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Twelve turkeys from a flock of 2,500 had cutaneous lesions somewhat resembling fowl pox. Lymphoid-like tumors were evident in livers and spleens. Closer examination of cutaneous lesions, and histopathological examinations indicated skin lesions were also infiltrative and not unlike reticuloendotheliosis. Electron micrographs revealed the presence of C-type virus particles.  相似文献   

Seven groups of chickens were challenged with a field isolate of fowl pox virus at 18 weeks old. The birds in the groups that had been vaccinated 3 weeks previously with fowl pox vaccinates showed no signs of disease. Birds which had not been vaccinated against fowl pox developed upper respiratory disease after challenge, and some birds had diphtheritic tracheitis and laryngitis which appeared identical to that commonly seen under field conditions. Seven days after challenge, fowl pox virus was recovered from the tracheas of unvaccinated birds, but not from the vaccinated ones.

Intercurrent Mycoplasma gallisepticum infection appeared to extend slightly the period of respiratory disease but was not essential for development of the diphtheritic lesion.  相似文献   

Early in the summer of 1988 two flocks each of them consisted of about 7500 brown laying hens of a heavy hybrid line were affected by fowl typhoid. The birds have been bought at the age of 20 weeks and housed in two buildings placed close together in one farm. The disease started in flock I at the age of 26 weeks and in flock II at the age of 36 weeks. In repeated trials amoxicillin was effective in the treatment of fowl typhoid when given in the drinking water for ad libitum consumption over a 4-7 days period; however relapse occurred 3-4 days after withdrawal of the drug. All the hens were slaughtered 5 days after termination of the last therapy. In spite of the treatment 18.3% of the hens in flock I and 14.3% of those in flock II died within the observation period of 47 days and 22 days respectively. Egg production was not affected. The source of the fowl typhoid producing organisms could be not elucidated.  相似文献   

SUMMARY The epidemiological and clinical features of big liver and spleen disease (BLS) in flocks on two broiler breeder farms were investigated by serology and gross pathology. The most common necropsy findings on farm 1 were splenomegaly and hepatomegaly, with kidney enlargement in some birds. In one flock (farm 1), a decline in egg production began at 40 weeks of age and lasted for 9 weeks. Seroconversion to BLS antigen was first detected at 45 weeks (3.1% of birds) and increased to 72% at 50 weeks, which coincided with clinical recovery in the flock. Antigen was detected before antibody at 44 weeks and persisted at low incidence (<15%). Farm egg production statistics and serology indicated that the disease affected all flocks on the farm. In three of eight flocks, seroconversion was detected in birds before peak production. The birds in the remaining sheds did not seroconvert or become sick until after peak production. On the second farm, sampling began within a flock already experiencing BLS. Clinical signs and pathology were similar to those seen in flocks on farm 1. However, the lesions that were seen in the pancreas in 15% of birds have not been reported previously. BLS antibody was detected in 78%, and circulating antigen in 14%, of sick birds.  相似文献   

鸡全胚成纤维细胞在鸡痘细胞活疫苗生产中的应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用鸡胚全部组织(全胚法)制备鸡胚成纤维单层细胞和采用鸡胚部分组织(常规法)制备鸡胚成纤维单层细胞生产了鸡痘细胞活疫苗,接毒后均产生大量的感染多核细胞和典型细胞融合性病变(胡椒粒样).鸡胚效价检测表明,鸡痘细胞苗和鸡痘组织苗均可引起鸡胚绒毛尿囊膜水肿、增厚或痘斑,但鸡痘细胞苗产生痘斑数量明显高于鸡痘组织苗.鸡体刺种结果表明,鸡痘细胞苗诱发的免疫反应(发痘)好于鸡痘组织苗;与常规法相比,全胚成纤维单层细胞制备方法可提高鸡胚利用率2倍以上.全胚法也可应用于制备其他鸡成纤维细胞疫苗.  相似文献   

