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人工饲养条件下扬子鳄两种越冬方式的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
华北地区引进扬子鳄后 ,在室内安全越冬问题急需妥善解决 ,1996~ 1999年 ,采用人工控温使扬子鳄冬眠和不冬眠两种方式越冬。结果表明 ,在华北地区 ,在无法模拟自然条件使扬子鳄冬眠越冬的环境改变时 ,在人工控温下不冬眠是扬子鳄越冬的首选方式  相似文献   
实践过程中针对养殖方法、产卵期、孵化期、变态期以及黑龙江林蛙日活动规律进行了对比分析。结论,在每年4月28日至5月12日期间出现产卵高峰;在5~7℃、10~12℃、14~15℃池水温度范围有较高孵化率;采用混合饲料喂养的蝌蚪变态率均在68%以上;黑龙江林蛙每天9~11时和15~17时活动频繁,是最佳喂食时间;冬季经过越冬池越冬后,选择春眠后放养的技术思路,来提高幼蛙成活率,起到冬眠后的缓冲作用。在放养场内散养期间,人工控制饵料投放量,促使黑龙江林蛙主动捕食场内野生昆虫,激发林蛙适应生态环境的潜在习性。  相似文献   
诱导蟾蜍排卵及蝌蚪生长发育规律的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了蟾蜍受精卵的孵化过程 ,对蝌蚪的生长、发育、变态及幼蛙的生长特性等方面进行了观察和测量 ,同时 ,采用人工诱导排卵的方法 ,进行了蟾蜍在人工条件下的受精试验 ,并对人工诱导的蟾蜍卵细胞进行了孵化试验。结果表明 ,自然条件和人工诱导条件均能够完成蝌蚪的孵化和发育 ,但是在蝌蚪的变态阶段存在较高的死亡率。  相似文献   
Whitmania pigra is an important medicinal resource that is widely farmed in aquaculture in Asia, and a decrease in body weight occurring during hibernation and hibernation lasting long time has serious impacts on production efficiency in aquaculture system. We examined energy metabolic and antioxidant enzymes of intestine from a hibernator (W. pigra) over cycles of hibernation‐arousal. Results of the study demonstrated that hibernation in W. pigra was characterized by a profound decrease in energy metabolic during deep hibernation that was interrupted by rewarming arousal. And energy metabolic increased significantly during the rewarming arousal. Regulated suppression of energy metabolism probably contributes to energy savings. Oxidative stress decreased during deep hibernation along with a reduction in oxidative metabolism, but increased during entrance into hibernation and arousal from hibernation. This up‐regulation of antioxidant defense (AD) during arousal was interpreted as protection of the intestine against oxidative damage to come with the enormous increase in metabolic activity during arousal from hibernation, and the up‐regulation of AD during entrance into hibernation was interpreted that leech are exposed to significant stresses (cold acclimation) that must be dealt with appropriately to avoid irreversible tissue damage. It can be concluded that W. pigra has a strong AD system that protects it from the injurious effects of free radicals either during periods of entrance into hibernation and arousal. These results indicate the adaptive mechanism of hibernation that may be applied to increase production efficiency of leech by interrupting or shortening hibernation.  相似文献   
控制越冬幼虫为主的油松毛虫综合防治的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文报道了1983~1986年期间油松毛虫综合防治研究中,越冬幼虫在树干及地面的分布规律,年发生世代数,幼虫空间格局及其抽样技术和越冬幼虫种群数量变动;文中叙述了控制越冬幼虫的有效措施:塑料薄膜围环、拟菊酯类杀虫剂毒环、毒纸环阻杀越冬下树或出蛰上树幼虫,干基围纸环、干基地面铺石块诱集下树越冬幼虫,施拟青霉菌剂防治越冬幼虫等;文中还涉及到了天敌的调查利用,以及合理使用化学农药等方面的研究结果,并提出以控制越冬幼虫为中心的综合防治系统方框图。  相似文献   
多疣狭口蛙Kaloula verrucosa于雨季前出蛰,雨季结束后即入眠,生活习性较其他无尾类特殊。为探寻该蛙的繁殖习性,以野外定点观察和实验室剖检相结合,研究其繁殖生态。结果表明,多疣狭口蛙繁殖时间与雨季来临迟早、雨季持续时间及降水时间间隔等因子相关。其抱对产卵行为多发生于夜间至翌日上午。繁殖前、繁殖期和繁殖后的雌雄性比分别为1∶4,1∶7和3∶2。繁殖期的产卵量与雌性个体体长呈极显著关系。体长大于47 mm的雌性个体每年产卵2次,而小于47 mm的个体产卵1次。卵分批产出,每批约30粒左右,产卵持续时间长短受人类活动影响。作者认为,繁殖过程中雌雄性比的变化与雄蛙多次进入繁殖场和入眠时间较早有关。少量多次产卵是为避免水塘干涸造成卵与蝌蚪大批量死亡的一种适应。卵呈漂浮状,有利于孵化和加速发育,避免临时水塘干涸对其种群生存的威胁。多疣狭口蛙与北方狭口蛙Kaloula borealis,四川狭口蛙Kaloula rugifera的繁殖习性相似,但由于各物种的生态行为的分离和抗干扰能力的差异,也表现出北方狭口蛙产卵不受人为干扰的影响。表4参15  相似文献   

