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针对河南省气候土壤特点、锌肥的生理功能以及牧草生产利用中存在的问题,就Zn肥对紫花苜蓿生产的影响,分析了Zn肥的使用范围和利用措施。结果表明:紫花苜蓿的有效浓度为400~600 mg/kg,最佳浓度为400 mg/kg。在最佳浓度下,Zn肥可使紫花苜蓿的牧草和种子产量分别提高8.0%和10.4%。  相似文献   

针对河南省气候土壤特点、锌肥的生理功能以及牧草生产利用中存在的问题,就Zn肥对紫花苜蓿生产的影响,分析了Zn肥的使用范围和利用措施。结果表明:紫花苜蓿的有效浓度为400-600mg/kg,最佳浓度为400mg/kg。在最佳浓度下,Zn肥可使紫花苜蓿的牧草和种子产量分别提高8.0%和10.4%。  相似文献   

Zn、B、Mn三种微肥在一定浓度下能够促进饲料玉米生长,增强玉米的抗性、提高饲草和果实的产量.其中B肥的有效浓度为800mg/m3,能够提高叶面积指数7.27%,鲜草产量8.40%;Mn肥的有效浓度为600×10-6,能够提高叶面积指数5.36%,提高饲草产量6.30%;Zn肥的最佳浓度为600×10-6,能够提高果实产量9.23%.  相似文献   

对B、Zn和Mn三种微肥在串叶松香草优质高产中的应用进行了为期三年的研究。研究结果表明:B、Zn和Mn三种微肥在一定浓度下能够促进串叶松香草的光合作用,提高其饲草产量,其中600×10-6的B肥能够使叶面积指数(LAI)和叶绿素含量分别增加7.03%和增加7.23%,牧草产量增加8.42%;400×10-6的Mn肥能够使LAI和牧草产量分别增加6.25%和6.07%;Zn肥的有效浓度为400×10-6,可使茎粗增加8.96%,茎叶比增加5.03%。三种微肥对株高没有明显影响。  相似文献   

郭孝  李明 《家畜生态》2004,25(4):96-98
Zn、B、Mn三种微肥在一定浓度下能够促进饲料玉米生长,增强玉米的抗性、提高饲草和果实的产量。其中B肥的有效浓度为800mg/m3,能够提高叶面积指数7.27%,鲜草产量8.40%;Mn肥的有效浓度为600×10-6,能够提高叶面积指数5.36%,提高饲草产量6.30%;Zn肥的最佳浓度为600×10-6,能够提高果实产量9.23%。  相似文献   

红豆草与紫花苜蓿的培肥效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过田间小区试验,对比研究了种植豆科牧草红豆草Onobrychis viciaefolia和紫花苜蓿Medicagosativa的产草量和对土壤肥力影响的差异,结果表明:种植当年红豆草产草量大于紫花苜蓿,分别为3 273.0和860.5 kg/hm2,种植次年产草量均有增加,但紫花苜蓿增加明显,分别为3 548.0和1 454.5 kg/hm2,种植第3年红豆草的产草量开始减少,为2 908.0 kg/hm2,紫花苜蓿继续增加至3 535.0 kg/hm2.种植2种豆科牧草均有培肥地力的作用,种植年限越长,有机质和氮素的积累越多,且红豆草培肥作用强于紫花苜蓿.种植2年后.红豆草和紫花苜蓿的耕层有机质含量分别比试验初增加0.74和0.54 g/kg.全氮增加0.466和0.317g/kg,水解氮增加7.9和5.6 mg/kg.2种豆科牧草种植年限越长,土壤中的磷素越低,种植2年后,红豆草和紫花苜蓿的耕层速效磷分别减小4.1和4.6 mg/kg,因此建议每次刈割后结合中耕适当增施磷肥.  相似文献   

喷施亚硒酸钠对紫花苜蓿干草产量和品质的影响   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
采用叶面喷施的方法研究了3个不同施硒水平(50、100、200 mg/kg)对紫花苜蓿Medicaco sativa干草产量及品质的影响.结果表明:一年4茬每茬次干草产量都随着施硒量的增加有降低的趋势,但对不同茬次的干草产量影响不同,适量喷施硒肥可以显著提高紫花苜蓿产量(P<0.05),年产量以施肥量50 mg/kg的亚硒酸钠最高.喷施硒肥对每茬次营养物质含量的影响不同,4个处理紫花苜蓿粗蛋白、粗灰分及植株磷含量之间差异不显著,粗纤维及粗脂肪含量则随着喷施硒量的增加而增加,粗纤维以100 mg/kg处理最高,粗脂肪以200 mg/kg处理最高,但紫花苜蓿营养物质年积累量都随着施硒量的增加而降低,其中以50 mg/kg处理最高,要显著高于对照.  相似文献   

