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曾雄生 《中国稻米》2021,27(4):127-132
大致说来,一万年前是中国稻作的起源时期,一千年前则是中国稻作传统的形成时期,而最近一百年则是中国稻作发展最快的时期。用一百年、一千年、一万年这三个大致的时间节点,全景展示中国稻米的历史、稻米对于国计民生的重要性、千百年来中国人民为解决吃饭问题所做的努力、近百年来中国稻作科技的发展与进步,展望未来稻米所可能遇到的挑战和前景。  相似文献   
Climate change severely impacts agricultural production, which jeopardizes food security. China is the second largest maize producer in the world and also the largest consumer of maize. Analyzing the impact of climate change on maize yields can provide effective guidance to national and international economics and politics. Panel models are unable to determine the group-wise heteroscedasticity, cross-sectional correlation and autocorrelation of datasets, therefore we adopted the feasible generalized least square(FGLS) model to evaluate the impact of climate change on maize yields in China from 1979–2016 and got the following results:(1) During the 1979–2016 period, increases in temperature negatively impacted the maize yield of China. For every 1°C increase in temperature, the maize yield was reduced by 5.19 kg 667 m–2(1.7%). Precipitation increased only marginally during this time, and therefore its impact on the maize yield was negligible. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by an insignificant amount of 0.043 kg 667 m–2(0.014%).(2) The impacts of climate change on maize yield differ spatially, with more significant impacts experienced in southern China. In this region, a 1°C increase in temperature resulted in a 7.49 kg 667 m–2 decrease in the maize yield, while the impact of temperature on the maize yield in northern China was insignificant. For every 1 mm increase in precipitation, the maize yield increased by 0.013 kg 667 m–2 in southern China and 0.066 kg 667 m–2 in northern China.(3) The resilience of the maize crop to climate change is strong. The marginal effect of temperature in both southern and northern China during the 1990–2016 period was smaller than that for the 1979–2016 period.  相似文献   
《抚郡农产考略》是清末江西有代表性的农学著作,不仅保存有抚州地区大量农产种类、栽培与加工技术等资料,还包含了大量的商品经济信息。作者何刚德已经认识到自给自足的自然经济会对生产有束缚作用,他在记载各类农产品时,提出“价值”的概念且用货币价格对其衡量,并深入揭示了农产品上市时间、供求、地理、交通条件等因素对价格的影响,进而寻求增值之道。何氏提倡多种经营,大力种植棉花、烟叶等经济作物,发挥柑橘、甘蔗等名优特产优势,促进农业的商品化生产。他还建议通过深加工的方式获取更高利润,并对未能引进西方的先进加工技术而感到惋惜。《抚郡农产考略》体现了中国近代官僚知识分子对农业经济转型的探索,具有重要的历史价值与现实意义。  相似文献   
段锞  胡丹  陈祉夷 《农业工程》2021,11(1):137-140
陕西作为丝绸之路的发源地,以其有利的自然生态条件和区域产业结构,形成了以茶叶为主导的产业发展格局。目前,陕西省茶叶出口规模不大,市场占有率较低。在“一带一路”倡议的推动下,陕西省茶叶出口至沿线国家的潜力较大,未来将逐步呈上升态势。研究了“一带一路”背景下陕西茶叶跨境电商市场发展现状和存在的问题,提出陕西茶叶跨境电商发展路径,通过借力跨境电商平台、开拓国际市场、稳固绿茶品牌、布局海外仓解决出口难的问题,以及完善跨境电商法律秩序,拓展陕西茶叶跨境电商发展路径。   相似文献   
Cuticular proteins(CPs) are major components of the insect cuticle-associated organs such as integument and wings, although the importance of CPs for wing development and function in hemimetabolous insects remains understudied. In the present study, a wing cuticular protein LmACP8 was identified from Locusta migratoria, which belongs to the RR-2 subfamily of cuticular protein RR consensus(CPR) chitin-binding proteins. LmACP8 was mainly expressed in the wing pads and showed high expression levels before ecdysis of third-, fourth-, and fifth-instar nymphs, with its encoded protein located in the procuticle of wing pads and adult wings. Depletion of LmACP8 by RNA interference markedly reduced the amount of its protein, which consequently caused abnormal wing morphogenesis in the transition from nymph to adult of L. migratoria. We further demonstrated that the abnormal morphogenesis was caused by severe damage of the endocuticle in the wings. LmACP8 was suppressed by 20-hydroxyecdysone(20 E) in vivo, however, its expression was significantly up-regulated after knocking down the hormone receptor gene LmHR39. Thus, the LmACP8 that is negatively regulated by the LmHR39-mediated 20 E signaling pathway is involved in wing development during the nymph to adult transition.  相似文献   
Plants have developed different mechanisms to absorb and solubilize phosphorus (P) in the soil, especially in environments with low P availability. This study evaluated the effects of different winter cover crops on soil P availability in a clayey subtropical (Hapludox) soil receiving soluble P fertilizer and a rock phosphate applied to the summer crop, under no‐tillage. The experiment was carried out over 3 yrs (2009–2011) with five different cover crop species: common vetch, fodder radish, ryegrass, black oat, white clover and fallow as control. The soil was sampled after the third year of cover crop cultivation and analysed for inorganic and organic P forms according to the well‐established Hedley fractionation procedure. Phosphate fertilizers promoted accumulation of both labile and nonlabile P pools in soil in the near surface layer, especially under rock phosphate. Fertilizer applications were not able to change P fractions in deeper layers, emphasizing that the Brazilian clayey soils are a sink of P from fertilizer and its mobility is almost nil. Although the cover crops recycled a great amount of P in tissue, in a short‐term evaluation (3 yrs) they only changed the content of moderately labile P in soil, indicating that long‐term studies are needed for more conclusive results.  相似文献   
阐述了森林健康理念和森林康养的基本概念,介绍了森林健康理念和森林康养的发展现状,分析了森林健康与森林康养产业之间的关系。结果表明:森林康养产业的理论基础就是基于森林健康理念继承发展来的,必然会促进森林健康产业的发展。运用森林健康理念指导森林康养产业发展是森林康养产业可持续发展的有效途径,森林健康理念在中国会不断完善和发展,也更有利于中国森林康养产业的发展。展望康养产业,会形成一种新的经济形态,成为国民福祉。  相似文献   
畜牧养殖业污染问题是畜牧养殖生产过程中的常见问题,对于养殖业也有一定的影响,直接影响畜牧产品质量及动物疫病防治工作。该文针对畜牧养殖业污染现状进行分析研究,阐述畜牧养殖污染问题现状,并综合新疆地区的畜牧养殖业发展状态,提出畜牧养殖污染问题综合治理的有效对策。  相似文献   
为保护右江流域生态环境,协调郁江乃至珠江上下游各方经济利益,更好的激励上游地区生态环境保护行为,通过分析右江流域水生态现状、存在问题、现有生态补偿政策环境及其在郁江流域、珠江流域中的地位和作用,利用外部性理论,分析提出了右江流域水生态补偿模式。通过对标对表有关生态保护规划和区划成果,立足百色市实际,提出了右江流域水生态补偿内容、补偿主客体、补偿标准和补偿方式,初步构建右江流域水生态补偿机制框架,并提出有针对性的补偿政策建议,为水生态补偿实施提供了参考。  相似文献   
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