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探究不同规格黄鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus albacares)肌肉营养成分及品质差异,实验以野捕的 3种规格黄鳍金枪鱼J1 (4.2±1.2) kg、J2 (22.5±2.5) kg和J3 (50.8±3.9) kg为研究对象,通过常规生化分析方法对金枪鱼肌肉的常规营养成分、氨基酸、脂肪酸及矿物质元素进行比较分析。结果显示,(1) J1组水分含量显著高于J2、J3组;J2、J3组粗蛋白含量显著高于J1组(P<0.05);J3组粗脂肪含量显著高于J1、J2组(P<0.05)。(2)检出19种常见氨基酸,氨基酸含量最高的为谷氨酸(3.04~ 3.25 g/100 g),必需氨基酸中含量最高的为赖氨酸(2.02~2.15 g/100 g),最低的为色氨酸(0.31~ 0.45 g/100 g)。非必需氨基酸含量J3>J2>J1 (P<0.05);必需氨基酸、呈味氨基酸含量J1组显著低于J3组(P<0.05)。依据氨基酸评分(AAS),缬氨酸为第一限制性氨基酸;以化学评分(CS)为评分标准,J1、J2组第一限制性氨基酸为色氨酸,J3组为苯丙氨酸+酪氨酸。(3)各组共检出25种脂肪酸,以多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA)为主,含量最高的为二十二碳六烯酸(DHA),占总脂肪酸含量的37.46%~39.18%。DHA含量J3组显著高于J1、J2组;二十碳五烯酸(EPA)含量J2、J3组显著高于J1组;DHA∶EPA比值J1组显著高于J2、J3组(P<0.05)。单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)含量J3>J2>J1;PUFA含量J3组显著高于J1、J2组(P<0.05)。PUFA/饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、n-3系多不饱和脂肪酸/n-6系多不饱和脂肪酸(n-3/n-6)比值J2、J3组显著高于J1组(P<0.05)。h/H比值J3组显著高于J1、J2组(P<0.05)。(4) J2、J3组Na、Ca含量显著高于J1组,J1组K含量最高且显著高于J2、J3组(P<0.05)。4种重金属元素均低于食品中建议的最大允许限量,其中Fe含量最大的为J3组,且J3>J2>J1 (P<0.05);Cu含量最大的为J3组,且显著高于J1组(P<0.05)。综合分析,大规格黄鳍金枪鱼具有更好的营养质量,本研究为居民膳食的选择及黄鳍金枪鱼人工配合饲料的配制提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
Global distribution of platyhelminth parasites and their host specificities are not well known. Our hypothesis was that platyhelminth parasites of large pelagic fishes are common around the world. We analysed molecular variation in three different taxa of platyhelminth parasites infecting four species of tunas: yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, Scombridae) from Western Australia, southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyii, Scombridae) from South Australia, Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis, Scombridae) from Pacific Mexico and northern bluefin tuna (T. thynnus, Scombridae) from two localities in the Mediterranean (Spain and Croatia). Comparisons of ITS2 and partial 28S rDNA demonstrated two congeneric species of blood flukes (Digenea: Sanguinicolidae) from multiple hosts and localities: Cardicola forsteri from southern bluefin and northern bluefin tunas, and Cardicola sp. from Pacific bluefin and northern bluefin tunas; and a gill fluke, Hexostoma thynni (Polyopisthocotylea: Hexostomatidae), from yellowfin, southern bluefin and northern bluefin tunas. Partial 28S rDNA indicates that a second type of fluke on the gills, Capsala sp. (Monopisthocotylea: Capsalidae), occurs on both southern bluefin and Pacific bluefin tunas. This appears to be the first report of conspecific platyhelminth parasites of teleosts with a wide‐ranging geographical distribution that has been confirmed through molecular approaches. Given the brevity of the free‐living larval stage of both taxa of flukes on the gills (H. thynni and Capsala sp.), we conclude that the only feasible hypothesis for the cosmopolitan distribution of these flatworms is migrations of host tunas. Host migration also seems likely to be responsible for the widespread occurrence of the two species of blood flukes (Cardicola spp.), although it is also possible that these were translocated recently by the spread of infected intermediate hosts.  相似文献   
长鳍金枪鱼(Thunnus alalunga)经济价值高,是我国延绳钓渔业重要的目标鱼种。根据2013年9月~2014年1月和2014年4~8月我国金枪鱼观察员在南太平洋东部海域收集的长鳍金枪鱼样本和海洋环境数据,对其生物学组成和栖息环境进行了研究。结果表明:叉长(FL,cm)与体质量(WW,kg)的关系为:WW=3×10-5×FL2.909 9(雌雄性,R2=0.915 3);体长(TL,cm)与叉长(FL,cm)关系为:TL=1.033 6FL+2.555(R2=0.961 4);叉长(FL,cm)与两背鳍间距(LD1D2,cm)的关系为:LD1D2=0.248 5FL+1.238 1(R2=0.815 1);利用各水层长鳍金枪鱼渔获率(catch per unit effort,CPUE)推测其主要的栖息水层为150~270 m,栖息水层温度范围16~22℃,盐度范围35.0~35.6,其中最高资源丰度主要分布在190~230 m的水层,对应的温度为18~20℃,盐度为35.2~35.4。研究结果可为掌握南太平洋长鳍金枪鱼栖息环境提供基础数据。