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梯田农业生态系统是全球和中国重要农业文化遗产的重要组成部分。为探讨国内梯田农业生态系统文化服务的研究热点和发展态势,本研究利用CiteSpace软件,以CNKI数据库中我国2001—2020年1 403篇与梯田农业生态系统文化服务相关的文献为研究对象,讨论其研究现状、进展和热点。结果表明,发文量整体呈现波动式上升趋势,涉及新工科、新文科等多学科交叉领域研究。研究热点演化具有缓慢发展、快速发展、提升和优化发展的3个阶段性特征,并与国家相关政策及学科发展等有很大关联。梯田文化多样性、服务管理与应用、价值评估等宏观与微观研究主题讨论不断深化,研究态势从早期相对独立的稻作文化和梯田文化,转变为赋能乡村振兴的梯田农业生态系统文化服务,同时梯田可持续管理的研究力度有所加大。本研究回顾和梳理了我国梯田农业生态系统文化服务的研究进展与核心议题,以期为该领域研究和乡村振兴战略实施提供参考依据。  相似文献   
研究水稻梯田氮、磷、钾速效成分迁移与分布规律,为实现精准配方施肥提供依据。选择白石村10个有水稻梯田分布的村民小组,每个村民小组为一个采样区,按照水流路径,每个采样区梯田分成6层,每层采用“S”形布点法采集5个土样,分别测定土壤的碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾含量,并建立与梯田层次间的函数关系式,研究其横向迁移分布情况与规律。结果表明:白石村土壤主要养分平均含量:碱解氮103.3±13.67 mg/kg、速效磷42.84±5.42 mg/kg、速效钾95.25±13.91 mg/kg,营养等级为中上;碱解氮、速效钾从上层梯田向下层梯田迁移,并有显著的指数回归趋势,平均相关系数分别为0.9719和0.9885,低洼地氮素含量偏高;速效磷纵向迁移不明显,但其含量与碱解氮含量呈负相关,拟合度为72.72%。白石村水稻梯田碱解氮、速效钾含量随着水流由上层向下层迁移,并具有明显的指数回归趋势;速效磷随水流迁移不明显,分布相对稳定,有富集倾向。  相似文献   
Participatory methods and community‐based approaches have an important role to play in combating land degradation. This paper follows a well‐defined participatory framework to identify key stakeholders and to select Sustainable Land Management approaches for reducing soil erosion and land degradation in the Troodos Mountains of Cyprus. Among the options suggested and evaluated by stakeholders, terrace rehabilitation had the best overall performance, followed by crop diversification and afforestation. Stakeholders agreed that the rehabilitation of dry‐stone terraces was the preferred option, as it is a practice with high environmental benefits and fits well in the local socio‐cultural context, despite the higher cost compared to other options. In the first year of implementing the approach, three mountain communities co‐organised hands‐on terrace maintenance events, engaging more than 160 people in rehabilitation activities. The community‐based approach has sparked the interest of people within and beyond the research site, and another series of events is scheduled for the coming season. This outcome indicates that social innovations can benefit from the integration of local and scientific knowledge, while participatory process can enhance the self‐confidence and organisational structures of local communities. Sustaining and enhancing the impact of the approach in the long‐run require developing local terrace maintenance institutions, actively engaging the youth in terrace management and improving the profitability of mountain farming through the differentiation of local products. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
黄土高原地区的梯田和淤地坝措施发挥了重要的水土保持功能,然而现有的研究主要关注单个措施的减水减沙效应,对坡沟治理措施综合配置协同调控水沙过程的作用一直认识不清。因此,该研究为解析梯田和淤地坝措施对水沙过程的协同调控效应,构建了10个坡沟系统物理模型,设置了对照组(CO),单一措施组(梯田措施(T0),4种因淤地坝淤积导致坡沟区域的坡长缩短(L1、L2、L3和L4))和组合措施组(梯田与4种因淤地坝淤积导致坡沟区域的坡长缩短的综合配置(T1、T2、T3和T4)),进行降雨强度为90 mm/h的室内模拟降雨试验,量化不同试验方案下坡沟系统的产流产沙过程。结果表明:1)梯田措施和淤地坝淤积导致坡沟区域坡长缩短均有效调控了坡沟系统的产流产沙过程,梯田能分别减少46.30%~83.59%的径流总量和25.82%~82.41%的泥沙总量,淤地坝导致坡沟区域坡长缩短能分别减少7.87%~33.42%的径流总量和10.20%~30.57%的泥沙总量。2)不同试验方案下坡沟系统的产沙率和产流率之间满足线性关系,而累计产沙量和累计产流量满足幂函数关系。3)综合措施配置发挥了“1+1> 2”的水土保持...  相似文献   
哈尼梯田景观水源林区土壤水分垂直变化与持水性能   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
