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北京鸭的胰腺分叶及其排泄管道   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
本实验共用北京鸭30只,颈动脉放血,福尔马林固定。在对胰腺的解剖观察中,发现一条前人未曾报道过的第一胰管。观察结果如下:北京鸭的胰腺,位于十二指肠升袢和降袢之间,分为背侧胰叶、腹侧胰叶和脾胰叶。背侧胰叶和腹侧胰叶在多数个体彼此分离,少数个体两叶间有腺组织相连。脾胰叶仅和背侧胰叶相连。自背侧胰叶尾端发出第一胰管,在十二指肠升、降袢转折处附近通入十二指肠升袢肠壁,该胰管前人未报道过。自背侧胰叶和腹侧胰叶的头端,分别发出背侧胰管和腹侧胰管,在十二指肠末端,肝小肠管和胆囊小肠管入肠处的前方入肠。  相似文献   

北京鸭胰液引流的改良胰-肠瘘法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
北京鸭第一胰管由背侧胰叶尾端发出,开口于十二指肠升袢、降袢折转处附近的肠腔[ 1].此处的肠管游离性大,便于制作肠-胰瘘管.北京鸭第一胰管的发现和肠-胰瘘法的建立使长期、安全、连续地收集较纯净的鸭胰液得以实现.如何快捷、可靠地批量制作胰 -肠瘘模型是鸭胰液分泌相关研究的关键环节之一.在样本量较大的试验中,这个问题尤为突出.王贤等通过胰-肠瘘法首次获得了关于北京鸭胰液分泌特点的资料[2],其手术方法比较传统,有一定的代表性.  相似文献   

图10鸡的消化道1、3.食管2.嗉囊4.腺胃5.肝6.肝管7.胆囊8.胆囊管9.肌胃10.十二指肠11.来自背叶的胰管12.来自腹叶的胰管13.胰腺背叶14.胰腺腹叶15.小肠游离部分16.肠系膜17.盲肠18.大肠(结肠)19.泄殖腔图12鸭体表各部位的名称1.头2.眼3.耳4.鼻孔5.喙6.喙豆7.颈8.胸9.背10.翅11.卷羽(公鸭)12.尾羽13.腹14.腿15.胫16.蹼17.趾图11北京鸭的骨骼1.颅骨2.面骨3.颈椎4.胸椎5.荐综骨6.尾综骨7.肋骨8.锁骨9.胸骨10.肩胛骨…  相似文献   

秃鹫消化系统的解剖观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
通过对秃鹫消化系统的解剖观察表明,秃鹫的消化管较短,仅为躯干长的22~2.5倍,腺胃与肌胃外形分界不明显,不形成较细的峡,腺胃壁较厚,粘膜密布许多针尖状乳头,肌胃壁较薄,肌层不发达,其内膜角质化程度低,不形成厚的肫皮或内金,肌胃内容物中亦不见砂粒。肝脏分为两叶,左右两叶各有1个肝门,左叶以肝肠管与胰管共同开口于十二指肠终袢,右叶以胆管开口于十二指肠终袢。  相似文献   

山麻鸭品系间杂交   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杂种优势在畜牧业生产中已得到广泛应用,为了使品系间杂交能尽快地在蛋鸭生产中得到应用和推广,我们利用山麻鸭高产系、山麻鸭近交系进行品种间、品种内的品系杂交,测定其杂交效应,以便推广应用。1材料与方法1.1供试鸭来源①本场7世代选育的山麻鸭高产系(A),②连续2代全同胞交配,近交系数为33.5%的山麻鸭近交系(B),③福建省农科院牧医所引进的莆田黑鸭白羽系(C),④晋江金定鸭场的金定鸭(D)。1.2杂交方案①BA、BC、BD组合以山麻鸭近交系B的公鸭分别与山麻鸭高产系A、莆田黑鸭白羽系C、金定鸭D的母鸭交配…  相似文献   

1我市地方优良品种保护利用现状1.1山麻鸭属蛋用型鸭,原产于龙岩市新罗区龙门镇一带。该鸭体型较小,体态轻盈,善于奔跑,觅食力强,耗料小。原产地新罗区现存养约20万羽,其中种鸭约10万羽。分布越来越广,除广泛分布于我市各县(市、区)和周边的三明、建阳、宁德等地外,还分布于两广、两湖、江西、江苏、浙江、安徽、贵州等省。我市于1992年在原产地新罗区建成了山麻鸭原种场。该场总投资100多万元,占地面积1hm2,建设面积1万m2,饲养种鸭3000套,年供鸭苗60万羽。该场承担山麻鸭选育课题,现已完成五个世…  相似文献   

