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犬用复合麻醉剂QFM合剂对犬循、环呼吸系统功能影响的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
QFM合剂是一种新型的犬用复合麻醉制剂。为了验证其对犬生理功能的影响,本试验通过用QFM合剂以0.15-0.2mL/kg体重剂量对7条犬进行麻醉,用Detax循环监护仪、De-tax呼吸监护仪和SJ-42型生理多道记录仪对麻醉前后犬的循环、呼吸系统功能进行监测。结果证明:QFM麻醉合剂对机体的循环、呼吸系统功能影响轻微。  相似文献   

QFM合剂以0.15~0.2ml/kg,眠乃宁以0.03~0.04ml/kg,846合剂以0.3~0.4ml/kg剂量颈部肌肉注射对犬实施全身麻醉,进行麻醉效果比较。麻醉期间,以Datex循环呼吸监护仪进行循环呼吸功能监测,并进行一般临床效果观察。结果发现,QFM合剂麻醉诱导期为6.5±1.5min,麻醉期为89.1±23.6min。眠乃宁诱导期为7.3±0.7min,麻醉期为26±8min,846合剂麻醉诱导期为7.5±1.6,麻醉期为35士4.1min;QFM合剂对犬具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,且诱导平稳迅速;而846合剂和眠乃宁要么麻醉时间短,要么麻醉效果不确实,但加大用药剂量则又严重威协动物的生命,且有严重的副反应。  相似文献   

QFM合剂麻醉剂量对犬肝、肾功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
QFM合剂是一种新型的犬用复合麻醉制剂。本试验旨在研究其对犬肝、肾功能的影响。试验用7条犬肌肉注射QFM合剂0.15~0.2mL(每千克体质量),观察比较了注药前、后犬血清GOT、GPT、AKP活性和尿素氮、肌酐含量的变化。结果证明:注药前、后犬血清GOT、GPT、AKP活性和尿素氮、肌酐含量的变化差异不显著,在正常生理范围内。说明QFM合剂应用于犬的麻醉,时犬的肝、肾功能无明显不良影响,进一步证明了QFM合剂应用于犬的临床安全性。  相似文献   

QFM麻醉合剂对犬麻醉效果的观察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1926年,Lundy首次提出了平衡麻醉的概念,1954年Little和Stephen又进一步丰富了平衡麻醉(balanced anesthesia)或现在统称的全凭静脉麻醉(Total intravenous anesthesia)的概念。此后随着科学不断进步,新的麻醉药物、器械、仪器的相继问世,新的理论和技术的不断提出和应用,各手术学科的发展对麻醉的要求亦不断提高,所以平衡复合麻醉的研究和应用日益普遍.形成现代临床麻醉学发展的大趋势。在动物医学领域亦是如此,复合麻醉是近年来动物麻醉的研究方向,有关动物平衡麻醉的研究国外虽有报道,但效果远未达到平衡麻醉的要求,国内尚无有关动物平衡麻醉的研究。但是,动物麻醉必须经济廉价、使用方便、麻醉效果确实、副作用低、安全范围广。尤其是动物的野性和非驯化性,难以实现吸入麻醉和静脉麻醉,这就要求动物医学工作者根据学科发展和临床实践的需要,研究适合于动物肌肉注射,能一针见效的平衡麻醉复合制剂。而当前的复合麻醉剂要么麻醉效果不好,要么毒副作用大,生理功能影响严重,很难满足临床实践的要求。本课题组为适应形势需求,依据平衡麻醉理论和犬的生理特点研制出的犬专用平衡复合麻醉制剂QFM合剂。本试验就是进行QFM合剂对犬的麻醉效果的验证。  相似文献   

QFM合剂麻醉剂量对犬肾功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验用7条犬肌肉注射QFM合剂0.15-0.2mL/kg体重,观察比较了给药前后犬血清肌酐、尿素氮水平变化。结果表明,给药前后犬血清肌酐、尿素氮变化差异不显著,在正常生理范围内。说明QFM合剂应用于犬的麻醉后,对犬的肾功能无明显不良影响,证明了QFM合剂应用于犬的临床安全性。  相似文献   