In this study, the comparative proteomic approach was used to identify the proteins that were changed significantly during the waterless preservation of Chinese white shrimp (Fenneropenaeus chinensis). Approximately 380–430 protein spots were observed in the two-dimensional protein electrophoresis (2-DE) gels. Among them, 14 altered proteins from hemolymph were excised and subjected to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) analysis. Eleven protein spots were successfully identified—including hemocyanin, hemolymph clottable protein, myosin light chain, and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein. It could be speculated that the combined action of decreased hemocyanin, increased hemolymph clottable protein, and myosin light chain forced Chinese white shrimp into a temporary state of hibernation under cold temperature and could keep the hibernated shrimps alive during the waterless preservation. Moreover, increased expression of sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein ensured that hibernated shrimps could be aroused at warm temperature. On the basis of these findings, it is believed that a protein-protein networking mechanism of hemocyanin, hemolymph clottable protein, myosin, and sarcoplasmic calcium-binding protein could interpret the cold-forced hibernation and warm-arousal of Chinese white shrimp.  相似文献   
Ophraella communa (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), the ragweed leaf beetle, is a biological control agent of the invasive common ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia (Asterales: Asteraceae). Adults can survive cold conditions that occur during winter. The adults mate before entering overwintering. Understanding the connection between copulation and overwintering will be useful for determining O. communa seasonality. Determining the relationship between overwintering and copulation required comparison of mated and unmated beetles at mean lethal temperature (LTemp50) exposures for 2 h. Cold-related physiological indices, including the water ratio, super cooling point (SCP), cryoprotectant levels, and energy reserve levels, were also measured. Mating treatment decreased the LTemp50 of both sexes by reducing their mean SCP and water ratios. Although the changes of cryoprotectant levels in mated adults were not precisely consistent in between the genders, they increased greatly in both males and females. Body sugar may play a role in copulation and may also elevate cold hardiness in O. communa.  相似文献   
李芳 《北京农业》2012,(12):87-88
随着国民经济增长人民生活水平的提高,对农业生产提出了新任务与新挑战。加之工业无论是技术还是规模都在大幅度提升,能够科学生产的土地逐渐减少,因此要满足人们对粮食的需要一方面就要尽量遏制占据土地,另一方面就要加大粮食的产值。而小麦作为我国粮食来源之一,其增强产值是势在必行。阐述山东地区冬天的气候变化特征,分析该地区冬小麦安全越冬的方法。  相似文献   
Overwintering dormancy behaviour was studied in female silver eels in Lake Mälaren in Sweden between 2008 and 2010. Depth choices and movements in relation to temperature were analysed from pressure and temperature records for 13 eels with implanted data storage tags, covering 17 overwintering periods and three intervening summer periods. Dormancy commenced in October–November as temperatures fell below 4–12 °C. Eels tended to remain motionless throughout the winter, with some short periods of activity signalled by small changes in depth distributions. During dormancy, the eel shows a clear avoidance of shallow areas <5 m in favour of the 10–25‐m‐depth interval. Activity tended to resume 4–6 months later in April–May as temperatures rose above 3–7 °C and ice cover broke, and eels spent more time at shallower depths of <5–10 m. The majority of the eels were assessed as being in the silver eel stage at the time of tagging. During the autumn months, the diving behaviour, with frequent and large vertical excursions and periods at the surface, was similar to that seen in migrating eels in the Baltic and Atlantic Ocean. In spring and summer, the behaviour differed, being dominated by more gradual depth variations, implying that the eels reverted from silver eel migration behaviour to yellow eel foraging behaviour. Body weight declined during dormancy, but other studies of starvation over comparable time periods showed significantly higher average specific weight losses, implying that the Mälaren silver eels must have fed between the end of dormancy and recapture.  相似文献   
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