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The feeding habits of albacore Thunnus alalunga (fork length: 48.9–76.2 cm, n  = 132) were examined from late spring to early autumn in relation to its northward migration in the transition region between the subtropical and subarctic fronts in the central North Pacific. Samples were collected at night using surface gill nets or during daytime pole-and-line surveys in 2001 and 2002. During May and June, albacore fed mainly on Japanese anchovy Engraulis japonicus , which accounted for 27.2%, 67.0%, and 45.5% of the total stomach contents by number ( Cn ), wet weight ( WW ), and frequency of occurrence ( F ), respectively, and secondarily on the subarctic gonatid squid Gonatopsis borealis ( Cn , 15.8%; WW , 10.8%; F , 28.8%). From July to September, albacore continued to depend on Japanese anchovy ( Cn , 48.2–52.8%; WW , 79.9–95.2%; F , 27.8–85.4%). These results corresponded well with the remarkable rebound of the Japanese anchovy stock since the 1990s. Gonatopsis borealis , the main squid prey from May to June, almost disappeared from the stomachs of albacore from July to September, probably due to the northward migration of this squid to subarctic waters in summer. The feeding impact of albacore on the Japanese anchovy stock in the transition region was conservatively estimated to be from 1400 to 2100 tons per day from late spring to early autumn.  相似文献   
Three experiments were conducted to investigate the growth, survival, and standardized cohort biomass of Pacific bluefin tuna, Thunnus orientalis, larvae fed nutritionally enhanced prey during the first week of feeding using two commonly used, commercially available enrichment media, AlgaMac Enrich and Marine Glos. T. orientalis larvae exhibited exponential growth in standard length and dry weight. The daily specific growth rates in length and weight are the first reported for T. orientalis larvae and the averages ranged from 3.8 to 4.1% and 27.5%, respectively, for larvae in the AlgaMac treatment and from 4.1 to 6.1% and 31.5%, respectively, in the Marine Glos treatment. Average daily growth rates in length ranged from 0.16 to 0.23 mm/d for larvae in the AlgaMac treatment and from 0.17 to 0.27 mm/d for those in the Marine Glos treatment. Daily growth rates in length were similar to those reported for other tuna larvae reared in the laboratory but slower than most published estimates for larval tunas in situ at similar water temperatures. Mean prey number per gut was positively associated with mean prey level in the tank. Both enrichment media appear to be good sources of nutritional improvement of planktonic prey for T. orientalis larvae.  相似文献   
Fishery‐linked aerial surveys for bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) were conducted in the Gulf of Maine (GOM) from July through October, 1994–96. Each year, from 507 to 890 surface schools were detected and their locations examined in relation to oceanographic conditions. Correlations between bluefin tuna presence and environmental variables were explored for sea surface temperature (SST), distance to a SST front, frontal density (relative density of all SST fronts seen in a given 1 km area for 2 weeks prior to each tuna sighting), and bottom depth and slope. Mean SST associated with bluefin schools was 18.1°C (±2.8). Schools were located at a mean distance of 19.7 km (±19.6) from SST fronts, and in water masses with an average frontal density of 28.2 m km?2 (±35.7). Mean bottom depth of detected schools was 139.0 m (±70.3), and mean bottom slope was 0.7% rise (±0.7). A binomial generalized linear model fit to these variables indicated that bluefin are seen closer to fronts than locations in which no tuna were seen. Using simple and partial Mantel tests, we investigated the spatial correlation between bluefin tuna presence and the environmental variables, controlling for spatial autocorrelation. For each day that schools were sighted, we performed 24 Mantel tests, on a combination of response and predictor variables. The spatial relationship between bluefin tuna and SST fronts was inconsistent. Our analysis identified significant spatial structure in the bluefin school locations that had no significant correlation with any of the measured environmental features, suggesting that other untested features, such as prey density, may be important predictors of bluefin distribution in the GOM.  相似文献   