微量元素Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn是影响人和动物营养的重要因素。世界上有些组织(如德国DLG、英国ARC、美国NRC)一直致力于研究蛋鸡Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn的需要量。NRC(1994)推荐的蛋鸡产蛋期微量元素需要量为:Cu未定,Fe为45mg/kg,Zn为35mg/kg,Mn为20mg/kg。为了提高动物生产性能,现代养殖通常在动物基础日粮中添加高剂量Cu、Fe、Zn、Mn。Mabe等(2003)报道,在玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加Zn60mg/kg、Mn60mg/kg和Cu10mg/kg,可提高蛋黄中Zn、Mn、Cu的浓度;高剂量的铜可降低鸡肉和鸡蛋中胆固醇浓度(Bakalli和Pesti,1995;Pesti和Bakalli,1998;尹靖东…  相似文献   

氮、磷、钾肥对紫花苜蓿种子产量及产量构成因素的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
研究了N、P、K肥对甘农3号紫花苜蓿种子产量及产量构成因素的影响,结果表明:N、P、K肥施用量不同,对紫花苜蓿种子产量及其构成因素的影响不同.施肥量为47 kg N/hm2、120 kg P2O5/hm2、30 kg K2O/hm2时,实际种子产量最高,达1256.42 kg/hm2.N、P、K肥主要通过提高籽粒数/豆荚(x4)、豆荚数/花序(x3)和花序数/枝条(x2)来提高种子产量,表现种子产量的多元回归方程为y=-68.194 14.213X3 27.024X4.  相似文献   

施磷、钾肥及微肥对紫花苜蓿种子产量影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
查阅大量资料,讨论了在紫花苜蓿种子生产中,施用P肥可促进根系的发生和生长,促进花芽分化,有利于提高种子产量,增强牧草的抗旱、抗寒性能;K肥可促进枝条的横向发展,使子粒增大,种子产量提高,同时可提高牧草的抗寒、抗旱、耐高温和抗病虫能力。众多的报道论述了B,S和Mo等微肥通过增加紫花苜蓿的花序数/枝条、豆荚数/花序和子粒数/豆荚等种子产量构成因素,来促进生殖生长,提高种子产量。  相似文献   

试验将240只1日龄AA肉公鸡,按体重随机分为5个处理,分别饲喂基础饲粮和添加100mg/kg和200mg/kg硫酸锰(MnSO4)和氨基酸锰(MnAA)的饲粮42d。结果表明:添加100mg/kg锰显著降低4~6周耗料增重比(F/G)(P0.06);添加100mg/kg和200mg/kg锰显著增加肝脏锰含量(P0.001),同时有提高腿肌率,降低腹脂率的趋势(P0.10);添加100mg/kg MnAA血清总蛋白(TP)显著高于添加100mg/kg MnSO4(P0.09),而添加100mg/kg Mn AA和MnSO4组碱性磷酸酶(ALP)活性分别较对照组高35.7%和21.0%。表明添加100mg/kg锰可降低肉鸡生长后期F/G和提高肝脏锰含量,但是2种锰源间差异不显著;但Mn添加100mg/kg Mn AA比MnSO4可能更有效地促进肉鸡体内蛋白质的合成代谢。  相似文献   

不同锰源及锰水平对雏鸭肝脏脂肪沉积的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用1日龄北京雏鸭300只,研究不同锰源及其锰添加水平对雏鸭肝脏脂肪沉积和肝锰含量的影响。试验1随机分为7组,每组30只试鸭,在基础饲粮中(含Mn19mg/kg),钙源及锰添加水平依次为45、85、135mg/kg(试剂级MnSO_4·H_2O或MnCO_3)。试验2随机分4组,每组30只试鸭,在基础饲粮上(含Mn19mg/kg),补锰水平依次为0、110、1000、3500mg/kg(试剂级MnSO_4·H_2O),试验3周。结果为:锰源不影响雏鸭肝脏脂肪沉积,肝锰含量和千克活体肝重(P>0.05),锰缺乏(含Mn19mg/kg)或锰过量(补Mn3500mg/kg)均影响雏鸭肝脏脂肪沉积和肝锰含量变化(P<0.05或P<0.01)。综合试验结果为:如以肝锰变化作为机体锰营养状况评定指标,则饲粮锰适宜添加量为85~135mg/kg。  相似文献   

