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为掌握黄海北部辽宁近岸海域鳀(Engraulis japonicus)产卵场的分布特征及其关键环境因子,基于2021年4—12月开展的产卵场综合调查获取的鳀样品及其鱼卵密度数据,运用Garrison重心分布法阐释鳀产卵洄游分布特征及其主产卵期;通过基于Tweedie分布的广义可加模型(generalized additive model, GAM)的构建,分析主产卵期内鳀卵密度与同步获取的海水表层温度(SST)、海水表层盐度(SSS)、海水表层叶绿素浓度(Chla)、浮游动物丰度(Fd)、浮游植物丰度(Fz)和深度(Depth)等6个环境因子,以及时间(月份,Month)和空间(经纬度、Lon和Lat)因子之间关系,并识别主控因子。结果显示,海域内鳀产卵期较长,由4月持续至11月,5—8月为主产卵期,其中,5—6月为产卵盛期。鳀产卵场规模和位置时空变化明显,时空因子与鳀卵密度分布呈密切非线性相关(累积偏差解释率为48.1%),(SST, SSS) (18.7%)和Depth (5%)次之。鳀产卵期适温范围较广,产卵场分布表现出高温高盐(低温低盐)增效作用和高温低盐限制作用。产卵初期(4月),鳀产卵场规模和鱼卵密度均较低,产卵重心位于海洋岛东南侧深水区;盛期(5月底—6月初)在SST主导下,鳀产卵场规模和鱼卵密度均至年内最高值,核心产卵场位于石城岛–庄河河口一带海域;此后,随着辽南沿岸水系盐度的下降,高温低盐的抑制作用使SSS因素主导产卵鱼群避开沿岸海域,鳀产卵场迁移至外海深水区,7月后位于30~50 m等深线之间;9—10月鳀繁殖活动基本结束,10月鳀卵仅零星分布于调查海域,直至12月未有鳀卵采获。研究可为黄海北部辽宁近岸海域鳀产卵场研究及鳀资源合理开发利用提供参考依据。  相似文献   
观测了西宁华青蛋禽公司肉鸡场AA父母代种鸡的生产性能。结果表明,雏鸡成活率为96.75%,育成期成活率97.21%,产蛋期成活率82.53%,饲养日平均产蛋率51.72%,产蛋高峰产蛋率77.65%,62周累计产蛋量130枚,平均蛋重67.85g,入孵蛋孵化率72.17%。  相似文献   
Appraise the Traditional stocks inherent value models ,and point out their shortcomings.Then a improved stocks inherent value model which emphasize growth of listed Company is set up.The improved model can explain the situation for the times of knowledge economy.Finally, the growth of listed company and is studied a analytic Hierarchy Process model to appraise the growth of listed company is set up.  相似文献   
黄海北部大连沿岸虾夷扇贝天然苗采集技术研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在调查了2005、2006年黄海北部大连海域虾夷扇贝的繁殖期、浮游幼虫的时空分布的基础上,对虾夷扇贝海区天然采苗进行了研究。结果表明,2005、2006年该区域的獐子岛海域、大长山岛海域、广鹿岛海域养殖的虾夷扇贝的繁殖期在4月初至5月上旬,盛期在4月15~25日。4月上旬至6月中旬,在此区域均可发现大量的虾夷扇贝浮游面盘幼虫,不同区域浮游幼虫密度变化很大。5月底至6月初是面盘幼虫集中的附着变态时期,在海区投放附着袋可进行虾夷扇贝天然苗的采集。从各海区虾夷扇贝浮游幼虫的拖网调查和采苗结果看,在虾夷扇贝主要养殖区獐子岛、大长山岛海域和广鹿岛海域,浮游幼虫在浮游的初始阶段能够形成较高的密度,但在附着阶段密度极低,不能采集到大量苗种,但在远离虾夷扇贝养殖区的大李家湾和凌水湾,浮游幼虫的出现比养殖区晚,在幼虫附着期能达到较高密度。能够采集到大量天然苗种。2005年在凌水湾的采苗数量达526±131个/袋(壳长0.6~1 mm),2006年在大李家湾的采苗数量达673±200个/袋(壳长0.6~1mm)。  相似文献   
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) females (2 SW), maturing for the first time, were reared under one of three temperature regimes (high: 14.3 ± 0.5°C; natural: 10.6 ± 1.0°C; and cold: 6.9 ± 1.0°C) in combination with one of two experimental treatments; an injection of GnRH analogue (GnRHa) contained in biodegradable microspheres, or a sham injection (microspheres only). The six experimental groups were then reared under simulated natural photoperiod for 4 weeks. Blood samples were drawn for analysis of plasma steroid levels and the fish were inspected for ovulation weekly. Batches of stripped eggs were incubated in triplicate incubators in raceways until the eyed stage. Treatment with GnRHa resulted in a substantial advancement and synchronization of ovulation at all temperatures, while exposure to cold water also appeared to advance ovulation slightly. While 75% (warm and cold) to 90% (natural) of GnRHa fish ovulated during the 4-week trial, only 30% of sham-treated females exposed to cold water, and none of the sham-treated fish held at higher temperatures, ovulated during this period. Survival rates of embryos to the eyed-stage were significantly higher for broodstock exposed to cold water. Plasma levels of testosterone (T), 17β-oestradiol (E2), and 17α,20β-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20βP) were all significantly affected by treatment with GnRHa and, to a lesser extent, temperature. The efficiency of GnRHa in counteracting the negative effects of high temperature on ovulation and the associated changes in circulating sex steroids suggest that temperature inhibition operates at least in part at the brain or pituitary.  相似文献   