QFM合剂以0.15~0.2 ml/kg,眠乃宁以0.03~0.04ml/kg,846合剂以0.3~0.4ml/kg剂量颈部肌肉注射对犬实施全身麻醉,进行麻醉效果比较.麻醉期间,以Datex循环呼吸监护仪进行循环呼吸功能监测,并进行一般临床效果观察.结果发现,QFM合剂麻醉诱导期为6.5±1.5min,麻醉期为89.1±23.6min.眠乃宁诱导期为7.3±0.7min,麻醉期为26±8min,846合剂麻醉诱导期为7.5±1.6,麻醉期为35±4.1min;QFM合剂对犬具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,且诱导平稳迅速;而846合剂和眠乃宁要么麻醉时间短,要么麻醉效果不确实,但加大用药剂量则又严重威协动物的生命,且有严重的副反应.  相似文献   

OFM合剂与846和眠乃宁对犬麻醉效果的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
QFM合剂以0.15~0.2ml/kg,眠乃宁以0.03~0.04ml/kg,846合剂以0.3~0.4ml/kg剂量颈部肌肉注射对犬实施全身麻醉,进行麻醉效果比较。麻醉期间,以Datex循环呼吸监护仪进行循环呼吸功能监测,并进行一般临床效果观察。结果发现,QFM合剂麻醉诱导期为6.5±1.5min,麻醉期为89.1±23.6min。眠乃宁诱导期为7.3±0.7min,麻醉期为26±8min,846合剂麻醉诱导期为7.5±1.6,麻醉期为35±4.1min;QFM合剂对犬具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,且诱导平稳迅速;而846合剂和眠乃宁要么麻醉时间短,要么麻醉效果不确实,但加大用药剂量则又严重威协动物的生命,且有严重的副反应。  相似文献   

动物麻醉监测的研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麻醉监测是应用人的感观、电子、声、光学等技术及时发现动物机体各种生理指标的变化,将感官监测与仪器监测相结合,更好的判断麻醉深度,是保障麻醉安全和提高麻醉质量的诊断手段.麻醉深度过浅会使动物感到疼痛,在手术中产生未预料到的活动,对手术不利;麻醉过深则对动物生命安全造成威胁.通过麻醉监测,才能了解动物麻醉的深浅程度、麻醉动物的生理功能是否在它的耐受范围之内,这样才能保证诊疗和外科手术的顺利进行,保证动物的安全及康复痊愈.  相似文献   

选取23只周岁左右大熊猫单纯异氟醚吸入麻醉静脉采血,观察诱导时间及复苏时间,麻醉期的眼睑反射、痛觉反应、镇静效果,并从呼吸、体温、心率、血氧饱和度、毛细血管再充盈时间等方面监测大熊猫的麻醉情况。试验结果表明,异氟醚应用于幼龄大熊猫具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛效果好,血氧饱和度充裕,且对机体各项生理功能和各项生理指标影响轻微,毒副作用低,便于机体迅速恢复与稳定,可以作为幼龄大熊猫的首选麻醉药品。  相似文献   

麻醉引起动物可逆的中枢神经系统的抑制和兴奋,从而达到意识消失和止痛的目的,脑电是皮质锥体细胞顶树突产生的树电位和突触后电位的总和,它直接反映出中枢神经系统的活动。目前,脑电技术已成为确定麻醉深度的最佳手段之一。刘焕奇等[1]监测犬QFM合剂麻醉的脑电变化,而潘忠诚等  相似文献   

