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Carbon storage in the soils on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau plays a very important role in the global carbon budget. In the 1990s, a policy of contracting collective grasslands to smaller units was implemented, resulting in a change from the traditional collective grassland management to two new management patterns: a multi‐household management pattern (MMP: grassland shared by several households without enclosures) and a single‐household management pattern (SMP: grassland enclosed and used by only one household). In 2016, 50 MMP and 54 SMP winter pastures on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau were sampled to assess the differences in soil organic carbon (SOC) between the two management patterns. Results showed that average SOC was significantly greater under MMP than under SMP, with an estimated 0.41 Mg C/ha/yr lost due to SMP following the new grassland contract. Based on the government's grassland policy, four grassland utilization scenarios were developed for both summer and winter pastures. We found that if the grassland were managed under SMP, likely C losses ranged between 0.31 × 107 and 6.15 × 107 Mg C/yr across the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau relative to MMP, which more closely resembles pre‐1990s grassland management. Previous estimates of C losses have only considered land use change (with cover change) and ignored the impacts driven by land management pattern changes (without cover change). The new data suggest that C losses from the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau are greater than previously estimated, and therefore that the grassland contract policy should be reviewed and SMP households should be encouraged to reunite into the MMP. These findings have potential implications for land management strategies not only on the Qinghai–Tibetan Plateau but also other grazing regions globally where such practices may exist.  相似文献   
政府渔业补助政策与博弈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
渔业补助政策是政府为弥补市场经济缺陷而采取的重要措施,本文应用博弈论对政府与渔民的互动博弈展开研究,并确立了混合策略模型下的政府和渔民各自最佳选择概率,达到纳什均衡,这对于解释当前政府渔业补助政策内涵与指导修订补助政策有参考意义。  相似文献   
通过对贵州省晴隆县紫马乡退耕还林的调查研究,分析了目前在经济补偿政策中出现的补偿标准不合理,后续管护存在"漏补"现象、补偿年限非持续性,存在复耕隐患、补偿资金融资渠道单一,投入产出错位、补构偿政策执行有偏差等问题.提出了调整补偿标准、延长补偿期限、建立多层次的经济补偿制度等政策建议.  相似文献   
As the quest for marine-derived compounds with pharmacological and biotechnological potential upsurges, the importance of following regulations and applying Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) also increases. This article aims at: (1) presenting an overview of regulations and policies at the international and EU level, while demonstrating a variability in their implementation; (2) highlighting the importance of RRI in biodiscovery; and (3) identifying gaps and providing recommendations on how to improve the market acceptability and compliance of novel Blue Biotechnology compounds. This article is the result of the work of the Working Group 4 “Legal aspects, IPR and Ethics” of the COST Action CA18238 Ocean4Biotech, a network of more than 130 Marine Biotechnology scientists and practitioners from 37 countries. Three qualitative surveys (“Understanding of the Responsible Research and Innovation concept”, “Application of the Nagoya Protocol in Your Research”, and “Brief Survey about the experiences regarding the Nagoya Protocol”) indicate awareness and application gaps of RRI, the Nagoya Protocol, and the current status of EU policies relating to Blue Biotechnology. The article categorises the identified gaps into five main categories (awareness, understanding, education, implementation, and enforcement of the Nagoya Protocol) and provides recommendations for mitigating them at the European, national, and organisational level.  相似文献   
我国依法保护和合理利用水生生物资源,实施水生生物资源增殖行动。着重分析讨论了"公众参与"原则在水生生物资源增殖中的立法实践、发展情况和存在问题,最终提出:在充分发挥政府保护公共资源的主导作用下,要加强宣传教育、提高全民保护意识、充分调动各方面的积极性,形成全社会广泛动员和积极参与的良好氛围,并通过建立多元化的投融资机制,为水生生物资源养护工作提供必要的资金保障。  相似文献   
借助改进的蛛网模型,分析了临时收储政策退出对我国玉米期货和现货市场价格发现功能的影响机理;并综合运用滚动协整、VECM、BEKK-GARCH与IS模型,系统探究了2009-2019年我国临储政策及其改革对玉米期货和现货市场价格发现功能的影响.研究发现:1)我国玉米期货和现货价格存在相互引导关系.2)BEKK-GARCH...  相似文献   
临泽县把开展政策性农业保险作为推动乡村振兴的有力抓手,在发展壮大现代农业的同时,有效降低了自然灾害对农业生产带来的风险损失,切实构筑起了农业产业发展风险防波堤。但也面临着一些制约发展的因素。本文综述了临泽县开展政策性农业保险助力乡村振兴发展的情况和存在的问题,并针对性提出发展对策。  相似文献   
中国西部大开发政策显示了政府促进西部地区可持续发展的决心。中国政府已经认识到西部大开发成功的关键是如何保护本地区脆弱的生态环境,扭转自然资源退化的趋势。作为西部大开发的一部分,政府决心解决支持发展的必要环境条件。其中,土地退化是最重要的环境问题。本文仅从分析目前我国环保法律制度对于土地退化防治的规定不足之处,来探讨我国环保法律制度应如何完善,更好的为土地退化防治乃至整个西部地区的生态建设服务。  相似文献   
黄土高原地区的生态建设与政策创新   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:8  
生态环境建设是西部大开发的根本切入点。黄土高原地区是我国生态环境最为严峻的地区 ,目前仍有 2 9× 10 4 km2 的土地有待治理 ,任务十分艰巨。本区生态环境建设的主要阻力是生态系统脆弱、经济系统贫困、科技文化水平落后、生态建设效益滞后、投资巨大等。提出的对策是稳定落实“退田还林”补贴政策 ,完善多元化的生态建设投资体系 ,建立公平合理的资源开发政策体系 ,加强生态环境建设的科技支撑作用 ,严格控制人口的快速增长等。强调排除阻力、促进生态环境建设的关键是调整思路 ,在各项政策和措施上都有所创新 ,有所突破  相似文献   
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