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The annual reproductive cycle of the commercial sea cucumber Holothuria spinifera was studied in Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, India, from September 2000 to October 2001, by macroscopic and microscopic examination of gonad tubule, gonad index and histology of gametogenic stages, to determine the spawning pattern. The gonad consists of long tubules with uniform development. It does not confirm the progressive tubule recruitment model described for other holothurians. The maximum percentage of mature animals, gonad and fecundity indices, tubule length and diameter, with the observations on gonad histology, ascertained that H. spinifera had the peak gametogenic activity during September and October 2001 followed by a prolonged spawning period from November 2000–March 2001.  相似文献   
刺参生殖腺发育的生物学零度和有效积温研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为刺参的繁殖以及工厂化人工育苗提供理论基础。[方法]以渤海湾地区刺参为试验材料,研究渤海湾地区刺参生殖腺发育生物学零度及其性成熟的有效积温。[结果]渤海湾地区刺参生殖腺发育的生物学零度为6.14℃,而有效积温为800.19℃·d。[结论]该研究在渤海湾地区刺参育苗生产中具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
In relevance to osmoregulatory and reproductive functions, activity of hypothalamic neurosecretory neurons may also vary seasonally. The current study was performed to determine annual changes in ir-AVT neurons of hypothalamus and adrenal gland function. We examined changes in ir-AVT neuron by immunohistochemical method and plasma testosterone was measured by enzyme immunoassay. The steroidogenic interrenal activity was studied by histological and biochemical methods. Birds were sampled in February (quiescent), April (recrudescent), June (breeding) and November (regressive). A significant and gradual increase in the number of ir-AVT neurons was observed from quiescent to breeding phase which decreased during regressive phase of annual gonadal cycle. The gradual increase in ir-AVT neurons along with annual gonadal activity of quail were accompanied by increase in plasma levels of testosterone. These results indicate a functional interaction between sex steroid and AVT synthesizing neurons. Adrenal activity (as judged by weight, ascorbic acid content, cortical cord width and cortico-medullary ratio) was also maximum during breeding phase. It is thus postulated that domesticated quail when exposed to natural day length (NDL), exhibits seasonal/annual cyclicity in vastocinergic activity and adrenal function which may be due to difference in sex steroid hormone.  相似文献   
Five experimental diets containing increasing proportions of cottonseedmeal (CSM) protein (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100%; diets 1 to 5, respectively) toreplace fish meal (FM) protein were formulated for intensive culture of tilapiaOreochromis sp. Each diet was fed to three replicategroupsof fish (mean weight ± SE = 11.3 ± 3.9 g) in30L aquaria connected as a closed recirculating-water system andmaintained at 27 ± 1 °C. Fish were fed three times adayby hand at a rate of 3% of body weight during four weeks, after which thefeeding rate was gradually decreased to reach 1.5% at 16 weeks. Thesubstitutionof 75 and 100% of FM proteins by CSM proteins resulted in significantly lowerbody weights in both sexes. In both sexes, gonadosomatic indexes and plasmaconcentrations of sex steroids (testosterone, 11-ketotestoterone,estradiol-17 and 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one) were notsignificantly