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QFM合剂麻醉剂量对犬肝、肾功能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
QFM合剂是一种新型的犬用复合麻醉制剂。本试验旨在研究其对犬肝、肾功能的影响。试验用7条犬肌肉注射QFM合剂0.15~0.2mL(每千克体质量),观察比较了注药前、后犬血清GOT、GPT、AKP活性和尿素氮、肌酐含量的变化。结果证明:注药前、后犬血清GOT、GPT、AKP活性和尿素氮、肌酐含量的变化差异不显著,在正常生理范围内。说明QFM合剂应用于犬的麻醉,时犬的肝、肾功能无明显不良影响,进一步证明了QFM合剂应用于犬的临床安全性。  相似文献   

QFM合剂麻醉剂量对犬肾功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验用7条犬肌肉注射QFM合剂0.15-0.2mL/kg体重,观察比较了给药前后犬血清肌酐、尿素氮水平变化。结果表明,给药前后犬血清肌酐、尿素氮变化差异不显著,在正常生理范围内。说明QFM合剂应用于犬的麻醉后,对犬的肾功能无明显不良影响,证明了QFM合剂应用于犬的临床安全性。  相似文献   

QFM合剂以0.15~0.2 ml/kg,眠乃宁以0.03~0.04ml/kg,846合剂以0.3~0.4ml/kg剂量颈部肌肉注射对犬实施全身麻醉,进行麻醉效果比较.麻醉期间,以Datex循环呼吸监护仪进行循环呼吸功能监测,并进行一般临床效果观察.结果发现,QFM合剂麻醉诱导期为6.5±1.5min,麻醉期为89.1±23.6min.眠乃宁诱导期为7.3±0.7min,麻醉期为26±8min,846合剂麻醉诱导期为7.5±1.6,麻醉期为35±4.1min;QFM合剂对犬具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,且诱导平稳迅速;而846合剂和眠乃宁要么麻醉时间短,要么麻醉效果不确实,但加大用药剂量则又严重威协动物的生命,且有严重的副反应.  相似文献   

OFM合剂与846和眠乃宁对犬麻醉效果的对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
QFM合剂以0.15~0.2ml/kg,眠乃宁以0.03~0.04ml/kg,846合剂以0.3~0.4ml/kg剂量颈部肌肉注射对犬实施全身麻醉,进行麻醉效果比较。麻醉期间,以Datex循环呼吸监护仪进行循环呼吸功能监测,并进行一般临床效果观察。结果发现,QFM合剂麻醉诱导期为6.5±1.5min,麻醉期为89.1±23.6min。眠乃宁诱导期为7.3±0.7min,麻醉期为26±8min,846合剂麻醉诱导期为7.5±1.6,麻醉期为35±4.1min;QFM合剂对犬具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,且诱导平稳迅速;而846合剂和眠乃宁要么麻醉时间短,要么麻醉效果不确实,但加大用药剂量则又严重威协动物的生命,且有严重的副反应。  相似文献   

QFM合剂以0.15~0.2ml/kg,眠乃宁以0.03~0.04ml/kg,846合剂以0.3~0.4ml/kg剂量颈部肌肉注射对犬实施全身麻醉,进行麻醉效果比较。麻醉期间,以Datex循环呼吸监护仪进行循环呼吸功能监测,并进行一般临床效果观察。结果发现,QFM合剂麻醉诱导期为6.5±1.5min,麻醉期为89.1±23.6min。眠乃宁诱导期为7.3±0.7min,麻醉期为26±8min,846合剂麻醉诱导期为7.5±1.6,麻醉期为35士4.1min;QFM合剂对犬具有麻醉效果确实,镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,且诱导平稳迅速;而846合剂和眠乃宁要么麻醉时间短,要么麻醉效果不确实,但加大用药剂量则又严重威协动物的生命,且有严重的副反应。  相似文献   

<正> 牛结膜角膜炎是一种家畜常见的疾病,尤其农忙季节较多见。主要表现,眼结膜潮红、发痒、流泪、怕光,继则结膜肿胀,严重者外翻,时间长了角膜形成翳膜。笔者用此药治疗患畜27例,均获得良好的效果。  相似文献   

牛眼结膜炎的封闭疗法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牛眼结膜炎是夏、秋季节常见的眼科患疾。治疗方法很多,采用中西医结合的方法,取得较满意的效果。1主要症状眼结膜潮红,怕光,流泪,眼睑肿胀,有浆液性分泌物蓄积于眼内角,眼部骚痒;严重时,角膜混浊,视物不清,结膜外翻,遮盖整个眼部,甚至云翳遮晴,视物不见,溃烂,坏死。  相似文献   

