" in two per cent. Their myocardial fibres had undergone coarse granular or hyalin plaque-type decomposition of moderate intensity in three per cent only, all of them having been "scattered". Reactive inflammatory changes were not recorded at all and signs of prestatic hyperaemia only in 46 per cent. The degenerative-necrobiotic alterations of myocardial fibres which had been observed in the context of death on transport are interpreted as a result of hypoxaemic or hypoxic conditions accompanying acute shock-type circulatory failure in pigs.  相似文献   
The effects of sufficient milk intake as well as of 32 hours of fasting after birth, administration of actinomycin D (intraperitoneal application of 1 mg/kg five weight), and fasting in combination with actinomycin D on the development of body and liver weights, crude protein levels in homogenate and supernatant of liver, kidneys, and M. semitendinosus as well as on the activities of certain tissue enzymes were analysed with four groups of piglets (n = 4). Fasting, administration of actinomycin, and fasting in combination with actinomycin D resulted in rapid reduction in body and liver weights, while the crude protein levels in those tissues were not affected with significance. GOT and fructose-1,6-diphosphatase activities in supernatant from liver tended to decline under fasting conditions. The ATPase activity in the homogenate of the above tissues did not change in response to differentiated treatment.  相似文献   
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