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底栖鱼类对水田土壤微生物的扰动效应(摘要)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]研究底栖鱼类泥鳅对水田土壤微生物(区系、生物量、生理群)的扰动效应。[方法]通过田间定位定量试验,采用平板表面涂抹法和稀释法进行分析。[结果]试验水田的土壤微生物区系组成中,细菌数量最多,其次是放线菌和真菌。养鱼水田的细菌、放线菌和真菌数量均高于对照水田,分别达到显著(P〈0.05)、极显著(P〈0.01)、极显著差异水平(P〈0.01)。养鱼水田的土壤微生物生物量C和N明显高于对照水田,均达到极显著差异水平(P〈0.01);养鱼水田的土壤微生物生物量P也高于对照水田,但并未达到显著差异水平(P〉0.05)。底栖鱼类促进了土壤固氮菌、纤维素分解菌、硝化细菌、硫化细菌和氨化细菌的生长,抑制了反硝化细菌和反硫化细菌的繁殖。[结论]底栖鱼类对水田土壤微生物区系、生物量和生理群具有重要影响,改善了土壤微生物的生存条件,提高了土壤肥力和生化活性,有助于增加土壤N、P、S等养分元素的供给能力和养分利用效率。  相似文献   
This study investigated the impact of epigeic and (epi)anecic earthworms on the distribution and availability of zinc in the soil profile. Experiments were carried out with Lumbricus rubellus and Lumbricus terrestris in perspex columns (Ø 10 cm), filled with 20 to 23 cm non-polluted soil [organic matter 2%, clay 2.9%, pH 6.4 (0.01 M CaCl2)], that was covered by a 3- to 5-cm layer of aged zinc-spiked soil (500 mg Zn/kg dry soil) and another 2 cm non-polluted soil on top. After 80 days, columns were sacrificed and sampled in a depth profile. Earthworm casts, deposited on top of the soil, were collected. Each sample was analyzed for total and 0.01 M CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations. L. rubellus did not go deeper than 3 cm into the soil and therefore no effect on zinc distribution in the soil could be detected. For L. terrestris, total zinc concentrations in the non-polluted layers were slightly but significantly higher in columns with earthworms, and so were the CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations in the polluted layers of these columns. Casts of L. terrestris collected from the soil surface showed higher total zinc concentrations than those from non-polluted soil. Casts were mainly placed on top of the soil. This study showed that these epigeic and (epi)anecic species have only a slight effect on zinc availability, and that deep burrowing species, like L. terrestris, are able to transport polluted soil from deeper layers to the soil surface.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to determine the impact of earthworm bioturbation on the distribution and availability of zinc in the soil profile.Experiments were carried out with Allolobophora chlorotica and Aporrectodea caliginosa in 24 perspex columns (∅ 10 cm), filled with 20-23 cm non-polluted soil (OM 2%, clay 2.9%, pH 0.01 M CaCl2 6.4), that was covered by a 3-5 cm layer of aged zinc spiked soil (500 mg Zn/kg dry soil) and another 2 cm non-polluted soil on top. After 80 and 175 days, columns were sacrificed and each cm from the top down to a depth of 15 cm was sampled. Earthworm casts, placed on top of the soil, were collected. Each sample was analyzed for total and CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations.Effects of earthworm bioturbation were most pronounced after 175 days. For A. chlorotica, total and CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations in the polluted layers were lower with than without earthworms. Total zinc concentrations in the non-polluted layers were higher in columns with earthworms. Casts of A. chlorotica collected on the soil surface showed slightly higher total zinc concentrations than non-polluted soil. Casts were found throughout the whole column. For A. caliginosa there were no differences in total zinc concentration between columns with and without earthworms. CaCl2-exchangeable zinc concentrations in the polluted layers were lower for columns with earthworms. Casts were mainly placed on top of the soil and contained total zinc concentrations intermediate between those in non-polluted and polluted soil layers.This study shows that different endogeic earthworm species have different effects on zinc distribution and availability in soils. A. chlorotica transfers soil throughout the whole column, effectively mixing it, while A. caliginosa decreases metal availability and transfers polluted soil to the soil surface.  相似文献   
