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We examined the ability of salmon growth hormone (sGH) in sodium alginate (SA) gel to accelerate the somatic growth of juvenile abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, by feeding. After the feeding of sGH at 50 μg or 100 μg in 350 mg SA gel, immunoreactivity to sGH in body fluid was maximal after 12 h, and was still detectable at 24 h. No immunoreactivity was observed in the control group. Following the feeding of sGH at 0.5 mg or 5 mg/8 g of SA gel at 7- and 14-day intervals, there was a greater increase in shell length and body weight than in the control. In abalone, sGH can be transported from food into the circulatory system and subsequently improve somatic growth.  相似文献   
Ocean net pen production of Atlantic salmon is approaching 2 million metric tons (MT) annually and has proven to be cost- and energy-efficient. Recently, with technology improvements, freshwater aquaculture of Atlantic salmon from eggs to harvestable size of 4–5 kg in land-based closed containment (LBCC) water recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) has been demonstrated as a viable production technology. Land-based, closed containment water recirculating aquaculture systems technology offers the ability to fully control the rearing environment and provides flexibility in locating a production facility close to the market and on sites where cost of land and power are competitive. This flexibility offers distinct advantages over Atlantic salmon produced in open net pen systems, which is dependent on access to suitable coastal waters and a relatively long transport distance to supply the US market. Consequently, in this paper we present an analysis of the investment needed, the production cost, the profitability and the carbon footprint of producing 3300 MT of head-on gutted (HOG) Atlantic salmon from eggs to US market (wholesale) using two different production systems—LBCC-RAS technology and open net pen (ONP) technology using enterprise budget analysis and carbon footprint with the LCA method. In our analysis we compare the traditional open net pen production system in Norway and a model freshwater LBCC-RAS facility in the US. The model ONP is small compared to the most ONP systems in Norway, but the LBCC-RAS is large compared to any existing LBCC-RAS for Atlantic salmon. The results need to be interpreted with this in mind. Results of the financial analysis indicate that the total production costs for two systems are relatively similar, with LBCC-RAS only 10% higher than the ONP system on a head-on gutted basis (5.60 US$/kg versus 5.08 US$/kg, respectively). Without interest and depreciation, the two production systems have an almost equal operating cost (4.30 US$/kg for ONP versus 4.37 US$/kg for LBCC-RAS). Capital costs of the two systems are not similar for the same 3300 MT of head-on gutted salmon. The capital cost of the LBCC-RAS model system is approximately 54,000,000 US$ and the capital cost of the ONP system is approximately 30,000,000 US$, a difference of 80%. However, the LBCC-RAS model system selling salmon at a 30% price premium is comparatively as profitable as the ONP model system (profit margin of 18% versus 24%, respectively), even though its 15-year net present value is negative and its return on investment is lower than ONP system (9% versus 18%, respectively). The results of the carbon footprint analysis confirmed that production of feed is the dominating climate aspect for both production methods, but also showed that energy source and transport methods are important. It was shown that fresh salmon produced in LBCC-RAS systems close to a US market that use an average US electricity mix have a much lower carbon footprint than fresh salmon produced in Norway in ONP systems shipped to the same market by airfreight, 7.41 versus 15.22 kg CO2eq/kg salmon HOG, respectively. When comparing the carbon footprint of production-only, the LBCC-RAS-produced salmon has a carbon footprint that is double that of the ONP-produced salmon, 7.01 versus 3.39 kg CO2eq/kg salmon live-weight, respectively.  相似文献   