麻鸭具有适应性广、产蛋量高、瘦肉多、抗病力强等特点,利用当地自然条件发展麻鸭商品生产具有显著的经济效益。传统方法养殖麻鸭需90天才能出栏,而应用麻鸭商品生产综合配套技术仅50天即可出栏。现将该技术介绍如下:一、选好雏鸭1.选择较优杂交组合后代,根据鸭农反映和实践观察,目前宣养高邮麻鸭及高邮麻鸭与其它麻鸭两组合的后代较好,这种杂交组合后代鸭具有生长快、饲料报酬高、抗病力强等优点,50日龄个体重可达2千克左右。2.选健壮活泼的雏鸭饲养。具体要求:个体大,出壳重(50克以上),背宽,活泼好动,眼鼓有神…  相似文献   

北京鸭胃迷走传出神经纤维的起源——HRP法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将30%的HRP分点注入北京鸭的胃壁,逆行追踪了到胃壁去的迷走神经节前纤维的起源。结果表明: 一、延髓的迷走神经背核是北京鸭胃迷走神经节前纤维的唯一起始核。 二、将HRP注入鸭胃各区后,在延髓两侧的迷走神经背核内的标记细胞基本是对称的,不存在一侧优势。 三、迷走神经背核不仅发出纤维支配内脏上皮腺体,而且发出到内脏平滑肌的纤维。 四、支配前胃的迷走运动节前纤维主要来自延髓的前中区与前区的迷走神经背核的中间亚核及腹侧亚核。支配肌胃背、腹侧厚肌的迷走节前神经元集中在开张区的迷走神经背核的背侧亚核。而肌胃的背、腹侧薄肌的节前纤维来自延髓的四个区,在闭合区与开张区主要分布在背侧亚核,在前中区分布在三个亚核,在前区全部分布在腹侧亚核。  相似文献   

攸县麻鸭是我国的一个优良地方蛋用型鸭,以产蛋多,适应能力强,饲料报酬高而著称。但体形小,日增重相对缓慢,放牧条件下,30日龄体重约500g,50日龄体重约900g,成年鸭体重约1300g,胴体较难以适应深加工的需要,为了充分利用地方品种资源,为鸭产品深加工提供资源,我们选用高邮鸭作父本,攸县麻鸭作母本,进行杂交试验,试验报告如下:1材料与方法1.1种鸭来源选用攸县麻鸭的中心产区钟佳桥镇牌楼村180~200日龄的母鸭为母本。选用江苏省高邮市高邮鸭研究所160~180日龄的公鸭为父本。1.2试验方法1…  相似文献   

鸭发生曲霉病的诊治张志聪,陈联荣(大田县畜牧兽医水产高新技术服务部)1992年7月上旬.本县某农场麻鸭发生一起鸭曲霉病。现将发病及诊疗情况报道如下:1.发病情况及临床表现该场为新办场,共饲养产蛋麻鸭830只,场内有1小水库。鸭舍四周密闭,通风较差,舍...  相似文献   

A previously unreported pancreatic duct was found by Liu (1989) in Pekin ducks. This duct has now been consistently found in six breeds of domestic ducks and six species of wild ducks in China. For purposes of Nomina Anatomica Avium it is hereby called the ‘first pancreatic duct’(Ducius pancreaticus primus) since it enters the duodenum at or near the flexure where the descending duodenum becomes the ascending duodenum. All other pancreatic ducts enter the duodenum later, closer to where it joins the jejunum. This first pancreatic duct drains the caudal extremity of the dorsal lobe of the pancreas and can be easily exteriorized for experimental purposes. Within the parenchyma of the dorsal lobe of the pancreas this duct communicates with the dorsal pancreatic duct. In the present study of the gross anatomy of the pancreatic lobes of domestic and wild Chinese ducks we describe and illustrate variations in position and number of all biliary and pancreatic ducts.  相似文献   

通过解剖观察了川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellanae)的门静脉系和肝静脉系。门静脉分为左、右2支,左支发出左外侧叶背侧静脉、左外侧叶腹侧静脉、左中央叶静脉、方叶支、左尾状叶支、右尾状叶支;右支发出右中央叶静脉、右外侧叶静脉和尾状突支。肝静脉分肝左静脉、右中央叶肝静脉、方叶肝静脉、右外侧叶肝静脉、左尾状叶肝静脉、右尾状叶肝静脉、尾状突肝静脉。方叶肝静脉的血液注入右中央叶肝静脉而成为其属支。无肝中静脉。  相似文献   

The endocrine cell components in the pancreatic islets of the following 4 pancreatic regions of the horse were investigated by immunohistochemical methods: lobus pancreatis sinister (left lobe); lobus pancreatis dexter (right lobe); and 2 regions of Corpus pancreatis (body), the duodenal lobe which lies along the cranial duodenal flexure and descending duodenum, and the intermediate lobe which is situated around the portal vein. The islets in the left and intermediate lobes contained a central mass of glucagon cells surrounded by insulin cells, a few somatostatin cells and sporadic pancreatic polypeptide (PP) cells. On the other hand, the islets in the duodenal lobe were small in size compared with the other 3 regions, and were predominant in insulin and pancreatic polypeptide (PP) cells, but almost lacked in glucagon cells. These findings suggested that the duodenal lobe was derived from the ventral pancreatic primordium, and the left and intermediate lobes were originated from the dorsal pancreatic primordium. In the right lobe, the composition and distribution of the islet cells were almost the same as those in the left and intermediate lobes, but there were several lobules containing numerous PP cells as seen in the duodenal lobe.  相似文献   