为了探索速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂对比格犬的麻醉效果,选用健康比格犬20只,用速眠新Ⅱ(0.6mg/kg)与舒泰(0.75mg/kg)混合肌注诱导麻醉,30min后给予该混合制剂静脉维持麻醉(每小时速眠新Ⅱ0.2mg/kg,舒泰0.3mg/kg),随麻醉时间延长逐渐减量。结果显示,速眠新Ⅱ与舒泰复合麻醉剂,诱导麻醉迅速,维持麻醉效果安全、稳定,镇痛及肌松等效果良好,麻醉期间能保证动物的正常心肺功能。试验表明该复合麻醉剂是一种理想的麻醉剂,能满足各种外科手术操作需求。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterize cardiorespiratory effects for a combination of medetomidine, butorphanol, and midazolam and to compare magnitude of cardiorespiratory depression with that induced by a commonly used inhalation anesthetic regimen (acepromazine-butorphanol-thiopental-halothane). ANIMALS: 10 clinically normal dogs (2 groups of 5). PROCEDURE: In treated dogs, medetomidine was administered (time, 0 minutes); midazolam and butorphanol were administered when effects of medetomidine were maximal (time, 20), and atipamezole was administered subsequently (time 60). In control dogs, drugs were administered after allowing effects of each agent to be achieved: acepromazine was given at time 0, butorphanol and thiopental were administered at time 35, and halothane was administered from time 45 until 110. Various cardiorespiratory and hematologic variables were measured or calculated. RESULTS: Respiratory rate, arterial and venous pH, venous oxygen content, oxygen consumption, and oxygen delivery decreased significantly below baseline values for treated dogs; end-tidal CO2, arterial and venous P(CO)2, and O2 extraction increased significantly above baseline values. Compared with data obtained after anesthesia, arterial HCO3- concentration, venous P(O2) and S(O2), cardiac output, oxygen extraction, and oxygen delivery appeared more modified in treated dogs. Oxygen consumption and physiologic shunt fraction were less modified in treated dogs than control dogs. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Medetomidine-butorphanol-midazolam combination induced respiratory depression, comparable in magnitude to that induced by a widely used inhalation anesthetic regimen. Respiratory variables remained within acceptable limits during anesthesia; however, those associated with cardiovascular function were more severely affected.  相似文献   

Successful anesthetic management of dogs with reduced intracranial compliance requires a knowledge of the effects of various anesthetic agents on cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure. The major physiologic factors that influence cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure (ICP) include the cerebrovascular autoregulatory mechanism, intracranial compliance, blood pressure, and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Intravenous and inhalation anesthetic agents alter cerebral blood flow and intracranial pressure in the dog. These alterations can have profound effects in dogs with reduced intracranial compliance, necessitating proper anesthetic management. Suggested guidelines for neuroleptanesthetic and inhalation anesthesia regimens in dogs with reduced intracranial compliance include thorough presurgical evaluation, minimal patient stress during induction, use of an anesthetic protocol that minimizes ICP effects, and hyperventilation to maintain a Pco2 within a range of 25 to 35 mm Hg.  相似文献   

[目的] 满足犬食道摘除手术,或生理性实验犬的饲喂及采集样品需要,进行试验性犬人造胃瘘管手术。[方法] 选取5只中等及大型犬,通过术前准备和检查,并做全身吸入麻醉。在腹底胃区切开皮肤,分离肌肉,拉出胃大弯,在无血管处切开胃壁,放入人造瘘管。对胃壁浆膜肌层进行双层荷包缝合。对腹壁肌肉进行结节对接缝合。术后使用聚维酮碘软膏或油剂注入肌肉与瘘管间隙,加速肉芽形成。手术6个月后对2只犬进行肉芽组织采样做病理切片。[结果] 5只犬术后15~25 d创口均取得良好愈合,并可以适应流食饲喂;通过病理学观察发现,肉芽组织生长良好,均为成熟肉芽。[结论] 该手术方法可为今后由于病理性原因进行造瘘术和生理实验手术提供实践依据。  相似文献   

犬用复合麻醉剂QFM合剂组方的研究   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
试验根据平衡麻醉理论、犬的生理特点和药物的理化特性 ,将麻醉剂、镇痛剂、镇静剂、肌松剂及其他麻醉辅助药品经过预试验、正交试验、正交决定性验证试验、优化组合方剂对犬的麻醉效果试验和优化组合方剂的急性毒性试验进行了犬的平衡麻醉复合制剂组方的研究 ,筛选出最佳组合方剂 ,定名为QFM合剂。并进行了合剂的联合药物效应评价 ,证实合剂中各单药有着极强的互相增强的联合效应  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics and duration of anesthesia of methohexital, pentobarbital, thiamylal, and thiopental in Greyhound and non-Greyhound, mixed-breed dogs were compared. In all dogs evaluated, pentobarbital induced the longest duration of anesthesia and methohexital induced the shortest duration. Pharmacokinetics of pentobarbital and methohexital were similar in both groups of dogs. Thiobarbiturates induced longer anesthetic effects in Greyhound dogs than in mixed-breed dogs. Plasma thiobarbiturate concentrations remained above normal longer in Greyhound dogs than in mixed-breed dogs. Disposition of thiobarbiturates in Greyhound dogs was characterized by nonlinearity from 45 minutes to 8 hours after dosing.  相似文献   

