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A field experiment was conducted to find out the critical physiological stages of irrigation schedules inducing better growth, physiological efficiency and seed yield potential of berseem ( Trifolium alexandrinum L., Var. S-99-1). For this purpose eight irrigation treatments were made comprised of four treatments of three irrigation (W1, W2, W3 and W4), three treatments of four irrigation (W5, W7 and W8) and one treatment of five irrigation (W6) at various physiological stages i. e. regeneration, flower initiation, full bloom, seed initiation and advance seed development stage.
Thus based on the experimental results the physiological role of watering in berseem seed production could be discussed as:
With-holding of irrigation either at regeneration or at full bloom stage developed potential water stress in plants as indicated by high proline content of irrigation treatments — W4, W1 and W7; and further brought out disturbance on the formation of carotene, synthesis of water soluble sugar and translocation of sugar towards reproductive organs during grain development stage. These stresses adversely affected the plant growth and flowering behaviour. The irrigation at seed initiation stage increased the seed yield. Continuous irrigation did not appear to be useful. Thus it can be concluded that irrigation at three critical physiological stages i. e. regeneration, full bloom and seed initiation was found to be essential for obtaining potential seed yield of berseem.  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONAtpresent,oxygenbleachinghasbecomeanlndustrializedtechnolOgy.Uptol989,thistechnologyhadbeenusedin58paPerndlls,and50%ofthemwereinEuroPe,20%inNorthemAmencaand20%inJapan.Inrecentyears,severaloxygnbleachiofequiPmenthadbeenintroducedintoChina.Inaword,oxygenbleachinglsasuccessfulandenviron-mentallyaccePtableprocessfOrPulpbleaching.However,littleworkhadbeendevotedtounderstandingthefundamentalaspectsofthissysten1,sotherewaslittledetailedinfOrmationonthel11echanismsofoxygenbleachi…  相似文献   
Plant resistance to insect herbivory involves gene expression in response to wounding and the detection of insect elicitors in oral secretions (Kessler and Baldwin, 2002, Ann. Rev. Plant/ Biol. 53: 299–328). However, crawling insect larvae stimulate the synthesis of 4-aminobutyrate within minutes and imprints of larval footsteps can be visualized within seconds through superoxide production or transient increases in chlorophyll fluorescence (Bown et al., 2002, Plant Physiol. 