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为解决密封泵系统中泵体的密封性问题,提出采用无轴承电动机替代传统电动机构成新型无轴承密封泵方案,研制无轴承电动机成为其关键.阐述了无轴承密封泵中永磁型无轴承电动机转子悬浮原理,并给出电磁转矩和径向悬浮力数学模型.根据无轴承永磁同步电动机控制系统功能框图,构建无轴承永磁同步电动机数字控制系统,为了使控制系统软件与硬件之间互相配合,设计并使用人机交互界面对无轴承永磁同步电动机控制系统中转速、PID控制器等参数进行实时在线调试和控制.样机试验结果表明:使用人机交互界面进行试验调试,能够快速地达到预期目标,转子转速为1 200 r/min,转子轴心在平衡位置中心(0,0)附近振动,径向偏心位移振动幅值控制在50 μm范围之内,满足对无轴承永磁同步电动机数字控制系统进行实时在线调试和控制的要求,对无轴承密封泵的研制与应用具有重要的理论意义和实用价值.  相似文献   
Summary The parental effects on progenies from potato 4x.2x(FDR) crosses were analyzed to determine anether and to what extent selection criteria used for selecting tetraploid breeding lines have to be adjusted when selecting diploid breeding lines. For vine maturity and chip colour multiple regression analysis of progeny means on means of diploid and tetraploid parents revealed high coefficients of determination (R2) for both characters, indicating good predicting power of the performance of both diploid and tetraploid parents on the performance of their 4x.2x progenies. For vine maturity the multiple regression slope for the tetraploid perents was significantly larger than for the diploid parents, and progeny means were towards the tetraploid parents. This indicates that selection criteria for vine maturity may be less stringent at the diploid level. However, diploids may be earlier maturing than tetraploids and therefore selection criteria can better be similar at both ploidy levels. For chip colour, multiple regression slopes for diploid and tetraploid parents were similar and progeny means were towards the darkest coloured parent irrespective of its ploidy level. This indicates that selection of breeding lines for chip colour can be conducted similarly at both ploidy levels.  相似文献   
C. Lanaud 《Plant Breeding》1987,99(3):187-195
Ovule and pollen fertility have been studied in doubled haploids of cocoa derived from spontaneous haploids, doubled by colchicine treatment. The two measures of fertility were very variable; occasionally, the levels were as high as those of the parent plant, but most were lower. The low fertility was not improved either by changing pollinators or after grafting. Pollen fertility also varied seasonally more in doubled haploids than in their parents. The lack of differentiation of embryo sacs seemed to be the cause of low values of ovule fertility. Both of these unfavourable characteristics were not observed in the progeny of doubled haploids, The low fertility is described in terms of homozygote depression, forced, on normally allogamous plants, its consequences for the use of doubled haploids in the production of hybrid seeds are discussed.  相似文献   
 2007~2008年,以云南省建水县酸石榴园为基地,采用Malaise网诱捕器对园内昆虫群落结构进行了调查,根据节肢动物群落中物种的营养和取食关系将总群落划分为天敌亚群落、害虫亚群落、中性昆虫亚群落,利用群落多样性指标对石榴不同生育期昆虫群落结构及其动态进行了分析比较。结果表明,从2007年5月~2008年9月,共诱捕获得昆虫纲12目75科375种1708头。物种丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度分别为5025,508,086。其中寄生性天敌有79种300头,捕食性天敌有46种162头,害虫有193种959头,中性昆虫有57种287头。害虫亚群落、天敌亚群落和中性昆虫亚群落物种丰富度分别为2796,2021,989,多样性指数分别为423,436,326。天敌昆虫群落与害虫群落及中性昆虫群落相对多度呈互补关系  相似文献   
为了研究浮潜式消防泵在启动过程中的瞬态特性,建立包含泵、水箱及循环管路在内的三维封闭模型,运用Fluent 145商用软件,采用RNG k-ε湍流模型,并结合UDF程序加载转速变化规律对模型进行非稳态数值模拟.分析泵在启动过程中其流量、扬程、叶轮加速转矩、总效率、叶轮轴向力及径向力随启动时间的变化规律.研究结果表明:泵在启动过程中其流量、扬程及总效率的变化主要取决于动力源的启动特性,并呈指数上升趋势,叶轮的加速转矩随启动时间的增加而逐渐减小;当泵转速达到额定转速时其加速转矩为0,在泵启动初期因流量严重偏离额定流量而导致其产生较大的轴向力及径向力,随着启动时间的增加,泵的轴向力及径向力逐渐减小,最后趋于稳定.研究为离心泵的优化设计、振动及噪声诊断提供理论参考.  相似文献   