different among dietary treatments. The concentration ofgossypol,an antifertility agent contained in CSM, was measured in reproductive tissues.The total gossypol concentration in the testis was consistently lower than thatmeasured in the ovaries of the same group. Moreover, in both sexes, theconcentration of the (+)isomer of gossypol was always higher than that of(–)isomer. The total gossypol concentrations in testes increasedsignificantly with the increase of CSM in the diet. The highest levels of the(+)isomer (7.64 ± 0.62 g g–1)were found in the testes of fish fed diet 4, whereas the (–)isomerreached its highest values in the testes of fish fed diet 5. The highest levelsof both enantiomers of gossypol were found in the ovaries of fish fed diet 4(14.2 ± 2.7 and 5.6 ± 1.5 g g–1for (+) and (–)isomers, respectively). In both sexes, thehistological analysis of the gonads did not reveal differences among the fishfed different levels of CSM. Although CSM at any levels did not affect thereproductive parameters examined in this study, it cannot be used to substitutemore than 50% of FM since at higher levels growth of tilapia was compromised.  相似文献   
为全面衡量魁蚶的性腺发育,生殖腺指数ABC作如下定义:A=性腺长×性腺厚;B=A/软体部重;C=A/足高×体壁厚(×100%)。在15—25℃范围内,投饵240—320×10~6细胞/日×蚶的褐指藻都可以使魁蚶的性腺有较快的发育,而卵母细胞却需要高于200℃条件下才能成熟。在饵料不足情况下,魁蚶性腺退化。卵母细胞发育到110—130μ时达其最大值,而后,卵黄颗粒收缩,胚泡缩小,最后消失。至直径57μ左右时,卵母细胞达到完全成熟。小球藻,褐指藻,淀粉,大豆粉等饵科效果的比较研究表明,以1500×10~6细胞/日·蚶的小球藻混合以150×10~6细胞/日·蚶的褐指藻效果最佳,单独饲以小球藻,褐指藻及人工配合饵料也取得较好的效果。以豆粉为主的饲料导致性腺退化。  相似文献   
本研究基于2020年在北部湾海域采集的1214尾多齿蛇鲻(Saurida tumbil)样本,通过对生物学特征和卵巢组织学进行分析,探究该海域多齿蛇鲻种群的繁殖特性及其适应性变化。结果表明,2020年北部湾多齿蛇鲻雌雄性比为1.82:1,雌性群体成熟性腺4季均有分布,3~ 8月性成熟系数(GSI)保持较高水平,为主要繁殖期,其中3月和7月为繁殖高峰期;成熟卵巢中存在不同卵径大小的卵粒,卵径组成分布呈明显多峰型;绝对繁殖力波动范围较大(2774~ 158986粒),且成熟卵巢中存在不同发育时相的卵母细胞,综合GSI、繁殖期、卵径分布及组织切片等结果推断多齿蛇鲻为分批非同步产卵型鱼类;相对繁殖力(267粒/g)保持在较高的水平,有利于其在高强度捕捞压力下迅速建立稳定种群;采用Logistic回归方程估算雌性群体的初次性成熟体长为19.0 cm,与性比随体长变化的重要转折点相同。本研究发现,北部湾多齿蛇鲻的繁殖特性相较以往结果有所改变,同时,研究结果进一步丰富了北部湾多齿蛇鲻的繁殖生物学资料,为渔业资源保护和可持续利用提供科学参考依据。  相似文献   
西伯利亚鲟性腺早期发生、分化、发育的组织学观察   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用组织学方法研究人工繁育、养殖的西伯利亚鲟(Acipenser baerii)仔、幼、成鱼性腺发育过程中原始生殖细胞(Primordial germ cells,PGC)的迁移,生殖褶的生成,性腺雌雄分化和发育过程。结果表明,西伯利亚鲟于3dph(Days post-hatch)时,PGC以单细胞的形式存在于仔鱼卵黄囊上方两中肾管之间,10dph时其迁移到背侧的腹膜上皮上,13dph时其沿腹膜上皮朝肾管区下方迁移,22dph时生殖嵴形成,31dph时原始性腺形成,40~60dph时原始性腺发育形成裂腔,PGCs沿腔壁排列,裂腔经过进一步发育并从背离腹膜上皮的底端慢慢愈合成实体,90dph时原始性腺中出现生殖上皮和性细胞,150dph时脂肪细胞和血管增多,210dph时性腺出现2种不同的表面结构,性腺开始分化。本研究利用组织学方法借鉴鱼类性腺分期标准,将西伯利亚鲟性腺分化划分为0期和Ⅰ~Ⅵ期,并描述了各期精巢、卵巢的结构变化以及细胞形态学特征。  相似文献   
分别以5龄幼虫的精巢和卵巢构建了2个家蚕cDNA文库.利用表达序列标签方法分析参与家蚕性腺发育的基因,通过测序获得 16 737条ESTs(精巢 8 407条,卵巢 8 330条),拼接这些ESTs共得到 2 107个重叠群(contig)和 3 532个单拷贝(singlet).将这些转录物与GenBank非冗余蛋白质库比较,结果显示约34.3%的基因与数据库中蛋白质具有相似性.功能注释表明蛋白质合成相关基因、精巢特异基因等在文库中大量存在.基因本体(gene ontology)功能分类显示精巢与卵巢基因表达谱差异较大.研究结果为理解家蚕性腺发育提供了信息.  相似文献   
胶州湾菲律宾蛤仔的性腺发育   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
1996年4~6月,对胶州湾内的菲律宾蛤仔连续取样,将性腺用10%福尔马林液固定,组织切片4~6μm,H.E染色,显微照相显示菲律宾蛤仔卵巢和精巢的发育是同步进行的,性腺在4月初开始进入繁殖初期的快速发育,4月中和4月底生殖细胞已明显增大,至5月上旬染滤已被成熟的生殖细胞充满,5月中旬前后生殖细胞被分批排放,5月下旬和6月上旬性腺进入休止状态,至此,形成了一个繁殖期,在繁殖期内,高龄贝比低龄贝发育  相似文献   
验证了一种简便易行的斑马鱼性腺体表注射方法。首先解剖10条成年斑马鱼,精确测量并勾画出性腺的综合体表投影;然后注射阿尔新蓝染料确定注射路径和范围;再分别注射葡聚糖德克萨斯红和Sox9amyc过表达质粒与脂质体转染试剂混合物,48 h后分别用荧光显微镜和免疫印迹法检测荧光分布和融合基因表达。根据雄性斑马鱼平均体长、体宽和性腺的平均长宽,确定注射点位于斑马鱼胸鳍上端水平线与腹鳍前端竖直线相交处向上0.1 cm处。注射48 h后,发现阿尔新蓝和葡聚糖德克萨斯红多存在于性腺内部,部分标记了周围器官边缘部位;证实Sox9a-myc蛋白在卵巢中大量表达。结果表明建立的斑马鱼性腺体表投影体侧注射方法有效可行,为以后斑马鱼的体内基因调控研究提供了简便易行的给药途径。  相似文献   
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