采用ThetaProbeML2x土壤水分测定仪和环刀取样法对哈尼梯田景观水源林区主要植被类型(林地和草地)下0—300cm土层的土壤水分特征及其持水性能进行了研究。研究结果表明:(1)各样地〔样地Ⅰ(林地),样地Ⅱ(林地),样地Ⅲ(草地)〕土壤水分垂直分布为"双峰"波动型,样地Ⅰ和Ⅲ波动弱,样地Ⅱ波动剧烈,拐点出现在60,140和230cm土层附近,土壤水分运动趋势在拐点处受邻层土壤含水量影响大;(2)粉沙性质地土壤(样地Ⅱ)水分变异系数高于黏性质地土壤(样地Ⅰ,Ⅲ);林地土壤水分变异系数大于草地土壤;(3)样地Ⅰ土壤和草地Ⅲ土壤蓄水量均较样地Ⅱ高,且其值相近,黏性壤土的蓄水能力优于粉沙性土壤;(4)水源林区0—160cm土层最大持水量和毛管持水量由大到小均表现为:样地Ⅰ样地Ⅲ样地Ⅱ;非毛管持水量由大到小表现为:样地Ⅱ样地Ⅰ样地Ⅲ,样地Ⅰ和样地Ⅲ的土壤水源涵蓄能力较强,样地Ⅱ土壤调节水分能力较强。  相似文献   
忆晋西一次修成水平梯田的产生和兴起刘足征(湖南省水电厅,长沙市410607)在晋西吕梁山区以至黄河中游广大山区,现在到处可以见到层层叠叠的一次修成的水平梯田。面对这一雄伟壮观,令人心情舒畅,不禁回想到40年以前的景象。那时,在这片黄土高原广大山区,从...  相似文献   
坡耕地增产措施试验研究李新会(河南省宜阳县水利局,471600)一、试验区概况试验区位于河南省宜阳县董王庄乡恒庄村,属风化片麻岩丘陵区,土壤多为砂壤土和白灰土,地处暖温带季风气候区。年平均气温为14.4℃,≥10℃累计积温为4617.9℃,年日照时数...  相似文献   
砂田在干旱山区农业持续发展中的作用与效益   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
砂田在干旱山区农业持续发展中的作用与效益杨国强,杨敬青(甘肃省会宁县水保站,730700)张明玺(甘肃省白银市水电处)一、砂田的起源与分布概况甘肃省中部地区的兰州市、白银市以及河西走廊地区是砂田的起源地,也是砂田分布最多的地区。这里冬季寒冷,夏季炎热...  相似文献   
Grass hedges are narrow (1–2 m wide) parallel strips of stiff, erect, grass planted near to or on the contour of fields but crossing swale areas at angles convenient for farming. They serve as guides for contour cultivation, retard and disperse surface runoff, cause deposition of eroded sediment, and reduce ephemeral gully development. After three years of tilled fallow between mixed-species hedges, the average grade of 18 m wide tilled strips between 1.5 m wide hedges was reduced from 0.068 to 0.052 as a result of surface lowering below hedges and on the shoulders of swale areas combined with increases in elevation above hedges. Annual surveys show progressive lowering of high spots and filling of low spots as contours lines more closely aligned with hedges. Survey data indicated annual erosion rates of nearly 250 t ha−1 year−1. Both RUSLE and WEPP over-predicted erosion rates, partly because backwater and slope modification affects were not considered. A tillage translocation model predicted enough soil movement to account for 30–60% of the observed changes. A combination of tillage translocation and water erosion/deposition provides the best explanation for the observed aggradation/degradation patterns.  相似文献   
We present a model that calculates incident solar radiation falling on terraced and unterraced fields in steep slope environments. The results are presented as a function of altitude, latitude, slope aspect, slope angle, and season. The net solar benefit or cost from slope leveling (terracing) differs significantly according to these situational factors. For instance, terracing will confer a net direct solar radiation benefit of 15 per cent on south‐facing 30‐degree slopes at the Equator for a typical growing season; it will reduce net annual direct solar receipt by 21 per cent on south‐facing 30‐degree slopes at 45° N latitude. Modified solar radiation must be considered as potentially important in the historical origins, functioning and abandonment of terracing. It should be a component in agronomic evaluation of modern terrace construction, restoration, or maintenance. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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