The Mn requirement for pigs is not well established. This study aimed to find criteria for assessing growing piglet supply status for Mn and to determine whether the current Mn recommendations meet the requirements for piglets. Thirty‐six weaned male castrated 27‐day‐old piglets (7.24 ± 0.69 kg) were randomized into six groups of six piglets each and housed individually in stainless steel metabolic cages for 42 days. The piglets were fed a diet based on skimmed milk powder and corn starch with increasing Mn concentrations (0.24; 2; 4; 8; 16; or 32 mg Mn/kg diet as‐fed). In week 6, Mn0.24 led to reduced feed intake (p < 0.05). Manganese concentrations in blood, liver, kidney, lung, heart, phalanx proximalis, pancreas and skeletal muscle were influenced by the dietary Mn supply (p < 0.05). The activity of the Mn‐containing superoxide dismutase in the heart as well as relative arginase activity in the liver were lower in groups Mn0.24, Mn2 and Mn4 compared with the higher supplemented groups (p < 0.05). The relative arginase activity increased clearly with enhanced dietary Mn up to 16 mg/kg and correlated with Mn concentration in the liver. Manganese concentrations in the liver, kidney and phalanx proximalis seem to be suitable biomarkers for Mn status. A 4 mg/kg dietary Mn concentration recommended by NRC (1998, Nutrient Requirements of Swine. National Academy Press, Washington DC.) did not fulfil piglet requirements. Under the conditions investigated, 16 mg Mn/kg diet were necessary to reach a plateau in specific enzyme activity and Mn concentration in organs.  相似文献   

锰对种蛋受精率、孵化率及蛋中锰、铜、锌浓度的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
选用1日龄星杂“288”鉴别母雏540只进行试验,以探讨日粮中不同水平锰对种蛋受精率、孵化率、蛋中锰、铜、锌浓度的影响,以及蛋中锰含量与受精率、孵化率之间的关系。结果表明:受精率以日粮含锰110mg/kg为最高(77.18%),对照组最低(64.16%),但各组间无显著差异(P>0.05)。受精蛋的孵化率以日粮含锰70mg/kg组最高(94.85%),对照组最低(80.36%),二者差异极显著(P<0.01):雏鸡在一周内脱腱症的发生率:对照组为11.80%,日粮含锰30mg/kg组为636%,其它四组未发现。当日粮中含锰70mg/kg时,不仅可获得最佳孵化率,而且可有效地防止脱腱症的发生。日粮锰含量增高时,对蛋壳、蛋清、蛋黄中铜、锌的含量及蛋清、蛋壳中锰的含量无显著影响(P>0.05),但对蛋黄中锰含量有显著影响(P<0.01).蛋黄中锰含量随日粮锰含量的增高而增加,二者呈极显著的线性相关(r=0.9370).y=0.0168x+3.3062,r为相关系数,y为蛋黄中锰含量,x为日粮中锰含量),日粮添加锰可以显著增加蛋黄中锰含量,而对铜、锌无显著影响。  相似文献   

1. The study was part of a project designed to investigate if organic selenium (Se) can ameliorate the toxic effects of cadmium (Cd). The main objective of the present study was to investigate, in the chicken, the interactions between Se, Cd and the following elements: Sb, Ca, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Pb, Mg, Mn, Mo, Ni, V and Zn.

2. A total of 300 1-d-old chickens (broilers) were randomly distributed among 4 dietary treatments with 5 replicate pens per treatment. In T1, chickens were fed on a diet with 0·3?mg/kg added Se, without added Cd. In T2, chickens were fed on a diet with 0·3?mg/kg Se and 10?mg/kg Cd. In T3, chickens were fed on a diet with 0·3?mg/kg Se and 100?mg/kg of Cd added and in T4 treatment, chickens were fed on a diet with 3?mg/kg Se and 100?mg/kg Cd added. Se was added as Se-yeast. Cd was added as cadmium chloride (CdCl2). On d 28 and 42, two chickens per replicate pen were killed for collection of whole blood, liver, kidney and breast muscle samples. Samples were analysed by ICP-MS. The data were analysed using a multivariate linear model.

3. While low Cd concentrations in the diet led only to an increase of Cd concentration in the examined tissues, addition of high concentrations of Cd increased the concentration of Cd, Cu, Sb and V and decreased that of Se, Mn and Fe. Addition of high Se concentrations did not significantly reduce Cd concentration.

4. Prior to model application, correlations of 78 elements were noted, while after model application 39 correlations were noted. Most notably, Cd was correlated with Ca, Co, Cu and Mg, while Se was correlated with Mn.

