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In order to extend the anagen of cashmere goat hair follicles and increase the production of cashmere,this study was performed with artificially shorten the daylight time among Arbas White cashmere goats. Skin tissue sections from cashmere goats were collected to compare the morphologic changes between artificial daylight and natural daylight,and immunohistochemical method was used to study the hair follicle cell proliferation and important protein expression in related signaling pathways. The results showed that strong cell proliferation occurred in cashmere goat hair follicle cells during artificial daylight,plenty of cytokeratin 15 (K15) positive signals were distributed in the outer root sheath,β-catenin protein was actively expressed in hair matrix and root sheath, indicating that the hair follicles were in the anagen growth phase;Meanwhile,cashmere goat hair follicles under natural daylight were in telogen with weak signals. Above all prove that short photoperiod played an important role in promoting hair follicle growth,the artificial short photoperiod could change hair follicle growth cycle and make hair follicles earlier enter to the anagen growth phase,causing a variety of typical gene expressions during hair follicle growth.  相似文献   
为了延长绒山羊毛囊兴盛期,提高羊绒产量,本试验通过人工缩短内蒙古阿尔巴斯型绒山羊的日照时间,利用组织切片技术对比人工短光照和自然光照周期下绒山羊皮肤组织形态变化,利用免疫组织化学方法研究毛囊细胞增殖及相关信号通路重要蛋白的表达。结果显示,人工短光照周期下绒山羊毛囊细胞增殖强烈,干细胞标记角蛋白15(cytokeratin 15,K15)阳性信号大量分布于外根鞘,β-catenin信号活跃表达于毛母质及根鞘,毛囊提前进入兴盛期;而自然光照周期下绒山羊毛囊仍停留在休止期,相应蛋白信号表达较弱。综上表明,短日照对毛囊生长具有明显的促进作用,人工短光照周期可以提前激活毛囊干细胞,使其提前进入兴盛期,引起多种毛囊生长相关蛋白的表达。  相似文献   
绒毛用羊绒毛生长和生殖活动均有周期性,受到多种因子的调控。胰岛素样生长因子(insulin-like growth factor,IGF)作为一类多肽类生长因子,参与细胞有丝分裂、细胞增殖分化和抗凋亡过程,在毛囊上皮和真皮细胞增殖分化、卵泡发育、卵母细胞成熟、卵泡闭锁和胎儿生长发育等过程中也发挥重要作用。对IGF系统及其对绒毛用羊的绒毛生长、卵泡发育和闭锁以及胎儿发育调控方面的研究进展进行了综述,以期为进一步研究IGF调控绒毛用羊重要性状提供参考。  相似文献   
绒山羊产绒量主要由遗传决定,产绒量低是制约绒山羊产业化发展的瓶颈。在同一群体中选择高产绒量(>1 000 g)和低产绒量(<480 g)的山羊母羊各3只,其年龄均为3周岁,体重约34 kg;每只实验羊全基因组测序深度为30×,每个样本大约测得8×106 SNP。对比高产组和低产组,利用选择性消除区域基因分析方法筛选出18个基因组区域可能与产绒量相关,从这些区域中筛选出选择信号较强的4个羊绒产量性状相关候选基因,分别是CUL1、FBXL3、YY1、EZH2,这些基因参与昼夜节律信号通路、Wnt/β-catenin信号通路和TGF-β信号通路,而这3个信号通路正是参与绒山羊次级毛囊发育的重要信号通路。研究结果表明,以上4个基因和相应的SNP可以作为高产绒量绒山羊的基因组辅助育种标记,有助于缩短高产绒量绒山羊品种选育进程。  相似文献   
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