The annual reproductive cycle of the commercial sea cucumber Holothuria spinifera was studied in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, from September 2000 to October 2001, by macroscopic and microscopic examination of gonad tubule, gonad index and histology of gametogenic stages, to determine the spawning pattern. The gonad consists of long tubules with uniform development. It does not confirm the progressive tubule recruitment model described for other holothurians. The maximum percentage of mature animals, gonad and fecundity indices, tubule length and diameter, with the observations on gonad histology, ascertained that H. spinifera had the peak gametogenic activity during September and October 2001 followed by a prolonged spawning period from November 2000–March 2001.  相似文献   
Ninety sexually mature Cherax quadricarinatus females were exposed to various combinations of photoperiod and temperature for 2 months during the summer. Females were randomly assigned to either “winter” “semi-winter” or “summer” simulation treatments. In the “winter” treatment, crayfish were exposed to a simulated winter photoperiod (gradual decrease from 14L:10D to 10L:14D, 4 weeks at short day length followed by gradual increase to 14L:10D) and temperature (gradual decrease from 27 to 15 °C, held for 4 weeks, and then gradual increase to 27 °C). In the “semi-winter” treatment, crayfish were exposed to a simulated winter photoperiod and a summer temperature (27–29 °C). In the “summer” treatment, the crayfish were exposed to summer water temperatures and a photoperiod of 14L:10D. Following the 2 months of conditioning, the females were stocked for 7 months in small groups with males under environmental conditions similar to those of the “summer” treatment. All females were individually tagged and molting and spawning events were monitored. Females exposed to “semi-winter” conditioning in the summer, demonstrated a threefold increase in the rate of first spawning during the winter (December–February) compared with the other females. Crayfish breeders can easily implement these findings since shifting the breeding season into the winter only requires shortening of the photoperiod in the summer. The stocking of ponds in the spring with large nursed juveniles that hatched from eggs spawned in the winter, would allow the attainment of market size at the end of the limited growout season in temperate zones.  相似文献   
为给综合治理绿豆象提供理论支撑,在室内(28±2℃)条件下,饲养绿豆象,并观察了6种豆类对绿豆象发育和繁殖的影响。结果表明:绿豆象的卵孵化后,幼虫仅在绿豆、红小豆、大豆上可蛀入危害;在绿豆、红小豆和大豆上的世代发育历期分别为26.50、29.90、52.00天;在绿豆、红小豆、大豆上的存活率分别为52.11%、56.45%、1.60%;绿豆象成虫在不同豆种上的产卵历期差异不显著(P0.05);但雌成虫在不同豆种上的产卵量差异显著(P0.05)。综上认为绿豆象的发育和繁殖明显受储粮豆类的影响。  相似文献   
为探讨不同地理群体多鳞四指马鲅形态差异,实验基于2018—2019年采自海门、如东、舟山、三门、珠海5个地理群体的133尾多鳞四指马鲅个体进行35个可量性状和8个可数性状测定,并拍摄保存样本照片用于几何形态学分析。多鳞四指马鲅的传统形态学和几何形态学分析结果显示,5个地理群体的多鳞四指马鲅形态特征存在一定程度的差异,且和地理距离成正相关,但尚未达到种群分化的程度。这可能是更新世冰期时,海平面下降导致南海和东黄海之间形成地理隔离所致;但随更新世末期海平面上升,因多鳞四指马鲅极强的洄游习性,仍有部分群体可以在黄海和南海之间进行长距离洄游,以及鱼卵和仔稚鱼存在随洋流扩散从而群体间存在不同程度的基因交流,导致不同地理群体间虽存在着较大的形态特征差异,但形态和遗传分化仍未能达到种群分化水平。综上,鉴于不同地理群体的多鳞四指马鲅在不同海域繁殖、索饵出现的时段差异,建议对这5个地理群体中的三门群体和舟山群体划为2个管理单元,如东群体和海门群体划为1个管理单元,珠海群体划为另1个独立的管理单元。针对5个地理群体按4个管理单元进一步制定特别管理政策,以期既保护渔业资源可持续发展又保障广大渔民的生计。  相似文献   
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