The California poultry industry experienced an outbreak of H6N2 avian influenza beginning in February 2000. The initial infections were detected in three commercial egg-laying flocks and a single noncommercial backyard flock but later spread to new premises. The vaccination of pullet flocks with a commercially prepared, killed autogenous vaccine prior to their placements on farms with infected or previously infected flocks was used as a part of the eradication programs for some multiage, commercial egg production farms. The purpose of this study was to follow three vaccinated flocks on two commercial farms to track the immune responses to vaccination. The antibody-mediated responses of the three flocks followed in this study were markedly different. One flock achieved 100% seroconversion at 12.5 wk of age, but by 32 wk of age, all of the hens were seronegative by agar gel immunodiffusion (AGID). In contrast, at 32 wk of age, flocks from the other farm (flocks 2A and 2B) were 95% and 72% seropositive by AGID, respectively. Of the differences that were identified between the vaccination protocols on the two farms, the distinction that could explain the level of disparity between responses is the delivery of the second dose of vaccine with a bacterin on the first farm, which may have interfered with the persistence of immunity in this flock. Hens from flocks 2A and 2B were experimentally challenged at 25 wk of age with H6N2 avian influenza virus. Hens from flock 2A did not transmit virus to naive contact-exposed hens, but hens from flock 2B did. At 34 wk of age, hens from flock 2A were again challenged and naive contact-exposed hens were infected in this second trial. These challenge experiments served to demonstrate that despite detectable antibody responses in flocks 2A and 2B, the birds were protected from infection for less than 21 wk after the second vaccination.  相似文献   

An outbreak of fowl pox, which occurred in south-eastern Ontario between July 1988 and April 1989, was investigated in the spring of 1989 to determine factors associated with the spread of the disease. Clinical fowl pox was confirmed on five farms (cases). Twenty-seven farms, out of 35 egg producers with quota from Durham region to Northumberland county, provided information as controls. Bivariate analyses were performed on mail survey data using Fisher's exact test and odds ratios. Although the tests of hypotheses lacked statistical power because of the small number of case farms, and barns, a number of significant associations were found. At the farm level, fowl pox infection was associated with pullets purchased from a particular pullet grower. At the barn level, fowl pox infection was associated with pullets from a particular grower, mixing different groups of pullets, and a trend towards having birds early in the laying period, and higher numbers of birds placed. Fowl pox-infected barns had higher mortality and lower egg production postoutbreak. The results may indicate that the virus enters the laying barn at, or near, the time new birds are placed. Better communication among producers, catch-and-fill crews, and others associated with the egg industry, as well as more complete records of dates, sources, and persons involved with pullet placements, are recommended.  相似文献   

An unusual cutaneous fowl pox outbreak occurred in 8-wk-old broilers in California. Rounded and longitudinal, proliferative scratch-associated lesions were found only in feathered areas of the body. Both sides of the hip, the lower abdomen, pericloacal area, and lateral lower neck area were involved. The head, legs, feet, and toes did not have lesions. Birds in only one section of one of five houses were affected. Fifteen percent condemnations occurred in birds from the affected house due to the skin lesions. A diagnosis of fowl pox was achieved by histopathology, viral isolation, and direct electron microscopy. The unusual distribution of pox lesions was assumed to be associated with skin scratches. There was no evidence that mosquitoes or other types of insects were involved in this outbreak. To the knowledge of the authors, this is the first report of this kind of unusual fowl pox in the United States.  相似文献   