牛吸吮线虫病俗称牛眼虫病。寄生在牛的眼结膜囊内、第三眼睑(瞬膜)下和泪管内的吸吮线虫机械性地损伤结膜和角膜,引起结膜炎和角膜炎。临床上表现眼潮红、流泪、角膜混浊、糜烂和溃疡,严重的发生角膜穿孔,水晶体损伤及睫状体炎,最后导致失明。1985年6月至19...  相似文献   

病羊体温41.5℃以上,心率85~90次/min。呼吸促迫,精神不振,被毛粗乱,消瘦.眼结膜潮红,流泪,有眼屎,皮温不均,耳尖、鼻端、四肢末端发凉。病初鼻流清涕,后转为脓性。听诊肺部,有时听见湿啰音。食欲减退,反刍减少,打寒战.  相似文献   

2008年10月我县某养殖户从汉源县购买10头种母牛,回家饲养8d后发现2头牛精神沉郁,食欲减退,眼结膜潮红、有眼粪、流泪,认为此牛"有火",就自己找草药灌服,但是无好转,第二天早晨发现1头牛已死亡.  相似文献   

犬QFM麻醉的综合监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
QFM是一种自行研制的新型犬用复合麻醉制剂。为了验证QFM的麻醉效果及对生理功能的影响,以0.15~0.2mL/kg剂量对7只犬进行麻醉,进行了单纯麻醉监测和QFM麻醉监测期间手术验证试验。结果证明:QFM无论单纯进行犬的麻醉,还是在麻醉过程中进行手术处置,都具有较为确实的麻醉效果,且镇静、镇痛、肌松效果均衡,诱导及复苏迅速平稳,无流涎和呕吐等负反应发生,对机体的正常生理功能及各项生理指标影响轻微,血氧饱合始终维持在90%以上,可为犬的临床常规手术提供良好的手术条件。但手术刺激对其药理作用有轻微的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

A 5-day-old Angus x Hereford calf presented for bilateral haired masses on the eyes and nasolabial planum since birth. The masses were surgically excised from the inferonasal cornea and bulbar conjunctiva of both eyes and the left and right side of the dorsomedial nasolabial planum. Histopathology of the excised tissue confirmed bilateral corneoconjunctival dermoids with ectopic lacrimal glands, and bilateral nasal choristomas and ectopic nasal glandular tissue. Surgery was curative and healing was uneventful. Bilateral ocular dermoids in combination with nasal choristomas and ectopic glandular tissue have not been documented previously in cattle.  相似文献   

A long-acting oxytetracycline formulation was administered (20 mg/kg of body weight) intramuscularly to calves, and the concentrations of the drug in serum, ocular tissues and tears were measured. The drug was distributed selectively to the epithelium of the conjunctiva and to the lacrimal gland ductules, and reached concentrations in each tissue that exceeded those in serum. The drug did not penetrate into the aqueous humour, and produced mean peak lacrimal fluid concentrations less than 1 microgram/ml after i.m. administration. When given subconjunctivally, however, concentrations greater than 2.0 micrograms/ml were observed in tears for 72 h. Severe local reactions occurred in all calves that were given the drug subconjunctivally.  相似文献   

60只 1日龄健康雏鸡随机分为 A、B、C三组。A组于 1日龄手术切除下眼睑结膜。A、B两组于 12日龄时结扎鼻泪管 ,用新城疫克隆 30苗点眼。C组为对照组。 2 3日龄分别采取其 CAL T和哈德氏腺 ,比较观察其组织细胞。结果 ,1日龄手术切除下眼睑结膜后造成鸡 CAL T缺失 ,点眼免疫后 ,哈氏腺的免疫细胞也较正常免疫鸡少 ,而正常接种 ND克隆 30 (B组 )后 ,CAL T发生早 ,生长快 ,淋巴细胞数量多 ,故本实验证实 CAL T对哈氏腺免疫细胞的数量与成分有一定的调控作用。 CAL T缺失鸡是研究黏膜免疫系统比较理想的模型  相似文献   

