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A field experiment was conducted during the winter season of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Agricultural Experimental Farm, Giridih, Bihar to evaluate the intercropping systems of legumes, gram ( Cicer arietinum L.), pea ( Pisum sativum ) and lentil ( Lens culinaris ) with wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) in 1:1 and 2:1 'row replacement series'. Intercropping systems were assessed on the basis of new indices termed as actual yield loss (AYL) and intercropping advantage (IA). This paper highlights the comparative effectiveness of evaluating the intercropping systems through the existing intercropping indices like LER, RCC, aggressivity. The indices AYL and IA seem to be more appropriate particularly when per plant yield is considered. Intercropping reduced the yield of component crops compared with respective pure stands. Wheat + pea in 1:1 row replacement series gave the highest wheat yield equivalent value (3.02 t ha−1) followed by wheat + lentil (2.91 tha−1). When the actual sown proportion was considered wheat + lentil (1:1) resulted in maximum AYL (+0.610) and IA (+0.279) values. This treatment also gave the maximum monetary advantage (Rs 5985.45 ha−1).  相似文献   
宿根花卉的特点及其在园林中的配置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据宿根花卉种类繁多、色彩丰富、生长稳定、抗逆性强的特点,其在园林中的配置,宜于建花坛、花境,也可群植,与背景树相结合,还可作地被植物代替草坪,也可建单类花卉园.  相似文献   
通过对二化螟群集性的调查分析,初步查明在不同类型田、水稻的不同生育期、二化螟幼虫的不同龄次,二化螟幼虫的群集性不同.这为科学制订二化螟防治指标提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
本文应用动力学研究方法比较了具有不同耐盐性的3组共6个水稻基因型对NaCl吸收和运转的差异,结果表明,在外部低NaCl浓度(0.1mmolL~(-1)时,水稻对Na~+的吸收为被动吸收,耐盐基因型对Na~+的吸收速率显著低于盐敏感基因型;对Cl~-的吸收为主动吸收,不同耐盐性基因型吸收Cl~-的动力学参数(V_(?)、K_(?))差异不显著,在外部高NaCl浓度(50mmolL~(-1))时,耐盐基因型对Na~+和cl~-的吸收速率均低于对应的盐敏感基因型。耐盐基因型水稻的Na~+、cl-从根部向地上部的运转率低于对应的盐敏感基因型,这种差异在高盐浓度时更为明显。表明了耐盐基因型水稻地上部对NaCl的排斥作用是吸收控制和运转控制共同作用的结果,使地上部Na~+、Cl-含量相对降低而显出较高的耐盐性。  相似文献   
为明确温度和外源砷对水稻生长发育的影响,选取江苏地区常见的8个水稻品种为试验材料,通过添加不同浓度外源砷[0(As0)、0.5(As0.5) 和1 mg?L-1(As1)]和模拟不同温度[白天/夜晚分别为30 ℃/25 ℃(T0)和35 ℃/30 ℃(T1)],在人工气候箱内进行了发芽和苗期培养试验,并分析了8个品种水稻种子萌发、幼苗生长及砷含量状况。结果表明,外源砷对水稻的芽长和活力指数具有抑制作用,与对照(T0As0)相比,T0As1处理使不同品种水稻的芽长和活力指数分别降低13.69%~43.34%和28.14%~52.88%。 而温度对水稻种子萌发的影响与水稻品种有关。在T1处理下,盐两优1618的发芽率、芽长和活力指数均优于其他品种。温度和外源砷的共同作用显著降低了不同品种水稻的芽长(P<0.05)。与T0As0相比,T1As1使水稻芽长显著降低5.66%~43.34%。水稻根长和根系活力显著受到温度和外源砷的单一因素的影响。与T0As0相比,T0As1处理使水稻根系活力降低3.01%~58.21%。温度和外源砷的共同作用抑制了水稻根长和根系活力,其中T1As1使水稻根系活力显著降低53.80%~89.01%。不同品种水稻的苗高和根系活力在相同温度或外源砷处理下具有显著差异(P<0.05),其中盐两优888的苗高和根系活力均处于较高水平。水稻茎叶砷含量在外源砷处理下显著增加,在增温处理下却降低。与单一的砷处理相比,温度和外源砷的共同作用降低了水稻茎叶的砷含量。综上可知,温度和外源砷影响水稻的生长及砷吸收,但水稻生长状况具有明显的品种间差异,其中盐两优888和盐两优1618在增温和外源砷共存条件下的种子萌发和生长状况优于其他水稻品种。  相似文献   