129: 1430–1434). Here cryo-scanning electron microscopy was used to demonstrate that larval feet, which are equipped with a perimeter row of hook-like crochets, damage leaf tissue and result in larval footprints. Staining for cell death shows that areas of wounding correspond to footsteps detected through increased chlorophyll fluorescence. Superoxide production in response to footsteps was inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium, an inhibitor of the plasma membrane NADPH oxidase enzyme. Inhibition of superoxide production, however, did not eliminate the detection of cell death. The results demonstrate that larval footsteps damage leaf tissue, and initiate rapid local responses which are not dependent on herbivory or oral secretions. It is proposed that superoxide production at the wound site prevents opportunistic pathogen infection.  相似文献   
为了解罗氏沼虾养殖环境中草甘膦除草剂的残留特征及其生态风险,于2019年5月至10月,对上海市金山区三口罗氏沼虾养殖塘养殖水、沉积物及塘埂土样品中草甘膦的浓度进行监测,并采用商值法对养殖水和沉积物中草甘膦的生态风险进行评估。结果显示:养殖周期内,养殖塘水中草甘膦的检出率为46.7%,最大残留值为57 μg/L;虾塘沉积物及塘埂土中草甘膦的检出率分别为83.3%和77.8%,最大残留值分别为1149 μg/kg和5057 μg/kg。生态风险评估结果显示,养殖周期内养殖水中残留草甘膦对所选敏感生物的生态风险等级主要为无明显风险和中等风险,沉积物中残留草甘膦对所选敏感生物的生态风险等级主要为中等风险和低风险。研究表明,金山区罗氏沼虾养殖环境中草甘膦的残留水平与国内外其他地区相比处于中等水平,主要来源为塘埂除草时草甘膦除草剂的使用,养殖塘水及沉积物中残留草甘膦对罗氏沼虾养殖存在潜在风险。  相似文献   
为判断CW-MFC反应器运行状态提供一种简单且快速的监测方法,利用三维荧光光谱法研究人工湿地-微生物燃料电池耦合系统(CW-MFC)启动过程中溶解性有机物(DOM)的光谱特征。结果显示CW-MFC反应器启动阶段的循环进水周期内类蛋白质峰荧光逐渐变弱,说明反应器内部微生物有较好的活性,而类腐殖质和类富里酸峰荧光呈现逐渐增强的趋势。同时,随着驯化时间的推移,在连续流进水周期内系统的输出电压基本维持在300 mV左右,COD、NH4+-N、TP的平均去除率也逐渐趋于稳定,分别为82.66% ± 4.47%、73.52% ± 6.95%和55.42% ± 8.59%。并通过比较反应器的出水中DOM组分荧光强度得分值,发现从启动到稳定运行的过程中反应器内部微生物的活性和代谢逐渐稳定,说明利用三维荧光光谱技术判断反应器是否运行稳定具有可行性。  相似文献   
为了从生理生态学角度解答温度和光照对海带孢子体生长过程的影响,探索海带孢子体对温度和光环境的生理响应机制,实验在测定养殖海域海带孢子体生长参数的基础上,设定了6、10、14和18°C 4个水温梯度的海带孢子体暂养实验,以及它们在0、25、70、133、230、317、421、582、786μmol photons/(m2·s) 9个光合有效辐射(PAR)梯度下的光合活性荧光参数测定。结果显示:①在6°C水温条件下,海带孢子体荧光参数Fv/Fm和Fv/F0最大,分别为0.71和2.40;在18°C水温条件下,其Fv/Fm和Fv/F0最小,分别为0.65和1.85;②暂养海带孢子体的光化学淬灭(qP)和非光化学淬灭(qN或NPQ)在18°C水温条件下达到最大,分别为0.92和3.29;③海带孢子体的快速光曲线随着光合有效辐射(PAR)的增强呈现先上升后下降的趋势;④海域养殖海带孢子体的最大叶长增长速率、叶宽增长速率和干重增重率分别为1.34 cm/d、0.33 cm/d和1.01 g/d。研究表明,海带孢子体干重生长率变化与不同水温条件下的快速光曲线变化一致,高温抑制了海带孢子体光合效率;...  相似文献   
为研究四甲基戊二酸(TGA)对夏玉米光合特征和产量的调控效应, 2018、2019年在中国农业科学院新乡试验基地开展大田试验,以中单909 (ZD909)和京农科728 (JNK728)为试验材料,设置5个TGA施用梯度(0、75、150、225和300 g hm–2)。结果表明,适宜剂量的TGA处理可提高玉米产量、延缓玉米生育期内功能叶的衰老速率,增强灌浆期的净光合速率,试验条件下TGA的最佳施用量为150 g hm–2。在TGA最佳施用量下, ZD909和JNK728的产量相比对照2年平均分别增加8.7%和11.7%。2个品种玉米生育期内叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量和光合势相比对照平均分别增加14.3%和19.7%、18.7%和22.7%、10.9%和16.9%;而叶片衰老速率相比对照平均降低了55.9%和56.5%;灌浆期的净光合速率相比对照平均分别增加44.0%和58.4%。相关性分析表明,玉米产量与生育期内叶片衰老速率呈显著负相关,而与灌浆期净光合速率呈显著正相关。综上, TGA处理能够提高叶片叶绿素和可溶性蛋白含量,延缓玉米叶片衰老...  相似文献   
为了探究灌溉水中盐离子浓度及类型对土壤裂缝变化过程的影响,为南方灌溉用水安全提供数据理论支持,采用蒸馏水配置15.0,10.0,5.0和2.5 g/L等4个质量浓度梯度的NaCl,KCl,CaCl2和MgCl2等4种类型溶液,分别浸泡南方亚热带地区的典型红壤,并且采用恒温蒸发模拟干燥过程和喷湿法模拟增湿过程,结合数字图...  相似文献   
茶叶斑蛾属鳞翅目斑蛾科,以幼虫咀食茶树叶片为害,是茶树叶部害虫之一。本文主要从茶叶斑蛾的分布与为害、形态特征、生活习性3个方面对其进行介绍,并提出防治措施,以期为广大茶农或技术员提供更直观的害虫识别与科学防控方法。  相似文献   
[目的]研究不同程度镉污染土壤下棉花生长和镉富集的特征.[方法]采用盆栽模拟方法,添加外源镉,分析棉花种植后土壤pH和镉含量的变化,以及镉胁迫对棉花生长和镉积累量的影响.[结果]棉花根系具有酸化作用,使其根际土壤pH下降,随镉胁迫浓度的增加,酸化受到抑制,土壤有效态镉含量随之显著降低.棉花株高和地上部生物量随镉浓度增加...  相似文献   
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