5. The present study revealed several correlations between essential, probably essential and toxic elements illustrating the importance of the balance between pro-oxidants and antioxidants.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary Mn on performance of growing and finishing steers, and to evaluate the effect of pharmacological concentrations of Mn on lipid metabolism and subsequent carcass quality in steers. One hundred twenty Angus cross steers were blocked by BW and origin and assigned randomly to one of six treatments (four replicate pens per treatment) providing 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, 120, or 240 mg of supplemental Mn/kg of DM from MnSO4. Steers were fed a corn silage-based growing diet for 84 d, and then switched to a corn-based finishing diet for an average of 112 d. The control growing diet analyzed 29 mg of Mn/kg of DM, whereas the control finishing diet analyzed 8 mg of Mn/kg of DM. Jugular blood samples were obtained on d 56 of the growing and finishing phase for plasma Mn and glucose analysis. Final BW, DMI, ADG, and G:F did not differ (P = 0.38 to P = 0.98) across treatments during growing and finishing phases. Plasma Mn concentrations were not affected by treatment; however, liver and LM Mn at slaughter increased linearly (P = 0.02 and 0.002, respectively) with increasing dietary Mn. Plasma glucose concentrations did not differ (P = 0.90) among treatments. Serum nonesterified fatty acid concentrations tended (P = 0.10) to decrease linearly with increasing dietary Mn on d 56 of the finishing phase. Longissimus muscle lipid concentration was affected quadratically (P = 0.08) by dietary Mn. Muscle lipid seemed to increase slightly when steers were fed 30 or 120 mg of Mn/kg of DM, but decreased with the addition of 240 mg of Mn/kg of DM. Carcass characteristics were not affected by dietary Mn. Manganese concentrations of 29 and 8 mg/kg of DM in the growing and finishing diets, respectively, were adequate for maximizing performance of growing and finishing steers in this experiment. Supplementing physiological or pharmacological concentrations of Mn affected lipid metabolism; however, this did not result in altered carcass characteristics.  相似文献   

本研究应用5因子5水平部分实施的2次回归几乎正交旋转组合设计,采用玉米-豆粕型基础日粮和432只AA(ArborAcres)肉用公雏,研究日粮中锰(Mn)、锌(Zn)、钙(Ca)、有效磷(av.P)、维生素D3(VD3)5因素不同添加水平的组合效应,探讨5因素与指标间的相互关系。结果表明,由二次响应面分析得出的生产函数二次曲线稳定点的预测值为358.71,对应5因素组合的预测值分别为Ca=1.01%,av.P=0.49%,VD3=2110.751IU/kg,Mn=141.25mg/kg,Zn=175.85mg/kg,Ca、av.P、Zn是影响生长的主因素;肉雏鸡日粮中Ca、av.P、Mn、Zn、VD3任一因素的添加水平过高都会影响其它4营养素的吸收和利用;Mn-SOD、肝锰、肾锰以及血清钙和磷、肝锌分别是反映Mn、Ca、av.P、Zn营养状况的敏感指标。  相似文献   

云南湿热地区距瓣豆的铜、锌和锰营养   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
在云南省亚热带湿热地区为了探讨微量元素铜、锌和锰施用对引进优良豆科牧草距瓣豆生长的影响,开展铜、锌和锰的不同施量对距瓣豆干物质产量、种子产量影响的单因子完全随机区组试验.结果表明,施用铜1.2~2.4 kg/hm2和锰3. kg,/hm2的处理比对照距瓣豆干物质产量分别提高58.4%~88.4%和48.1%(P<0.05),种子产量分别提高295.5%~272.7%和80.4%(P<0.01);施铜还可提高距瓣豆氮、钙、硫、铜、锌和锰含量,显著增加单位面积距瓣豆对氮的需求量(P<0.01),其次是磷、钾、钙、硫、铜、镁、锌和锰的营养需求量(P<0.05);施适量锰可增加距瓣豆的钙、锌和锰含量,显著增加单位面积距瓣豆的钙和锌产量(P<0.01),其次是氮、磷、钾、镁、铜和锰的产量(P<0.05).施用锌虽然对距瓣豆干物质产量和种子产量提高没有显著效果,但是可以提高距瓣豆的钙、锌和锰含量,显著提高单位面积距瓣豆的锌产量(P<0.01),其次是氮、钾和锰的产量(P>0.05),显著的降低距瓣豆对钙(P<0.01)和磷(P<0.05)的吸收量.综合分析,在施磷肥和其他元素肥的基础上,加施铜1.2 kg/hm2或锰3.9 kg/hm2,可获得高产、收益好的距瓣豆优质饲草,同时满足饲养牲畜生产的营养需要.  相似文献   

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