Propofol anesthesia.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although questions may still remain regarding the use of this unique sedative-hypnotic drug with anesthetic properties in high-risk patients, our studies have provided cardiopulmonary and neurological evidence of the efficacy and safety of propofol when used as an anesthetic under normal and selected impaired conditions in the dog. 1. Propofol can be safely and effectively used for the induction and maintenance of anesthesia in normal healthy dogs. Propofol is also a reliable and safe anesthetic agent when used during induced cardiovascular and pulmonary-impaired conditions without surgery. The propofol requirements to induce the safe and prompt induction of anesthesia prior to inhalant anesthesia with and without surgery have been determined. 2. The favorable recovery profile associated with propofol offers advantages over traditional anesthetics in clinical situations in which rapid recovery is important. Also, propofol compatibility with a large variety of preanesthetics may increase its use as a safe and reliable i.v. anesthetic for the induction and maintenance of general anesthesia and sedation in small animal veterinary practice. Although propofol has proven to be a valuable adjuvant during short ambulatory procedures, its use for the maintenance of general anesthesia has been questioned for surgery lasting more than 1 hour because of increased cost and marginal differences in recovery times compared with those of standard inhalant or balanced anesthetic techniques. When propofol is used for the maintenance of anesthesia in combination with a sedative/analgesic, the quality of anesthesia is improved as well as the ease with which the practitioner can titrate propofol; therefore, practitioners are able to use i.v. anesthetic techniques more effectively in their clinical practices. 3. Propofol can induce significant depression of respiratory function, characterized by a reduction in the rate of respiration. Potent alpha 2 sedative/analgesics (e.g., xylazine, medetomidine) or opioids (e.g., oxymorphone, butorphanol) increase the probability of respiratory depression during anesthesia. Appropriate consideration of dose reduction and speed of administration of propofol reduces the degree of depression. Cardiovascular changes induced by propofol administration consist of a slight decrease in arterial blood pressures (systolic, mean, diastolic) without a compensatory increase in heart rate. Selective premedicants markedly modify this characteristic response. 4. When coupled with subjective responses to painful stimuli, EEG responses during propofol anesthesia provide clear evidence that satisfactory anesthesia has been achieved in experimental dogs. When propofol is used as the only anesthetic agent, a higher dose is required to induce an equipotent level of CNS depression compared with the situation when dogs are premedicated. 5. The propofol induction dose requirement should be appropriately decreased by 20% to 80% when propofol is administered in combination with sedative or analgesic agents as part of a balanced technique as well as in elderly and debilitated patients. As a general recommendation, the dose of propofol should always be carefully titrated against the needs and responses of the individual patient, as there is considerable variability in anesthetic requirements among patients. Because propofol does not have marked analgesic effects and its metabolism is rapid, the use of local anesthetics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, and opioids to provide postoperative analgesia improves the quality of recovery after propofol anesthesia. 6. The cardiovascular depressant effects of propofol are well tolerated in healthy animals, but these effects may be more problematic in high-risk patients with intrinsic cardiac disease as well as in those with systemic disease. In hypovolemic patients and those with limited cardiac reserve, even small induction doses of propofol (0.75-1.5 mg/kg i.v.) can produce profound hypotens  相似文献   

We examined the influence of various anesthetic drug combinations on the frequency of seizures in dogs after cervical myelography with metrizamide. Over a 12-month period, 78 dogs admitted to the teaching hospital for cervical myelography were assigned randomly to 1 of 6 anesthetic protocols. Myelography was performed, and the dogs were observed for signs of seizure activity after recovery from anesthesia. The person making the decision as to whether or not a dog had had a seizure was unaware of the anesthetic protocol that had been used. Preanesthetic treatment with pentobarbital (5.0 mg/kg) and maintenance of anesthesia with methoxyflurane significantly reduced the frequency of seizures (P less than 0.05). No reduction in seizure frequency was seen with any anesthetic protocol using halothane as the maintenance agent.  相似文献   

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