实验将 60只 1日龄健康雏鸡随机分为A、B、C 3组。A组为CALT缺失组 ,B组为免疫组 ,C组为非免疫对照组。A组于 1日龄手术切除下眼睑结膜 ,A、B两组于 1 2日龄结扎鼻泪管后进行点眼免疫接种新城疫克隆 30疫苗。2 3日龄时 ,收集A、B、C各实验组鸡的血清和泪液 ,做红细胞凝集抑制试验 (HI试验 )、酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)。比较观察各实验组雏鸡血清和泪液抗体HI效价与IgA、IgG、IgM含量的变化特点。结果 ,1日龄手术切除下眼睑结膜后造成鸡CALT缺失 ,CALT缺失鸡点眼免疫后 ,泪液抗体HI效价与IgA、IgG、IgM含量比免疫组雏鸡低。但对雏鸡的抗体生成的规律并不产影响。故实验证实了CALT对眼区局部抗体的产生及其种类有重要的调控作用 ,协同哈氏腺完成局部免疫的功能  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the usefulness and effectiveness of permanent amniotic membrane transplantation as an adjunctive treatment to superficial keratectomy alone or combined with strontium-90 irradiation for treatment of equine corneolimbal squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) to decrease corneal scarring and recurrence rate. STUDY: The retrospective case study included 11 horses (n = 12 eyes) diagnosed and treated for ocular SCC that involved the limbus and cornea. Nine of those horses (n = 9 eyes) were treated between 2002 and 2006, with superficial lamellar keratectomy alone or combined with strontium-90 irradiation and followed by placement of a permanent amniotic membrane graft in the surgical defect. The level of scarring (i.e. the clarity of the cornea) resulting with the use of amniotic membrane was subjectively compared to cases where a permanent bulbar conjunctival graft was performed following keratectomy combined with strontium-90 irradiation or cryotherapy (n = 3 eyes). Recurrence was defined as the postoperative and postirradiation regrowth of SCC in the same site and globe. RESULTS: The nine horses that received an amniotic membrane graft after keratectomy alone or combined with irradiation showed a minimal level of scarring in a cornea that regained a greater transparency in comparison to the horses that were treated with a bulbar conjunctival graft. All of the horses that received an amniotic membrane graft had 226 +/- 218 days of follow-up without tumor recurrence (mean +/- SD), ranging from 21 days to 778 days. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of superficial keratectomy alone or associated with beta-irradiation and permanent amniotic membrane transplantation is an effective treatment of corneal or corneolimbal SCC in horses. The placement of an amniotic membrane material represents an alternative surgical procedure to bulbar conjunctival grafts, especially if there is a lack of bulbar conjunctiva tissue available after tumor resection or if a particularly large corneal resection is necessary. The amniotic membrane is incorporated into the corneal defect and seems to create noticeably much less scarring than a corneal defect covered by bulbar conjunctiva.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the cells observed in conjunctival brush cytology (CBC) from normal horses and compare these findings with conjunctival structural histology so as to understand which cells are recovered from CBC. METHODS: This study was divided into three parts. (1) Conjunctival brush smears were collected from 20 healthy horses on both eyes and a differential count on 300 cells was carried out on May Grünwald-Giemsa (MGG) smears. (2) A similar protocol was used for whole eyes from five horses obtained rapidly after death from a slaughterhouse. The eyes were then assessed for conjunctival histology. (3) Cytobrush smears were collected from five healthy horses. Smears were examined after MGG or periodic acid Schiff (PAS) staining. RESULTS: The differential cell count showed a majority of deep and intermediate epithelial cells with very few superficial and goblet cells in both eyes. A stratified columnar to cuboidal epithelium was observed on nearly the whole surface of the conjunctiva. A stratified squamous type was observed at the palpebral and bulbar edges. Areas with highest mucus cell indices were found from the nasal to the temporal edge of the equine inferior conjunctiva in the upper palpebral segment near the fornix and in a part of the nasal fornix. In MGG smears no mucus cells were identified; however, they were numerous in PAS smears (22.6% +/- 11) and were mostly cylindrical cells (42.5% +/- 14.4 PAS positive). CONCLUSIONS: Cytobrush smears in the healthy horse are characterized by a majority of polyhedral and cylindrical cells and a few squamous cells. The cylindrical cells may be mucous cells and probably originate from the main stratified columnar to cuboidal epithelium.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine the normal aerobic bacterial flora of the cornea and conjunctiva in Syrian hamsters. Eleven healthy adult Syrian hamsters were used. Collection of specimens was performed using sterile micro-swab applicators. Immediately after sample collection, microbiologic aerobic culture was initiated. Fourteen eyes (63%) showed bacterial growth and a total number of 19 different species were isolated which belonged to 7 bacterial genera. Gram-positive bacteria were the most prominent with 83.3% (20/24) of isolates. Results of this study could help veterinarians in the diagnosis and therapeutic monitoring of surface ocular disease in this species.  相似文献   

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