Two novel acoustic transmitter tags intended to reflect feeding behaviours in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were developed and tested in this study. Using information from the literature and video recordings of feeding salmon, measurements of swimming depth and motion (acceleration) were identified as two promising sensing principles on which to base the tag development. Video footage and laboratory studies were used to develop corresponding algorithms that translated depth and acceleration measurements into compound parameters reflecting the different aspects that discern feeding activity from other activities. Field tests performed in a sea-farm were used to verify the functionality of the tags, and indicated that both tag types had potential in distinguishing between feeding and non-feeding behaviour. Additionally, both depth- and acceleration-based tags were seen to have applications to fish monitoring and farm management beyond that of observing feeding in salmon, in giving recordings of the vertical swimming behaviour of fish over extended periods of time as well as indications of the activity changes of fish due to external influences. These results suggest that fish telemetry using sensor-based transmitter tags could represent a useful tool in future fish farm management.  相似文献   
虹鳟排卵前后血清中性类固醇激素浓度变化的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
赵维信 《水产学报》1987,11(3):205-213
对虹鳟(Salmo gairdneri)排卵前后血清17β-雌二醇(17β-E_2),睾酮(T)和17α-羟-20β-双氢孕酮(17α20βP)的含量进行了测定。17β-E_2从排卵前15天的18.1ng/ml急骤下降到排卵前3—6天的2ng/ml,并继续下降,至排卵时仅为0.9ng/ml。睾酮在虹鳟雌鱼血清中的含量很高,血清浓度从排卵前9天的峰值水平143.3ng/ml缓慢下降,排卵时为24.3ng/ml。17α20βP的血清浓度变化明显,排卵前15天,该激素浓度接近于基线水平或甚至低得不能被检测,排卵前9天开始迅速上升,到排卵前3天达到峰值350.6ng/ml,排卵时为302.2ng/ml。本研究进一步证实了17α20βP在鲑鳟鱼类卵母细胞最后成熟过程中的生理作用,是一种诱发卵母细胞成熟的类固醇激素。临排卵前,血清17β-E_2浓度的下降,可能调节了17α20βP大量分泌的时间;17α20βP的大量分泌是卵母细胞达到最后成熟和排卵不可缺少的一环。注射合成的大麻哈鱼(Oncorhynchus keta)促性腺激素释放激素(s-GnRH)及其类似物(s-GnRH-A),诱发虹鳟血清类固醇激素17β-E_2,睾酮和17α20βP的变化趋势与自然排卵时的变化相类似。经注射药物诱发排卵的鱼,较对照组提早一周排卵,而且排卵较同步和集中。  相似文献   
Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) were submitted for various slaughter and bleeding procedures to see what effect this would have on blood drainage of the muscles. Results show that the bleeding method is of less importance, while it is the timing that is important. No significant difference in bloodspotting was observed between fish that were bled live by a gill cut or percussive killed and bled by gutting. Most of the drainage of blood in the fish muscle seems to occur within the first hours postmortem, so rigor mortis is of little importance. The visual appearance of the fillet was influenced by number and size of the bloodstains. Colour measurements with Hunter L*, a*, b* did not reveal this. We conclude that a gill cut is not necessarily to obtain bleeding, so the industry can omit this phase and go directly to gutting.  相似文献   
Commercial and developmental operations for the culture of the seascallop, Placopecten magellanicus, are present in AtlanticCanada and New England. In an experiment designed to examine the commercialfeasibility of polyculture of scallops with Atlantic salmon(Salmo salar), we measured growth andsurvival of sea scallops grown in suspension at two salmon aquaculture sites innortheastern Maine (Johnson Cove (JC) and Treats Island (TI)). Sea scallop spatwere grown in pearl nets and deployed on drop lines containing ten nets inAugust 1994. One drop line of ten nets was sampled about every four months andscallops were counted, measured and weighed. Scallop tissues were also analysedfor paralytic shellfish toxins (PSP). The maximum level of PSP recorded duringthe study was 1174 g STX equiv.·100 gtissue–1 (excluding adductor muscle weight). After one year,shell heights were 53.6 and 56.4 mm, growth rates were 0.11 and0.12 mm per day and wet adductor muscle weights were 3.3 and 4.1g (TI and JC, respectively). These growth rates were comparable tosea scallops grown in suspension culture to a nearby scallop aquaculture siteand other areas in Atlantic Canada. Reduced rates of survival were found duringthe latter part of the experiment and were attributable, in part, to heavyfouling, predators and high stocking density. The potential for supplementalincome, diversification of the salmon aquaculture industry, and feasibility ofculturing scallops at adjacent sites to salmon operations does exist.  相似文献   

There have been several attempts to distinguish farmed Atlantic salmon by origin using trademarks. Whether there exist different regional markets for salmon, and in particular whether the UK market is separate from the market in continental Europe, is also an issue that has received attention. To address these questions, we investigate the relationship between Norwegian and Scottish salmon both in France and the UK, and between Scottish salmon in France and the UK. The analysis is carried out by investigating how the development of prices is related using co‐integration tests.  相似文献   
