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9SB-2.4型草原松土补播机的研制与试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了大面积改良天然退化草场,加快畜牧业持续发展,改善草原生态环境,研制了一种多功能牧草免耕补播机,该机在不破坏原生植被的情况下,可对退化草场进行免耕补种,加快退化草场恢复产草量。该文介绍了该机的工作原理、主要工作部件结构特点,并对该机的播种性能进行了台架试验和田间试验。试验结果表明:该机可一次完成切开草皮、切断草根、开沟、播种和覆土等项作业,播量为7.5~90 kg/hm2,开沟深度10~90 mm,适宜大面积天然草场机械化改良。  相似文献   
苹果的果实和植株具有较高的经济价值,因而苹果上的害虫需要得到重视。本文为国内首次详细介绍苹果上的瘿蚊科害虫的形态特征、地理分布、生物学特性和为害特点,并编写世界已知4种苹果瘿蚊的雄性成虫形态特征检索表,以期使读者较全面地了解这类害虫的经济重要性,为进一步鉴定、检疫和防治这类瘿蚊科害虫提供参考。  相似文献   
针对以紫花苜蓿为代表的豆科牧草种子机械化种植的工艺要求,设计研制了9BS-1.8型苜蓿草种籽播种机。同时,介绍了该机的整体结构、工作原理、技术参数,以及主要部件的设计原理和设计方法。该研究对苜蓿草种籽播种机的研制及相关技术的推广有着指导作用。  相似文献   
  1. The effects of 5 different feeding systems on the performance, carcass traits and organ development were studied in pigeon squabs.

  2. The 5 treatments were (1) whole grains of maize, pea and wheat plus concentrate feed; (2)whole grains of maize and wheat plus concentrate feed (CWC); (3) whole grains of maize and pea plus concentrate feed; (4)whole grain of maize plus concentrate feed (CC); and (5) compound feed (CF).

  3. Feed intake of parent pigeons increased significantly from 0 to 21 d and it was higher in the CF treatment. Body weight of squabs in the CWC treatment was the highest among the 5 treatments in 4 weeks. Body weight losses of parental pigeons during the rearing period were not significantly different among the 5 treatments.

  4. Protein intake in CC and CWC treatments was lower than that of the other three treatments. The CWC treatment had the highest daily weight gain and the lowest feed conversion ratio. Treatments were statistically similar in the relative weight of carcass, breast and thigh. CF had the lower relative weight of abdominal fat.

  5. Relative weight of gizzard in the CF treatment was significantly lower than that of CWC.

  6. It was concluded that the application of free choice feeding of whole grains of maize and wheat plus concentrate feed increased the body weight of 28-d-old pigeon squabs and decreased the feed conversion rate of parent pigeons. This feeding strategy could be commercially interesting in meat-type pigeon production.

叉车的使用因素、行车机构技术状况、驾驶技术等影响叉车轮胎的非正常磨损,应通过加强轮胎维护、提高底盘维护质量、合理选择和搭配轮胎等加以预防。  相似文献   
以4个具有相似的高直链淀粉含量水稻品种为试验材料,分析其淀粉和米粉的消化特性以及影n向消化特性的因素.结果 表明:相对于其他2个品种,MRX和ZXM的米粉和淀粉的酶解消化程度最低;所有品种水稻基本理化特性如表观直链淀粉含量、胶稠度、总淀粉以及蛋白质含量等对淀粉的消化特性无实质影响;不同品种间淀粉消化特性差异主要是由淀粉...  相似文献   
D型打结器Pro/Engineer仿真及动作功能分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对D型打结器主要部件的构成及其功能进行了描述,利用Pro/E软件对打结器各元件进行装配,并对其打结装置进行机构的运动模拟仿真.把打结器复杂的打结动作总结为4个打结阶段,最后对打结器主要机构所完成的动作及功能进行了分析,为国内设计制造D型打结器及打结器后续改进进行了前期理论基础工作.  相似文献   
Alternate partial root-zone drip fertigation (ADF) is a combination of alternating irrigation and drip fertigation, with the potential to save water and increase nitrogen (N) fertilizer efficiency.  A 2-year greenhouse experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of different fertigation frequencies on the distribution of soil moisture and nutrients and tomato yield under ADF.  The treatments included three ADF frequencies with intervals of 3 days (F3), 6 days (F6) and 12 days (F12), and conventional drip fertigation as a control (CK), which was fertilized once every 6 days.  For the ADF treatments, two drip tapes were placed 10 cm away on each side of the tomato row, and alternate drip irrigation was realized using a manual valve on the distribution tapes.  For the CK treatment, a drip tape was located close to the roots of the tomato plants.  The total N application rate of all treatments was 180 kg ha–1.  The total irrigation amounts applied to the CK treatment were 450.6 and 446.1 mm in 2019 and 2020, respectively; and the irrigation amounts applied to the ADF treatments were 60% of those of the CK treatment.   The F3 treatment resulted in water and N being distributed mainly in the 0–40-cm soil layer with less water and N being distributed in the 40–60-cm soil layer.  The F6 treatment led to 21.0 and 29.0% higher 2-year average concentration of mineral N in the 0–20 and 20–40-cm soil layer, respectively and a 23.0% lower N concentration in the 40–60-cm soil layer than in the CK treatment.  The 2-year average tomato yields of the F3, F6, F12, and CK treatments were 107.5, 102.6, 87.2, and 98.7 t ha–1, respectively.  The tomato yield of F3 was significantly higher (23.3%) than that in the F12 treatment, whereas there was no significant difference between the F3 and F6 treatment.  The F6 treatment resulted in yield similar to the CK treatment, indicating that ADF could maintain tomato yield with a 40% saving in water use.  Based on the distribution of water and N, and tomato yield, a fertigation frequency of 6 days under ADF should be considered as a water-saving strategy for greenhouse tomato production.  相似文献   
蝴蝶兰属于热带气生兰,对生长环境的温湿度非常敏感,温湿度过高或过低不仅对蝴蝶兰生长不利而且易引发多种病害。为此,利用传感器采集的蝴蝶兰生长环境空气温湿度数据,运用朴素贝叶斯算法对其进行分类,以此判断蝴蝶兰的健康状况,达到病害分类的目的。实验表明,该方法的平均分类准确率达到81%,与其它统计学预报方法相比,具有简单、易行的优点。  相似文献   
一株鹅源高致病力禽流感病毒分离株血凝素基因的分析   总被引:17,自引:3,他引:17  
禽流感病毒(AIV)的表面结构蛋白血凝素(HA)在决定病毒致病力、受体结合特性、宿主范围等方面起着关键作用。本研究初步鉴定为高致病力毒株的AIV鹅体分离株A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96(H5N1)的HA基因进行了克隆并测序。结果表明,这一在无胰酶条件下可在单层鸡胚成纤维细胞培养物上形成蚀斑的毒株在其HA裂解位点附近有连续6个碱性氨基酸的插入物,从而揭示了其高致病力的分子基础。进一步的序列比较发现这一毒株与1997年香港流感病毒A/Hongkong/156/97(HK/97)的HA基因核苷酸和氨基酸同源率分别高达98.0%和98.2%,且其6个糖基化位点、2个受体结合位点及裂解位点碱性氨基酸插入物的序列均完全一致,提示该毒株与HK/97具有相似的生物学特性。  相似文献   
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