利用包含人端粒酶逆转录酶(hTERT)基因的真核表达载体pCI-neo-hTERT转染山羊胎儿成纤维细胞,筛选阳性克隆扩大培养,并对转染阳性细胞分别进行RT-PCR检测,倍性分析,细胞周期检测和细胞凋亡检测,以观察该基因对山羊胎儿成纤维细胞的影响。试验结果表明,筛选出的阳性细胞现已传至第50代;RT-PCR检测,端粒酶基因成功整合到山羊胎儿成纤维细胞并持续表达;倍性分析结果显示,转基因第50代细胞呈正常二倍体;对细胞周期进行分析,结果显示转基因第50代细胞较未转染第30代细胞有较高的S期,说明该细胞DNA合成旺盛,具有很强的增殖能力;细胞凋亡检测结果发现,转基因第50代细胞中凋亡细胞的比例明显少于转染第30代山羊胎儿成纤维细胞。这些试验结果均表明,hTERT能增加山羊胎儿成纤维细胞体外培养的代数,并保持细胞良好的形态及较强的增殖能力。  相似文献   
为了探索射流混药装置的设计方法和试验方法,从数值模拟和试验研究两方面对射流混药内部流场进行了对比分析.建立了射流混药装置的三维模型,且将射流混药装置侧向农药入口等效为环向入口建立了其二维轴对称模型,分别确定了二维轴对称流场和三维流场的数值模拟方案,采用CFD软件Fluent对其流场进行了数值计算,并比较了二维轴对称模型与三维模型完成计算的CPU时间,结果表明二维轴对称模型比三维模型的计算效率高64%.搭建了混药试验台,测量了射流混药装置流动性能参数.试验研究的测量结果与数值模拟方案的计算结果对比确证表明:二维轴对称模型数值计算结果与实测值的最大偏差和平均偏差分别为7.41%和4.14%;三维模型数值计算结果与实测值的最大偏差和平均偏差分别为5.13%和3.41%,这表明确定的射流混药装置二维轴对称模型和三维模型的数值模拟方案均可用于工程计算.  相似文献   
采用VOF两相流模型研究了气液叉流条件下受热液膜热质传递特性,在模型中添加了表面张力源项和气液相间传质源项.为了验证所建立模型的可靠性,采用非接触式红外热成像测温方法,进行了相应的气液叉流试验.对叉流条件下受热液膜热质传递过程进行了试验和模拟计算,结果显示无量纲壁面温度计算结果与试验结果吻合很好.应用所建立的模型,模拟计算并分析了表面张力、固液接触角、液膜流量等因素对液膜流动侧形和热质传递性能的影响,结果表明:在其他参数保持不变的情况下,表面张力从0.014 N/m增大到0.072 N/m的过程中,液膜覆盖面积由82.7%减小到73.2%;固液接触角从30°增大到60°的过程中,液膜覆盖面积由80.6%减小到69.4%;液膜流量越小,液膜厚度越小,越有利于液膜的蒸发;相反,较高的液膜流量会使液膜厚度增大,阻碍了液膜蒸发,从而使外掠过液膜的单位体积空气含湿量减小.  相似文献   
S. Weber    F. Ünker    W. Friedt 《Plant Breeding》2005,124(5):511-513
A rapid and efficient microspore culture protocol was applied to produce homozygous progeny of crosses between low erucic canola and high erucic resynthesized rapeseed (Brassica napus L.). Microspores of Canadian cultivars ‘Excel’ and ‘Profit’ as well as three F1 hybrids with the resynthetic line ‘RS239’ were treated with colchicine immediately after isolation. Flow cytometry was applied for early identification of doubled haploid (DH) regenerants. The diploidization rate was subsequently verified by scoring flower morphology. In vitro colchicine treatment had a positive effect on induced diploidization, and was associated with the frequency of preliminary spontaneous diploidization which was, however, determined by the genotype. In addition, the effects of colchicine treatment on embryoid formation and regeneration have been evaluated. The method presented is feasible for commercial large‐scale production of DHs in rapeseed as the genotype‐specific diploidization can be efficiently balanced by in vitro colchicine treatment. In addition, the use of flow cytometry immediately after in vitro culture allows efficient selection for DHs, thus saving labour and cost and in the laboratory and subsequent greenhouse phase.  相似文献   
Summary Selection criteria for agronomic characters in a potato breeding program at the diploid (2x) level may differ from selection criteria used when selecting breeding lines at the tetraploid (4x) level. Differences between selection criteria are expected, (1) when expression of the characters is different at both ploidy levels and/or (2) when the effect of diploid breeding lines on agronomic characters of tetraploid progenies is different from the effect of tetraploid breeding lines. In this investigation sets of diploid and tetraploid progenies, each set derived from the same 2x.2x cross, were compared as to the expression of six agronomic characters. Diploid progenies had significantly lower yields (due to smaller tubers) and significantly higher under water weights than tetraploid progenies. Vine maturity and chip colour were similarly expressed at both ploidy levels. Correlations between yield and yield components, and between under water weight and chip colour were similar at both ploidy levels. The lower yields and higher under water weights found in diploids point to the need of different selection criteria for selecting diploid and tetraploid breeding lines.  相似文献   
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