The structural gene for glutathione S-transferase in Oryza sativa was successfully cloned from a cDNA library by the polymerase chain reaction method. The deduced amino acid sequence of this gene showed 44-66% similarity to the sequences of the class phi GSTs from Arabidopsis thaliana and Zea mays. This gene was expressed in Escherichia coli with the pET vector system and the gene product was purified to homogeneity by GSH-Sepharose affinity column chromatography. The expressed OsGSTF3-3 was a homo-dimer composed of 24 kDa subunit and its pI value was approximately 7.3. The OsGSTF3-3 was retained on GSH affinity column and its Km value for GSH was 0.28 mM. The OsGSTF3-3 displayed high activity toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, a general GST substrate and also had high activities towards acetanilide herbicides, alachlor, and metolachlor. The OsGSTF3-3 was highly sensitive to inhibition by benastatin A and S-hexyl-GSH. From these results, the expressed OsGSTF3-3 is a phi class GST and seems to play an important role in the conjugation of the chloroacetanilide herbicides.  相似文献   
A study was carried out to demonstrate that Rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV), a virus known to be transmitted by beetles, can spread between rice plants by direct leaf contact caused by wind. Almost all healthy plants surrounding an infected plant became infected when exposed to a fan blowing for 15 min at a distance of 50 cm. Spread of RYMV by plant contact, mediated by wind, was also demonstrated in field experiments, the extent of spread depending on plant density. Infection was almost 10 times higher in plots with a density of 33 plants m−2 than in plots with 16 plants m−2. Less spread was observed in plots protected by 1·5 m high windscreens. It is suggested that wind-mediated spread of RYMV may result from abrasive contact between leaves of plants.  相似文献   
蜡梅花是重要的天然花香原料。采用顶空—固相微萃取和气相色谱—质谱联用技术(HS–SPME–GC–MS)结合感官审评,分析了采摘后蜡梅花摊放过程中挥发性物质的变化规律。结果表明,离体蜡梅花在摊放过程中开放状态变化不明显,花枝经清水培养,花苞到全开状态历经32h左右。全开状态蜡梅花的挥发性物质种类随摊放时间的延长呈先增加后降低的趋势,摊放12h最多,此时出现了酮类、醛类和酚类;大部分挥发性物质相对含量在摊放20 h后降低。主要挥发性物质乙酸苄酯在摊放12 h达峰值,较0 h增加35.04%;4–乙基苄醇和α–罗勒烯呈现先增加后降低的趋势;α–罗勒烯在摊放4 h后急剧增加,20 h达最大值;芳樟醇、别罗勒烯和2,6–二甲基–2,4,6–辛三烯在摊放24 h内呈降低趋势,分别较0 h下降了18.32%、78.92%和41.19%。结合感官审评与GC–MS分析结果可知,全开状态的蜡梅花采摘后离体摊放20 h内能较好地保持花香的鲜灵度和浓郁度,且在12~20 h之间挥发性物质种类丰富,具花果香的挥发性物质相对含量较高。研究结果可为蜡梅花作为天然花香原料的更有效利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
杂交晚稻机插不同播量条件下育插秧试验研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
以杂交晚稻“江四优992”为供试材料,进行了不同播量软盘育秧机插与常规水育秧手插的对比试验。结果表明:机插软盘育秧随播种量增加,漏插率降低,以90~100g芽谷/盘为最佳播量;机插秧虽然前期分蘖稍慢,但后期具有分蘖稳健、无效分蘖少、成穗率高的特点;机插稻的全生育期比手插稻延长2~3d;与手插稻相比,机插稻的穗粒结构合理,穗粒数多,产量高,平均增产10.2%。  相似文献   
在未治理塌陷地水域,设置生态养鳙网箱52箱。使用生态养殖技术(不投饵),利用微生物制剂及人工诱导饵料生物技术,在25m~2网箱内放养鱼种300尾,其中鳙规格为165g/尾。经过137天的养殖,网箱平均单产19.72kg/m~2,其中鳙单产14.97kg/m~2,折合每667m~2产鳙9985kg。网箱平均产值达138.06元/m~2,净收入为99.66元/m~2,投入产出比为 1∶3.59。  相似文献   
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