The vasa pulmonalia of the goat
The blood vessels in the lung of the goat, which until now have received little attention, are described in detail for the first time. With regard to the segments of the lung, blood vessels are bronchovascular units in the lobi craniales, lobus medius and lobus accessorius, but bronchoartery units in the lobi caudales. We investigated the types of branches of the Aa. pulmonales dextra et sinistra, the inter- and intraspecific principles of the outlet of the pulmonary veins and the importance of bronchopulmonary segmentation of the lungs.  相似文献   

The blood vessels in the lung of the goat, which until now have received little attention, are described in detail for the first time. With regard to the segments of the lung, blood vessels are bronchovascular units in the lobi craniales, lobus medius and lobus accessorius, but bronchoartery units in the lobi caudales. We investigated the types of branches of the Aa. pulmonales dextra et sinistra, the inter- and intraspecific principles of the outlet of the pulmonary veins and the importance of bronchopulmonary segmentation of the lungs.  相似文献   

In the present study, arterial vascularization of the uropygial glands (Gl. uropygialis) of 10 adult geese (Anser anser) and 10 adult ducks (Anas platyrhynches) were studied. Takilon was injected into the median coccygeal arteries of six specimens from each species, and Latex (a natural rubber with ammonia) into those of four specimens. Takilon-injected specimens were corrosion casted, and arteries nourishing the gland were revealed via dissection. Vascularization of the uropygial glands of both the goose and the duck was observed to be the right (a. gl. uropygii dextra), left (a. gl. uropygi sinistra) and ventral (a. gl. uropygi ventralis) glandular uropygial arteries, arising from the median coccygeal (a. coccygea media) artery. Both the right and left glandular uropygial arteries were observed, divided into four branches as follows; muscular ramus (ramus muscularis), medial ramus (ramus medialis), ventral ramus (ramus ventralis) and lateral ramus (ramus lateralis). Of these, as the lateral, medial and ventral branches feed the gland, the muscular branch provides blood for the lateral coccygeal (m. coccygealis lateralis) and levator coccygeal (m. levator coccygealis) muscles, and the skin. Among the arteries mentioned above, anastomosis between the first and the second branches of the right ventral uropygial arteries in the five geese and five ducks was found.  相似文献   

用免疫组织化学ABC法,显示绍鸭胚发育期间胰内高血糖素细胞,观察A细胞的形态及分布;用显微图像分析仪测定A细胞的积分光密度值;并求各时期A细胞的平均积分光密度值,再作统计学分析。结果表明:A细胞形态多样,但以多面形为主,并上侈种形式的胞 质突起。本文显示了胰腺A细胞在胚后发育期间的发变化规律。为胃肠胰内分泌系统的功能研究提供动态变化的基础资料。  相似文献   

Growing indigenous Cambodian chickens and ducks, and broiler chickens and White Pekin ducks were fed diets containing 0%, 7%, 14% and 20% of cassava leaf meal (CLM) to study the effects of CLM level on diet digestibility and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and organ development. The coefficient of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD) of dry matter (DM) and intake of digestible DM decreased with increased dietary CLM. DM and digestible DM intake was higher for local breeds than for the corresponding exotic breeds, and higher for ducks than for chickens (p < 0.001), although there were no species or breed effects on CTTAD of DM (p > 0.05). Weight of small intestine, caeca, gizzard and pancreas, expressed as per kg body weight, increased with increased CLM in the diet (p < 0.001). There was no consistent diet effect on liver weight. Length of small intestine and caeca, expressed on a mass-specific basis, increased with dietary CLM content (p < 0.001). When expressed as per kg body weight small intestine, proventriculus, gizzard, pancreas and liver weights, and small intestine length, were higher in ducks than in chickens (p < 0.001), and were higher in the indigenous than in the improved breeds (p < 0.01), except for small intestine weights, which were similar. However chickens had higher weight of caeca (p < 0.001) and colon (p < 0.01) in absolute units and per kg body weight.  相似文献   

用免疫组化PAP法,观察了经秋水仙素预处理的北京鸭下丘脑内5-羟色胺(5-HT)样神经元的分布。结果,5-HT样神经元仅散在分布于下丘脑室周器(paraventricularorgan,PVO)内,下丘脑室周器腹侧部的5-HT样神经元数量多于背侧部;阳性反应细胞体呈多角形、椭圆形或棱形,常聚集在血管周围,有突起伸向第Ⅲ脑室内表面。推测北京鸭下丘脑室周器存在含5-HT的触液神经元。  相似文献   

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