The condition of salmon gums Eucalyptus salmonophloia with large hollows in them in a 15-ha patch of remnant salmon gum-York gum E. loxophleba woodland in the northern wheatbelt of Western Australia was examined in 1978. The patch was an important breeding area for six species of cockatoo, including two endangered species. The patch was revisited in 1981 when the condition of all 682 salmon gums and York gums in the patch was examined and each was measured and photographed. A further visit was made in 1997 when the condition of the surviving trees was examined and each was again measured and photographed. The condition of the trees at each visit was classified as “good”, “staghorn”, “broken top”, “dead” or “fallen.” Over the period of the study there was a serious decline in the condition of the trees, with few large trees in the “good” category by 1997. The decline was particularly marked between 1978 and 1981 after a period of well-below average annual rainfall. Using data based on the rate of decline over the period 1978-1997, predictions were made of the fate of the trees in the patch. By 2125 only 46 (11% of the 1981 total) salmon gums were predicted to be alive with only one in the “good” category. Only 16 (17%) York gums were predicted to be alive by 2125, with only one in the “good” category. There was no evidence of any regeneration of woodland trees since 1929 when the patch was isolated by clearing for agriculture, and domestic livestock allowed to graze the patch. This deterioration of the dominant trees in the patch is symptomatic of remnant native vegetation over vast areas of Australia's extensively cleared wheat-sheep regions. The future of woodland patches like the one studied is bleak, as is the future of animals dependent on them for food, breeding sites and shelter. Active management, including fencing to exclude domestic livestock and measures to encourage regeneration of native plant communities, is necessary to counter the present regime of benign neglect that characterises most of Australia's management of native vegetation in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   
Caligus rogercresseyi, [Contrib. Zool. 69 (2000) 137] is the only caligid known to affect the salmon industry in Southern Chile. Economic losses due to reduced fish quality, cost of chemical treatment and outbreaks of other diseases such as the Piscirickettsiosis occur. The life cycle of C. rogercresseyi is described in rainbow trout reared in seawater tanks from observations made under natural conditions of light and temperature between January 1997 and April 1998. Fish were infected with laboratory-cultured larvae obtained from ovigerous females. Rainbow trout were periodically slaughtered for parasite collection and identification. C. rogercresseyi life cycle includes the following stages: two nauplius, one copepodid, four chalimus and the adult. No preadult stage was observed. Timing of the different stages of development was directly dependent on water temperature. The maturation of the eggs or the time for a complete life cycle took place at 45 days in July at 10.3 °C, 31–32 days in April at 12.4 and 12.8 °C, respectively, and at 26 days in November at 15.2 °C. In January, at 16.7 °C, only the appearance of first eggs were observed at 18 days. A simple degree–day (dd) model is proposed for each developmental stage between 4 and 17 °C, where the development rate is a linear function of the average temperature of water. Using this degree–day model, the proportion of fourth stage chalimus was maximum at 172 dd of effective temperature, adult males at 193 degree–days, adult females at 208 dd. The minimum temperature threshold is at 4.2 °C where there is no development of the parasite. The appearance of first eggs occurred at 231 dd and the first pigmented eggs at 277 dd. The temperature-independent degree–days value allowed to predict the timing of C. rogercresseyi life cycle at any temperature within the evaluated range.  相似文献   
Knowledge of fish behaviour plays an important role in aquaculture farm management. Video systems are the most common and cost-effective way of observing behaviours in commercial aquaculture operations. However long term observation is not feasible due to a limited ability to analyse footage manually. This paper describes preliminary findings obtained via computer vision software that was developed to automatically analyse fish movement and behaviours in aquaculture sea cages. Results show that the system is capable of detecting fish shapes in video recordings and from these shapes quantifying changes in swimming speed and direction continuously throughout the day. Also variations between days were detected and these may have been associated with the daily shift in the tidal cycle. The system has the potential to act as an alarm to farm operators, informing them about unusual fish behaviours on a continuous, real-time basis. It also has potential to assist in the evaluation of fish welfare.  相似文献   
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