采用养殖水化学测定方法分析沉积物中有机质和营养盐含量变化,研究方格星虫生物扰动对混养系统中沉积物的生态效应。混养试验在20个养殖桶内(水体积550 L)进行,方格星虫(1.2±0.1 g)养殖在桶底沙层中,其放养密度为0、50、100和150条/桶;鲻(24.5±0.5 g)的放养密度为3尾/桶,养殖在水体中的网箱中(直径0.8 m、高度0.6 m)。试验共分4个处理组(T0、T50、T100和 T150),每个处理组各设5个重复。结果显示,与对照组(T0)相比,方格星虫组底层(6–8 cm)沙中有机质含量有所增加,但未达到统计学显著差异(P>0.05)。随着试验的进行,4个试验组的间隙水中硝态氮(NO3-N)、氨氮(NH4-N)以及活性磷(SRP)浓度均呈现出升高的趋势。试验结束时,T100和 T150组各层间隙水的 NO3-N 浓度均低于T0组(P<0.05),且底层间隙水的 NO3-N 浓度随方格星虫密度的增加而降低;T0组表层 NH4-N 浓度高于方格星虫组,而底层氨氮却显著低于高密度方格星虫组(T100和 T150)(P<0.05)。结果表明,方格星虫的生物扰动在一定程度上可以促进沉积物表层的有机质向底层转移,从而影响间隙水中氮、磷营养盐的转化和释放。方格星虫的生物扰动在精养池塘中的底质修复作用仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   
Soils and weathering profiles in a wide variety of parent materials and environmental settings exhibit coarse-over-fine vertical textural contrasts. Where these cannot be attributed to inherited texture contrasts or erosion–deposition, the most common explanations are based on translocation (eluviation–illuviation) which removes clays from surface layers and deposits them in the subsoil; or bioturbation, where preferentially fine material is delivered to the surface by organisms, from whence erosional winnowing creates a coarse surface layer. In some soils of the lower coastal plain of North Carolina, U.S.A., neither explanation is sufficient to explain the observed texture contrasts. A heuristic model based on a combination of translocation of fine material from surface to subsoil, and bioturbation-driven delivery and recycling of material to the surface can explain the observed vertical textural contrasts. The key elements in the model are coastal plain sediments which include some fine material; eluviation–illuviation by percolating water; delivery of additional fine and mixed grain size material to surface by bioturbation, making it available for translocation; concentration of fine material originally scattered throughout the parent material in a B horizon; and maintenance of vertical moisture fluxes by bioturbation. The model is supported by morphological evidence of the key mechanisms, argillic horizons that are finer than both the surface layers and underlying parent material, evidence that argillic horizon formation is not limited by the rate of clay synthesis, and the absence of texture contrasts in nearby soils formed from dune sands which lack fines.  相似文献   
[目的]研究颤蚓扰动对水田沉积物颗粒垂直运移的作用,探讨底栖环节动物在水层-底栖界面耦合过程中的生物扰动作用和机制。[方法]以化学性质稳定的玻璃珠作为示踪颗粒,对比分析水田沉积物颗粒垂直运移在有/无颤蚓活动时的差异。[结果]颤蚓扰动10d后,沉积物表层示踪颗粒有41.3%向下迁移,最大迁移深度为9.4cm,垂直迁移率为1.370×10-3(g.cm2.d)。6cm深处的示踪颗粒分别有25.8%和17.3%在扰动后向上和向下迁移,向上和向下最大迁移距离分别为5.2和2.7cm,垂直向上和向下迁移率分别为8.557×10-4和5.738×10-4(g.m2.d)。[结论]颤蚓通过自身的活动,使水田表层和深层沉积物颗粒在垂直方向上发生运移,改变了沉积环境。  相似文献   
Biomechanical effects of trees on soils and surface processes may be extensive in forest environments. Two blowdown sites caused by a November 2005 tornado in the Ouachita National Forest, Arkansas allowed a case study examination of bioturbation associated with a specific forest blowdown event, as well as detailed examination of relationships between tree root systems, soils, and underlying bedrock. The sites occur within mixed shortleaf pine and hardwood forests. More than 95% of trees in the severe blowdown areas were either uprooted or suffered trunk break, with uprooting more common than breakage. Within the most heavily damaged areas all uprooted trees were pines, while all trees left standing were hardwoods. Root wads of uprooted trees had a mean surface area of about 3 m2 and volume of about 2 m3, though individual sizes were quite variable. Nearly 4% of the ground surface area was affected by uprootings, with a soil volume equivalent to a disturbance of the entire surface area to a depth of 2.4 cm. Tree size (as measured by diameter at breast height) was significantly related to the area and volume of root wads (R2 = 0.55, 0.71, respectively), with volume of uprooted soil varying as diameter to the ~ 3 power, suggesting that the timing of blowdown events relative to tree age or growth stage significantly influences the area of disturbance and the mass and volume of material involved. In 93% of cases the roots of the uprooted trees contacted or penetrated the underlying bedrock, and in all those cases bedrock was quarried by uprooting. Only 11% of the tree throws showed evidence of general lateral root turning at the soil–bedrock interface; in most cases roots penetrated bedrock along joints. The propensity for tree roots to penetrate bedrock joints, facilitate weathering, and excavate bedrock during uprooting supports the idea that tree roots play a predominant role in locally deepening soils.  相似文献   
