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Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a promising bioenergy crop for temperate regions. Overwintering has been used to improve biomass quality, resulting in a more efficient combustion, partially due to a reduction in minerals concentration. This study examines the effects of soil composition on overwintered switchgrass composition. Samples were collected in the spring from 58 environments in Southern Quebec to determine possible relationships between soil composition and biomass quality. Principal component analysis and stepwise regressions were used to identify relationships between soil and biomass compositions. Soil parameters monitored explained 74% of the variation in biomass silicon (Si) concentration, 45% of the variation in ash, and 32% of the variation in magnesium (Mg). Soil composition had limited effects on the concentration of other elements in switchgrass biomass. Switchgrass biomass quality is influenced by soil composition and appears well suited to biomass combustion when overwintered and harvested in the spring.  相似文献   
为了探究宁夏银北盐碱地区柳枝稷高产优质高效栽培过程中最佳的施氮量及其对柳枝稷叶片光合特性及抗旱性的影响,本研究采用大田试验,以Cave-in-Rock品种柳枝稷为供试材料,设无氮添加(0 kg·hm-2,N0)、施低氮(60 kg·hm-2,N60)、中氮(120 kg·hm-2,N120)和高氮(240 kg·hm-...  相似文献   
【目的】研究水与氮肥耦合对柳枝稷产量及品质的影响,探求水肥调控机理,为建立柳枝稷稳产管理体系提供科学依据。【方法】以施氮量和土壤含水量为考察因子,采用2因子5水平通用旋转正交组合设计,测定各处理下柳枝稷产量及纤维素、半纤维素、木质素和可溶性糖含量,构建柳枝稷产量与2个因子间的回归方程,并通过方差分析研究水与氮肥耦合对柳枝稷产量及品质的影响。【结果】水与氮肥耦合对柳枝稷产量和品质均产生了不同程度的影响。对产量而言,水与氮肥之间存在明显的协同效应,对产量有显著的影响(P0.05)。土壤含水量由8%提高到32%时,产量达最大值所需氮肥量由1.174g/盆增加到2.764g/盆。在土壤含水量为20%或施氮量为1.152g/盆时,产量趋于稳定。对柳枝稷品质而言,纤维素含量与木质素含量均随着土壤含水量增大呈下降趋势;随着施氮量的增加,木质素含量不断降低,施氮量为2.232g/盆时,柳枝稷木质素含量最低为36.957mg/g,仅为0.072g/盆施氮量的2/3。半纤维素含量在不同水与氮肥处理下差异不显著(P0.05),纤维素、木质素和可溶性糖含量均受到施氮量和土壤含水量的显著影响(P0.05),但是两者的交互作用只对木质素含量影响显著(P0.05)。【结论】水与氮肥对柳枝稷产量存在明显的协同效应,其木质素含量随着氮肥和土壤含水量的增加呈下降趋势,故提高氮肥施用量和土壤含水量对柳枝稷作为能源作物生产较为有利。  相似文献   
为明确能源作物柳枝稷在缺钾条件下的耐受能力,筛选出耐贫瘠性强的优质种质资源,以13个柳枝稷品种为供试材料,在人工气候室中开展水培试验,通过相关农艺性状和生理指标等评价指标的测定,采用标准差系数赋予权重法对柳枝稷在缺钾胁迫下的表现做出综合评价。结果表明:在缺钾胁迫下,13个柳枝稷品种地上及地下部的生长均受到显著抑制,具体表现为:生长速度下降,叶绿素含量减少,光合面积减少,光合速率降低,进而导致其总生物量积累下降。由标准差系数赋予权重法得出的13个品种耐胁迫性由高到低依次为:Cave-In-Rock、Trailblazer、BJ-5、Forestburg、BJ-4、Pathfinder、BJ-3、BJ-2、Blackwell、Alamo、BJ-1、BJ-6、Kanlow。  相似文献   
乳酸菌复合系和植物乳杆菌提高柳枝稷青贮效果   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
该文旨在探讨接种乳酸菌复合系SGL和植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)对柳枝稷青贮效果的影响。以营养生长阶段的柳枝稷为原料,分别接种1 OD600/kg 鲜质量的SGL和Lactobacillus Plantarum,以不接菌的处理作为对照。在发酵第3、10、20和30天开罐取样进行检测分析发酵饲料品质,通过短期人工瘤胃技术测定体外瘤胃发酵参数的变化,并运用高通量测序技术分析原料和青贮料的细菌多样性。结果表明:接种乳酸菌复合系SGL和Lactobacillus Plantarum均能有效抑制Enterobacter和Clostridium,使Lactobacillus成为控制发酵的优势菌,加快青贮过程中pH值的下降速率,提高柳枝稷青贮饲料品质,并提高柳枝稷青贮料的瘤胃发酵效果,复合菌系SGL比纯培养的Lactobacillus Plantarum的效果更突出。  相似文献   
Ion inclusion or ion exclusion are the two main strategies developed by plants to tolerate saline environments. Shoot sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and calcium (Ca2+) in four perennial grass species (tall wheatgrass, Nuttall's alkaligrass, creeping foxtail, and switchgrass) treated with nutrient solution salinity levels ranging from 2 to 32 dS m?1 were measured. As the nutrient solution salinity was increased from 2 to 10 dS m?1, tall wheatgrass, creeping foxtail and Nuttall's alkali grass had increased shoot Na+ and decreased Ca2+ concentration while maintaining growth suggesting that these species tolerated these changes in shoot ion concentration. In contrast, switchgrass excluded Na+ from the shoot and maintained K+ and Ca2+ concentrations but suffered dramatic shoot dry weight reduction. Thus, the Na+ exclusion mechanisms present in switchgrass were less efficient in maintaining growth under the 10 dS m?1 nutrient solution treatment than the Na+ inclusion mechanisms used by the other three species.  相似文献   