Turkey knockdown was diagnosed in three of five flocks of hen turkeys on a single farm within a 12-mo period. The age of birds in the flocks affected ranged from 6 wk 2 days to 7 wk 4 days. The attack rate ranged from 0.02% to 0.30% with a case fatality rate in affected birds ranging from 0 to 74%. The diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical signs and histopathologic lesions associated with knockdown. The feed in all flocks contained bacitracin methylene disalicylate and monensin (Coban). Affected birds were recumbent, demonstrated paresis, and were unable to vocalize. Postmortem examination revealed few significant lesions although pallor of the adductor muscles and petechiation in adductor and gastrocnemius muscles were noted. Birds that had been recumbent for extended periods were severely dehydrated. Consistent microscopic lesions included degeneration, necrosis, and regeneration of adductor, gastrocnemius, and abdominal muscles. No lesion in cardiac tissue was noted. Results of our investigation indicated that changes in water consumption, vitamin E status, and brooder to finisher movement correlated with the occurrence of knockdown. Turkey knockdown was defined in 1993 as any condition identified in a turkey flock that has affected the neuromuscular system to a degree that a turkey is unable to walk or stand. This definition was later modified to...neuromuscular or skeletal systems to a degree that a turkey is unable to walk or stand properly. Knockdown may be associated with numerous feed, management, or disease factors alone or in combination. Dosage of monensin, feed restriction/gorging, water restriction, heat stress, copper, mycotoxins, sodium chloride in feed, and sulfa drugs have all been suggested as contributing factors; however, laboratory studies to duplicate this have not been successful. This report presents observations from a single farm at which three of five hen flocks in a single year experienced knockdown. When a flock was reported as affected, a detailed investigation was initiated within 3 hr. The fifth flock was followed on a twice weekly basis from 0 to 8 wk of age to determine if initiating events were evident, but knockdown did not occur.  相似文献   

The presence of enteric Helicobacter species was investigated in poultry (n=130) and in pet and ornamental birds (n=50) using a PCR sequencing method which permits the differentiation of many Helicobhacter species derived from animal tissues. All samples were of Italian origin, except for 21 Guinea fowl from a French flock. About 80% of poultry (chickens, laying hens, Guinea fowl) were positive to Helicobacter DNA. H. pullorum was most frequently (62.1%) identified whereas H. pylori and 3 H. sp. hamster B strains were seen in only 3 cases each. Pet and ornamental birds were all negative. H. canadensis was found in all Guinea fowl from a French farm. This is the first report on the occurrence of this bacterium in poultry.  相似文献   

The humoral immune response and immunity conferred in chicks were compared following separate and combined oral vaccination with F strain of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and HP1 strain of fowl pox virus. The haemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titre against NDV and passive haemagglutination (PHA) antibody titre against fowl pox virus were comparable in two respective groups. The serum IgG concentration increased significantly after the second vaccination in all the groups. The NDV vaccine induced significantly higher IgG production as compared to fowl pox virus vaccine. There was no significant difference in serum IgG concentration produced by combined vaccine and separate F strain vaccine. The protection afforded by combined and separate vaccinations did not vary significantly against challenge with virulent strains of NDV and fowl pox virus at different stages.  相似文献   

In recent years, some outbreaks of skin lesions suspected to be avian pox were observed in the backyard poultry in different parts of western areas in Iran. Consequently, 328 backyard poultries with suspected signs of avian pox virus infection were sampled. All birds showed nodular lesions on unfeathered head skin and/or fibronecrotic lesions on mucus membrane of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract. For histopathological analysis, the sections of tissue samples from cutaneous lesions of examined birds were stained with H&E method. For PCR, after DNA extraction a 578-bp fragment of avian pox virus from 4b core protein gene was amplified. Results showed 217 and 265 out of 328 (66.1 and 80.7 %, respectively) samples were positive for avian pox virus on histopathological and PCR examination, respectively. In this study, the samples that had intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies on pathologic examination were PCR positive. This study revealed that PCR is a valuable tool for identification of an avian pox virus and that the frequency of pox infection in backyard poultry in western areas of Iran is high.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old Burmese cat was presented with a history of nonresolving crusted and papular lesions of the face and prior treatment with prednisolone. Skin biopsies revealed typical pox lesions with hyperplasia and ulceration of the epidermis and eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epidermal cells. In the upper dermis there was prominent diffuse mast cell infiltration and mild neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation. Rare cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were also present in swollen endothelial cells of dermal venules, which showed no other degenerative changes. Histological diagnosis was confirmed by electron microscopic evidence of pox virus particles in inclusion bodies of epidermal cells. The lesions resolved within 6 weeks with systemic antibiotic therapy and supportive care. A 2-year-old domestic short-haired cat was presented with multiple disseminated papular and ulcerative pox lesions with central eschar over the entire body. Histologically, large epidermal inclusion bodies (up to 6 μm in diameter) were present. Widespread haemorrhage and vascular wall necrosis was visible in the dermis and subcutis. Some subcutaneous vessels showed neutrophilic vasculitis. In addition to diffuse dermal neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation, a lymphohistiocytic panniculitis was also present. The cat died as a result of massive haemorrhage and lymphedema, despite supportive care.
Funding: Self-funded.  相似文献   