泥鳅扰动对水田沉积物颗粒垂直分布的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[Objective] The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of breeding Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in paddy field in vertical distribution of sediment particles. [Method] Using chemically stable glass beads as tracers, the effects of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus bioturbation on the vertical distribution of sediment particles in paddy field were investigated, and the bioturbation role of benthic fish in the coupling process of benthic-pelagic interface was discussed. [Result] After ten days of Misgurnus anguillicaudatus bioturbation, 43.2% of the glass beads on the surface were transferred downwardly with the maximum distance of 7.5 cm, and the vertical transportation rate of sediment particles was 7.676×10-4g-1·cm-2·d-1. At a depth of 6 cm, 39.7% and 9.9% of the glass beads were respectively transferred upwards and downwards, to the maximum distanc of 4.5 cm and 5.1 cm, respectively; and the vertical transportation rates of sediment particles were 7.597×10-4g-1·cm-2·d-1 and 1.894×10-4g-1·cm-2·d-1, respectively. [Conclusion] Misgurnus anguillicaudatus bioturbation could promote the circulation and transformation of nutrients at water/soil interface through affecting the vertical distribution of sediment particles.  相似文献   
胡勇军  孙刚  房岩  韩国军 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(23):12496-12498
[目的]研究底栖鱼类泥鳅对水田土壤微生物(区系、生物量、生理群)的扰动效应。[方法]通过田间定位定量试验,采用平板表面涂抹法和稀释法进行分析。[结果]试验水田的土壤微生物区系组成中,细菌数量最多,其次是放线菌和真菌。养鱼水田的细菌、放线菌和真菌数量均高于对照水田,分别达到显著(P〈0.05)、极显著差异水平(P〈0.01)。养鱼水田的土壤微生物生物量C和N明显高于对照水田,均达到极显著差异水平(P〈0.01);养鱼水田的土壤微生物生物量P也高于对照水田,但未达显著差异水平(P〉0.05)。底栖鱼类促进了土壤固氮菌、纤维素分解菌、硝化细菌、硫化细菌和氨化细菌的生长,抑制了反硝化细菌和反硫化细菌的繁殖。[结论]底栖鱼类对水田土壤微生物区系、生物量和生理群具有重要影响,改善了土壤微生物的生存条件,提高了土壤肥力和生化活性,有助于增加土壤N、P、S等养分元素的供给能力和养分利用效率。  相似文献   
By creating burrows, earthworms influence the transfer properties of soils. The effects of endogeic species on soil transfer properties, however, are not yet well understood because these earthworms generally create burrows that are refilled by casts and have no preferential vertical orientation. Thirty soil cores were incubated for various periods (1–3 or 4 weeks) at different earthworm densities (70, 210, 345 or 480 individuals m−2). The cores were then scanned using X-ray tomography and the burrow systems were characterised by measuring the total burrow volume, bioturbation volume (refilled burrows and lateral compaction around the burrows), the number of branches, tortuosity and continuity (assessed by computing the number of burrows with a vertical extension greater than 15, 20 and 25% of the core). We also computed the mean geodesic distance, i.e. the mean distance from the bottom to the top of the core assuming that distances inside burrows are null. Rainfall simulations were carried out on 17 cores chosen to encompass the variations observed in the burrow systems. The water transfer efficiency of each core was estimated by measuring two parameters: breakthrough volume and the percentage of water transmitted after 1 h of rain. Burrow and bioturbation volume increased significantly and steadily with time and earthworm density. We estimated that on average Allolobophora chlorotica burrowed 22 cm per week. All other burrow system characteristics also increased with time and earthworm density except the mean geodesic distance, which decreased significantly. This suggests that intraspecific interactions had no significant effect on burrow system geometry. Univariate PLS regressions were used to understand which burrow system characteristics had the strongest influence on water transfer. These regressions showed that the mean geodesic distance was the most important parameter. This means that in addition to individual burrow characteristics, the spatial arrangement of the whole burrow system also had a major effect on transfer properties.  相似文献   
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