牧草柳枝稷种子破休眠技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
柳枝稷switchgrass (panicum virgatum)的种子属深度休眠。本文探索了后熟化(干藏),冷冻层化(湿润冷藏),磨擦,浸泡,以及植物生长调节剂GA和ABA对破除种子休眠的影响。  相似文献   
我国柳枝稷规模化种植现状与前景   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
柳枝稷是国际上公认的最适合作为生物燃料的能源植物。我国目前柳枝稷的种植规模不大,处于引种的初级阶段。柳枝稷引种主要集中在我国北方,南方尚未见报道。本研究简要叙述了我国柳枝稷引种历史和种植现状;根据近年来引种柳枝稷出现的问题,分析阐述了柳枝稷种植过程中的技术问题,以及我国柳枝稷种植的前景。作为一种有效的水土保持植物、优质牧草,能够在废弃的工矿地、盐碱地和不适宜农作物种植的地区种植的第二代能源植物,柳枝稷在我国有着广泛种植前景,需要政府-企业-农户有机的结合,有计划的引种种植。  相似文献   
By influencing belowground processes, streamside vegetation affects soil processes important to surface water quality. We conducted this study to compare root distributions and dynamics, and total soil respiration among six sites comprising an agricultural buffer system: poplar (Populus × euroamericana‘ Eugenei), switchgrass, cool-season pasture grasses, corn (Zea mays L.), and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). The dynamics of fine (0--2 mm) and small roots (2--5 mm) were assessed by sequentially collecting 35 cm deep, 5.4 cm diameter cores from April through November. Coarse roots were described by excavating 1 × 1 × 2 m pits and collecting all roots in 20 cm depth increments. Root distributions within the soil profile were determined by counting roots that intersected the walls of the excavated pits. Soil respiration was measured monthly from July to October using the soda-lime technique. Over the sampling period, live fine-root biomass in the top 35 cm of soil averaged over 6 Mg ha-1 for the cool-season grass, poplar, and switchgrass sites while root biomass in the crop fields was < 2.3 Mg ha-1 at its maximum. Roots of trees, cool-season grasses, and switchgrass extended to more than 1.5 m in depth, with switchgrass roots being more widely distributed in deeper horizons. Root density was significantly greater under switchgrass and cool-season grasses than under corn or soybean. Soil respiration rates, which ranged from 1.4--7.2 g C m-2 day-1, were up to twice as high under the poplar, switchgrass and cool-season grasses as in the cropped fields. Abundant fine roots, deep rooting depths, and high soil respiration rates in the multispecies riparian buffer zones suggest that these buffer systems added more organic matter to the soil profile, and therefore provided better conditions for nutrient sequestration within the riparian buffers. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.), as a model herbaceous crop species for bioenergy production, is targeted to improve biomass yield and feedstock quality. Plant height is a major component contributing to biomass yield. Accordingly, the objectives of this research were to analyze phenotypic variation for biomass and plant height and the association between them and to localize associated plant height QTLs. Two lowland switchgrass mapping populations, one selfed and another hybrid population established in the field at Perkins and Stillwater, Oklahoma, were deployed in the experiment for two years post establishment. Large genetic variation existed for plant biomass and height within the two populations. Plant height was positively correlated with biomass yield in the selfed population (r = 0.39, P<0.0001) and the hybrid population (r = 0.41, P<0.0001). In the selfed population, a joint analysis across all environments revealed 10 QTLs and separate analysis for each environment, collectively revealed 39 QTLs related to plant height. In the hybrid population, the joint analysis across overall environments revealed 35 QTLs and the separate analysis for each environment revealed 38 QTLs. The findings of this research contribute new information about the genetic control for plant height and will be useful for future plant breeding and genetic improvement programs in lowland switchgrass.  相似文献   
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