在北京市某奶牛场,对1986年以来疑似存在的伪牛痘病毒感染情况进行了调查。在临床调查的基础上,应用光镜和电镜技术对患病乳头的丘疹进行了病理组织学和病原学检查。丘疹的病理组织学变化符合痘病毒感染的特征。试验证明,该牛场系为伪牛痘病毒感染  相似文献   

An isolate of fowl pox (FP) virus from a case of "wet" pox in commercial white leghorn (WL) pullets was used to expose WL cockerels via the comb-scratch (CS), eye-drop (ED), or laryngeal-swab (LS) route. Seven days postinoculation (PI), the groups challenged via CS had scabby proliferative pox lesions at the challenge site, the groups challenged via LS had slight dyspnea and rales, and 20% of the cockerels challenged via ED had mild conjunctivitis and lacrimation. By termination of the trial on day 21 PI, the CS-challenged groups had developed pronounced pox lesions. The LS-challenged groups showed severe dyspnea and rales with pronounced raised plaque-like lesions at the opening to the trachea and extending into the upper quarter of the trachea with heavy yellowish caseous exudate partly occluding the glottis. The ED-challenged groups had severe lacrimation and conjunctivitis and small pox lesions on the face, comb, and wattles; 12 of 18 had proliferative lesions on the oral mucosa in the area of the larynx. Forty-five percent of the LS-challenged groups died of suffocation. Pox virus was re-isolated from tissues in all treatment groups. Wet pox transmission appears to be possible via the LS and ED routes.  相似文献   

Five clinically normal chickens from three farms (farm A, farm B, and farm C), for a total of 15 clinically normal chickens, were examined bacteriologically. In a similar manner, five dead chickens with lesions of peritonitis from each of the same three commercial egg-laying operations were selected for bacterial culturing. Escherichia coli were isolated from the cloaca in 14 of 15 healthy chickens and from all 15 chickens with peritonitis. Oviducts of normal chickens did not contain E. coli (0/15) whereas oviducts from 13 of 15 hens with peritonitis were positive for this pathogen. No lesions and no E. coli (0/15) were found in the peritoneal cavity of healthy hens, but peritonitis lesions from 13 of 15 dead chickens yielded E. coli. On farm A and farm B, a flock consisted of all chickens within a single house and all chickens in each flock were of the same age and same genetic strain. In flock 1 from farm A, all five E. coli isolates from the oviduct and all five isolates from the peritoneal cavity were serogrouped as O78; contained the virulence genes iroN, sitA, iutA, tsh, and iss; and belonged to phylogenetic group A. In flock 2 from farm B, all four E. coli isolates from the oviduct and all four isolates from the peritoneal cavity were serogrouped as O111; contained virulence genes iroN, sitA, iutA, traT, iss, and ompT; and belonged to phylogenetic group D. These data suggest that all chickens with peritonitis in a single flock on farms A and B were likely infected by the same E. coli strain. Escherichia coli isolates from the magnum and peritoneum had the same serogroup, virulence genotype, and phylogenetic group, which is consistent with an ascending infection from the oviduct to the peritoneal cavity.  相似文献   