Movement patterns of 17 bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) near the Azores Islands were analyzed between April and May 2001 and 2002 using pop‐up satellite archival tags. Despite short attachment durations (1 to 21 days, 8.2 days on average), their vertical movements revealed much shallower distribution of bigeye tuna in comparison with previous studies in the tropical Pacific and tropical Atlantic. Depth and temperature histograms were unimodal, although overall depth distribution during the day was deeper than during the night due to daily incursions in deeper waters. Although generalized additive models showed significant non‐linear relationships with weight of the fish and sea level anomaly (as a proxy for variability of thermocline depth), the effect of these variables on bigeye depth appeared minor, suggesting that vertical movements of bigeye in the Azores during the spring migration may be influenced by food availability in upper water layers.  相似文献   
黄鳍金枪鱼 (Thunnus albacares) 为高度洄游的大洋性鱼类,有较高的生态和经济价值,中西太平洋 (Western and Central Pacific Ocean, WCPO) 是全球金枪鱼捕捞产量最高的海区。为了解和预测中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼不同渔业对气候变化的反应,根据1990—2020年世界各国在中西太平洋的围网和延绳钓作业以及海洋尼诺指数 (Oceanic Niño index, ONI) 数据,分析了常规自回归积分滑动平均模型 (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model, ARIMA) 和加入ONI标准差为协变量的动态ARIMA模型在渔业资源量研究中的适用性,以及ONI对中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼年际单位捕捞努力量渔获量 (Catch per unit effort, CPUE) 的影响。结果表明:1) 常规ARIMA模型能够充分考虑中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼年CPUE的变化特征,可用于黄鳍金枪鱼年CPUE的长期拟合;2) 相比常规ARIMA模型,动态ARIMA模型的拟合度更好,拟合值和真实值的相关性更高,同时平均绝对误差、均方根误差更小;3) ONI对中西太平洋赤道南北海域黄鳍金枪鱼的年CPUE影响不同,相对而言,在赤道以北,ONI的影响因素更关键,模型的拟合度更高;4) ONI对中西太平洋不同渔业的黄鳍金枪鱼的年CPUE影响有差别,对中西太平洋黄鳍金枪鱼延绳钓渔业存在滞后1~2年的影响,而在强厄尔尼诺和强拉尼娜现象时,对围网渔业的影响速度较快,不存在滞后。  相似文献   
  1. Although the frequency of occurrence of plastic ingestion in the large-sized dolphinfish and tunas taken by the Hawai'i longline fishery is very low (frequency of occurrence < 5% of sampled individuals), the ingestion of plastic in smaller-sized specimens caught with pole-and-line gear by commercial and recreational fishers has not been investigated.
  2. This study examined ingestion of >0.25 mm marine plastic debris (MPD) by four predatory fish species caught by commercial fishers around the Main Hawaiian Islands, and documented ingestion in three species: 85.7% of albacore tuna (n = 7), 40.0% of skipjack tuna (n = 10) and 12.5% of dolphinfish (n = 8).
  3. Yellowfin tuna (n = 10) did not contain any MPD, probably owing to the high proportion of empty stomachs (60%).
  4. For skipjack tuna, the frequency of occurrence of MPD ingestion was significantly higher for the smaller-sized specimens caught with pole-and-line (40%), compared with the larger-sized specimens caught with longlines (0%).
  5. For dolphinfish, the frequency of occurrence of MPD ingestion was similar for the similar-sized specimens caught with pole-and-line and with longlines.
  6. The ingested MPD items were micro–meso plastics, between 1 and 25 mm. While most ingested items were fragments, albacore also ingested line and skipjack also ingested sheets.
  7. The predatory fishes ingested light MPD items that float in sea water, but there were species-specific differences in their polymer composition: albacore contained more polypropylene and polyethylene, and skipjack contained more elastomers, characterized by a high percentage of ester plasticizers.
  8. Altogether, these results suggest that albacore and skipjack tunas ingest plastic of different types and polymers. Yet more research is needed to understand how differences in vertical distribution, foraging ecology and diet influence the MPD sampled by these predatory fish species.
印度洋中南部大眼金枪鱼生物学特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2008年9月~2009年4月在印度洋中南部金枪鱼延绳钓渔场调查期间收集的大眼金枪鱼生物学数据,对其基本的生物学特征进行了研究。结果表明:(1)叉长范围为57~184 cm,优势叉长组为101~110cm和121~130 cm,约占总数的41.7%,平均叉长为119.5 cm;(2)不分性别大眼金枪鱼叉长(FL)与加工后重(DW)的关系可表达为:DW=2.407 6×10-5FL2.931 6,雌雄个体差异不显著(F=0.207,P0.05);(3)调查期间,大眼金枪鱼雄性比例为56.55%,当叉长大于140 cm时,雄性占优势;调查期间,该海域大眼金枪鱼的繁殖期为10月~翌年4月,繁殖峰期为10月~翌年1月;(4)摄食种类中柔鱼、帆蜥鱼和虾类所占比重较高,分别占36.0%、20.1%和18.0%;各月份摄食等级1~4级分布呈显著性差异(χ2=191.20,P0.01),各叉长组大眼金枪鱼摄食等级变化无显著性差异(χ2=41.08,P0.05)。  相似文献   
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