In this study, pathological, serological and virological examinations were performed on 15 sheep from a flock of 250 sheep and lambs that suffer from simultaneous naturally occurring BTV, PPRV and SPV outbreaks. SPV was diagnosed macroscopically and histopathologically, BTV was diagnosed by ELISA, and PPRV was diagnosed pathologically and by ELISA. Clinically fever, diarrhea, depression, polypnea, conjunctivitis, lacrimation, rhinitis, erosive stomatitis, edema of eyelids, photophobia, cutaneous eruption with erythematous areas especially noticeable in wool-free parts of the body and axilla lesions evolving into papules were observed. At necropsy, the most effected organs were lungs and gut. Subepicardial hemorrhages were also commonly seen. While typical pox lesions were observed in some lambs, usually fibrinous pleuropneumonia was more prominent lung lesion. SPV and PPRV lesions were seen at the histopathological examination of the lesioned tissues, BT lesions were mild than SPV and PPRV microscopically. Serum and leukocyte samples of 15 animals were examined for PPRV and BTV by ELISA; 5 samples were positive for PPRV and 6 BTV, 4 were positive for both PPRV and BTV simultaneously. One hundred animals died, most were lambs. Mortality rates were 100% in lambs and 80% in the herd.  相似文献   

A 3‐year‐old Burmese cat was presented with a history of nonresolving crusted and papular lesions of the face and prior treatment with prednisolone. Skin biopsies revealed typical pox lesions with hyperplasia and ulceration of the epidermis and eosinophilic cytoplasmic inclusion bodies in the epidermal cells. In the upper dermis there was prominent diffuse mast cell infiltration and mild neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation. Rare cytoplasmic inclusion bodies were also present in swollen endothelial cells of dermal venules, which showed no other degenerative changes. Histological diagnosis was confirmed by electron microscopic evidence of pox virus particles in inclusion bodies of epidermal cells. The lesions resolved within 6 weeks with systemic antibiotic therapy and supportive care. A 2‐year‐old domestic short‐haired cat was presented with multiple disseminated papular and ulcerative pox lesions with central eschar over the entire body. Histologically, large epidermal inclusion bodies (up to 6 μm in diameter) were present. Widespread haemorrhage and vascular wall necrosis was visible in the dermis and subcutis. Some subcutaneous vessels showed neutrophilic vasculitis. In addition to diffuse dermal neutrophilic and eosinophilic inflammation, a lymphohistiocytic panniculitis was also present. The cat died as a result of massive haemorrhage and lymphedema, despite supportive care. Funding: Self‐funded.  相似文献   

Three similar flocks of broiler breeder parent chickens that had been given live infections bronchitis (IB) vaccines during rearing were injected at 20 weeks of age with three different oil emulsion vaccines: a commercial monovalent Newcastle disease (ND) vaccine (flock A); an experimental bivalent vaccine containing ND and infectious bursal disease (IBD) components (flock B); and an experimental trivalent vaccine containing ND, IBD and IB components (flock C). One week after vaccination 40 hens from flock A and 40 from flock C were taken to the laboratory and their egg yields individually recorded. At 37 weeks of age they were challenged by aerosol exposure to virulent IB virus. The egg production dropped significantly in the hens from flock A but not in the hens from flock C. On the farm, flock C showed a higher mean IB virus antibody titre four weeks after vaccination but titres rose in all three flocks indicating the presence of active IB virus infection. No differences in egg yields were found between the three farm flocks.  相似文献   

A disease characterized by paresis and paralysis was seen in 7-9-day-old broiler chicks after vaccination in the neck area at day-of-age with a live virus vaccine containing viruses of Marek's disease, fowl pox, and infectious bursal disease. Affected birds presented with variable signs of ataxia, lateral recumbency, leg paralysis, and twisting or S-shaped flexure of the neck. Gross lesions noted at necropsy included swelling and edema of the subcutaneous tissues and muscles of the neck at the injection site area. A heavy mononuclear inflammatory cell infiltration was seen in the subcutaneous tissues, connective tissues, and muscles of the neck at the injection site. In some cases, the inflammatory process extended along fascial planes to involve the epidural spaces surrounding the spinal cord. Fatty changes with possible demyelination of nerve fibers were noted in some sections of the spinal cord adjacent to the inflammatory lesions. Clusters of poxviruses were found within some inflammatory lesions on transmission electron photomicrographs.  相似文献   

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